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"They're eating the dogs, they're eating the cats..." - DJT Massive Immigration SCAM

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Does anyone else get the sneaking suspicion that Trump’s viral statement on “they’re eating the dogs and they’re eating the cats in Springfield”, is kind of like a soft disclosure for the occult animal and child sacrifices performed by the psychopaths in our society that are masquerading as our world leaders? Or is it just more KOSHER theatre as in the town The Simpsons live in is Springfield and they have already done a segment on animal sacrifice from Haitians. You can’t make this shit up.

Let’s review how mass immigration is a scam for cheap labour and votes.

Let’s also review the Holocaust, LOL. We just got back from Europe, where we visited Hungary, Austria and Germany. We did a river cruise on the Danube and spent time in Budapest and Munich, where we visited Hitler’s Eagles Nest and Bunker in the Bavarian Alps. It was extraordinary and I highly recommend it if you ever get a chance to visit. DO it! Do not miss – the views are spectacular and the history is mind blowing. Now could these also be recreations/replicas like a lot of Europe after the war? Absolutely. But it was mind blowing to witness this, you really felt like you were stepping back in time and being part of history. It was 100% my favourite tour.

Also we are on the 3rd assassination attempt on Trump (not cool but is it more Kosher theatre for gun control laws) and we are further entertained with Kamala’s phoniness that is unburdened by what has been as she promises to ‘fix things’ once she is in office, says the women already in office with no sign of President Biden. AND they have arrested P. Diddy to distract the masses. Now when we really think about this, who cares if P. Diddy gets arrested or any degenerate in Hellywood for that matter? How does that change our lives? How does it reduce food, gas and travel costs to help the average individual citizen? It doesn’t it only distracts us.

Must watch!!! The most shocking videos in the world! This video actually shows us what the secret of the Trump family is related to their expressive health!!! –FULL VIDEO HERE

“Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats, they’re eating the pets of the people who live there.” President Trump

The Simpsons Did It Again – The Simpsons Eating The Dogs/Cats Memes Go Wild On Line

Haitian Immigrants Are Indeed Taking Those Animals


Haitian Culture, Vodoo and Animal Sacrifice and Haitian voodoo followers sacrifice animals at Easter ceremony


Great 2 minute clip describing the Mass Immigration Scam


“I’m no longer a civic nationalist.”


30 Million Americans Face Hunger As They Can’t Afford Insane Grocery Prices:Nearly 10 percent of the U.S. population is facing the threat of hunger and about 70 percent of Americans say they are struggling to pay their grocery bills right now.

Israel Has Nothing To Do With Jews – Palestine is an Arab Country and Jews are Settlers and Oppressors

“Race-mixing is financed and led by jews” ~George Lincoln Rockwell

Who else agrees that Israel needs more diversity, equity, race mixing and inclusion not just pedophiles that rape children many from Hollywood.


The Well Poisoning Accusation done by you know jew #BlackPlague

most are conveniently jewish, mostly for holidays and time off since they don’t like to work. Wait until you see this clip full of horse shit.

White American discovers what it’s like to live in a White country with no diversity

They say Israel is our ally?


Ken O’Keefe on Israel False Flags For Years


Another Israeli False Flag Attack On America from decades ago – The Lavon Affair



Roseanne Barr says “No one died in the Holocaust but 6 million jews should die today for all the wars they started.”


Six Million ‘bodies destroyed – Don’t ever forget by @official1984


We were in Europe this summer and visited the Mauthausen Concentration Camp in Austria, Hitler’s Balcony in Linz where he talks to the gathered Austrians and Hitler’s Eagles Nest & Tea House – WOWZA World History in the Bavarian Alps was the BEST!

Bobby Fischer on the jews being Satanic and Lucas Gage crashes out on the Holocaust “I don’t care what happened to them, nobody cares!”


Thoughts – RFK Jr + Trump = LONG GAME by Amazing Polly – interesting perspective


There’s no difference between Kamala and Trump anymore. Both are now full blown zionist that are full of shit.


Trump vents frustrations after polls shows only 40% of Jew voters backing him. Oh lookie here Kamala getting funded by AIPAC – no conflict of interest here. Biden administration is all JEWISH. America First NOT ISRAEL!


jews = lies, miscegenation (incest, inbreeding, race-mixing), communism, holocaust, mass migration, marxism, globalism, zionism, usury, censorship, feminism, porn, banks, media and liberalism to name a few.


Wrap up with, former CBC Reporter admits the Media pushed propaganda during COVID and for people who still believe in “viruses”, watch this! Enjoy the show!



“Springfield, they’re eating the dogs, the people that came in, they’re eating the cats, they’re eating the pets of the people who live there.” President Trump

The Simpsons Did It Again


Simpson Eating The Dogs/Cats Memes Go Wild On Line


Haitian Immigrants Are Indeed Taking Those Animals


Haitian Culture, Vodoo and Animal Sacrifice

Short blog on Haitian Culture.


Video. Haitian voodoo followers sacrifice animals at Easter ceremony


Mass immigration is a scam for votes and cheap labour


Great 2 minute clip describing the Mass Immigration Scam

I’m no longer a civic nationalist.


Did you know that anyone can convert to being a jew? You can not convert your race or gender or nationality. Being jewish is just a religion, they have no country and no flag and are parasites and genocidal maniacs that control all aspects of the world and have been kicked out of over 109 countries but they will never tell you why.


Often people will say but there are bad jews and good jews in the world… I have to agree all jews can’t be bad right? So where are all the good jews that are not controlled opposition speaking out about the bad jews? Decades of jew programming and conditioning to never ever question or speak out about the jew is what keeps their lies alive allowing for jewish supremacy wrapped up in victimhood. It is so damn sickening.


Israel Has Nothing To Do With Jews – Palestine is an Arab Country and Jews are Settlers and Oppressors

“Race-Mixing Is Financed and Led By Jews” ~George Lincoln Rockwell


Who else agrees that Israel needs more diversity, equity, race mixing and inclusion not just pedophiles that rape children many from Hollywood.

Awful lot of jewish pedophiles hiding in plain sight in Hellywood. Why do they always change their names and get nose jobs? Remember the movie Outbreak released in 1995, almost 30 years ago? Remind you of something? #AIDS #COVID #MonkeyPox


It’s about a team of Army doctors struggle to find a cure for the deadly Motaba virus that was transported from Africa to North America by a white-headed Capuchin monkey and is now spreading quickly throughout a small California town. The Capuchin monkey is referred to New World monkeys and are identified as organ grinder monkeys. Odd choice of words?


The Well Poisoning Accusation #BlackPlague

“Our Whiteness Is Conditional” ~Typical jew.


Wait until you get a load of this horse shit.


White American discovers what it’s like to live in a White country with no diversity


Let’s go Romania!

They say Israel is our ally? Nick Fuentes


Ken O’Keefe on Israel False Flags For Years


Israeli False Flag Attack On America – The Lavon Affair

The Lavon Affair was a failed Israeli false flag operation called Operation Susannah which was conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. Israel’s plan was to bomb US and UK targets and blame it on the Muslim Brotherhood. Was the Israeli Mossad involved in the 9/11 WTC false flag attack? The jews have been up to no good for a very long time!


Roseanne Barr says “No one died in the Holocaust but 6 million jews should die today for all the wars they started.”

Also never trust a jew. I’m sure there are some good jews out there somewhere, but unless they denounce the Talmud and every single person that worships that book from Satan they will be considered my enemy and yours.



Six Million ‘bodies destroyed – Don’t ever forget

Now watch this clip and I’lll share a few pics from our recent trip to Austria and Germany, where we visited Mauthausen Concentration Camp (A replica of the work camp, complete with the ‘showers’ so they could be clean before they were gassed and shoved into ovens if they were not already worked to death. What appeared to be a movie set also included two ovens at the end masquerading as a crematorium. Now I wonder how they could have cremated over 6 million jews, when it takes 6 hours to cremate a human body and some how they managed to cremate 6 million jews in under 6 years. Well there is your 666 as usual.




The Mauthausen Concentration Camp 1938–1945 – Located east of Linz in Austria

Their version of events which included every single jew being worked to death. The tour guide must have used the sentence “the jews were worked to death” at least 50 times. You can see the evident mind control when you go on any one of these WW2 tours. Regular citizens that still buy this garbage get outraged at Hitler, and continue to sympathize with the jews, it was unbelievable to witness. They all buy it hook line and sinker with zero thought about wooden doors or the numbers they claim to have been gassed and cremated is so outrageous.


I’ve included photos of the entrance gates, the barracks, the showers, a medical center, the crematorium and the ovens. There are also monuments memorials from each country and a quarry where the jews were worked to death. They also had a swimming pool and soccer fields (the tour guide said it was for the selfish SS officers)


I wonder why they would have a huge medical office for the prisoners if they were just going to work them to death, or gas them and cremate them? I wonder why they would bother tattooing the prisoners if they were just going to kill them. Strange. Like wooden doors in the gas chambers or even offering to shower the prisoners clean before killing them. Yes there is a gift shop at the end of the tour. GAG.

This was the best part of the tour for me and the most truthful.

Hitler talks to the gathered Austrians from the balcony of the Linz City Hall – March 12, 1938

This was the United States’ national salute until being replaced by the Pledge of Allegiance in 1942.

Short Clip on the magnificent views of Hitler’s Eagles Nest!


Eagle’s Nest – Hitler’s Mountaintop Headquarters Today

20 minute video – interesting – Find out what remains atop the Obersalzberg, Hitler’s mountaintop home and headquarters in Southern Bavaria, Germany. ‘On the spot’ investigation of the remaining buildings and ruins by the author of ‘Guarding Hitler: The Secret World of the Führer’.


Hitler’s Eagles Nest & Tea House

World History in the Bavarian Alps

The so-called “Eagle’s Nest” (Kehlsteinhaus) was built as a teahouse for Adolf Hitler on Kehlstein Mountain at an elevation of 6,017 ft / 1,834 m. Its unusual position made it a unique engineering feat. What few realize is that Hitler’s home (the Berghof) and southern headquarters – his second seat of power – were located on Obersalzberg, at the foot of the Eagle’s Nest mountain.


Due to its high elevation, the Eagle’s Nest generally can’t open until mid-May. For about three weeks prior to opening the high mountain road leading up to the building (the road is perched on the cliff face) a team not only clears away snow, but checks the mountainside for loose stones and any other possible dangers. The road and building cannot be opened until the “all clear” is given. The exact opening date is not usually known until about 2 weeks prior to the expected opening and is subject to weather conditions. The Eagle’s Nest officially closes at the end of October but early snowfall sometimes forces an earlier closure.

Tunnel and Elevator Leading to Hitler’s Eagles Nest

Tour buses deliver visitors to a parking lot, where one must then enter this long tunnel which leads to the 124-meter-high elevator shaft for the final ascent to the the Eagle’s Nest.

Great blog on the full trip to Eagles Nest




Eagle’s Nest and Its Tourist Potential

Bavarian Alps and Magnificent Mountain Views

Bobby Fischer (March 9, 1943 – January 17, 2008)

Bobby Fischer was a Polish American jew, chess grandmaster, and the eleventh World Chess Champion. Hailed by some as the greatest chess player to ever live, his genius is not for dispute. Here is what he had to say about the jews.

Lucas Gage crashes out on the Holocaust “I don’t care what happened to them, nobody cares” (video link)

I agree we could care less what happened to the jews 80 years ago. Let’s start talking about all the other Holocausts that have happened in the world, no one cares about the jews who are doing the exact same thing to the Palestinian people, they are insufferable degenerates period.



A national socialist is someone who wants to save his race. What is wrong with that?

Thoughts – RFKjr + Trump = LONG GAME by Amazing Polly

I give my thoughts on political developments between RFK jr, Trump, the Health Paradigm (Bio-Tech), how Q plays into this, Pharma ads versus social media supplement sales, and what might happen with this strange US election- now and a couple of years into the future. ~AP

There’s no difference between Kamala and Trump anymore. Both are now full blown zionist retarded liberals. Trump will help stocks and crypto a bit more but that’s literally the only thing “conservative” about his fat ass. Doesn’t matter who wins, America already lost a long time ago. GBH Remilio @xbtGBH

United States Federal Government Biden Administration

Trump vents frustrations after polls shows only 40% of Jew voters backing him.

Oh lookie here Kamala getting funded by AIPAC – no conflict of interest here. America First NOT ISRAEL!


Jews = lies, miscegenation (incest, inbreeding, race-mixing), communism, holocaust, mass migration, marxism, globalism, zionism, usury, censorship, feminism, porn, banks, media and liberalism to name a few.


CBC Reporter Admits The Media Pushed Propaganda During COVID

A must watch. Former CBC reporter Marianna Klowak admits the media was pushing propaganda during Covid. The entire media machine needs to be dismantled. I commend Marianna for discussing this.


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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.


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