Bitcoin: The Champagne Exchange: Designed and Run by Adults
Today you can Invest in a new bitcoin exchange and marketplace designed and run by adults:
Minimum investment per share: US$ 125,000.00 minimum investment
10 Shares available; Each share equals: 4.9% ownership in the company
Bitcoin Champagne is a bitcoin service designed and run by grown ups.
Company Policy: Sensior Management MUST have a minimumn of 25 years “real world” experience in business management, IT, banking, and customer service
The Bitcoin Champagne Mission Statement:
• To provide real security and real customer service to our Clients
• To provide a full range of services that currently NO bitcoin exchange offers to the customer, the end-user.
The Market Today
Today, the “arrogance gap” between what bitcoin exchanges ( run by kids ) offer, and the needs of the real-world customer is huge.
This “arrogance gap” in the bitcoin market is commonplace – and it is our intention to fill this need in the market, AND provide bulletproof security at the same time.
The difference between what the customer wants – and what the “arrogant” kids who run the bitcoins exchanges today DECIDE they will offer – is massive.
There is a huge future in bitcoins, and in crypto-currencies in general, but the time has now come to treat the bitcoin business LIKE A BUSINESS.
Not like a video game!!
Current Problems with the Bitcoin Market
After mtgox.com lost over US$ 300 million dollars of their clients’ assets – they were asked:
“Where did the money go?”
Their answer?
“We did not even know the money was gone.”
This is a child’s answer.
The current majority of bitcoin exchanges began as “gamers” ( techo-geeks, nerds ) that have no understanding about how the “real-world” works, and who continue to run their bitcoin companies as if ALL their clients are also “techno-geeks.”
These are “kids” playing video games.
Only now, they are playing games with other people’s money.
No effort at all is made by these “techno-geeks” to provide a seamless interface for the “non-technical” customer.
No effort is made at all by the “techno-geeks” to assist the “non-technical” customer.
These same “techno-geeks” have no concept that the “average person” will be using their services, and even considers that their customers are “stupid” for not being “techno-geeks.”
Their entire attitude is: you don’t know how to program? Well then: “screw you – we don’t need your business!”
This is the “niche in the market” we will be going after.
By following ( and taking advantage of ) all the current corporate laws in various countries around the world, we will be able to buy and sell bitcoins globally – without any requirements to “verify” any clients identification.
By creating a number of different corporate entities in a variety of different countries ( all of which are legal processes which most major corporations already use to their own benefit ), we will be able to send and receive money ( fiat currency anywhere ) with complete confidentially.
The spirit of bitcoin is “a global free-market” – we will honor this concept and provide complete confidentially to all our clients.
Our motto: “You business is YOUR business – and its none of ours.”
Today you can Invest in a new bitcoin exchange and marketplace designed and run by adults:
Minimum investment per share: US$ 125,000.00 minimum investment
10 Shares available; Each share equals: 4.9% ownership in the company