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25 year depression has started. 500, then another 500, and then a 1000 point Dow drop by Christmas.
Thursday, October 9, 2014 23:01
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A 25 year depression started September 22. Riots, revolts, civil wars, and 6 new Hitler’s coming. I have 4 websites. One for future news predictions, one for a herpes herbal product, one for video work, and one seeking investors for a movie. ALL DIFFERENT. They were ALL down on September 22.  It is common for one or even two of them to be down, relative to the others, but today they were ALL down. This is a major indication of fear. Fear in the world has been building since 9/11, and started accelerating a year ago. I sensed it accelerating even more in the past few weeks, and now fear is at it’s highest levels to date. (It will get higher over the next 3 months, and by February people will be jumping off buildings.)

Major stock markets are down today. Yes, they go up and down. But you can look for some big drops in the DOW, of over 500 points very soon. By Christmas there will be at least one day with a 1000 point drop.


With winter coming, we can expect Russia to threaten Ukraine and Europe with talk of shutting off gas supplies. ISIS will continue to be an unsolvable problem, with homegrown extremists in western countries doing terrorist acts. The Bostom Bombers will seem trivial in comparison.

The coming 25 year depression cannot be stopped. I explain why on my website. The reasons relate to the fear that I mentioned, and of coure the TRILLIONS of dollars in paper money created out of thin air in the past few years. A sub prime crisis is coming, and it will be with autos in the US. The China housing market has been crashing for several weeks now, but other bigger news keeps it off the front pages. The US housing market will crash, again. 

In the midst of the coming chaos, at least 6 new Hitlers will emerge to wage war on their neighbours. The rest of the world will be powerless to do anything, with riots and revolts at home. I cover this in detail on my site, and don’t have space to explain it all here. Signs of complete madness in the world will become even more frequent, and by Christmas it will be evident that an unstoppable huge depression is underway. 

Get rid of HERPES, HERE

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