Five and a half weeks ago the Red Dragon Family took over the IMF and is now in control of the World Bank. In order to stabilize this WOrld Economy they have a big job ahead – and whatever they do will obviously fail unless they do as GOD has already directed them to do.
(((Please pray – visualize – that those wishing to hurt Humans or Planet Earth become violently sick when the within 1 Million miles of Planet Earth. Also pray – visualize – that the Matrix used to support this evil breaks permanently.)))
If the Red Dragon Family is successful in dispersing the wealth of the Federal reserve Banks and the US Corporation they will find more than enough currency to pay off all US Corporate and Federal Reserve bank debts.
Let the Illegal Hedge Funds Fall.
The Contractual Obligations the New US Republic must pay are as follows:
1) Executive Department Budget, including One Ambassador per nation. That is all. A small State department consisting of perhaps 15 secretaries, two assistants and one Secretary of State is all that is needed.
2) A Budget for Congress – to include One Secretary per Congressman. Lobbyists are thus illegal and any money the COngressman earns outside the halls of Congress can only be form Investments.
3) US Navy, which pays their Retired and Physically Disabled sailors.
4) US Army, which pays their soldiers, airmen and physically disabled soldiers and Airmen and the rate they were disabled at. So a disable Private is paid a Privates wage, a Captain is paid a Captain’s Wage, and so on and so forth. The VA must go away.
5) A US Supreme County with one secretary per Judge. All other courts are done at state, county and city levels and run by the local law enforcement as People’s Courts.
6) Social Security for Retired and Physically Disabled as a result of a Work Related Injury – like War or you fall off a ladder at work. all other payments must be terminated immediately.
This idea of cutting ALL social Security Payments by 25% is unlawful – as was proposed today in the house.
The current proposal is to cut all Social Security (Except that to Aliens or Refugees) by 20% immediately. So if you get $1000 per month your payments will go down to $800 per month.
That is all.
Red Dragons – you know I speak the truth. we spoke about the Obama Attempt to cut Social Security months ago and this is the month weird and Strange events will occur – like an Illegal Proposal like this.
Further – the two stories at the end of this article confirm the attempts at killing Obama 17 January and the Nuking of several US cities 17 January.
So when GOD states: You have been given the Finacial Obligations to pay on immediately or nothing you do will work – you know I speak the truth.
Further – Since Goldman Sacks stole most of the US Corporate Federal Retirement you will need to “Skin Them Alive” to find out where it is – not kidding. The money is, however, trackable through the SWIFT system for every dime they stole.
Further – Ashton Carter (Ashley) – the incoming Secretary of the DOD, has dirt on every one. This is why he rose so fast. He knows every little piece of dirt on everyone in the DOD so no one will cross him. He is very dirty himself, swearing Loyalty to Lucifer at a very young age. He is also very easy to access. So if I want some dirt on someone I will simply crawl into his mind and access it.
One last thing – the Insurance Scam:
In London the Rothchilds insure people and then kill them.. So a town in Iraq may be fully insured, each and every perason to have Life Insurance Policy taken out on them, and then the US Destroys the town – every one.
The Insurance Policies then pay the Rothchilds little Hedge Fund for the Dead People.
Ever wonder why a Dam breaks and everyone in the town is dead?
The Osa Land Slide – killing everyone who was retired?
All to collect on these Insurance Policies.
To cover the cost we here in America MUST HAVE Home Owners Insurance, Car Insurance, Health Insurance through the VA, Obama, etc. A good part of the proceeds go to pay the Rothchilds for their insurance policies on the people he has ordered dead. suicided, killed, murdered. It is a game to them – killing and destroying.
Many of the Suicided Bankstas were tied into this and worked on the Master Computer to pay out this Insurance Money.
Red Dragon Family: You must unwind this, but again nothing will work until you pay off what GOD has already told you to pay off, so HE has said it, so it shall be.
Frankly – I do not care. I am just a messenger an Ambassador if your will – but the death of your family member yesterday was real and you will do as GOD has directed or face GOD’s Wrath.
The News You Need
Dr William B. Mount
Again – pray that those harming Humans or the planet become violently sick immediately and remain so until they are 1 Million Miles away form Planet Earth – I mean really violently sick.
Sorry about the miss spelled words – a gift from US army Cyber Command.