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Sky Dragons appear as cloudlike forms in Australian Skies
Saturday, October 1, 2016 14:32
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Dragon Heads Appear In The Skies Of Australia

Ive just seen the most amazing images in a video that depict a number of very different
objects. It gets better ….

These include large and small dragon heads, A human face wearing a medi-evil helmet, an exposed brain
and what appears to be a human type figure wearing a hooded robe holding gates apart.
The fascinating part to all this is more the fact that all of these images appeared together and
all of them were clouds.

I wont bgein to explain because frankly, I have no idea how or why this has occurred.
I will say this, the images are not some case of Pareidolia which is a psychological phenomenon involving
 a stimulus wherein the mind perceives a familiar pattern of something where none actually exists, or more simply hallucinating without the aid of other substances.

These signs or messages are quite clear, are complex and involve only imagery. 
What or who can cause this to form ?? The answers will be just as complex as the question.
The video comes from Australia and was filmed in the late afternoon sky.

Post processing was used to filter the white light and leave mostly the green spectrum to clarify what can be
seen which is less apparent when viewed in full spectrum white light.
I would be interested to hear what this could mean and if there are any other similar events occuring worldwide.

The investigator whom posted this content has kindly allowed me to report the story and use associated images from the video.

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