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Dennis Rodman on route to North Korea in last ditch effort to save world…
Tuesday, April 18, 2017 1:19
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On the brink of nuclear war, donald trump has ordered dennis rodman to sit down for peace negotiations with the dear leader.  Is it possible that a green headed freak can save the region and parts of the u.s. from nuclear rape?  Could this be a “slam dunk” for improving relations…haha…hold applause please!

North Korean news agency has just announced they will play a game of basketball, and whoever wins decides the fate of the world…the news service has gone down now which could be to a U.S. strike or has just gone down for daily rolling blackout matinence as is usual of every hour of everyday.


  Will it be a fair game?  Will Kim score 100 plus points on Dennis and break the backboard again with an amazing half court NBA jam dunk at end as is the norm. Or will Dennis suck it up and learn how to play basketball again..i know the dear leader has super human powers bestowed upon him by illuminati magicians, but I have some faith….if you sent aware of kims immense power then you just read fake news..i go directly to the source, north Korea’s media outlet.

One concern is the Rod could win, and decide something far worse.  Could Rodman win then demand north Korea nuke themselves? Or will he throw a “curve ball” and nuke china or Russia to throw off the sports betters?  Maybe he will decide to just go ahead and nuke South Korea, which would make sense since he is good friends with the most divine and supernatural man in the world.


Or will the illuminati just false flag, or should I say golf hole flag, the basketball…making it a bomb to assassinate Kim and put Rodman into power. Chances are that Rodman will play his “yellow cards” right and “foul” Kim into taking a “mulligan” so he can call “out of bounds” so America gets a “home run” and gets to “3rd base”…..if u catch my (racecar) drift.



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