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Shocking Live Organ Harvesting Happening Right Now!

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Recently,, an official site for Falun Gong meditation, released a story about a new dimension in the forced organ harvesting and transplantation programs in China.  For the past 15 years, peaceful Falun Gong meditators have been persecuted in China.  The persecution has included arrest, imprisonment, torture, forced labor and even live organ harvesting.  Falun Gong is a traditional and advanced Chinese qigong self-cultivation that was first publicly introduced in China in 1992 and had up to 100 million people doing the practice when the Chinese Communist Party banned it in 1999.  It had no central control and there were more practitioners than members of the communist party, so the party became jealous and banned it.

A painting showing live organ harvesting and the terrible toll it takes on the Falun Gong practitioners who are killed, as well as those who commit these horrific crimes.  Painting: Sitsian Dong (Xiqiang Dong) – 2007

This vile policy of live organ harvesting has included not only Falun Gong practitioners, but also Christians, Uighurs and political opponents.   This has been well documented by several people, including the former Canadian human rights minister David Kilgour.  See the link HERE. The excuse of using condemned prisoner’s organs isn’t working any more — in one major city there were about 50 executions, but 1,000 transplant operations. The Chinese culturally don’t believe in donating their organs, so where are they coming from?

David Kilgour is the former Canadian Secretary of State who has exposed mass live organ harvesting in China.

Now, the organ harvesting tragedy has taken a dramatic turn, with the police in China BREAKING INTO THE HOMES of Falun Gong practitioners to draw blood for testing that will no doubt be used for a database of potential organ harvesting victims (from Epoch Times):

“Police across China are bursting into the homes of Falun Gong practitioners and forcing them to give blood samples in order to set up a DNA database, said a report published last week on a human rights website. The police are believed to be doing the testing in order to expand the list of potential donors whose organs may be taken for forced harvesting.

A July 19 article on the Falun Gong-run website lists over 25 incidents, some involving as many as 10 practitioners, in Liaoning, Guizhou, Hebei, and Hunan provinces, as well as in Beijing. These provinces are dispersed geographically, stretching from the far northeast of the country to the southwest.

In a typical incident, Falun Gong practitioners report police breaking into their homes and extracting blood against their will, sometimes forcibly.”

Based on these reports out of China, this is becoming an even more grevious injustice.

As Epoch Times reported in July, while interviewing Ethan Guttmann, the author of a recent book on this tragedy in China, The Slaughter:

“The Chinese medical establishment essentially reneged on all their claims of organ harvesting reform back in March, so the timing appears to fit,” Gutmann wrote in an email. “If Minghui’s information is correct, the situation in China is rapidly deteriorating.”

Matas speculated that this new tactic for gathering practitioners’ data might be linked to the shutdown of the labor camps in China at the end of 2013.

“It sounds like an adaptation to the closing of the labor camps,” Matas said. “They only needed the practitioners in the labor camps to keep them as an organ donor bank. If authorities can have that, then they don’t need to keep the practitioners in detention.”

I spoke with Mr. Guttmann outside the World Transplantation Convention in San Francisco several months ago and asked him how this compared to what was done to Jews and others during WWII.  He told me “before this news, I’m not sure I could have told you that it reached the level of Nazi Germany, but with this new information regarding home blood sampling of Falun Gong practitioners in China it could easily become another Holocaust.”

Be sure to share this article with your friends on Facebook and social media, it’s quite shocking.  You are welcome to redistribute this article in it’s entirety, just leave a link back to the original sources (included in the article) and to Before It’s News.

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    Total 27 comments
    • truthlovingsoul

      poroshenko in ukraine is also doing this.

      • am123

        At the time of this post Red Mann, you’ve got a +11 rating…..hmmmm…….is that because most folk here on BIN agree with your clamor for censorship, or, could it be you are just using your multiple IDs (like Choronzon, Lord of Dispersion who also made an appearance in this thread) to issue up/down votes? :wink:

    • VirusGuard

      Hi Chris

      I think i spotted you on Russia Today about a month ago !

      China is just half the story and are these organs being sent to Israel or the USA to be implanted or have I connected the wrong dots.

      Seems like Interpol are about as useless as the police we have here that allowed Jimmy Savial to do what ever he wanted.

      • Decode the World

        It’s a worldwide network, that’s for sure. The police are good people, but they do as they are told.

        • VirusGuard

          “The police are good people, but they do as they are told.”

          Thats seems like a controdiction to me and spraying pepper spay in peaceful protestors faces has no excuse even if they are told to do it.

          Hitlers SS were only carying out orders and lots of people today fear the police more than the criminals if you ask me.

          Money makes anything right and legal and this is where we are going wrong.

          Chicot report being delayed after six years is a good example where killing millions based on WMD lies is OK if you are part of the Elite like Tony Blair but go shop lifting and thats another story.

          Bar of chocklate or one million deaths

        • Decode the World

          Things like this can turn good people into wicked people, that’s my understanding and of course it’s that person’s choice. Not always an easy choice, imagine tell your supervisor in Nazi Germany “I’m not going to arrest that Jewish family, they’re good people”. That individual might have joined the family in the ovens, the choice can be quite difficult.

        • Nancy636

          That is the problem, too many people do as they are told. It is time to start standing up and not doing what we’re told ‘No matter what the consequences. We are not puppets and time to get some guts and start setting examples. What a horrendous thing to do to someone. It will get worse, everything will, because people do what they are told out of fear. I would rather be dead than live like that.

        • Decode the World

          That’s the correct way, Nancy. It’s not an easy choice, but it’s the right one.

    • Factory Farms FEAR the MooCow


      • Mayhem

        We’re talking about live organs not whole organisms, HiPower, and a completely different method of transplanting than what you suggest.

    • ExposeTheTruth

      Let’s see, does the math add up yet?!

      FEMA Camps+Guillotines+Organ harvesting = 4th Reich.

      • Bobbyray

        um You forgot the coffins.

    • Joshua 11:20

      My wife had a cornea transplant several years ago. She asked about the donor, thinking maybe she could send a thank you note or something to the family but was told it is against the law to divulge such information.

      Very disturbing, chris. I’m glad you’re getting this out

    • Bossmanrocks

      ISIS is doing this in all the places they’ve conquered. They are turning Catholic Churches into live dissection arenas to harvest organs to be sold on the black market. Look it up on the net.

    • Kent This comment has received too many negative votes.Show
    • BStallard

      I was told this by a few people in the late90s when I was 13,
      the person who informed me was in the army
      everyone thought he was crazy!
      an here we are today an he’s missing

    • MfromCanada

      This is a terrible crime against humanity and must be stopped.

      • Leadvillejim

        Yes, it is tragedy. Thank you for this honest reaction. The post is on this state-sanctioned organ harvesting by a brutal communist regime – we should all be concerned about this. It is sad that I have to scroll down through the distractions to the bottom of the page to find your comment.

    • Decode the World

      skreamer, the people who had their organs removed while they were still alive probably aren’t laughing about it…. let’s find more compassion for people being persecuted, please.

    • Leadvillejim

      This is a good environment for your improvement, Chris. Cherish it! :smile:

      • Decode the World


        • Lord Humungus


    • Please Wake Up

      Give it a rest. It’s his website, get over it.

      • The Real Deal

        And if I may add, there are a few contributors here, myself included, that are pretty critical of Israel, and Zionism. He let’s us post our articles without issue.

        I’m not sure where all this hatred towards CK is coming from. i’ve been on this site for years and though I don’t know CK personally. He seems like an alright guy. Can someone explain what I’ve been missing?

        I’m not taking any sides here, just merely trying to understand.

    • Decode the World

      That’s right, we’ve been reposting this story — it’s something important for everyone to know about. Everyone working at Before It’s News is committed to “get the word out” on important topics like this. Since you have seen it before, just forward the link onto friends who haven’t heard about this injustice. If you post a story about this live organ harvesting and it’s good and people want to look at it, we’ll promote it, and your story can be at the top of the site for the next three weeks. You’ll notice we’ve taken down the ads on this story, we don’t make a penny from a story like this.

    • NWO for Dummies.

      Your comment rings true in light of his last comment condemning us all to hell irrevocably. Prior to that he a was harmless enough crackpot whose mission was basically to insulate himself from French society who, not talking to him in his native tongue (American) – and I doubt he speaks French has isolated the poor soul – “irrevocably”.

    • Big dog.../small fish...

      @chess champion obama

      Yeah know, a nut is a nut is a nut, always a nut ’till he’s forced to take his meds.

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