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By Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)
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Hugo Chaves Ex-Venezuelan President Cloned And Murdered, Now Returns To Earth As Star Commander Sodiel!! 

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Hugo Chaves Ex-Venezuelan President Cloned And Murdered, Now Returns To Earth As Star Commander Sodiel!!

Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am the one you knew as Hugo Chaves in incarnation I had in Venezuela, where I was as President. I am a being of light, and I am now at levels of light Commanding Ships. I’m a Star Commander now I want to tell you like I told you I got cloned. The other Hugo Chaves twisted the way and has led the people to chaotic situations of misery, to behave like beggars, depending on handouts, gifts, the few gifts the executive gives them.

To all Venezuelans I call you, my project was beautiful, it was great. I call all Venezuelans, to enter their Sacred Heart, see from within. Let them see from within and think about the future of Venezuela, that this country that was designated to be a country of light, of love, of peace, enters again into the arks of prosperity for all the people. Align yourself with Divine principles, move away from practices influenced by other countries, and you know who I mean.

Venezuela was taken by darkness, and for this kind of practices, they took advantage of the entire world’s corrupt elite to finish sinking it into great poverty. That, despite his great wealth, is living this country right now in misery. They can’t do anything having it all, because everything is on a planetary level commanded by the great control elites.

Venezuela needs to be given another direction. Venezuela is for light, there are specific plans of the Hierarchy of light and love for Venezuela, which have not been realized given the situation in the country. This liberation is necessary to be done from within. We from here can’t do anything, we can’t intervene or do anything there. Because it is a decision of all conscience of the Venezuelan people.

I don’t want to be looked at like the Chaves who called him a dictator, NO. I am a being of light that was going to prepare Venezuela for this moment. They didn’t leave me, they didn’t leave and then apart from cloning me, they murdered me and murdered the clone to end everything, with those ideals that I instilled in the people. The people are clear, they have ideals of freedom, but they exploit them to keep them in misery and poverty at the expense of these ideals.

Venezuela is and will be for the light. No dark force will ever set foot in Venezuela again, command or direct Venezuela again.

From here I make this call to this great people who longs for freedom, longs for peace, to enter their heart and choose who can help liberate Venezuela, from the clutches of this corrupt elite.

I am Hugo Chaves, and I will not be happy, until I see that town in the light, freed from all this darkness they have put it in and that poverty.

Farewell I bless you all I’m the one you knew as Hugo Chaves.

Our question.

Could you name us Star Commander?

Answer from H. C.

My name as star commander, I am commander sodiel.


He says they can’t intervene, but if they were against the will of the people, they should intervene.

Response from H.C.

Emanuel, we cannot intervene in countries’ processes for free will. We from here can’t do anything, just send light to the consciences of the whole planet to clarify the choice.


But if free will has been violated, trampled on, then free will is not being respected there should be a way to make free will respected, the will of the people. Because it’s already right that these dark people get away with their own, not knowing the will of the people.

Answer from H. C.

Emanuel, the people are wise, the people know, the people are tired of so many lies. It’s a choice of the people. If we could intervene in processes, how many evils would not be avoided on a planetary level in every country. As long as we don’t want to be able to intervene in Venezuela and get it out of that deep hole, from that hole where it is. Let’s wait Emanuel, we are already very close to all planetary liberation where no force of darkness will fit.

All those Rufians who have been governing peoples and keeping them under slavery, starved and controlled, will transcend, no more. But now at this moment, it is for free choice, for the consciences of the people. I wish we could get into your systems and do something but we are not allowed Emanuel. Not only at the light level, but at the level of the dark forces that have all systems under control. So let’s give the people a chance and that’s the call I want to do.

Let them not look at me like the tyrant, as they tilt me, let them look at me from the heart. From the big Project I wanted for Venezuela. But he intervened, and now, the people became thirsty of that freedom that they use it to continue harassing and enslaving them.

Emanuel, are you okay with the answer?

Dear Commander Soldiel, thank you very much.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 21/07/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar


RPK (IITM):  Yup… it’s important for people to realize they energetically choose their reality, even if they are not always or ever, conscious of it.  

Don’t miss this one!! 




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