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By William WhiteCrow
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Our Changing Earth
Friday, February 22, 2013 21:31
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Our Changing Earth

Here it is 2013 and the scientific communities of the planet are all in agreement on one thing for sure, and that is that our planet is warming faster than it ever has. They are not disputing the facts now. All across our blue world Ice Caps, Glaciers, permanent snow packs and more are melting faster than ever thought possible. The Gulf Stream even stopped for around 10 days completely.  Some are saying right now that its flow has definitely changed and I, for one, agree with them. Look at the new hurricane systems. Every one of them are hitting the eastern sea board with severe consequences. Life as we know it has changed and along with it so has the weather and atmosphere. The CO2 content in the atmosphere right now is at 350ppm. Science has said that once we get to the 400ppm point the effects will be unstoppable. We have to ask ourselves something here. What’s going to happen next? With the governments of the world battling it out with one another over resources and political B.S. our concentration on the environment has been put on the back burner. Now we do not need the Agenda 21 protocol that was first brought out by the UN. and then redirected to the U.S. through Santa Cruz channels. These types of agendas only institute laws and programs that are not meant to help fix. They always end up controlling every aspect of things, eventually infringing on our constitutional freedoms. So I believe they could cause more problems than anything else. What we need to do is get it together as a global population and local communities and simply do something. Anything that will change mankinds concept of need. We as a species consume more of our planets resources than anything else on this planet. We need to change that way of thinking.

Our earth has always gone through massive planetary changes and this is what we are going through right now.  The only problem here is we are exacerbating the problem by quickening the process due to our ignorance of long ago of what we were doing to our environment and the earth’s resources. Our oceans are quickly acidifying and getting warmer and there is nothing we can do about it at this point. This is because we have simply added too much CO2 and other greenhouse gases and pollutants into the eco-systems of the world and they cannot absorb the excess gases and pollutants as fast as we produce it.  With this said there are other things happening as well. Our ocean’s dead zones are increasing in size exponentially. These dead zones are just that;  areas within our oceanic systems where nothing can survive. Our crustaceans are getting hit hard by the oceans acidification processes. Their shells are deteriorating, Clam and mussel populations are being affected and declining everywhere round the globe. Coral reefs are disappearing as fast at the glaciers are and there is no end in sight they say. Our planet has always experienced animal and fish die offs but never on the scale we are seeing in the world today.

Underwater volcanic activity has increased, as well as earthquake activity, by around 500% and in some areas even more! The Ozone Hole hasn’t decreased its still there and as everyone knows there are areas of our planet where aviation is restricted to lower altitudes because of radiation concerns. Our planet’s magnetic field right now is going crazy and scientists say there is no end in sight. Even our growing regions are changing; moving northward. Our global food production areas only produced half or less than half of their normal food production over the last two years. Ground water contamination is at a worldwide all-time high and scientist are saying that now not only are our life saving aquifers not only  polluted with psychotropic drugs, hormones and poisons, but they are disappearing extremely fast. Our water levels are dropping due to over use and no way to refill them due to the new weather pattern that are changing everything ever where.

With so many changes taking place it makes perfect sense to start getting prepared for greater things in the future. If our governments and corporations keep going the way they are we will be in perpetual war and control simply for resource control. As a matter of fact, this is why we are fighting all over the planet right now. Our governments are strategically placing themselves on the earth;s chess board for future resource control. Projections show that 65% of the worlds monies are going to be in China, India, and the Asian areas and only 35 percent of the global economy will be here in the U.S. People had better starting getting ready because our planet is making some big changes and along with those changes come governmental changes that will affect us all. So better start preparing right now before a time comes when you can’t. Our planet is changing, my friends and with it our basic views and ways of life. Learn to adapt and improvise because it is the way of the future. 

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