
William WhiteCrow
William WhiteCrow has been a practicing Shaman for over 25 years helping others become the people they always wanted to be. During this time he also taught Survival Classes, Emergency Preparedness, Personal and Spiritual Development. He has been a volunteer firefighter, a Family Crises and Suicide Intervention counselor too. He has done many, many radio shows and been interviewed on the subjects of government cover ups and secret projects, spiritualality, Paranormal/UFO\'s and Being Prepared. He has also given over two hundred talks on our planet and its environmental changes that are on the way. He is an avid prepper and teaches preparedness to this very day in person and over the internet through his personal Emergency Preparedness Programs. He graduated op of his class with Highest Honors in Psychology as well. He has also been a personal life and spiritual counselor for over 20 years as well. He has written two books with more on the way one called Breaking Free and another called Toxic Lives! He was billed as one of the U.S.\'s Top 10 Controversial Speakers in 2010! He definately knows his stuff...
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First amendment rights: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Our Changing Earth
20 views | Chinese News 中国新闻 | Feb 22 2013 21:31
Medical Marijuana
29 views | Marijuana Debate | Dec 23 2012 21:39
Whats Happening Around Our Sun?
1882 views | Beyond Science | Dec 23 2012 18:13
Black Eyed Children
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So What's Really Happening?
257 views | 2012 | Nov 23 2012 00:40
Who Has The Right.?
18 views | Banksters | Nov 15 2012 21:53
Hopes Among The Ashes
8 views | Self-Sufficiency | Nov 12 2012 21:36

