Ancient High Performance Electric Motors Discovered....That Are Still In Production!
Interesting headline? Don’t you just love a sentence that grabs your attention only to take you on a ‘journalistic’ journey you hadn’t bargained for? (insert timely eye roll here)
If you are unprepared for just such a journey….then please STOP here.
For those among you, dear readers, who wish to examine amazing evidence you have likely not seen before, and how it compares with what was long ago foretold to occur…..and is NOW occurring, I invite you to explore further.
Much further….
First, let us take a deeper look at “reality”…..up close and far away. Both perspectives are needed to understand the big picture and it’s constituents….
To begin with, nothing in our universe is as simple as it appears. Nothing. Arrogant humans are still spending THOUSANDS of MILLIONS of dollars in a vainglorious attempt to see those bits of “reality” that are smaller than the atom, while millions of their brothers and sisters are dying in the streets from hunger and disease.
So, man’s logic tends to break down where he continually fails to rise to the occasion of being even a remotely relative observer. (hint: pretty much everywhere)
Magnetics researcher, Howard Johnson, is quoted to have said:
“I don’t know how the electrons got started spinning, and I don’t know how to stop them, do you?”
Perpetual motion is everywhere and mankind lacks even a crude understanding of how ‘relative’ that motion is, much less it’s origin. Take for example, the flagellar motor. Arguably the most efficient electric motor known to man, it was discovered to be the inboard electric motor inside the bodies of certain bacteria. The flagellar motor is complete with sensors, switches, stator, rotor, bushings, drive shaft, universal joint, propeller….etc. The motor spins at up to 100,000 rpm, stops and starts nearly instantaneously, and combines it’s output with other motors via their intertwined spiral ‘propellers’. This is how the bacteria swims. It ACTUALLY uses highly advanced electric motors to spin propellers at super high speed!
Examine the pictures closely….How does one honestly ascribe such an engineering feat as a self replicating electric motor, so small that 8 million of them would fit end to end in the thickness of the root of an average human hair, to blind, dumb, chance? Man is so clumsy in comparison….actually, there is really NO comparison. Which means that if one is of the atheistic stripe, one is left to face the stark “apparent” reality that the very “pinnacle” of evolution, ‘mankind’, is rather infinitely LESS than the sum of his parts!
Many a sciential geek extraordinaire would jump for joy if he could make a two piece macro object with moving part in a common 3d printer! (myself included)
Recently, it was discovered that certain jumping insects employ working gears, (accurate to within 1/30,000,000 of a second! Any who continue to believe that the myriad of (mindless, mind you!) molecular machines that work together to produce macro machinery of high order, complexity, and precise, purposeful design found everywhere in nature, are accidental, are under a strong delusion indeed!
The countless signatures of not just intelligent, but Omni-Intelligent, design are every where all around us, especially within our very selves! “Evolution” was much easier for the pseudo intellectual to swallow way back when darwin and his cohorts so haughtily assumed that the single cell, the “simplest” unit of life, was nothing more than a micro packet of protoplasmic goo. Here is what it has been discovered to actually contain…
(Source: Harvard University – Biovisions)
13For You formed my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are Your works, and I know this very well. Psalm 139:14
Our Creator is unfathomably intelligent and loving to have created this once paradise planet, and shared it with we often spoiled children! He has much greater things in store….
The “hour” grows late for our world, as viewed by mortal mankind…..
Choose wisely Whom it is that you will serve….
Good Journeys and God Bless you and yours, now and in the days ahead.
You spoilt it,
It’s a surprise ending….
No man knows the day or hour.