Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.” God delights in giving His children the desires of their hearts when we seek Him in Spirit and in Truth.
I am a masters athlete. I exercise 2 to 3 hours a day, six days a week. I swim, run, cycle, lift weights, and stretch to achieve a completely rounded fitness routine. I have exercised most days of the week for the past 50 years as a competitive swimmer, runner, and triathlete. About four years ago I suffered mercilessly through 9 months of severe pain in my right arm. I cried “Uncle” many times, but nobody was listening. It was likely a pinched nerve or tear that just wouldn’t heal. I had tried everything over those nine months, but nothing worked. Being a lifetime athlete with 50 years of sports injury experience, I know just about every trick in the book for healing the body. I have been there and done that with lots of injuries over the years. However, I couldn’t figure this one out. And neither could my doctors. I didn’t hold out much hope, but I finally decided to see if a higher power could help me. So, I reached out to Jeff Osburn to get a one-on-one session with him. I had heard he had been able to help a lot of people with their sports injuries and ailments, so I figured that it couldn’t hurt and at least I could check one more thing off my list in my attempts to try and curb the terrible pain I had been suffering through for nearly a year. So, Jeff prayed for me one-on-one over the phone, and as we finished our session, I felt something was different, but I couldn’t put my finger on it right away. That was until I lifted my right arm to turn off the speaker button on my phone. All of a sudden, for the first time in 9 months, my right arm was no longer in pain. I thought to myself…” Yeah, right.” “It’s just your imagination Chris”. But, the more I moved my right arm, the more I realized I all of a sudden was pain-free like I hadn’t been in almost a year. I thought again to myself, “No Way”. But lo and behold, my arm no longer hurt. I mean it didn’t hurt one iota. Not a bit. I was still in disbelief. It had hurt for so long that I was becoming accustomed to the idea that it would hurt like this forever. How could this be? I had tried everything to ease the pain. I was good at healing myself. My doctors had tried everything. And yet one 20-minute session with Jeff makes my arm completely better? Now more than four years later my arm still feels great and I have never had pain in it again since before my session with Jeff that day. It is completely functional. I can swim, lift weights, run, cycle, stretch, and do anything I want without pain. How does one explain such a miraculous event? How could my pain have completely stopped in the 20 minutes I was speaking with Jeff? I think there is only one explanation and that is beyond my comprehension. It must truly be divine intervention and I’m so glad I had that session with Jeff. I have been pain-free for 4 years and continue to be to this day. I only hope that more people can be touched by this grace and mercy and that all who desire to be pain or ailment-free can get with Jeff and his ministry to have healing and peace. Chris Texas
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