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Alex Jones Is An illuminati Running Dog...

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Wait, that is too kind. Illuminati running dogs are like Benjamin Fulford… Out to get all the dogs barking up the wrong tree. No, Alex Jones is an illuminati running pup, out to get all the puppies barking up the wrong bush!

Alex, and his interview of the BBC Hack is weird… Alex, we are to believe that this BBC Hack got in to the Bilderburger meeting hotel with his wife? Where they had a really nice crab salad and saw really buff security guards with crew-cuts. Then they talked to the Bilderburger “women” and were warned against filming… QUACK!

What is next Alex? Rich Housewives of the Bilderburgers reality show? Dude, you are a “fluffer” for the illuminati in porno terms… there to suck up the woodies of the main event actors. I am sorry if that makes you less than a whore. You are what you are!

I have had my fill of your fake tears and your pointing this way-n-that at diversionary smoke screens… you have no credibility and you are done in my book. Hope they paid you well while you were on top, sucker!




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    Total 26 comments
    • HfjNUlYZ

      Agreed Sir ….

    • Anonymous

      What planet do you come from mate.You are nothing but a illuminati lacky, unable to realize you are just a just a USELESS EATER,you will be the first to go to camp FEMA,You just don’t get it do you, to many brain cells killed to be able to comprehend this information,Ignor it at your own pearall.

    • Lilith

      Agreed.. Sadly the alternative community seems intent on self destruction just at the most crucial time.

    • HfjNUlYZ

      Like Ron Paul so Alex jones has a cult following. It’s sad when people are made into idols and held in such high regards like a golden calf when they don’t realize what there doing is similar to MSM steeple. He trying to take the reign from William cooper but wont call it straight as William cooper does. These men aligned with satan.

    • HfjNUlYZ

      Agreed with the OP. I used to be an Alex Jones fan, but it’s blatant he’s a spook. His gimmick is to claim to always be fighting a non-specific “ghost entity” (the NWO, Bilderberg, the Globalist/Global elite etc).

      His real agenda is to make these entities appear all powerful, unbeatable, and all-controlling.

      But the real kicker is his lack of any solution other than protesting and passing out his stuff to get more people protesting. This accomplishes nothing, but gives Patriots a distraction.

    • Fred C Dobbs

      Who wrote this silly thing and how did it get posted here?

    • HfjNUlYZ

      Poor Den: Alex Jones is on target-! And, “YOU” are out to lunch…BIG TIME-! The Bilderbergers are only Lackeys taking orders from their Rulers.
      These Immoral-Psychopathic-World-Gangsters are going to take out 90% of the World’s Population…AND…because of your naivete you may well be among the 1st “Numskulls” to go. Damn-! Why did I even bother to reply to this Idiot’s grumblings-?!

    • Link

      Thumbs up for this article shedding some light on what Alex Jones really is.

    • Anonymous

      there are a lot of them on this site as well…….watch your comments disappear as the truth dispells their story. the original posts change from day to day, pro comments are left, while ones that disagree with the subject matter suddenly are taken up in ufos……..appropriate

    • War Pony

      I agree, Jones doesn’t get the info he gets by NOT playing on their team. He would never have any “coverage” if THEY didn’t want it. Anybody who doesn’t already know what he spouts is the lost dog – it’s all old news. He does, however, have a long list of “supporters” who WILL BE the first they take to the FEMA camps. AJ: the pied-piper for the NWO trolls.

    • watertiger

      Nonsense Den , Alex is firmly against these woody suckers and hardly illuminus…….why dont you just state where TF you stand?? You sound like a Rachel Maddow lover to me…..shill

    • Laser Guided Loogie

      Well, I guess after Alex’s successful protest against the Bilderbergers this past weekend, the enemy internet troll campaign against him went into a higher gear.

      Do you guys (“Den,” et al) get paid overtime for this, or are you on salary?

      Anyway, your predictable yammering is sooooo tiresome. Seriously, do you guys ever get new material?

      I know, some “psych” guy writes it, or tells you generally what to write, but you know, we’ve heard it all before.

      Yeah ok, Alex is a “running dog,” and “never offers solutions,” yadda yadda. I know you think that’s clever becuase your profile of Alex Jones listeners is that we are all basement dwelling paranoids who can be easily terrified by such rehetoric.

      You just keep telling yourself that chief…and keep losing.


    • HfjNUlYZ


      You don’t find Alex Jones suspicious at all? You don’t question that his methods of bringing forth information will alienate a portion of society instead of persuade them? For example, yelling 9/11 was an inside job into a megaphone. Does this really get the message out or could this have the opposite effect. . .him looking like a lunatic so that the idea is associated with a man who looks like a lunatic.

      - Len

    • Anonymous

      Have listened to aj for years. Day after day. it is getting really old.

      Yes he told a lot of truth. But how he avoided anyting about Jews are getting more and more obvious. He stated many times that he has no dog in the fight between jews and palesteinians. Really?? LOL, for someone telling truth and nothing but truth, that is kind of interesting. So think about that. Everything else he said if fine with me, execept this. Just remember there are many factions in this world. All love to gain the real control and all love to have the fingers pointed at others except themselves. World does not run black or white, winners and losers. It is much more complicated than that. Have a open mind, take whatever that comes and not to be surprised. Everything has a reason. We just need to find the reason of why things happened that way.

    • Synickel

      And your proof . . . ?

    • Kolta

      It’s tough trying to get at the truth of anything. Unfortunately, the underworld movers and shakers are cowards and depend on their topside stooges to do all the fear-mongering. This is how they control the masses, through fear. This is also how so few reptilian zionist can control global monetary, media, medicine etc. Remember, we are the ones doing the work for them. We manufacture weapon systems so they can use them on us. How stupid are we? We’re whores, pay us with your fake money and I’ll do anything.

      Like I said, the media is completely controlled by the reptilian underground. Alex Jones, David Icke, et. al. are their fear monger’s. How you tell the difference from their fear monger information verses actual information and intel is simple. Actual information saves lives, tells you exactly what to do to counter the life threatening situation, i.e. Who, What, Where, When and How. Who caused the event, what cause the event, where was the event, when was the event, how to counter the event by any and all means possible. We are in world war III and have been since the end of WWII.

    • Noodles123

      Len is quite correct…If you become a cartoon type representative for those who are anti-elite then all your followers are painted with the same brush.

      By mixing hoaxes with truths it makes everything seem suspicious and later on no one believes anything you say…They tune you out.

      You become another “KOOK.” AJ has some great info at times then he’ll f@#$ it up by pushing some quack theory..That’s why people won’t take us seriously.

      911 was part of a governement operation
      there are aliens
      there are “Elites”
      the FED is evil
      we are being poisoned, tagged and stripped of our freedoms

      Sad thing no one really believes us, even after they poisoned the Gulf, we’re swimming in radioactivity and we’re eating food that is meant to make us breakdown and become infertile.

      However the people are too dense, selfish or apathetic to care…We’ll have to hit a “Crash Moment.”

      Once everything crashes and the curtains come down then we ALL see the truth but by then it’ll be a generation or two of worries, wars and sorrow…Then they’ll do it again.

    • Anonymous

      These people hide behind the fact they are Jews,But realy they are Satanits,They used the second world war to further there agender,they backed Hittler to get rid of the Jews,so they can hide behind the Holycoust and nobody dear’s Question’s them, or they are called antisermatic.As you should all know Hittler,Starlin,Churchill,where all working together. These people are behind all wars, that have been fort,they back both sides,and Kill lots of People & make lots of Money doing it,Win Win fot them!!

    • Anonymous

      they backed Hittler to get rid of the Jews

      Well, where did they go to? There aren’t any mass graves. The jewish population in Western Europe INCREASED by 1.8 million. And the jews flooding into America and Israel had to come from someplace. They came from Europe after the war.

      They were not murdered. That is a lie.

    • AmericanHero

      It certainly does look like these guys are out in force to misdirect huh?

      Im betting most if not all of you could possibly be working for the illuminati.

    • robobbob

      I have my doubts about AJ. But instead of a pointless rant, how about some facts instead of baseless accusations

    • Anonymous

      Market rumor: Pimco and JP Morgan halt vacations to prepare for economic crash!
      by Kenneth Schortgen Jr,
      On June 1, market rumors were coming out of a hedge fund luncheon stating that Pimco, JP Morgan, and other financial companies were cancelling summer vacations for employees so they could prepare for a major ‘Lehman type’ economic crash projected for the coming months. These rumors came on a day when the markets nearly came to capitulation, with the DOW falling more than 274 points, and gold soaring over $63 as traders across the board fled stocks and moved into safer investments

    • Den

      Author’s note:

      I am not a Troll, just an interested individual, and yes I do rant from time to time when it is needed and never pointlessly (robob). I have been watching the Bilderbergers meetings for some great long time now and appreciate good reporting (Like J Tucker of the American Free Press). I mean really, these are the cream of the cream of the crop high muckety-mucks + Royalty who gather in secret to steer the future of mankind. If you aren’t interested in what they decide, you should be.

      The point is, if you have been following the Bilderbergers at all, you know that they don’t let any kind of “reporters” anywhere near their little planning sessions. Yet Alex Jones wants us to believe that a BBC Celebrity Reporter and his wife are staying at the Chantilly Marriott in Virginia while the Bilderbergers are in session? Yes indeed, I’ll buy that for a dollar.

      On top of that, I then see a trivialized account from Alex Jones where Alex Jones now has the inside tack with said BBC Celebrity reporter and I watch the video only to hear about the BBC reporter’s “nice crab salad” and drivel about the body size and haircuts of the security personnel and a vague reference to the Bilderberger “women’s” cautions?

      Come on Alex Jones, we want to know what they are talking about, not what their security detail looks like! In the early days of Alex Jones, he used to go for the meat… but not anymore. Sad to say, it really appears that he has been bought off.

      I meant what I said in my rant and it had a purpose; to alert others that Alex Jones is leading them astray. I also would like to point out that this BBC Hack is being credited with bringing the Bilderbergers “mainstream” and that is nowhere near the truth, he is there to make them “celebrities” like Brittney, Lady Gaga and the like. And Alex Jones is acting as the BBC Hack’s entry into the Alternet.

      Suck up that pap if you want, but I’m not buyin’

      Den of the Chaldes

    • watertiger

      OKC , 9/11 all inside jobs , watch some TRUTH movies BEFORE you dismiss the evidence, and it is overwhelming!! Its called a False Flag Operation , Hegelian Dialect , Problem-Reaction-Solution , your Republic has been slowly disappearing right in front of your eyes!! Any of the shills here if you think you have sided with the winning team think again , they will chew you up and spit you out when they are done with you.So will we!

    • Authentica

      I agree that Alex is not all he makes out to be.. He has spread a lot of information which is a positive, however it’s the tone of his work & the underlying message of how he presents.. It’s very clever but seems to have become too obvious. William Cooper said he was an agent before he was murdered by the government years & years ago. AJ misdirects people’s perspective/energy away from constructive choices & positive action IMHO.

    • robobbob

      thanks for the response. The problem is nearly everything is smoke and mirrors and fighting with shadows. There is a war where image management is everything. That goes not only for covering up the “big plan” but discrediting those who oppose. AJ has done a tremendous job of getting people involved and exposing the buried truth. The question is whether his failings are just human limitations, or are they part of an orchestrated disinfo plan? I have concerns about trying to throw someone under the bus based on opinions or inconsistancies. Enough to warrant caution, but calls for denouncement? You would expect that at some point TPTB would start feeding info to someone like AJ. Little tid bits to lap up to make him feel important, to put out disinfo, or a create a big set up. Is he a willing participant, a foolish dupe, or a just another false ratings whore? Who knows? These things are convoluted. There are several vids on line of AJ severly distorting(lying?)about documented events. I think that those offer a much stronger basis of condemnation.
      His incessant sky is falling dig a bunker routine does seriously divert peoples attention away from realistic actionable efforts to stop what is happening. Is that proof of betrayal, an opinion, or lack of appreciation for someone elses strategy?
      If AJ is someones asset, attack him with truth, not opinions. There is a serious shortage of soldiers in this war. The whatever this is movement can’t afford a benedict arnold, but it can’t afford circular firing squads either.

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