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Red pill vs. Blue pill (Red Pill Choke)

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Just because you are paranoid, doesn’t mean that someone really isn’t out to get you and/or, some people just prefer the blue pill every time.


Yes, I took the red pill, and yes, I have choked on it here & there (red-pill-choke) on the slide through the endless rabbit warrens below. Some hard choking that required the Heimlich Maneuver to start my breathing again, some that gagged me until I threw up a little in the back of my throat, and some that just went down the wrong pipe and came out my nose like milk & laughing too hard.


So, since I am no “Morpheus” and this is real life and not a Sci-Fi movie, now I’ll use a little more caution when trying to wake up others that I know. Aside from the increasing popularity of comparing “conspiracy theorists” and people with “alternate views” of reality to those suffering with various psychological disorders and/or potential terrorists. I also have to ask myself; “Am I really going to do this person service by giving them this information?” In some cases, the answer is no. In some cases the truth is actually quite brutal and/or frightening. I know that I have been frightened and brutalized by some of the truths that I have discovered.


Now, some things, such as the Fukushima Japan nuclear meltdowns and ongoing radiation event should be spoken of with candor amongst caring concerned human beings, as the information may help others avoid the consequences (depending on how much worse it gets…)[Links Below], or “Chemtrail” spraying, or even Fluoride in the water, things that directly affect humans and could indeed be sorted out by shinning a little light on the issues and raising awareness.


However other issues, like the immediacy of World War Three and the fearsomeness of the weapons that will likely be used in it, or New World Order and/or the Envirotards wanting to reduce human populations by basically killing off 90% of us, or the grave possibility of a global economic collapse and attendant famines, well, knowledge of these possibilities are of far less value to anyone that has to go through them and without solutions, with only cause needless fear & anxiety… to use a very few extremes as examples.


There are a great deal of “Misdirection” issues out there as well that are meant only to waste peoples’ time and keep ‘em busy so they don’t catch onto some of the larger issues, or just to stifle their growth as conscious human beings. So, I guess my first goal is to discern what issues have the most immediacy values for harm, such as; the Fukushima Japan nuclear meltdowns and ongoing radiation event, “Chemtrail” spraying and aluminum toxicity, and even Fluoride (and other chemicals & drugs) in the drinking water supply. Then compile real do-able solutions to add to the “wake-up” notice delivered when I find an interested person to share with.


As for all that other stuff, while much of it is (or should be) of interest to every conscious human on the planet, well, I suppose I could categorize those too and just offer “starting points” for interested parties to do their own research if they so desire. Of course, for the “Misdirection” issues out there, I could simply post “DEAD END” warnings around those to save others from wasting their time.


Just thinking out loud again,



(This is for the Doc… and thanks for the advice) in layman’s terms.


A brief Fukushima primer: The Earthquake & Tsunami Disaster that wrecked these nuclear reactors at the Fukushima Diiche Nuclear Power Station on the east coast of Japan started 3/11/2011 and has been spewing radiation continually into the atmosphere and pacific Ocean ever since… it only takes 40 days for each spew to circle the northern hemisphere via the atmosphere, so this radioactive merry-go-round has passed overhead of us “Down Winders” many times.


There are FOUR (40) damaged reactors and actual “melt-downs” involved, along with 40 years worth of spent nuclear fuel rods (thousands of tons worth) stored in Five (5) cooling ponds that require the constant pumping of water to keep the spent fuel pools cool and from spontaneously igniting into a nuclear fire that cannot be put out, once started, by any means that humans are aware of.


Our US Main Stream Media (Fox, CNN, ABC, etc.) news agencies are all but silent on the issue, as is the US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Regardless of what anyone tells you, there is no “safe” dose of radiation in the air, your water or in your food, and children are more affected than adults.


The problem with nuclear reactors is that you put in nuclear fuel rods in the form of Uranium and Plutonium, and what you get out are about 190 various radioactive isotopes that will be radioactive anywhere from minutes, to days, to decades on up to 300,000 years later, the dangerous stuff never goes away. Chief amongst these isotopes are radioactive Iodine, Cesium and Strontium – and of course, the most toxic substance known to mankind, Plutonium.


Learn more about Fukushima Japan nuclear meltdowns and ongoing radiation event at these suggested resources:


CU Researcher finds “HOT SPOT” near Boulder, CO


“Apr 6, 2012 … Head Researcher: Boulder, Colorado a “hot spot” for Fukushima fallout — None of … bigger budget), and found evidence of rainouts at Portland and Boulder. … University Researcher: U.S. topsoil with up to 8000 pCi/kg of cesium from …. The more we look, the more radiated hot…”


Kind of begs the question; “Just how much more radioactive stuff rained out in the snow pack up in the mountains that feeds Boulder’s water supply?” you know, that water you bath in and drink… I know that I double filter mine through two charcoal filters then change those filters out twice as fast as recommended.


Or, “How much radioactive rain is falling on California’s Central Valley where much of our vegetable produce is grown?”  Look into how to properly clean vegetables with a brush and vinegar / water solution.


To get the info on Fukushima, Go to http://youtube.comand search for:


“Arnie Gunderson Fukushima”  Mr. Gunderson is pretty sane and in the Nuclear Industry


“James Corbett Fukushima” Mr. Corbett lives in Japan as is an astute commentator


“Jeff Rense Fukushima” or vist http://www.rense.comand look for the Fukushima Section of his News Aggregator website – especially the stuff about Japan incinerating Half a million Tons of Radioactive debris and sending all that radioactive smoke up into the jet stream where the first stop in the USA.


“Dr. Helen Caldicott Fukushima” Dr. Caldicott was warning us about this stuff since before Chernobyl melted down.


You can always just search out what these folks said in print, but the videos will give you a better, more visceral take on how they feel about the situation facing us all.


And there are a great deal more voices than just these, say the Japanese people in the middle of this radioactive nightmare –



What real world things can you do to safeguard your family in an environment that includes radioactive Fukushima fallout?


Remember, radioactive fallout is odorless, tasteless, has no color and no warning of its presence, however, during the worst of the rainout here, I had a persistent metallic taste in my mouth, and others I know had that and nosebleeds about that time.


Some suggestions:

Invest in a dosimeter (Geiger Counter) for about $600 if you can afford it, learn how to properly use it and check you environment (and yard) periodically, as well as spot checking foods.


Barring that, Check the jet stream daily @ if the jet stream is overhead or south of your location, avoid outdoor activities & the rain.


Deposit shoes and outerwear upon entering your home so you don’t bring dust & debris in the interior space. Purchase a couple large room air filters of the Hepa Filter type, close the windows and run the air filters.


Shower/bath nightly before bed so you don’t wind up sleeping with & breathing particles you may have brought indoors with you.


Remember, humans are the apex predator at the top of the food chain and radioactivity is bio-accumulative – meaning that if it is in the ocean, the ity-bity critters eat it, then the little critters eat the ity-bities and then progressively larger critters eat them on up until you eat the bigger critters and the radioactivity accumulates on up the food chain to, well, you.


Same with meats – radioactive particles rain on the grass or corn fed to animals and then you eat the animals. Cut back on meats and dairy (drastically) – it will be better for you anyway.


Consider avoiding all Pacific Ocean sourced seafood.


Source vegetables & produce locally if possible (since Boulder, CO was the #2 hot spot, this may not be that great, but elsewhere). Wash all produce thoroughly with a vegetable brush in a water/vinegar solution.  Be sure to use filtered water to cook in or steam vegetables.


Radioactive Iodine goes to your thyroid gland and causes “nodules’ or lumps that may become cancerous. I know this first hand as I had to have my thyroid removed and am now dependant on replacement thyroid hormone for the rest of my days. When I asked my surgeon what caused these cancerous nodules, he simply said; “Chernobyl.”


Radioactive strontium is bad for humans because it can be readily absorbed the human body. Radioactive strontium behaves chemically much like calcium, and goes to your bones. Causes bone cancer and leukemia (cancer of the bone marrow where red blood cells are made).


Radioactive Cesium mimics potassium in the body and accumulates in the muscles, the chief muscle in your body is your heart. When enough cesium accumulates, the muscles stop functioning. Look up how many 28 year old Japanese people are dropping dead of apparent heart disease, yet they have no arterial disease. Scary.


Then there is Plutonium.  Plutonium is the most toxic substance known to mankind. On millionth of a gram inhaled into your lungs, or swallowed will guarantee you get cancer, lung, stomach or bowel cancer. There is credible speculation that one of the Fukushima Diiche reactors had a secret nuclear weapons laboratory in its basement, where stolen plutonium nuclear warhead cores were being reworked to supply Japan with illegal nuclear weapons. Pay close attention to the Arnie Gunderson videos where he speculates that US citizens inhaled up to five hot particles a day…


You may want to add a good supply of 3M Brand N-95 dust masks to your home stores in case  more bad things occur in Fukushima Japan as it is entirely possible that the fallout may include Plutonium particles. When your friends and acquaintances look at you funny for wearing these masks in public, just keep a few printouts of this article on hand to give them. They might be smart enough to figure it out for themselves.


To those of you that think I am overboard, or a scaremonger, remember that I’m just one old guy and I’m just looking out for me and a brother, and I’m taking these precautions. I would hate to be a parent and not have taken these precautions and more  and then have to hold my child’s hand as they die of leukemia or some other cancer. Children are far more affected by radiation than adults.


Good luck and god bless Us All

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