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The SONS OF GOD are going to astound the world!

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For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.”

—Romans 8:18-19


We are on the cusp of an era of immense power. The true power of Christianity has not manifest on a wide scale since the Apostles walked around anointed by the Holy Spirit. But even then, the power the Apostles wielded is minute compared to what we will soon witness. And the Apostles knew this. They knew that they were paving the way for the ones that all of creation has been groaning for, the SONS OF GOD.

The SONS OF GOD are going to bring on the greatest revival the world has ever known. Jesus Christ is about to take front and center stage and then the Gospel will be preached as a witness unto the whole world and then will come the end as described in the Book of Revelation.

For those of you Christians who have been misled by the pre-tribulation rapture theory, thinking you are going to be raptured out of here before the tribulation period, you will ironically be “left behind”. If you do not repent of this foolish pre-trib rapture teaching you will not eat at the altar we eat from and you will be on the outside looking in as the true Church executes the glorious will and plan of God and inherits the KINGDOM OF GOD. So go and play make-believe church while the true CHURCH inherits the KINGDOM OF GOD. 

The KINGDOM OF GOD is not a matter of words, but a matter of power. All things are possible to those that believe. And the whole world will soon become aware of this. We are about to enter an era of immense power where the true Church will rise up and do the things Jesus did, and even greater things. Everyone on earth will know that the words of Jesus are true and can be trusted. In Matthew 17:20, when Jesus said if you believe, you can speak to the mountain and it will move, he was not merely using a figure of speech—oh no! The LORD is watching over his Word to perform it (see Jeremiah 1:12). One of the many wonders the world will see is one of the two witnesses of Revelation 11—specifically the one represented by Zerubbabel—speak to a mountain and it will literally move (see Zechariah 4:6-7).

God is looking for people to glorify HIM through his SON, He is looking for men and women of faith are you one? Will you help God carry out his magnificent plan? God will soon exhibit His mighty power through anyone who comes to him with faith in his Son Jesus. To those who receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior, to those who believe on the name of Jesus, God gives the power to become the SONS OF GOD. And Jesus said that with faith, anything is possible. Learn what an awesome resource you have in God. It is impossible to overestimate God’s power. Anything you can think of is not beyond it. Learn to use imagination with your faith. Can you imagine all the cells in a lame person’s body being rearranged perfectly by the power of God? Can you imagine God keeping all the cells and functions in your own body working harmoniously and perfectly? If you can imagine it, certainly God can do it.

 Become like a child. Use a child’s imagination in asking God to do something and then, with child-like faith, completely believe it will come to pass. Let it happen as you believe! Do you believe God will lead you into your calling and help you to fulfill all your potential? Then so be it, let it happen as you believe! Do you believe that God will heal that lame person when you lay hands upon them? Do you believe God will raise the dead? Then so be it, let it happen as you believe! Do not think, just do. We serve a supernatural God and logic will only shackle your faith. Become simple in mind and heart, like a child. A child does not think about—much less know—his limitations.

So when you’re casting out demons, or opening blind eyes and deaf ears, or healing all kinds of sickness and disease, or restoring body parts, or raising the dead, or walking on water, or walking through walls, or multiplying food, or cursing a fig tree, or calming a storm, or filling a net full of fish, or doing even greater things than these, remember that your Father is God the Creator, the One who spoke the earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars and galaxies into existence and it is by His Spirit that you will be doing these things. Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit sayeth the LORD!

So come on you SONS OF GOD. God will soon bring you into your destinies. Draw near to God and God will draw near to you. Draw near to God every day in prayer and worship and that is how you will be transformed into the image of Jesus. Learn to ask for great and mighty things in Jesus’ name and bring glory to the Father. Look amongst the oppressed and downtrodden. Your requests to God coming from a heart of compassion will move the Holy Spirit to perform mighty miracles and wonders. Bring the Good News to the poor. Heal the broken-hearted. Proclaim freedom to those who are captive.

As the Church realizes its part in the end times and comes together in love and grows and matures and starts walking in the true power of Christianity, doing the things Jesus did and even greater things, they will reap the great end time harvest, bringing on the greatest revival the world has ever known. And in so doing, the Church will pull down strongholds of the enemy all over the place. The overcoming Church will win the victory over the Devil by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony. It is then, after the onslaught victory of the Church, that Satan will be will be taken out of the way in heaven as per 2 Thessalonians 2:7. It is as Paul said, the restrainer (who is Satan) will be taken out of the way in heaven and then the antichrist will be revealed. The sequence is the Church wins the victory over the Devil in chapter 12 of Revelation and then the beast arises in chapter 13.

So get ready world. Get ready Church. Step aside Hollywood. Step aside all heroes and idols. The SONS OF GOD are going to astound the world, JESUS CHRIST is about to take front and center stage!

Ready or not, end times here we come!

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    Total 9 comments


    • Realist

      :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • HydroFlow

      So are you a mid-trib rapturist?

    • conscious soul

      AMEN!! GOD BLESS!! Hallelujah!!

    • SonOfJohn777

      Praise our Father in Heaven!

    • Crazy times

      This should come with a WARNING, this is a Personal Interpretation.

      and NOT mainstream doctrine held over many Centuries by the ekklesia (“church”)

      PLEASE PLEASE Read your own Bible with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

      Because there is soooo much wrong with this page.

      • am123

        “Because there is soooo much wrong with this page.”

        Such as?

    • Ish

      Revelation 12:5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

      This is the ONLY rapture vs in the bible…Yes, some will be caught up to the throne of God. The “Man” is the 144,000 and the “child” is the overcomers in Christ. I too could not find any rapture in scripture and for sure not the ones that most claimed to be the “rapture verses”…but the Lord truly told me that Revelation 12:5 is absolutely without a doubt the rapture of those that are walking in the true spirit of the Lord Jesus. The “lukewarm” “church” will be left to flee to the wilderness and that time will be soon upon us. The mid tribulation point of the final 7….

      Thus saith the Lord.

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