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Oklahoma Tornado Proven False Flag Conspiracy

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Hello guys.  I have some startling information that has not been on reported on yet.  I grew up in Moore, then moved away to Kansas City a few years ago after I graduated highschool.  I have many friends who live in Moore still and have been in constanct contact with them all day today.  What they are telling me is extremely startling, mind boggling, and inconceivable….they are all fine and they say there are no fatalaties or injuries!  I am going to list the different bits of information I have received below that prove that this is 100% a false flag attack.


1.Prior to 3pm there, millitary and police went door to door in the area that is now completely demolished.  They told all residence to leave the area and head north.

2.  On there way out they saw multiple bulldozers and wrecking ball like machines moving into their neighborhoods.

3.  One of my friends saw  a huge projector/hollogram output device the size of a building.  He said while driving away he saw this projector turn on and it created a hologram tornado in the sky that eventually blocked out the area that was supposedly “hit”.

4.  One of my friends that was nearby, said that while the hollogram tornado passed overhead, all of the bulldozers and equipment began demolishing EVERYTHING!  He said explosions were also heard.  He said that every person driving a bulldozer and demolishing houses was wearing a yamica and have a big nose.  Also the bulldozers had an israeli construction company on the side.  He said it was very hgard to see this activity going on, because the hollogram tornado was blocking the view mostly.

5. All of my friends are now being told to shut up and not to talk about what they seen.  They are saying that if they dont stick to the official “:tornado” story that they will not receive any type of financial support, relief, etc.. to rebuild their homes.


6.  One of my friends heard a self-proclaimed zionist talking to a shapeshifting white guy.   They said that all the earthquake in oklohoma lately are a result of massive underground contruction.  they were talking about how the Jewish race wishes to expand rapidly and that they are building massive Jewish settlements and Palestinian slave labor camps under Oklohoma…the reason… supposedly   ak-la ham aer, which sound like oklohoma, means “Jews are the best, screw the rest” in hebrew.  




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    Total 138 comments
    • LiberalMar

      Congratulations! We were all waiting for the first right-wing whacko nut to put a conspiracy theory on the internet about this! This is the first one we have found. Good job Mr. Romney voter!

      Wow, this is impressive! A “fake” tornado conspiracy by Obama? You on the right-wing have really gone over the edge! :lol: :roll:

      • Hang all drunkdrivers

        The article is an obvious joke hoax, you idiot.

      • DefineFreedom

        Romney voters? lol, This coming from an Obama voter. You’ll have to excuse his gullible belief of the story, his dog wagging loyalty to Obummer has developed into an illness. He is being told to watch Bill Mayer for treatment. Bill is a model for this sickness, he treats this by reciting 1000 times a day in a mirror…. “It Really is affordable Health Care” “There r no drones” He isn’t quelling free speech in the press” He is not targeting groups for their political beliefs” “Fast & Furious is just a movie”,The guns did make it to the cartel, & illegal drugs are no more because of it”, Benghazi is just a city in libya” , “So what he lied under oath when he was asked if he ever used a different name when becoming seator” ” “Most Christians who adapt a middle name later in life when converting use “Hussein” it’s the most common thing amongst real Christians “The constitution is not that useful” Obama just can’t bear to see kids die anymore” & Guantanamo Bay Serves good meals, its not his fault they don’t eat.

        • Syrin

          You just won the internet !!

      • Hunter Cares

        Actually on Tuesday they were claiming Obama had HAARP use their weather machine to create tornadoes to kill conservative Okies.

      • TheJeffness

        It was a joke. I posted it to point out how ridiculous people on this site are. Anyone who believes this or think I am an Israeli spy needs to stop talking about conspiracy theories, so the real ones can be heard and taken seriously.

    • nice

      You’re supposed to take the meth out of the plastic bag before you smoke it.

    • Anonymous

      Let me guess? It was also a DHS / FEMA scheduled drill? I back checked your story and it didn’t pan out, NOAA and the Atmospheric reseach center all have the formation images on radar along with the baro and dew point data, Im pretty certain a hologram doesn’t support the recorded data.

      -Troll 2

    • Anonymous

      Right WING…you have to be kidding!
      DO YOU honestly think that the RIGHT WING could possibly have written something so insane? NOT in a thousand years could anyone but a LIBERAL come up with this cock a mamie story. Where in the SAM HILL do you folks come from? THIS beforeitsnews is the funniest rag on the internet…and its good for a few laughs…but this…goes above and beyond RIGHT WING believable.

    • Anonymous

      Love this! Funniest thing I have read in months! But then again, I have a sense of humor and also understand sarcasm. Plus, I have learned to think critically.

    • Anonymous

      BIN probably put this up actually thinking Right Wing was serious. I am losing a lot of confidence in the editors at BIN. If there are any, that is.

    • Idiot Proof

      He said that every person driving a bulldozer and demolishing houses was wearing a yamica and have a big nose…

      That’s right where I started lol-ing. Nuff sed!

    • alrighty then

      obvious troll is obvious.

    • Anonymous


    • Hermetically Sealed

      Please tell me this is supposed to be satire. Surely no one is THIS stupid?

    • RompingWillyBilly

      The false flag isn’t a government run conspiracy as the people would never know about such a deep covert operation. What constitutes a false flag is when part of our government, those-in-the-know, work to reveal to the American people a covert action being perpetuated by another part of our government. For example, the Navy Seals weren’t trying to hide their presence at all donning official looking garb and having technical devices in their possession. They were on site in opposition to the staged “actors.” In other words, one part of our government blew up the plans of another part of our government. I believe this also took place at the Sandy Hook staged event. The fellow running from police was dressed exactly like the young fellow who, supposedly, did the shooting.
      So, a false flag, realistically speaking, is one in which part of our government is exposing the covert actions being carried out against the people by another part of our government.

      • wowisthisstupid

        I have to believe you are kidding, but admit I’m a tiny bit worried you’re not

    • maineiacgirl

      trying to point a finger at israel would be more of a left wing thing than a right wing thing

    • mtnheathr

      Hilarious! :smile:

    • dimwit

      Tell this to anyone in Oklahoma who is currently sitting next to a pile of rubble that used to be their home, and you might get kicked in the b@ll$.

    • wizard

      :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :razz:

    • Anti

      You sir, are a nut job, and so are your so called sources. You fail as a human being.

    • MykNPhx

      And why couldn’t this be someone posting disinformation to try and embarrass and discredit right-wingers or whatever you choose to call them. This is so far out there that I think it’s much more likely a Soros troll, doing what they do best.

    • Anonymous

      1) People who “grew up” in america do not have broken English problems, like “have a big nose”, and “what they seen”, etc.

      2) Most people that visit a alt news site like this one can smell BS a mile away, because we are awake and aware.

      3) You say it’s “100% proven”, yet offer no proof whatsoever, just a tall tale in broken English.

      Conclusion: You’re an idiot.

    • ThenAgain

      The zionist tools are working the spin because people are waking up to the zioinist supremacists that ARE in fact behind all of the destruction. This article is a psy ops to twist some actual facts into a ridiculous form so some of the facts can be riduculed by govt trolls and to protect zionists behind it all while pretending to be exposing them.
      Fact: HAARP causes earthquake, tornadoes, drought, with also use of chemtrails – see and best chemtrail/haarp video -

      Fact: Zionists are behind all of the destruction in the world. WHO owns the fed reserve, zionists, who’s done all the false flags from the holohoax to 911, zionists, who owns the media, who pays off congress/senate sellouts, Zionists and their giant corps-
      Zionists are also marxism/communism, to take over the world -
      Copy, save links so you have them and can send to others -

      • wowisthisstupid

        Totally posting this stupidly on facebook, best laugh ever!!!

        • ThenAgain

          I realize you zionist shills are getting freaked out because people are finally waking up to the murdering thieving zionists behind taking down the US and the world all of these decades. A post like mine denies you scum the ability to refute. Note you cannot refute one of those facts, because they are FACTS. Instead you pretend to laugh in order to divert people. Do you really think people are that easily diverted? They are not. People are getting informed.

          As for zionist scum and spy ‘facebook’, you do not own my comment, I do. It is searchable, you can use a link to point to it, that’s your business, however you are not going to post my comment verbatim anywhere.
          You zionist scum think you can steal and do as you like. Think again.

    • JacksReport

      HOLEE MOSES! Yamakas and big noses!!! Zoinks, Scoob…Mr Jenkins is a Jew!!! Run for the hills! He’d have gotten away with it too if hadn’t been for the meddlin’ kids seeing his tornado hologram projector!

      NOTE: Hey, a-hole…I’m living through the storm front last night and right now. The damn tornadoes and wind are real. Go put your tinfoil hat back on and shut up.

      • ThenAgain

        You don’t live anywhere near there so shut it up. Btw ‘tin foil’ is a dead giveaway as a loser govt troll.

    • Zildjian200

      I thought this was hilarious, I don’t think ii’s meant to be taken seriously. :lol:

      • ThenAgain

        If you understood that zionists, many but not all of which are jews are in fact behind all of the destruction the last two hundred years you would not think it’s funny, unless your a troll, or insane.

    • Anonymous

      Is there not ANYBODY here that realizes that this was an extremely funny, actually hilarious, sarcastic, tounge-in-cheek story written by a liberal? Even if everyone here is a Teabilly from Mississippi, someone here, anyone, must understand this. I can’t be the only fat, white ignorant teatard that gets it. At least I hope not, anyway.

      • ThenAgain

        No, mitch the govt troll. Murder using HAARP, and trying to cover up for the zionists is Not funny and your working the right/left bs is also transparent.

    • isisinanna

      This is going to end up in the “popular news” header….

    • ElizabethClements

      Dear Dingleberry,
      This is just the kind of stupid crap that gets forwarded enough times for Al Qaeda to see and believe. Thanks for writing next years Saudi Arabian kindergarten primer. Keep your epic dumbassery to yourself.

      Logical Citizens of Earth

    • chefjim

      Whoever wrote this story, you will be sorry when the real truth comes out. Make fun and scoff now but you’ll see and then you won’t be able to say that nobody warned you. We are on here trying to learn what we are not being told because we live under an evil totalitarian gov’t that takes its orders from the wicked rulers, that is, the principalities that control EVERYTHING. They are in control and we are not and that makes a lot of us feel very uncomfortable.

      I know that Jesus Christ is coming soon for His Bride (see 1Thes 4:16-18) and I am going with Him. You can go too and you can KNOW that you are going if you place your trust in Him and turn from your sins and unbelief. He will cleanse you or all unrighteousness and make you fit for His Kingdom to live and reign with Him forever. Those of you who care about truth, if you’re not already saved, do it now. Things are at a fever pitch and He can come back at any second. You don’t want to be here when He pours out His wrath. If you saw the devastation at OK yesterday, you have but a very small taste of what the whole entire world will be looking like when the poles reverse and after Wormwood strikes the earth See Revelation 8:11-12 Wormwood is a “star” and it is going to fall on the earth.

      • wowisthisstupid

        Jesus was gay. His bride was John.. Says so in the Bible…John was the apostle Jesus loved. Seriously, why else would a 33 year old Jewish guy be single??

        • Grazy

          You got that wrong. Adam was gay. A real man will not sit next to a naked woman eating apples.

        • ThenAgain

          ‘wowisthisstupid’ is clearly a Zionist disrupter likely posting from izrahel. Zionist supremacists are the whackballs who do this sort of jesus-hate commentary, see my comment below on Zionist/izrahel ‘purim’ where they ‘celebrate’ the killing of christ and later 75,000 innocent persians. This type of jesus-hating supremacist is who christians/catholics have been duped into supporting while zionists take apart the US.

    • Real Expert

      Ate one too many plates of KC BBQ..

    • Anonymous

      This article is actually going viral right now, due to a lot of people who understand satire. BIN, you are all over Facebook. Too bad there weren’t pics of the hologram. Lol.

    • Anonymous

      Well there ain’t nothing false about this idiot…….what a waste, somebody really needs to get a life.

    • DocR

      That would be a good laugh, if it wasn’t so sad… TROLL ALERT for sure.


    • AUSSIEwill

      you got a good point,,it wouldnt surprise me if this was pre meditated too,,i would say harrp would hav to be heavely involved in this

    • lizzie

      You are from Moore, OK but don’t know how to spell Oklahoma?

    • Melvin Hicks

      The owner of this site needs to remove this crap. The writer should be banned from the sight.

    • Z-Boy

      I don’t believe the author of this story. There sure is quite a few dis-info dude’s on this site. Oh well, it’s a free.. oh well.

    • GreatUnknown

      Hoi polloi no get joke. That’s sad…This is a great parody of the website, full marks.

    • am123
    • OneCrazyPhillipino

      Ladies and Gentlemen I think it’s too late… the Leftys.. or Rightys.. maybe the Middlers have started…


    • TheJeffness

      Im seriously having a LOLocaust. I cant believe this made it into the top 3 news stories. I feel like a celebrity in an insane asylum. So funny that people consider this an attempt at disinformation, discredditing HARRP theory, etc… Believing that nonsense is worse than actually believing this story. This website is such a joke now….Im going to get into the habit of writing false flag reports like this for every mass-casuality related scenario I come across….try to turn this site from a schizophrenic support group into a sort of semi-psychotic comedy page.

      • ThenAgain

        Yes, ‘jeffness’, your bogus post is to attempt covering up for zionists by using mockery, and You are the joke for trying to going there. Zionists ARE behind the destruction taking down the US. Murdering people with HAARP is not ‘funny’.
        Christians/catholics are a big part of this problem. Remember Zionists own the fed reserve, created the fake state of izrahel to foment wars for world takeover, they run US ‘homeland’ and the military and HAARP used in this assault on Americans. For christians/catholics who don’t know, zionists call you ‘goyim’ -meaning stupid cattle, behind your back, now Zionist ‘homeland’ calls you ‘terrorists’. Figure it out. You hear of ‘purim’ do you even know what it is, it’s zionists/jews ‘celebrating’ killing christ and later murdering 75,000 persians/iranians. That’s right, a drunk ‘celebration’ of killing christ. Zionists/izrahel has ripped us off over 100 Billion just the last thirty years and billions more in phony ‘reparations’ for their phony holohoax. Here’s photos of that ‘purim’ for those still stupidly supporting Zionists -
        Christians/catholics better wake up Now.

        • ThenAgain

          Here’s the link activated as it’s not on post above. The pics are in fact funny, Except these whackballs degenerates are who christians/catholics in this country support while their leaders are Killing the US.

          ‘jeffness’ you go ahead and try to make fun of murdering people – calling it ‘casualties’, sounds like your a govt troll, murder isn’t ‘casual’, only military use the term ‘casualties’. What a scumbag. You think you’re going to ‘do more’, try to make fun of murder and zionists killing the US. You do that, and we’ll be right here to sack you.

        • ThenAgain

          - link to photos of zionists ‘celebrating’ killing Christ and persians during ‘purim’ –
 They’d be funny except that millions of duped christians/catholics support these freaks because they don’t know that zionists have taken over the US and are behind all the destruction.

    • Haze

      just when i thought this site couldn’t get any more stupid… they post another “article”… i am hovering the unsubscribe.

    • LightOfTheWorld

      This is just sad. Complete attack on the Jews for no reason. Its like people have forgot that the real Jews (not the ones lying and calling themselves Jews) are Gods people. Then again it is bible prophecy, the word says Israel will have the whole world against it only for God to step in and save it letting the entire world know He is God, and the God of Israel is the only one true God. Get ready crazier stuff is coming, they will want to keep you confused and deceive you in any way possible. Those with Jesus Christ The Son Of God will not be deceived. Repent of your sins, believe in Jesus, and him crucified on a cross for our sins and raised from the dead and you shall be saved.

      • ThenAgain

        You have some accuracy in what you’re saying, there are zionists – which today are most but not all jews – who have completely taken over. Unfortunately the few racial jews who are not part of this have been silent far too long. Zionist supremacist jews have been snickering and deceiving the masses while they’ve taken over the world’s money systems and govts. Not all jews are zionists but most are and it’s time people got informed on who is behind all of this. Start coming clean about the holohoax scam and the maligning of Hitler, that would be a good start. Real racial jews never needed that, what they should have done is out the zionists, the ‘money changers’ because now they’ve taken over. The few decent racial jews never needed the holohoax narrative.

    • Big John

      Dude…lay off the bath salts! Aliens maybe, HAARP could be …but Jewish bulldozer drivers in yarmikas?

    • facelift

      Well this just made me roll my eyes and yawn. The fool who wrote this rubbish forgot to include flying saucers seen hovering over the area.

    • Karmic G

      The effort taken to write this article should have been used on something else a bit more productive. Needless to say, I am writing this comment whilst having a poo. Rather symbolic I’d say. Get a life and stop wasting your time. Why am I even commenting ?

    • Paul Gilbert

      1.Idiot medal of the week I feel
      No 2. goes to ThenAgain for not learning new Words ( zionists shills )

    • Ahem

      Lol “shapeshifting white guy” :lol:

    • davosurf

      Pictures of the Oklahoma tornado don’t add up… anomalous blurring on people in video shots, bits of paper and such that seem to be illuminated? Pics of vehicles in the background that seem “off”… rims not matching up, deviations in styling cues. Seriously, take a long hard look at the pictures of the tornado damage w/ a quick google search for images… Keep an open mind and just for a few minutes forget the obsurdity in what you’re considering… Anything’s possible, only thing limiting possibility, is your restricting what’s possible. Many abnomolies in the pics and video of the damage are consistent w/ holographic deception. And if you have a problem w/ the thought of fake tornado catastrophe… you’ll surely not want to look at or try to come to terms w/ all the demonic alien faces/eyes hidden in the debrie… Or the UFO’s in the background sky, or the people (survivors) that seem to have morphing faces hands. Strange times we are living in today. You may note the ideal timing of this tornado as a distraction from Benghazi and the IRS scandal…. But anyone from Moore would come forward and let everyone know it didn’t happen… Anyone could go see the damage for themselves. No, not necessary…. When all the media is owned by a handful of people filtering and manipulating what is made available to the masses, what sounds so simple as to contact the media and report that nothing happened in the town that supposedly had a catostrophe… Would in reality, likely not go further if it was desired so. And with road blocks set up, anybody cannot just drive in… Can’t say for sure that this is in fact a total fake out… maybe not, but the anomolies in the pics and video are there regardless. And one should never presume something is ludacrious just b/c it’s not possible in their limited capacity to think beyond the boundaries that you’ve been indoctrinated with. Holding on to that way of thinking would only be possible if we didn’t have a control system working against our best interest… You’d be much wiser to consider the impossible… Hasn’t the impossible been happening enough lately to consider opening your mind up to what is possible. Lastly, look at all these comments… You think there’d be so much fuss, if there wasn’t something to hide? Touchy subject…. Why?

    • Equalizer

      You’re an idiot.

    • Equalizer

      You’re an idiot. :roll:

    • G Gilbert

      It’s crap like this that makes people not take the real news on this site seriously.

      • Grazy

        Geeman, Gee-man!, you will not BELIEVE the crap liberals make up for themselves, AND then believe.

    • TheConspiracyTroll

      I cant believe they allow this on this site. Really, Horrible. Horrible. Horrible. Yeah so I guess all the people who saw the BIG fake tornado were also given drugs….What a dumb@ss!

    • Bekke

      What amazes me is not only idiots that can post tripe like this, but additional idiots that use this as a an attempt to smear conservatives, such as LiberalMar. Stick to the topic and mock the poster for being anti-Semetic and straight out ignorant, and leave the politics out of it!

    • DaWeedKing

      lol and imagine that thousands of peeps and not a picture or vid……

    • oneawakened

      This is obviously a false story by someone who hates Jews (as a people group). We rely on these alternative news sites because we can’t trust mainstream media. It is inconsiderate, immature and irresponsible writing false news and misleading people people with your personal hatred using what we rely on for good valid information to spew your disease. By the way I’m not a Jew (that I know of), and hating a people group as a whole, is true racism.

    • titus1fourteen

      Don’t blame Jews for what comes natural.

    • liberal army veteran

      Lol!!! Best story ever! BIN thought that this was another typical right wing contributed story. Just like all of the false flag marathon bombing stories.

    • Fish

      You and your “friends” have sniffed way too much glue this week……

    • vinlethal

      This is so stupid,,your not funny,,you are lame and pathetic not that theres a single true news article on this site but most of it is entertaining you are not,,well maybe a bit the ya mica big nose thing did make me laugh,, but still weak

    • thm

      The term of art, “False Flag,” is used only when referring to a military-style or terrorist attack. For example, in the colonial days, a ship might run up the colors of another nation on their warship, then attack an adversary, hoping to frame the other nation for the attack. Hence the term False Flag.

    • Anonymous


      You are too much friend. How much you charge in hour to come to my party and tell jokes?

    • Anonymous

      Back away from the computer and go take your meds. Conspiracy your bunghole, heh. :lol:

    • liberal army veteran

      My brother in law lives in Moore and he confirmed what this story said. He also said that once the bulldozers were finished and before they let the towns people back in that Obama landed by helicopter and inspected. He ordered a crew to bulldoze three more blocks and an elementary school. A paint truck was also on the scene picking up hundreds of cans of red paint.

      This is some scary stuff, we need to alert all local militias to prepare for the government attack that is coming any day now.

    • wowisthisstupid

      Da fuq??

    • liberal army veteran

      Lol, “wearing yamikas and having big noses” “white shapeshifter ” ..

      I bet a few here will believe it. The author is very good, he makes this as realistic as possible including the bad spelling. The only thing missing is that he didn’t mention Obama’s role in it. Like him showing up and directing the bulldozers. Otherwise this is excellent!

    • WarIsARacketbySmedleyButler

      I suggest the webmaster delete the person’s account who submitted this story unless they want more government agents infiltrating this site and discredit actual valid conspiracy theories. Or reality as I like to call most of them.

    • Anonymous

      Please remove this idiot’s article.

    • justme

      I find it incredibly amazing that you have a set of friends that all happend to be in the right place at the right time. Are you a well-connected person, popular or lucky? Please keep us up to date on this amazing story.


    • Freebird

      I live in Oklahoma City only 1 mile away from Ground zero where the Tornado hit Moore. I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that this whole story is BS. I witnessed the destruction as it was happening. My sister lives in Moore. Well, she used to. Now she lives with me. And she has no house now. Nothing but a pile of sticks. There were no Jewish operated bulldozers. And definetly no knocks on doors. There is way too much damage for way too many miles for this story to be even remotely true. Whoever wrote this story is a complete and totally disinformed Liar. There is not to many things on this planet that can send a splinter off of a 2X4 thru a concrete street barrier. other that 200+ MPH wind. I witnessed it with my own eyes. So you shouldnt waste you time with story. There is alot of BS that gets poster on Before it’s news. This is one story I can honestly verify as undeniable BS. I like this site, But I wish it was geared more towards intelligent people instead of fools.

    • Duh

      Leave it to the liberals to actually believe this story is more than a derp. :lol:

    • Hunter Cares

      I knew he was going to be lying out his ass at “I graduated highschool”.

    • jennkim2013

      Someone has way too much time on their hands! You can tell the kid was trolling.

    • MominOklahoma

      I am absolutely unsure what to think of this site now.
      I DO believe that missiles blew up the plant in Texas. And I do believe that there is much that we do not know about gov’t, montsato, etc. I also don’t believe that we have been told the truth about the CT shooting.

      But I live ten freaking minutes from the impact zone. I heard the tornado and I saw the aftermath. My best friend also lost TWO of her friends (the mother and baby in 7-11).
      One of the men who died was part of a group that I am also a member of.
      And one of my high school friends lost everything show owns and then my cousin did too. Both of their homes were LEVELED. These are people I KNOW and I KNOW they aren’t part of any freaking conspiracy.

      So while I still don’t believe we are being told the truth about a lot, I now include this site in the running.

      Moore was devastated. So was Shawnee. The tornadoes ABSOLUTELY happened.

    • ElOregonian

      It was obviously an ignorant “plant” story to diminish the effectiveness of BIN. Idiot g’ment trolls hard at work. But the interesting fact is that “LiberMar”, in reference to Bill Marr, who BTW has come around vocally against the g’ment tyranny and the takedown of the 2nd Amendment, and now is rather telling on the cointelpro psyop being engaged to supply disinfo to the masses.

      Jeffness, you are an idiot to suggest such a anti-Semitic story. Sure, Zionism is a fact, but Zionism take on many forms, by many high-ranking groups, just like Catholicism and the Jesuits, Radical Muslims, Chechen, IRA ect.

      To “create” a story to target an individual/s is SOP for this group. FAIL

      Understand, the Tornado was real, HAARP real…

    • Judith_Priest

      The rich vein of Anti-Semitism was a nice touch, too. “Yamicas (sic) and big noses”.


      I expect Alex Jones will be running with this by nightfall. Sigh …

      (and it’s spelled “yarmulke”, if anyone cares.)

    • Jack F00BAR

      Don’t put that crap on the right wing. I’m farther right than your nazi socialist antimatter, and he’s a complete fking asshole and nutball.

    • FinalCountdown

      Well at first when i saw the title I thought he was gonna say something about comparing the tornado’s ears, but he is much further gone then that.

    • Jayzee

      A RIGHT WING conspiracy? Oh please You liberals are so busy covering up the murders by your muslim president you have adapted his BLAME GAME mentality.


      CONSPIRACY THIS!!!!!!!!!!!

    • autoprotolysis

      Wow your really smart, guy. You still buy the left right paradigm? Oh since your a lefty, I suppose you love killing babies and enjoy the smell of Vaseline and burn rubber. Have fun at your next man party. Stinky front.

    • one voice

      That local news reported 55 dead, oops, a typo on screen, 51 confirmed dead by the coroner. Later that news channel reported that some had been counted twice, so new total of 26, or was that 27? I don’t remember anymore. Maybe I’m confusing 26 with the 26 number of victims at Sandy Hook.

      I watched a video of an older woman when she found her dog under the rubble. Well, she didn’t actually spot the dog. Someone noticed the dog after she told her experience living through the tornado to the reporter. I didn’t hear the old dog whine or bark before the camera showed the dog. The woman tried to get the dog out then asked for help. Like the dog, the woman looked fine, including her clothes and hair, considering she rolled around under that rubble and she was displaced overnight. I just felt uncomfortable about the whole scene. She answered a question saying something about living in a city and tornadoes. I don’t remember verbatim.

      I heard that in a neighborhood affected most were government employees. Teachers, fire fighters, and federal, and FEMA was mentioned but I missed that part.

      I’m not a right-wing whacko nut or Rmoney voter. Hologram seemed far fetched, but then I remembered watching this video about augmented reality.

      But could be a distraction from HAARP explained in this video.

      Here’s a video by Dutchsinse: Late PM May 19, 2013, going into early AM May 20, 2013 — multiple RADAR pulses / “HAARP rings” / and Scalar Squares…Midwest , South, and North USA.

      The rubble of that woman’s house was like bulldozing rather than tornado. But I saw a board sticking out from a brick building on the local news. And I saw a news reporter talk about nails before walking over to the foundation of a house and standing between the nails or whatever was sticking straight up out of that concrete. I watched as the local weather chaser pick up a little piece of insulation off her vehicle to show viewers. I saw a group of fire fighters walk in front of the camera to huddle. I heard that area was largely conservative, but not for sure. The news reporters reported that people were walking away down the highway and I thought about nine eleven and Katrina. And hero teachers again made me think of Sandy Hook. HAARP, I don’t know. But I have been grouped and dismissed for wondering.

    • Judith_Priest

      Nope. This is purest Right Wing balderdash of the “Bats**t Libertarian Nutjob” variety.

      Tell yourself whatever you have to, but you RW nuts are THOUSANDS of times nuttier than the LW nuts.

    • Anonymous

      Someone here DOES understand. Congratulations.

    • Judith_Priest

      It’s spelled “yarmulke”.

      Dang it.

    • stompk

      Why has this been shared on facebook 357 times, but not one person has recommended story?

      Are there really that many shills on BIN??

    • SadAngL0777

      Yes i agree.HAARP real…but this kind of disinformatio is about to make me UNSUBSCRIBE from this site…yea a hologram tornado,and the Israelites did it…One thing i KNOW is that Israel is busy protecting their birthright,Promised Land,not trying to take NEW territory in another screwed up country,they only want what God gave them. Now research HAARP and you will see WHO controls it,USA INC.,and has been wreaking CHAOS all over the world producing massive chain effect reactions. Its getting harder to tell the wheat from the tares even in this supposed real online news…and if it was a joke,it wasnt funny. God help us. :cry:

    • ThenAgain

      Somewhat true El Or, zionists are absolutely behind all of this, and beneath/beside them the christians/catholics who have little idea they are unwittingly supporting all the destruction. see my post and links below-

    • ThenAgain

      sadangly077, you’re an isreali shill, we know the zionists are behind the destruction. Save your ‘poor israel’ bs, their slaughter of the palestinians speaks for itself, and also the fact that the fake state of israel was created by the US/London bankers by the bogus Balfour decl as a means to help the US foment war and take over the world. We also know HAARP is controlled by the Zionists who control it all. ‘god’ didn’t give ‘israel’ anything. You supremacist zionists need to get over yourselves.
      For everyone else did you know zionists call christians/gentiles ‘goyim’ behind our backs, goyim -meaning sub-human/cattle. See links/comment near bottom of thread and do your research.

    • Idiot Proof


    • ThenAgain

      idiot proof, when it’s baiting to protect zionists it’s not ‘just’ satire. Your caps are disrupter style as is your post implying that anyone who counters the ops doesn’t get the joke. It’s an ops, using mockery form doesn’t change that.

    • whiteness

      effectiveness and BIN should NEVER be used in the same sentence.

      this place is 10x worse than the national enquirer.

    • Idiot Proof

      Yeah, but maybe, just MAYBE, it was just meant as a joke…anyways, that is exactly how I choose to take it, as a JOKE, not as a poke at zionism, not as a cover for zionism, not as a distraction from anything else. If there really is more to it than humor, however tasteless, classless or humorless, that will come out in the open in time, so far, I saw it as a joke, I laughed at it and thought it was funny.
      Is it OK with you, that I choose for myself what it means to me? It’s ok with me if you see it as whatever you want it to be…

    • Idiot Proof

      Oh, btw, my caps ALERT was to signify that this is to be taken seriously. I thought that it may have needed some ‘splainin…

    • Idiot Proof

      NOT* Not to be taken seriously…now you got me all mixed up.

    • rmolsonguitars

      Can you please share the history of 1948 when the Zionist Jews took over the land now known as Israel? Tell us about the raping, stealing, beatings and murders as they stole the homes and property from these people…

    • iamamerican

      I love to see you false left-right paradigm people argue amongst yourselves. Man it’s tough to live in a sea of red and blue. Would all of you people WAKE UP! Our lovely government smiles from ear to ear knowing they have divided you all and are now conquering all of you, and me along with you. Get a little purple running through your veins and take a step back and take a deep breath. Lets all see what we can do to help these poor souls in Oklahoma.

    • ThenAgain

      iamamerican – the trolls are all over this, likely alerted before the article even got posted. working the right/left stuff, the muslim stuff, and of course the article was pure bait for the zionist’s ‘anti semitc’ whining. see my comment/links below-

    • autoprotolysis

      At least right wing nuts don’t like nuts in there mouth. All you pro-abortion weak men walking around with crap on your sac need to move to California and let it take care of you. The new non Jeffersonian Liberals all love the smell of burnt rubber and Vaseline. Life is not precious to you so you don’t care if a government lines you up and puts you down. Conservatives are smarter, stronger, and don’t kill babies. We also like the smell of tuna on ourselves, not the peanuts and chocolate you enjoy. Thanks for showing your turd brown color and proving my point. Oh, and the left right paradigm is there for one reason. To separate people and to give us a false feeling that we are in control. Why would you want to associate with baby killers and do do chasers? So, you believe in the left right paradigm and argue just like the controllers want. Way to be stooge of the queen and Barry Oblamsa. Go clean up, you smell like shame and man party.

    • ThenAgain

      Zionists control media – and here is how they are duping christians/catholics into supporting the destruction -

    • Paul Gilbert

      ThenAgain Your a nut Job a fruit Cake you clearly hate jews remember the 6 Day War Syria, Jordan and Egypt took on Israel and they had 2nd world war tanks out numbered out gunned and they won !!! and before you open your mouth am not a JEW or from Israel in fact I have No
      no religion WHICH MAKES ME neutral :cool:
      but every word every thought that comes out of that brain of yours is Zionists grow up

    • ThenAgain

      Using the term ‘jews’ instead of zionists is the baiting. However don’t get it twisted with that ‘anti semtic’ stuff. Not all jews are zionists, and not all zionists are jews, many are fakes/khzars. The fact remains Zionists ARE behind all the destruction happening. see links below.

    • ThenAgain

      And just as I prove below, here are the zionist shills using bogus ‘nazi’ and other terms. The zionists did the Holohoax for just that purpose, yes zionists were behind the fake WWII.

      Anyone can search Holohoax and get informed on the facts. Zionists have been using that for decades to bilk the US taxpayer.

    • ThenAgain

      And here is the right/left bs. There are no ‘muslims’ running the US govt. The zionist bankers who funded both romney and obama run the US govt and the world.

    • ThenAgain

      Of course HAARP (run by zionists) did the damage, there is no ‘tinfoil’ there, though article is twisted baiting. The damage from the tornado is heinous, though how many people in OK have been paying attention to either HAARP or chemtrails. People need to wake up, not just complain once the destruction gets to their doorstep.

    • Anonymous

      No!! It is just a hologram! All kidding aside, if you are in OK, we are praying for you from Nevada, please stay safe. That tornado is as real as it gets. Don’t think it was a hologram that destroyed Moore.

    • ThenAgain

      It’s mocking so people think the idea that zionists are behind it all is not true by intermixing term ‘jew’, when it is in fact true that zionists are behind what’s happening. I’m surprised how many people know that, but many still don’t, this type of article serves to diminish what are partially facts by including ‘shape shifting’ and other nonsense.

    • Anonymous

      That is exactly what I have been saying. Funniest thing I have read in here yet. It is satire, and hysterical.

    • Anonymous

      everything posted on bin is a joke..

      pathetic how the lumpen lap it up.

    • Idiot Proof

      Ummm, I did, I mean I do! LOLOLMAO

    • ThenAgain

      Still helping work the fake mockery ops for the shill article poster are you. Fail.

    • Anonymous

      you say liberal like its a bad thing..

      ive noticed quite a few other tards on here think the same way..

      Noun: liberal
      1. A person who favours a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties

      2. A person who favours an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets

      Adjective: liberal
      1. Showing or characterized by broad-mindedness
      2. Having political or social views favouring reform and progress
      3. Tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition
      4. Given or giving freely
      5. Not literal

      whats the problem?

    • ThenAgain

      You think it’s funny do you. You’re not using critical thinking, that is what is in my comments as I take apart this bs article ops. Using mockery to insinuate that zionists are not behind all of this, when in fact they Are behind all of it, is an ops.

    • ThenAgain

      Using mockery to insinuate that zionists are not behind all of this, when in fact zionists Are behind all of it, is an ops. You may think it’s funny that zionists have been killing the world and US and are setting up to do more, the rest of us do Not think it’s funny.

    • asterflower

      Sir, I know that you are very upset and rightly so. I am so happy for your family that your daughter is alive. Please refrain from such vitriolic anger for your own sake because you lower yourself to his level. People of his ilk are best forgotten.

    • ThenAgain

      Of course you’d show up to shill the thread with your bs. NO it’s not from your phony brand of god, HAARP caused this destruction, nothing else. You want to keep christians brainwashed with a phony brand of god and thinking this is from nature rather than from use of wmd like HAARP. Get a life you phony.

    • ThenAgain

      Still trying to troll it up to cover for the zionsits are you by calling this ‘funny’.
      FACT – Zionists control the fed reserve, banks and US military, including HAARP/ELF wmds
      FACT – Zionists used this to kill children and innocent people just as they did in katrina, haiti, fukushima, sandy.

      This bs article trying to draw facts in with ‘holograms’ and broad ‘jew’ terms does not change the fact that Zionists ARE behind this nor does it make murdering children and innocent people ‘funny’.

      You are just as guilty as they are for what you’re doing along with all the govt paid trolls.

    • Paul Gilbert

      ThenAgain You sound like you hate J

    • Anonymous

      Those of liberal mindset are both anti-God and anti-Christ. Many liberals claim to be believers in God, and even in Christ, but they do not practice or preach the Laws of God, or the doctrine of Christ. Instead, they practice and preach the liberal humanist tradition and a philosophy that make up a counterfeit faith. As to “broad-mindedness”, broad is the way that leads to destruction. Your definition of a liberal conveniently leaves that out.

    • ThenAgain

      ‘national security’, with a govt bs mantra as a name and freemason symbol your logo you look like a govt troll. What I expose are the zionist scum behind all of the MURDER and THIEVING.

      Some are zionists, some are jews, some are neither. Guilt is guilt, there is a central group of zionists behind all of it, and many additional scum who do their bidding. People deserve to know Who is behind the murder, debt and destruction whoever they are. If you have a problem with that then you are also the problem.

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