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Scientist Proves 'Death Is An Illusion' Reincarnation And Afterlife Exists! (Videos)

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Scientist proves ‘Death is an illusion’ Reincarnation and Afterlife exists!


Professor Robert Lanza from Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina, claims the theory of biocentrism teaches that death as we know it is an illusion created by our consciousness.

His theory of biocentrism, explains that death may not be as terminal as we think it is. Biocentrism is classed as the theory of everything and comes from the Greek for ‘life centre’. It is the believe that life and biology are central to reality and that life creates the universe, not the other way round. 

This suggests a person’s consciousness determines the shape and size of objects in the universe.

Lanza uses the example of the way we perceive the world around us. A person sees a blue sky, and is told that the color they are seeing is blue, but the cells in a person’s brain could be changed to make the sky look green or red.

By looking at the universe from a biocentric’s point of view, this also means space and time don’t behave in the hard and fast ways our consciousness tell us it does. In summary, space and time are ‘simply tools of our mind.’

Once this theory about space and time being mental constructs is accepted, it means death and the idea of immortality exist in a world without spatial or linear boundaries.

Similarly, theoretical physicists believe there is infinite number of universes with different variations of people, and situations, taking place simultaneously.

Another possible proof:

Scientists from Kazakhstan believe that human DNA was encoded with an extraterrestrial signal by an ancient alien civilization, reports.

They call it “biological SETI” and the researchers claim that the mathematical code in human DNA cannot be explained by evolution.

Their research has led the scientists to conclude that we were invented “outside the solar system, already several billion years ago”. Scientific proof human race was created by aliens

It is possible that spiritual entities inhabiting biological bodies? And our bodies are just living, breathing vessels, coded/programmed with an alien message which is more easily used to detect when the body dies and the ‘Spirit’ depart from the body. Detected by ancient alien civilization ‘The Domain’ via a ‘force screen.’Then when the ‘Spirit’ leaves the body, the ‘Spirit’ is captured and “ordered” by hypnotic command to “return to the light”?

And is it possible that after the ‘Spirit’ has returned to the light, the ‘Spirit’ has been shocked and hypnotized to erase the memory of the life just lived. Then the ‘Spirit’ is immediately “commanded” by ‘The Domain’, hypnotically, to “report” back to Earth, as though they were on a secret mission, to inhabit a new body?

The memory erasure is not just for one life or one body. It wipes out the all of the accumulated experiences of a nearly infinite past, as well as the identity of the ‘Spirit’.

The shock is intended to make it impossible for the ‘Spirit’ to remember who they are, where they came from, their knowledge or skills, their memory of the past, and ability to function as a spiritual entity.

But sometimes the memory erasure is not 100% and when a ‘Spirit’ inhabit a new body, the ‘Spirit’ still can have past life memories.

When a ‘Spirit’ with past life memories returns to Earth and inhabit the new body, for example of a young child, the child can have verifiable past life memories that can be independently corroborated. They can present specific names, places and events that they never can had a chance to know about. These specifics can be confirmed by going back years in the public records. Birth marks and birth defects can show up in situ of weapons wounds that caused their often violent or traumatic death.

The video below shows the reincarnation research by Ian Stevenson Children’s past life memories. A little boy showed convincing evidence that he is the reincarnation of his grandfather. The boy was 18 months old when his father was changing his diaper.


Lanza added that everything which can possibly happen is occurring at some point across these multiverses and this means death can’t exist in ‘any real sense’ either. 

More information at: ,


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    Total 71 comments
    • la_ilah

      This does not prove reincarnation exists. Any person with a so called past life memory could easily have been tricked/posessed by a JINN. The same jinns who trick people with near death experiences, etc. Reincarnation is based on the very same lie told by satan to adam and eve in the garden of eden; “you surely will not die, you will be as gods”. God gave us one life in the material world because he wants to see what we will do with it, if we will remember him and live righteous, or if we will transgress. I was raised hindu and I believed in reincarnation until I began investigating Islam, and shortly afterwards I became muslim. I also recently discovered that the vedas did not contain anything on reincarnation, this idea was introduced into the religion at a later period, and through the meditation/channeling of the rishis, who easily could have been recieving the information from jinns. These are the same beings who have appeared in various forms throughout history they have been fairies, trolls, goblins, ghosts, skinwalkers, aliens, etc. They are all jinn. Jinn are interdimensional beings who live in a cloaked parallel reality, they have no original form as they are made of energy. In reality, death results in one of three outcomes; eternal life in paradise beyond your wildest dreams, eternal damnation in hellfire, or non-existence.

      • No time

        Do we still have to go to work when we die? If we die in our sleep, will we remember that when we wake up?

    • la_ilah

      This does not prove reincarnation exists. Any person with a so called past life memory could easily have been tricked/posessed by a JINN. The same jinns who trick people with near death experiences, etc. Reincarnation is based on the very same lie told by satan to adam and eve in the garden of eden; “you surely will not die, you will be as gods”. God gave us one life in the material world because he wants to see what we will do with it, if we will remember him and live righteous, or if we will transgress. I was raised hindu and I believed in reincarnation until I began investigating Islam, and shortly afterwards I became muslim. I also recently discovered that the vedas did not contain anything on reincarnation, this idea was introduced into the religion at a later period, and through the meditation/channeling of the rishis, who easily could have been recieving the information from jinns. These are the same beings who have appeared in various forms throughout history they have been fairies, trolls, goblins, ghosts, skinwalkers, aliens, etc. They are all jinn. Jinn are interdimensional beings who live in a cloaked parallel reality, they have no original form as they are made of energy. In reality, death results in one of three outcomes; eternal life in paradise beyond your wildest dreams, eternal damnation in hellfire, or non-existence.

      • Rumplestilskin

        Madam, you have no idea, but yet speak like some voodoo priestess. JINN indeed. You speak like an idiot promulgating and spewing the same old crap you were indoctrinated with in your Mosque.

        Reincarnation is not necessarily linear, as the “Re” suggest. In this multiverse, we are incarnate in many universes all at the same time, with emotions and physical reactions that move through the continuum affecting all aspects of our being. IE: We are more than this physical body in this reality.

        Now, the really hard part for many to swallow is this: Even things you do as an adult, does affect you as a child many years in the past. Time is fluid, but until our primitive brains understand that, most will continue to think in terms of a Linear sequential universe. Nothing could be further from the truth. :cool:

        • Awabnavi

          “we are incarnate in many universes all at the same time” — This is more ridiculous than the JINN. Your proof of what you claim? NONE just as JINN can not be proved. If you can believe in “we are incarnate in many universes all at the same time” then others are entitled to believe in the JINN.

      • Erebus Forgotten Djinn

        Lmao , Apparently you know Little of Djinn , they do not go around playing petty human games by trying to mess with your head, in fact you have to spend about 40 days in the desert before a Djinn will even talk to you make you think you have had past lives, lmao thats the job of Imps and low level demons, but true story past lives are real , it takes more then one life to to reach Spiritual Enlightenment Hell, is a made up story as if 90% of your holy books on this whole planet , used they are to keep you confused, make you think you have found the path of Higher Spiritual Enlightenment when in reality, they are just a road to keep you from ascending from this plane of reality to a higher one, Djinn my ass, if you knew any thing about them you would know not to pop off at the mouth about them just thinking about them allows them to see you ,

    • Jango

      If you believe this how would you like to buy some swamp land in Florida? Check out what really happens at

      • chefjim

        Thanks for that link, Jango, I hope and pray that people will find that link and do the most important thing that they could possibly do and that is to receive that Free Gift and be saved! It is very sad but the bible tells us that MANY are called but FEW are chosen which for our intents and purposes on this side of eternity, not many will be saved because most will reject God’s Free Gift.

        I would like to show you in a very short space that the website you link is very good and if people will regard it’s advice will be saved for eternity but I want to share with you what I have learned in my extensive study about the timing of the Rapture. Your expositor in the website you reference on the Rapture page used the example of Revelation 7:9 about the multitude, which no man could number, of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues.

        The webpage said that these were those who came out of the tribulation because the very elder which is showing this to John said “these are they which came out of Great tribulation; These went THROUGH the Tribulation, they weren’t rescued from it as the Word of God says.

        It says that these have WASHED THEIR ROBES. What does that mean? It means that they didn’t receive the MARK OF THE BEAST! You see, in the Tribulation, immediately after the saints (all living and dead believers) are taken up in the Rapture, the age of GRACE comes to an end and it now becomes the Tribulation age when people aren’t saved “by grace alone” but by Grace PLUS works and that work is deliberately not receiving the Mark of the Beast. Great EFFORT will be necessary to be saved and many WILL be saved hence they will “wash their robes”. Right now, we are saved by Grace alone plus NOTHING. Jesus Christ washes our robes. That is because we are “blessed because we believe (right now!) yet have not seen”, John 20:29

        In the Tribulation age, one could lose their Salvation by taking the mark…understand? It will be only the enemies of Christ who take the mark because EVERYONE will KNOW the truth at that time and the ones taking the mark will do so in allegiance to Satan, that is why they have no hope after they take the mark. The ones which washed their own robes HAVE SEEN the believers taken up in the clouds and seeing what happens at the Rapture will be proof so convincing to them that they will rather lose their heads than forsake the One that they now know is REAL! The Trib. Saints are your friends and family and my friends and family that we have witnessed to for years, begging them to accept Jesus Christ. They will now KNOW and go into hiding to resist taking the mark.

        I have been studying many years and I have come to the conclusion that the bible that God wrote through men is written to us in “dispensations”. Since I have found this precious truth, the word has sprung to life before me and I know understand so much that I had previously not understood. I also began to understand much more (which led me to this level of understanding that I am currently enjoying) after I stopped reading and studying the new versions and I switched to the King James Versions ONLY.

        The other versions are being perverted for a new age of false believer that is ubiquitous in this age right now. Satan is taking advantage of Christians weakness when it comes to using the other versions that it is now almost impossible to find a church that teaches exclusively from the KJV. Do a study on the new version controversy soon. You’ll be amazed (that is if you haven’t already thrown away your NIV’s and NTSB’s and NASB’s). God has only ONE word for the English speaking people and it is The King James Version.

      • Anonymous

        Disney World was built on swamp land ! :wink:

      • PC Principal

        There is swamp land in Florida ‘ya dumbass, it’s called the Everglades!

    • Orahjun

      This concept on reincarnation has always been enducated in Buddhism for thousands of years. Those scientists should study Buddhism more and probably they can make practical use of Buddhism concepts to scientifically prove that this is true.

    • simpel

      We are spiritual beings having a human experience and we are living in a physical world where life is only temporary.

      Quote about: Creation and Destiny, chapter12 “The reality and spirituality of LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE” by Marshall Vian Summers.

      The physical universe began with the separation long ago, even before the beginnings of the physical manifestation of the universe itself. The separation represents part of God’s Creation that has disassociated itself, seeking a separate existence. So the Creator of all life set into motion all of the forces, the geologic forces, to establish a great physical environment in which the separated could evolve and live. The creator of all life established the processes of evolution and random selection so that the forms of life could evolve on interaction with the environments, the multiple the environments that would be produced, and so that the universe essentially would be run itself mechanically according to these laws.

      All the laws of nature were set in motion. All the law of physics and chemistry were set in motion so the universe–the physical universe, the manifest universe –could be self-maintaining, self sustaining and run upon its own so that God would not have to hold everything in the balance. Here the universe would expand, leading to unique opportunities for life to emerge and to exits in primitive forms for long periods until such time as more advanced levels of life could be established, where the separated could enter into these life forms and live in habitable worlds surrounded by other forms of intelligent life.

      The universe then is a environment in which life evolves and can exit in many places, in many forms and in many expressions. That part of God’s Creation of life now seeking to distinguish itself and to take separate forms would have a great environment in which to live and to grow; to face the reality of change, growth and decay; and to have the law of nature to establish the parameters of life and the vast evolution of life so that many Earths that will be habitable could be filled with a variety of creatures, plants and natural environments.
      Life in this physical universe would be temporary. One could not sustain one’s life in the manifest form forever. And those who are separated who seek to remain separated would be bound to this reality, would have to function within this reality, would be able to be creative in this reality up to a point, would have to seek resources and would have to face the dilemma of living in separation from God.

      “The reality and spirituality of LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE”. You can download it for free at

    • inyour4head

      God says…. “Ye shall surely die”
      Satan says… “Ye shall surely not die”

      Any Questions?

      Spiritualism – State of the Dead

      The New Age Agenda

      • No time

        SATAN Rocks, Jesus is a loser.

    • truthseeker4809

      More complete story of this can be found in the book ‘Alien Interview” edited by Lawrence Spencer. Every soul is recycled by erasing the previous life’s memory by the controllers of the earth. May it be the reptilians, the grays or the elongated headed tall whites it doesn’t matter. Every knowledge you learned on earth gets erased as you are reborn. That’s how the world is under the lower civilization perpetually. But this control grid is weakening and the earth is awakening.

      The heaven and hell paradigm is also a part of this control scheme. When you desired to go to heaven what happens is that you are being attracted to the center of the memory erasing trap located on the moon. So those drowned souls tend to remain on earth and when they reborn, they remember everything. Remember the story of the three year old boy who died when he was a fighter pilot in World War II when his plane crashed into the ocean. But then those sailors soul journey story is not at all coincidence either. Do not be attracted to the light after death.. That’s the way to the trap where you get your life’s memory erased.

      • truthseeker4809

        I’m not Lawrence Spencer but his work on general enlightenment is remarkable. Instead, I theorized the structure of the soul based on neutrinos, the invisible particle that is superluminal yet hold the property of magnets.

        The Pope can not baptize the aliens because there are no such things as heaven and hell.

        Souls are eternal and they retain their previously learned knowledge to the next lives.

        If there ever were Hell, that’s the eternal state of ignorance. That’s I would call Hell.

        Why people are whistleblowing when no one is asking them to?

        Because that’s the way humans are created. That’s how the real creator of the universe made humans to be.

        We (humans) don’t want other souls to remain in the Hell of ignorance.

        The biblical god is an imposter, not the real creator of the universe.

        We are created to become perpetual whistleblowers.

        That’s why this web site is flourishing.

      • truthseeker4809

        I coined the term “Neutrino Soul Biology”. In the future, human beings may be able to manufacture and manipulate highly advanced souls using this knowledge..

        • Mangod

          Earth IS HEAVEN WHEN YOU KNOW the TRUTH!
          It IS HELL when you do not know (like you know what you had for breakfast this morning).

          Intelligent LIFE (many, countless gods) creates the Universe and its circumstances, and ALL LIFE FORMS PRESENT in it, not the other way around.

          There is NOT one god, but “gods” beyond counting!

          Every single energy force that is SELF-AWARE is a “god” here, in this universe!

          YOU HAVE ALL BEEN duped for your entire lives.

          THERE IS NO “ONE”, NO “one god” that “made everything!

          All knowledge is NOT known.

          YOU DO NOT EXIST AT ALL in this universe.

          You “project” here from YOUR ETERNAL HOME!
          I DO NOT have to LOOK UP ANYTHING IN A BOOK!


          I DO NOT HAVE TO “believe” anything!

          Because I have a real memory of where I have been, where I am now, and where I WILL BE!
          UNLIKE ALMOST ALL OF YOU, who must refer to a “Book” as solace as to “where you are going” after you vacate YOUR temporary “MEAT-WRAPPER” IN THIS HELL!
          I do NOT have to “believe” anything.
          Here is the truth.
          You should be able to remember, also, if you can undo the “brain-washing” from birth and further “mental conditioning”.
          Here is another “life philosophy” for you all to consider, with a different twist. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO sick of reading the prevailing notion that ONE entity created all in this physical universe, and that ALL return to the “One”, the truly communist-type of god! NO individual “personalities” will exist after the body dies in the minds of the crackpots, demons, BOOK “pushers” (market-teers) and religious lunatics (Save me, save me, oh, one!) who dominate the conversation on BIN! They use name calling (get behind me satan) or even use censorship and simply eliminate anything else other than the usual whine of “Save me”! “Unite me with the “One”! Whether “Old biblical babble” or “new age crap”, it is all the same, pathetic whine about the End of Time!
          So, consider this:
          No god would ever take credit for creating this universe.
          It just exists, as we do.
          All is not known.
          Only your lunatic asylum on planet hell (earth) has ever ‘conjured up’ this god stuff.
          Why does your god demand your prayers?
          Why do you think that ‘something’ would ‘take credit, for say, a tidal wave that kills over 250,000 on 3 continents and numerous islands?
          You think there was some ‘divine planning’ in that that any rational, thinking entity would ‘take credit for”?
          Why did your god jesus sit next to a demon, evil incarnate, and listen to a sales pitch?
          Why did your god jesus let that pure evil walk away to continue to torment you?
          And, you worship this insane, demonic personality?
          Nothing does exist here.
          Nothing touches at any level of ‘perception’ HERE (solid, liquid, gas, molecular level, sub atomic level- particles that orbit one another and never touch).
          That is the way HERE is designed.
          You see, all of you have a memory problem.
          A big memory problem that causes all of your problems HERE. You have all forgotten the purpose of HERE and why HERE was created.
          You are solid energy that vibrates, or resonates, at a specific frequency, forever.
          That individual frequency is how you are recognized by others like you.
          And, who cares if this whole planet does not exist in the future?
          The whole ‘universe’, for that matter.
          You see, like there are athletes among you that can achieve and perform ‘feats’ that you never will (like, “Big Wave” surfing, or “Extreme Downhill Skiing”), there ARE others among you that have memories that extend, very accurately, well beyond this one, very hellish-like, lifetime.
          Because, my fellow immortal beings, you have ‘been robbed’ of your ‘eternal existence’ memories.
          You wander, trapped on this hellish planet earth, ‘generation after generation, recycling, over & over again.
          Stripped of memory.
          Born again as ‘human’ on PLANET HELL, earth.
          I know what this world is really all about!
          I am in hell, right now!
          I remember what and who I really am!
          A sentential being that has existed for trillions of years.
          I exist all the time not on this planet, but, in “my home”, that is ‘not of this world”, untouched by all of this.
          Time does not exist where I live all of the time.
          Distance does not exist.
          I think, and it takes form and substance…………………………………. here
          anything I think!
          HERE, in this physical universe!
          Made for my amusement!
          This is an amusement park for us, the immortal beings!
          A “body” is no more than a “temporary meat-wrapper” that we “ride” in! like getting into the “ride car” that brings you around the track at “magic mountain”. when the ride is over, you get out of the vehicle that transported you over the track.
          We are ALL designed to go “at will” from “body to body”.
          We have lost that ability, and now are all ‘trapped on the ride’, and we cannot get off!
          We are here to experience sex, food, smell, violence, both giving it & receiving it;
          all the things that do not exist when you exist as
          Pure energy forever,
          Energy that is indestructible,
          That cannot die,
          That can not be destroyed,
          That cannot experience pain
          But, you can be trapped, ‘imprisoned’, and have your memory “wiped clean’ after every “lifetime”.
          You poor, lost, immortal beings!
          YOU do not remember a thing!
          So, when you “die” you all “go to the light”!
          You cannot help yourselves, images of your dead friends, family, are pulled right out of your “fresh memories” and projected to “lead you to the light, to love, to god”?
          And that is your mistake!
          Cause you get zapped, like a moth hitting the ‘bug zapper’ screen, your memory is “wiped clean’ and you are born back in a body, trapped with no memory for another rather hellish lifetime of pain, rape, war, starvation, tidal waves, violence, child-birth, and death…again! And again……And again. Death experienced over and over and over again!
          “Help me “one”!
          I am trapped on the ride, and I cannot get off!
          Help me “one”!”
          Whether you know it or not, that is where 99.99% of you are ‘at’ right now, HERE!
          Unless, you do not go to the light!
          See why I do not care?
          About any of you HU-mans?
          You cannot die.
          The worse that happens is you are born, here in hell on earth, in a meat-wrapper of some type, again!
          ‘Memory strip’– completed — again.
          Good luck trying to escape this “Designed Terror World” for immortal beings who “Just cannot remember” literally who they are!
          It’s that earthy ‘religious conditioning’ that “sets you up for the psy-op job” at the moment of death! (Save me, oh, one, save me!)
          Your religious leader monsters know all this!
          They are your “prison guards”, and are afforded “special privileges”, torturing your ‘brain washed from birth’ kind!
          No “One” will come to save you, because YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE SAVED FROM ANYTHING.
          NOW, GO, ALL OF YOU, AND “REMEMBER” your eternal existence memories for yourselves!

    • 11Bravo

      For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

      Ecclesiastes 9:5

      You have one life and then the judgement. If reincarnation were real, the Bible would mention it. It has not been wrong yet. Beware the snares and lies of the devil.

    • Sean

      Same can be said about Life

      That its just an Illusion

      While your Really, somewhere between the Positive and Negative Absolutes

      I just call “Pergatory”

    • HatchMan

      I have older teenagers…Dang, It’s maddening being reincarnated and living with yourself at the same time!!!

    • Anonymous

      last year someone posted a recommendation for a book titled Ztingar, which I purchased and read. One poster blasted the book as being rubbish but I thought otherwise. In it the writer explains how our mind is a universe in itself. In other words, everything we know and don’t know that exists, already exists waiting to be found within our own mind. And anything new that we discover is simply an awakening of what we already know’ There was a lot more in the book than this about it, but after reading this blog today, I couldn’t help thinking about it. So much of what I read made such a lot of good logical sense.

    • truthseeker4809

      Soul can not learn while in the spiritual form by itself without body. That’s why you have to learn everything you can while within the body. You can pretend life is happy and dandy while someone or some entity is trying to bring 90 percent of earth population into slaughter house while you are being blindfolded. That’s why you have to learn everything and anything that is possible to learn while you are within the body. There is no time to be in a delusion of pretending to be happy. The reality is much more delicate and complicated than you can possibly imagine.

      You have to wonder why the biblical god is so jealous, blood thirsty, paranoid and insecure about his own ability to control humans. Demanding obedience with no end. Why can it(god) be more gracious in such a way that it will be voluntarily worshipped by all the humans. The reason is because the biblical god is an imposter. It(god) is constantly paranoid about being exposed as being an imposter. That’s why.

      Only devil will try to deceive humans in such a diabolical manner.

      • truthseeker4809

        Look at the Jews and the Moslems, aren’t they all paranoid about being destroyed by each other? Where do you think this paranoia came from? It comes from the very god they worship. Do you know people become what they worship? That’s why you have to be extremely careful about what you decide to worship.

        The real creator of the universe would be just and gracious. He won’t be bloodthirsty, paranoid or jealous.

        He has no favoritism on which race he would love any more than others. He would love all the races equally. This proves more louder than others that the biblical god is an imposter.

        It (biblical god) never created the universe let alone the humans.

    • ClearDawn*


      I, for one, have had vivid recolections of 6 of my past lifes. Never looking to have those experiences, one day 25 years ago, I sudently was transported to the middle of a battle.
      I was a “spaniard conquistador” and was killing mercilessly women, children, cutting off hands…

      When I came back to me I was kneeling on the floor and crying like a child asking for Forgiveness.
      Still cry when I remember this for it a tremendous thing t see yourself being a soulless person. Now, I abhorr violnce.

      Every past life I’ve seen has taught me the why of something that I have experienced in the pressent time.


    • Tommy

      Well he didn’t prove anything… Simple postulation. Infact his theory barely supersedes Ionian ideas of 2500 years ago… Interesting still though.

    • billR

      Jesus is the only way to GOD period. You are all being deceived by Satan. Stop the insanity with Islam Hinduism etc…. They have no truth to them. They are full of lies. Jesus is truth.

    • Nowhereman

      Regardless of what or who you believe, one thing is true.
      Do not hurt others, do not hurt yourself.
      If you can accomplish these two things, then go through your lives in peace and enjoy the things that have been given to us in our life times.

    • Vriel1

      This article does not prove Reincarnation unfortunately but good news, the bible does. Before the bible thumpers pull one verse out of a chapter in the bible: Hebres 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment, and use it inappropriately…read the WHOLE chapter. Its referring to Jesus not having to die more then once for our sins, as the Jews would kill a lamb twice a year for their sins. I hear all the time the bible does not mention “Reincarnation” and everyone would be correct cause the word “Reincarnation” was not used or thought up until the 1940′s in Europe, but the concept was still in all religions to include Jesus’s religion Judaism. Don’t believe me look into the Gnostic’s.The bible does not use the term automobile or car so those must not be real either, right? In any event Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-22. It is talking about re-birth. In Malachi 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. So if there is no such thing as “Reincarnation” then Elijah did not return which means the LORD never came…which means people refute that Jesus was Lord. See, Elijah was “Reincarnated” and returned in the body of John the Baptist. Which confirms bible prophecy and does not make Jesus out to be a liar when he says: Matt 11:[12] And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. [13] For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John. [14] And if ye will receive it, this is Elias, which was for to come. [15] He that hath ears to hear, let him hear. Jesus also said: John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. [6] That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. [13] And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. So if we use our brains and listen to what Jesus tells us and look at Ecclesiastes we see everything is cyclic to include our spirit with in our shell of a body.

    • Anonymous

      It’s the work of demons. They want people to think there’s no heaven and no hell after you die.

    • weis

      Scientist also proved the earth is round, only after many proved it was flat, only after they discovered all the cities on the ocean floor. Mirrior, and cipher writing is still used to this day, along with the art of illusion.

    • Emery

      This guy is a fruit cake. When you die, you’re dead. Nothing survives death. Your thoughts do perish. You are “asleep” in death. You can be resurrected though, but God has to do it. We have NO immortal soul. The Bible says we ARE a soul, not that we have a soul. Hell is not in the Bible, unless you read one of the 4 or 5 translations that mis-translate hades and sheol into hell. They are misleading translations of the Bible and are not accurate at all. King James and the Catholic Douay-Rheims are the two worst. They have both removed the personal name of God almost 7000 times and have mis-translated hades and sheol 38 times each. None of the original scrolls that the Bible was made from contain the word hell or any word that legitimately translates into hell. The original scrolls do not say cross, but stauros. It means two things: stake or pole. The original scrolls say NOTHING about trinity. They are made up by Catholic and Anglican churches, and Socrates first taught it long after the Bible was written. When Constantine had his version of the Bible created in 325 A.D., he included these false teachings to attract pagan Romans into the Christian churches. Accuracy is vital if we want to do God’s will. Can’t do it if you don’t know it, now can we?

      • Louis

        The body dies but the soul lives on forever. On Judgment Day, the body will once again be joined with the soul.

        Matter and energy cannot be destroyed, they can only be changed in form. This is a basic tenet of physics.

        If Emery doesn’t know this, then maybe he should go back to school.

        • truthseeker4809

          Too many reliable testimonies of the past life memories can not be explained unless soul exists beyond the body. At this point, it is no longer a matter of whether a soul exists beyond the body or not. The more urgent question is how a soul decide to reborn and to whose family. And also why a certain soul decides to reborn at all. How much free will is there for souls to make decision to reborn on and on.

          The most interesting question is what the soul is made of in physical point of view. It certainly doesn’t have a flesh like material composition. But what if the superluminal physical particle neutrinos are the main building blocks of the soul?

          No physical laws can prohibit such a possibility. And, most of all, what mechanism makes a soul to have a free will?

        • Mangod

          Dear Christians,
          You believe that a cosmic Jewish Zombie
          who was his own farther
          can make you live forever
          if you symbolically eat his flesh
          and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master,
          so he can remove an evil force from your soul
          that is present in humanity
          because a woman made from a rib
          was convinced
          by a talking snake
          to eat from a magical tree.
          And, you don’t understand why I have doubts?

        • NM


          Let’s talk about Karma for a moment and immolation

        • Mangod

          NM, let’s talk about YOU, THE self admitted FBI PIG!
          No more paycheck for NM!
          No retirement program for NM!

          OH, LOOK!

          It is that “rare bird”, NM, the self-admitted FBI PIG who is a “Defender of the Fable”, yes, the FABLE!
          NM is a defender of the “white-skinned male” odd “god”, with a dick, named jesus!
          The mindless, soulless, and very CRUEL “creatures” that inhabit the united Fascist states of MILITARY TERROR know that their cruel fraud of a “country” is ENDING!
          Imagine….5% of the whole world’s population that actually “thinks” that “the rest of the world cannot ‘get along’ without THEM”!
          You, ameriiCONNED, are about to find out just HOW MUCH “your country” IS HATED…..WORLDWIDE!
          Because, SOULLESS CREATURES, “your” “Paper” money IS A FRAUD!
          Your “country” IS the #1 BIGGEST FRAUD OF ALL TIME!
          Just like their “religions of peace” (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! MALE LED KILLER-CULTS ALL)!
          Just like their “Free” government )HAHAHAHAHAHA!)!
          Just like their “Tax code”!
          Just like their “Moral code’ (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…KILL KILL KILL IS their “moral code”!
          Just like their never ending HOARDING “way of life”!
          Just like the very poisoned FOOD THEY EAT!
          Just like the very poisoned soda pop they FEED THEIR OWN CHILDREN!
          Just like the PROFIT they USED TO reap from “RIPPING OFF THE WORLD”!
          Just like the “Dope” FBI PIGS, like NM, “plant” on their victims to put them into the “FOR PROFIT privately held” prisons that the PIGS and their ALMIGHTY pension FUND “invest” in!

          Well, you do get the picture, NM????

          Soon, your massive illusion that, your country, the united Fascist states of MILITARY TERROR, is “good” WILL BE OVER!

          AND, FOR YOU ameriiSCUM combat “vets” and PIGS;

          Aahhhhhhhh……….. THE HORROR OF LYING, CHEATING, HOARDING and very VIOLENT juedo-chrisOCREEPS and their muscle-SCUM SPIRITUAL TERRORIST brothers…………….
          :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
          THE HORROR OF LYING, CHEATING, HOARDING and very VIOLENT juedo-chrisOCREEPS and their muscle-SCUM SPIRITUAL TERRORIST brothers.
          :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

        • NM

          Chris Creeps, as usual your dirty sources are correct.

          My job with the government ends today… leaving me and my “flesh wrapper” as men of your persuasion put it, more time to do the things I need to do.

          Going to leave you with this masterpiece written by friends of mine.

          The days grow shorter and the nights are getting long
          Feels like we’re running out of time
          Every day it seems much harder tellin’ right from wrong
          You got to read between the lines

          Don’t get discouraged, don’t be afraid, we can
          Make it through another day
          Make it worth the price we pay

          The Good Book says it’s better to give than to receive
          I do my best to do my part
          Nothin’ in my pockets I got nothin’ up my sleeve
          I keep my magic in my heart

          Keep up your spirit, keep up your faith, baby
          I am counting on you
          You know what you’ve got to do

          Fight the good fight every moment
          Every minute every day
          Fight the good fight every moment
          It’s your only way

          All your life you’ve been waiting for your chance
          Where you’ll fit into the plan
          But you’re the master of your own destiny
          So give and take the best that you can

          You think that a little more money can buy your soul some rest
          You better think something else instead
          You’re so afraid of being honest with yourself
          You’d better take a look inside your head

          Nothing is easy, nothing good is free
          But I can tell you where to start
          Take a look inside your heart
          There’s an answer in your heart

        • Mangod

          PIG named NM,
          Once a PIG, ALWAYS A PIG!
          There IS no “retiring”, lying fool!

          NM…….Oh, sorry to hear that (your leaving your TERRORIST gov. employer)!
          I was hoping you had to “work” for another 40 years or so!
          And, for YOU NM, the despicable chris0CREEP ex-fed gov employee,
          right now,
          in your earthly body,
          I want YOU to experience a long, painful, and psychologically exhausting DEATH from a variety of cancers caused by the GMO foods and sweeteners you so MINDLESSLY eat every day!

          I know you are SO believing and stupid, NM, that you will “believe” the white-coat Dr.’s, and undergo chemo and radiation to “treat” “your” cancers! MORE PAIN AND SUFFERING as you let the medical criminals poison you, for your own good!

          Gory BE, suffer for me, you mindless, brain-washed from birth, chris0CREEP named NM!
          You see, cowardly chris0CREEP named NM, I am NOT waiting for some FABLED white-skinned male human being to “save” me! I am going to strike out against brain-washed from birth scum like you, while you are alive! DO YOU FEEL THE PURE HATE………………….. MY PREYER; OH, ROT NM the chris0CREEP’S body with cancer!

          I HAVE WILLED IT!
          So, it WILL HAPPEN TO YOU, NOW, NM!

          And, as you “ride off” into fed gov pension retirement, NM, remember this PREYER!

          Aahhhhhhhh……….. THE HORROR OF LYING, CHEATING, HOARDING and very VIOLENT juedo-chrisOCREEPS and their muscle-SCUM SPIRITUAL TERRORIST brothers…………….
          :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
          THE HORROR OF LYING, CHEATING, HOARDING and very VIOLENT juedo-chrisOCREEPS and their muscle-SCUM SPIRITUAL TERRORIST brothers.
          :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

        • NM

          Your will is weak Chris, as evidence by your inability to keep your big mouth shut and your God given body graceful. Your temple is a sad reflection of your slovenly spirit.


          The mark of man is upon you. Perhaps you should follow your masters advice and shed your flesh to hasten your journey forth.

          I will light the match personally if you ask nicely

        • Mangod

          The match you light, NM, will be to set on fire the kindling wood around the stake you are tied to, TRAITOR FBI PIG of the disgusting united Fascists states of Military TERROR!

          Now, go away, shill, and have a wonderfully short (and, I PREY, painful) retirement!

          Aahhhhhhhh……….. THE HORROR OF LYING, CHEATING, HOARDING and very VIOLENT juedo-chrisOCREEPS and their muscle-SCUM SPIRITUAL TERRORIST brothers…………….
          :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
          THE HORROR OF LYING, CHEATING, HOARDING and very VIOLENT juedo-chrisOCREEPS and their muscle-SCUM SPIRITUAL TERRORIST brothers.
          :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

        • yes2truth

          @ Anonymous

          You said:

          “The body dies but the soul lives on forever. On Judgment Day, the body will once again be joined with the soul.”

          This statement is absolute garbage and nowhere in The Holy Scriptures does it say what you are saying – in fact it says the opposite:

          Ezekiel 18:4 (KJV) Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.

          Ezekiel 18:20 (KJV) The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.

          From Strongs Concordance:

          SOUL – H5315 – The Hebrew word – nephesh – neh’-fesh – From H5314; properly a breathing creature, that is, animal or (abstractly) vitality; used very widely in a literal, accommodated or figurative sense (bodily or mental): – any, appetite, beast, body, breath, creature, X dead (-ly), desire, X [dis-] contented, X fish, ghost, + greedy, he, heart (-y), (hath, X jeopardy of) life (X in jeopardy), lust, man, me, mind, mortality, one, own, person, pleasure, (her-, him-, my-, thy-) self, them (your) -selves, + slay, soul, + tablet, they, thing, (X she) will, X would have it.


    • rpclennon

      Once is enough for me, I don’t want to return to any of this,it’s all getting worse not better,when I
      say by,I mean it!!!!!

    • JoyDon

      How far this nation has sunk into rebellion against the God and the Bible this nation was founded on. The sickness in the souls of men are beyond comprehension, and the lie that there is no eternal hell and all the lies they believe is also beyond comprehension. God is preparing this heathen nation for grave judgment beyond other nations for we KNEW THE TRUTH and spat in His holy face and denied acceptance of the truth of His Word.

      He Who gave His life on a cruel cross that man might escape a burning hell for all eternity….and THEN to have men reject such a wondrous salvation………..defies imagination. Man chooses his eternal destination and it is his choice to follow Christ or not. No one is SENT to hell, but in denying the Gospel of the Cross and Jesus as Savior means man chooses hell all on his own and is responsible for his own end.

    • jk9267

      Why is Before its News moving toward New Age banter? This is exactly the same New Age junk that the Illuminati want Christians to believe in order for the Lucifer Ian New World Order to become reality. Before its News is a great site and it doesn’t need a world of non-factual junk-think.

    • Brandon

      WHAT A CROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Anonymous

      All the people here write with absolute sincerity as if they know exactly what they are talking about. But none have an absolute reference point apart from what they have been told buy others. Believing what they personally want to believe and leaving the rest out or changing it for their personal options and quoting as fact. This so called fact and its variations over time is what we are left with like the children’s game where what is said to first child in a line changes completely by the time it gets to the other end. So we end up with distorted faith with the best possible motives. Faith, belief without proof. So nobody actually knows anything its all conjecture. As are all religions depending on the individuals point of view of what they believe based on what they have been told without a common reference point. You do not know how far back what you believe is fact from your particular reference book was distorted, so cannot really ever know if true or not. So don’t sprout it as if it is, because it probably is not. Me I don’t know and admit it. Religion the cause of all wars. The world would be a happier better place without it.

      • jk9267

        Ah….You are right, it is all conjecture just like Professor Lanza who is putting forth his wild opinions. It is all conjecture.

    • yes2truth

      This article is just the same old, same old, same old lie as told to Eve in The Garden:

      Genesis 3:1-5 (KJV) Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? 2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

      So here we have this two bit lying scientist telling us that we won’t die and proving that scientists mostly work for The Devil.

      If there is no death there can be no resurrection of the dead.

      • truthseeker4809

        What if the stories in the Bible are all lies? Have you ever thought of that possibility?

        Monumental and apocalyptic deception has been going on in the name of religion.

        How do I know this?

        You have to ask why these Bible believers are all in the business of killing and destroying each other especially with the Jews at the center of the core of deception.

        I would not blame all humans. I would rather blame what it is that teaches them to do it.

        The BIBLE!!!!!!

        I don’t trust people quoting Bible anymore.

        They remind me of mentally hypnotized human zombies.

        First of all, the world was not created 5000 years ago. There was no such thing as Garden of Eden never has been. There was no such thing as the Tower of Babel. Every body naturally speaks unrecognizable language after separated from each other for 500 years. Job’s skin disease had nothing to do with God. He could have been cured by two glasses of colloidal silver. There is no mention of dinosaurs in the bible. If it did, there was no way Noah could have put one (or a couple) in his boat. Croak of lies.

        Bible is a book of deception filled with lies.

        The sole purpose of it is to make you to obey and become a human zombie and pay 10 percent of your income to the ones that teach you the text called Bible so that they can control you.

        It includes, Catholic, Jesuits, Synagogue, Protestant Churches, Mosque, etc etc.. Coincidentally, they are all in the business of killing and destroying each other while teaching love and forgiveness.

        Actually OT never was interested in love in the first place. It’s all about obedience there and get the crumbs of blessings from this evil entity who was an imposter of God.

        • yes2truth

          Impossible The Godhead cannot lie. How can The Truth, lie?

          You then cite religion which immediately tells me you know nothing about Yashua Messiah who was not religious and didn’t come to this earth to start a religion.

          You said:

          “You have to ask why these Bible believers are all in the business of killing and destroying each other especially with the Jews at the center of the core of deception.”

          I know of no Bible believers killing people. When it comes to killing people you had better start looking at Bolshevik Jew Marxists and Communists (all atheists) who are responsible for millions upon millions of deaths.

          The rest of your comment is just mere opinion, unadulterated BS and jewtube crap.

          There ought to be a comedy show called “jewtube mastermind” – you would win it hands down. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

        • yes2truth

          @ truthseeker4809

          PS you call yourself a truthseeker and yet have gone to liars for all your information. :shock: :shock:

          I would suggest that you need professional help or have a chat with truthseeker4808 or 4810 they might be able to point you in the right direction. :lol: :lol: :lol:

        • truthseeker4809

          How can The Truth, lie?

          Because the truth, so it said, was not, has never been, is not truth. Period.

          Otherwise those bible believing nations would be living in peace in this world.

          It’s an old, archaic system of deliberately and cunningly designed control mind text. That’s all there is to it.

          It takes a while to wake up from it. It’s a life long hypnotic text for those freebies.

          Human spirits, souls do not die. If that is accepted for truth, why would anyone pay church anything?

          Story after story, the documented fact of the soul reincarnation is irrefutable.

          If the Bible is the truth doc, why there is no mention of soul reincarnation in there?

          Because you can not control humans once they realize that they reincarnate. You don’t have to pay them anything. Death is a temporary separation of body and soul. There is no heaven nor hell. It’s a total control scheme.

          DO YOU GET IT?

        • truthseeker4809

          Numerous three year olds have nothing to gain by telling their stories of past lives. On the other hand, the clergies in the church can lose their job and monthly paycheck if people knew that soul lives forever and they believeth in it. Plenty of reasons to stick to their lies.

          The whole structure of the system of the religion in the western society will crumble down. It should have crumbled down long time ago and it’s surprising that it hasn’t yet in this age of enlightenment and advanced science.

          Any kind of remnants of lies people believe in in the society has the adverse effect on human development because that can be translated into official sanctions on telling lies especially by the corporates who think they are above the laws.

        • yes2truth

          Oh No!! He’s back with more ignorant drivel.

          “Otherwise those bible believing nations would be living in peace in this world.”

          There ARE NO Bible believing nations you numb skull. All nations serve The Devil.

          DO YOU GET IT????????????????????????????????? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

        • truthseeker4809

          List of the lies of the bible.

          Women didn’t have giving birth pain before the event but started to have it later.

          Babies head must have been a pencil size before but suddenly became the normal after the event. Of course, this is a tongue in chick lie. And people still believe in this garbage. Human babies heads are unusually large compared to women’s birth canal and that can not change regardless of the event.

          The bible writers sound like knowing everything including the creation of the universe. Yet not a single mention of the babies talking about their past lives. The New Testament was talking about Jesus being a reincarnation of Elisa implying that reincarnation happens. None of this kind is mentioned in the OT.

          Even a single conclusive event of reincarnation will throw out OT in the garbage can but there are hundreds and thousands of documented cases of reincarnation available in many different publications.

          What this proves is that the bible is a book of lies and nothing in there to be trusted. It’s purpose is to enslave your soul so that you pay tribute to the organization who teaches this garbage for the rest of your lives.

        • truthseeker4809

          All nations serve the DEVIL? But they all use the bible for their moral guiding principles, aren’t they?. And almost every family at least have one bible in their houses, aren’t they?

          So basically you are saying the Bible is a book of Devil. So you are right. It is a book of Devil.

          You can’t have it both ways.

        • yes2truth

          It’s no good you trying to twist things around, you haven’t the mental capability.

          The Bible is only understood and followed by those who have The Spiritual ability to do so – a tiny minority.

          E.g. you could read The Bible and in one thousand years time you still wouldn’t understand it.

          Now go and talk football or knitting, they will be things you can grasp and understand.

      • truthseeker4809

        You weren’t born believing in the bible. Someone told you to. You didn’t critically think about it because you were young and ignorant.. Now you are grown up, so think by yourself. Look at the evidences of the soul and reincarnation. Think critically why the bible doesn’t say a thing about it when the writers of it pretend to know even the beginning of the universe.

        What an arrogance !!!!!

        It’s all hogwash. You need to wake up.

        Look at the world the bible has created right now. It’s all chaos and madness. Killing, cheating, sabotage, you name it.

        Not too surprisingly at all, at the center of all this evil is the Israel where the book was written..

        Don’t blame it on any humans though, it’s the book of the devil that is causing it all.

    • Yvonne

      His conclusions are false. “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). There is no reincarnation.

      • truthseeker4809

        Once you start to quote any phrase in the bible, you become a slave of the bible. Free thinkers do not quote bible for their reasoning. And on top of that, normally slaves fight but not the masters.

        We are talking about the forensic evidences coming from three year olds who have no reasons to lie or make up stories.

        • yes2truth

          You’re not free, you’re a slave to your own blind dumb ignorance.

        • truthseeker4809

          I’m free enough to critically evaluate the bible based on the forensic evidences. Soul does exist outside of the body. They reincarnate over and over.

          I would rather trust 1000s of three year olds testimonials than an insidious bunch of bible writers who are determined to suck your blood out of your body.

          I’m not the first one saying it, by the way. Hindis and Buddhists have being saying it for ages.

          Buddhists are not the one engaged in to start World War Three right now by the way. God forbids..

    • SGde3a

      It’s METAPHYSICAL NOT PHYSICAL you extremists.

      • truthseeker4809

        Unfortunately to you, Soul is absolutely physical, energetic, has memory storage capacity, self consciousness etc etc. It’s a living entity just like the physical body. It just doesn’t have means to learn new things.

        That’s why ghosts seem to repeat the same pattern of activities over and over without ending in the same places. This is the reason you need to learn everything and anything you can learn possible before being separated from your body.

        Because truth will set you free from such repetitive traps.

        • truthseeker4809

          The problem with the bible is that it pretends to know everything by starting from the creation of the universe.

          There is nothing more to it than what it says, right? Wrong.

          This is called the “Lying by Omission”. Heard that from somewhere else?

          The existence of the Soul is a huge part of the mystery of the universe. No statement about life can be complete without it.

          That’s why the bible is a huge, colossal book of deception. That’s why it becomes a book of the devil. Because deception is the main tool used by the devil in the first place.

          Deception destroys the basic fabric of human society. Cheating husband and cheating wife destroy the marriage.

          If the thing so called and self proclaimed and widely believed to be god cheats, nothing in humanity can be sustained.

          See how huge this problem is for all Christians, Moslems, Catholics.. etc etc..

          That’s why the humanity is in such a huge trouble right now.

        • truthseeker4809

          You can name the bible,

          “Human Control Manual”.


          “Manual for Control and Subjugation of Homo Sapience”

          With the full admission of the Soul as a separate entity outside of the body in their doctrine(s), there is no way any one or any entity can control and subjugate Humans.

          End of the story.

        • truthseeker4809

          Don’t be deceived by the God and Satan, Yahweh and Lucifer paradigm. It’s like Dems and Reps. They both are evils.

          Do not choose any of them..

    • Wildfire

      Jesus is a lie- life is a lie-all that is seen and heard here on planet hell is a lie….. The truth is within seek it and be free… Love to all…

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