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Ghost Spirit Caught At Accident Site - Shocking Spirits Caught Leaving

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GhostHunters is all about ghost. Ghost are everywhere on our channel. Ghost caught on tape, paranormal activities, Haunted places, or ghost possessions. We feature ghosts in every possible way. These video are for entertainment. I think peoples are looking for ghost caught stuff on internet so i shot these videos.






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    Total 34 comments
    • alldumbsarentblonde

      Cant actually see it in the video. The subscribe link is blocking the view.. :sad: :sad:

      • DRAUGR

        Doesn’t that really irritate the hell out of you. I know it does me. It also guarantees that I will not be subscribing.

        • Volcano

          I agree with eatmorevegetables, I do video Editing and thats done with a “Green Screen” I can do a much better job FAKE!!

      • Gil Carlson

        Ready to discover some real strangeness that will scare the crap out of you?

      • Jim

        If you move your mouse pointer out of the video frame, most times the subscribe panel will disappear. Your not missing anything though, this really looks fake.

    • DRAUGR

      I died once after a 7 hour operation following a motorcycle accident. Of course I was resuscitated. It was the most enjoyable experience in my existence so far. The worst experience was having to go back to my body. Living just plain hurts. We don’t realize it until the pain is removed and then all of sudden you understand that “this (living with no pain)” is how it is supposed to be.
      The next day when I could talk I asked the doctor what happened. He said “what do you mean?” I said something happened didn’t it? All he said was that we ran into some difficulties. Then he shut the door, took out a little notepad and started asking me all these questions about what I saw, felt, heard, etc, etc. He spent about thirty minutes with me. That was about 25 minutes more than he usually did. That was my confirmation that what I experienced was not just a dream or hallucination.

      • Man

        dude, if you died, think for a second what happens to your brain? the lack of oxigen is enough to mess you up. if you think life isn’t worth living why don’t you kill yourself?

        • DRAUGR

          I could go on and on about the meaning of life and the instinct of self preservation. But I choose to discuss weighty subjects like that with people that at the very least know what they are breathing.

      • Anonymous

        I too died on an emergency table and like yourself, there was no way I wanted to come back to this life! It happened way back in late August of 1977 when during a street fight a guy used a long bladed knife several times in my back. When I “died” I was gone for only about 7 or 8 minutes (according to the emergency surgeon), although due to the amount I learned whilst on the other side, I don’t think time is quite the same on each level of existence. I didn’t want to come back, and was told it just wasn’t my time, then suddenly I was in the Intensive Care Unit of the hospital, surrounded by tubes, and several of those hard-working, dedicated professionals who never seem to get enough credit for the work they do. Much like yourself, I figured my experience was a vivid dream as a result of the anesthetic .
        I’m getting a bit long-winded here, so I won’t go into any of the details of my own experience in the next level, but I will say that what the churches and schools taught us about religion and what happens when we die, is a load of manure off the biggest truck you can think of!
        I’m not into arguing the subject with those who choose to deride me for what I’m saying, as I just figure they’ll see for themselves some day! The sad part is that without admitting it, most of those same folk will be scared of what they think is “death”, until they get there and see for themselves.

        • DRAUGR

          Things are definitely not the same from one side to the other. I would imagine there is a really important reason why this is so. I think, for starters, that knowing what is going on from either perspective is severely limited and is treated as some sort of universal law that is never to be broken. Also the instinct for self preservation is so strong because of just how important it is for you to live your prescribed time. I believe that if we were able to see what awaits and at the same time negate the instinct for self preservation we would indeed, all over the world, be offing ourselves right and left. But that isn’t the plan. For all I know way me may never ever be told what the whole plan is. Time is also distorted or in some way made meaningless. It doesn’t go away entirely as I distinctly remember the passage of time while I was away, it just didn’t seem to matter. I think it is a two way street. Regardless of what side you may find yourself on, you are not meant to know much about the other, especially the reasons why.

        • Author Sarah Lalonde

          I would love to hear your full experience , please email me at

        • Paul Gilbert

          I was the same NDE and was told what was to come and so far since 2013 everything the voice said has happened :shock:

        • starlana

          what do remember :smile: :

    • Don't be hating!


    • truthseeker4809

      This image could be photoshopped. The scarecrow look like shape of the ghost doesn’t look real..

    • Jaydog

      where is the ghost? all I see was “subscribe for more” in a big circle!

      • Anonymous

        it’s a shadow of a ghost flapping his arms flying away lol

    • tanside

      so fake, do they even try anymore?

    • gspat

      Why is the spirit wearing a bathrobe (or something similar)?

      • Evolution of Crusty Crayfish

        This is what you get when you die, a bathrobe, and then you flap your arms and fly away while crying out…”mommy, mommy.”

    • SayWhat?

      Wow, I know BIN is a mix of a few real news and some tabloids but c”mon, this is getting ridiculous. With all the caca going out there and this is what you got? :roll:

    • dabu

      Bummer man! How come it’s not in the original video!

    • running man

      where is the video??

    • Mike

      Nothing could be further from the truth. We DO NOT HAVE AN IMMORTAL SOUL as the Bible teaches. What you say are ghosts are actually Satan’s wicked demons pretending to be dead loved ones. Very dangerous!!! There are NO ghosts. No hell. In order for hell to exist, we would need to have an immortal soul, and that would be completely contrary to the scriptures. The Bible does not use hell. The only bibles that use the word are mis-translations of sheol and hades. They are described in the Bible as “the common grave of man”.

      • truthseeker4809

        Soul is there. This video just happens to be a fake. Don’t throw a baby with the bath water.

    • AndreyE

      CGI that is

    • Templar

      I agree with all that it’s fake!

      I am back again! Muahahahha!

    • Thorin Oakenshield

      How ridiculous….

    • Arte Vespule

      That’s just gay. Why would you fake something like that? What the hell is wrong with you?????

    • sten

      You are seeing what you want to see just like seeing faces in clouds.

    • Kimberly

      If you scroll your mouse over the subscribe link there is a very tiny X at the top right corner. Click on it and it goes away!

    • Sisyphus

      This ghost video is fake.


      The author stated (sic).
      1. GhostHunters is all about ghost.
      2. Ghost are everywhere on our channel.
      3. These video are for entertainment.
      4. I think peoples are looking for ghost caught stuff on internet so i shot these videos.

      The author stated that his site was for entertainment purposes, not science, right?

      In fact, no science was done that should have included forensics done by a reliable video analyst skilled in fraud detection.

      Another clue is that he stated that he shot the video without providing proof that his assertion was true. Likely, it is not. Police discourage such on-site interference.

      Most likely, video editing was used to add the ghosts, right?

    • Anonymous

      Ghosts ! Don’t believe in them. But they do frighten me….. :lol: :lol:

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