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The Ghost Inside My Child - Paranormal Documentary (Interesting Videos)

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What if your child…remembered dying…in a past life? This special explores many parents most closely guarded secret: their child is a reincarnation of someone who died violently and came back to life. A young boy who remembers falling to his death on 9/11. A daughter haunted by recollections of dying in the Oklahoma City Bombing. A toddler terrified by nightmares of a gruesome end in World War II. These are just a few stories of parents struggling with the Ghost Inside My Child.
Film Duration: 41 min

Source: youtube,

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    Total 11 comments
    • truthseeker4809

      If any of these stories are true, the bible is a story of lies. I tend to believe the bible is the greatest deception in the history of mankind. The dark secret is always very close from your eye sight. You just don’t see it as you are not trained to see it.

    • truthseeker4809

      According to the bible, you are supposed to go either to heaven or to hell and nowhere else. The book never said you will be born again as a child.

      How would the general theology of Christianity or the pope explain this?

      Is it time to expose the apocalyptic lies of the Christianity?

      How and why do you believe any of the bible prophecies after these falsehood being exposed?

      This will be the Achilles heel of the bible and all the false premises of the so called chosen people.

      Not ever again.

      • Terminator

        What version are you talking about?

      • mikesavage

        Where in the Bible does it say you go to heaven or hell? I’ve studied all Bibles my whole life, and have never seen such a thing in it. You talk about theology of Christianity and the Pope, well they are absolutely NOT to be believed on anything at all. It is far better to believe an accurate translation of God’s word, than to believe mankind, or religions invented by mankind, like Catholicism, or any other false Christian churches and religions. Absolutely do NOT believe the clergy, as they are attempting to gain glory for themselves, and all glory and honor goes to only one, and that one is God Almighty.

    • Anonymous

      If reincarnation is true, which I suspect it is, then I think souls are forced to come into this life. This life and planet are terrible. I highly doubt anyone would choose to come back, especially after such a horrific end. I suspect the souls are tricked/deceived, forced, or coerced into this life-at least after getting through it all once. Nobody in their right mind would choose to be here (except soldiers-they’re brave and may want to try to fix things).

      • truthseeker4809

        In the soul’s perspective, leaving the body was not such a horrific experience at all. It was just like entering and leaving a living room. You forgot that.

        Horrific is your bodily perception initially programmed to prohibit souls from leaving the body too light heartedly.

        I don’t see why this planet and life are terrible. I think it’s a beautiful place and has many things to learn.

        If you put learning as the purpose of life, you won’t be terribly wrong.

      • Student of Life

        All existence in the universe proceeds through major cycles taking place over vast periods of time, and contained within those major cycles are many lesser ones. The life of the human soul may be no different, and one lifetime in the dense physical/material world may be no more than a day in its existence. Having to return to this world for many lifetimes may seem coercive, but it may only be so in the same way that we are forced by our physical bodies to go through daily cycles of sleeping and wakefulness. It’s simply the way the system is designed to work, enabling growth and development to proceed in an orderly fashion, and of course, some days are worse than others and some of the required lessons as we grow up are painful and unpleasant to learn.

    • Mitch

      The church is a pathetic crippled mess because GOD’s kids are not doing any of the things HE CLEARLY showed us were the most important:
      #1 – The absolute most common miracle CHRIST did and the #1 thing HE instructed the disciples to do was deliverance:
      95% of the church has no idea they need it or how to get it.
      #2 – The number one task HE assigned the church was to “make disciples”. Not one Christian in a thousand has actually been discipled and less know what real discipleship even is.
      #3 – GOD warns us HE is coming for a spotless church.The church is filthy oppressed and ignorant and both of the above MUST be put back where they belong but this will not occur until we receive by “faith” (ie “choose to believe”) what GOD had COMMANDED about us submitting to one another and those HE has given authority (esp in HIS body.)
      Why is Christian divorce so high…their homes are OUT OF ORDER!
      Why do Christian kids usually leave the church? Their parents are out of order!
      Why do churches divide and die and see no miracles?
      The ppl are out of order!
      READ – DELIVER US FROM EVIL by Don Basham
      SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY by Watchman Nee
      Don’t let some powerless religious person tell you not to seek truth.
      You can check every word and see if these books tell truths or lies.
      Judge righteously not unrighteously!

    • slamdance13

      just kill the kid.

    • JOAN\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'S MESSAGE FROM GOD FOR LAST DAYS

      This is clearly open demonic possession. I have been in this ministry for many years. I have dealt with this before. It is classic. These parents need to get in contact with a credible ministry for a complete deliverance for these children. I do not care what anybody else says. When Christ died He made a way for those who have believed on Him for salvation to enter immedietely into heaven. “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.”

      If anyone dies in their sin, they enter immedietely into Hades. It is an intermediary state/compartment for the dead later to appear before the Great White Throne Judgement.
      These are evil spirits. When the man who had a son with a deaf and dumb spirit brought his son to the Lord, Jesus asked the man one initial question, “How long ago has he been like this?” The father of the son replied, “OF A CHILD.”

      This is the same case. These evil spirits enter in at the tender young age of children to warp their personalities and set them up for destructions of many kinds. This reincarnation is eastern mysticism. God does not recycle souls. When an individual dies, he is gone forever from the face of this earth. Unless he or she is born again and will return to rule and reign with Jesus Christ during the Millennial Kingdom set up.

      I challenge these parents if they are reading this to take note. If they do not believe in Jesus Christ, now would be the time. Parent, according to God’s Word, are a spiritual covering. We do not know exactly why these evil spirits choose certain children, but we know they have a target child. It takes down the entire house. That is the point. Jesus Christ has all power to deliver these children forever from these spirits of death and destruction.

      If it were my child and I did not know the Lord Jesus Christ, and have tried everything else, I too as that man written about so many years ago, take my child to Him through one of His qualified ministers and ask for help. Which they would get. They will not be denied. These stories are not meant to frighten us, but to highlight and direct us to the Lord Jesus Christ.
      He says, “Behold, I have given you power and authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall in anywise harm you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not that THESE SPIRITS ARE MADE SUBJECT UNTO YOU (through the name and command of Jesus Christ), but that your name are written in heaven.”

      In other words, the power and authority and subjection is secondary to the reality of one’s self being “delivered from the powers of darkness and translated into the Kingdom of the Son of God.” To the parents: Your children are taken over by evil, malicious, malevolent spirits. They can be delivered by them. It is up to you. When you get desperate enough. You will remember these words of love to you. I care about what is happening to you. What’s more, Jesus does. And He means to deliver your children. Listen to His promise in Isaiah 49:25

      “But thus saith the Lord, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible whall be delivered: FOR I WILL CONTEND WITH HIM THAT CONTENDETH WITH THEE AND I WILL SAVE YOUR CHILDREN.”

      My prayers are to the Lord for your precious children.

      Joanie Stahl

    • mikesavage

      The Bible states that we ARE a living soul, not that we have one. There is NO immortal soul, therefore ghosts do NOT exist. What is inside your child is a demon. Demons are the third of the angels of heaven that were cast down to the Earth with Satan, for being wicked. Demons can be removed by praying out loud and using God’s personal name, Jehovah, so the demon can hear you. It’s that simple. Tell Satan and tell demons to go away, reject them, and they must leave. It’s all in the scriptures.

      There are many lies told by religions and churches and clergy. The Bible says they are ALL false, and their teachings are false. They teach these things to lead you AWAY from God, not to Him. Things like trinity, cross, immortal soul, hell and other things are all lies. They are NOT scriptural, they are actually Satanic. Flee from them, as the Bible admonishes us to do, unless you want to share in their plagues and punishments. It is far better to believe the Word of God Almighty, than to believe the words of man. Men lie, it is impossible for God to lie. There is one key, however, to this. Accurate knowledge. If you are using a Bible that uses any of the above mentioned non-scriptural words, you cannot gain accurate knowledge from it. Find a translation that is honest. Avoid KJV, ASV, Douhay-Rheims and others that are more interpretation than translation. Using them is like buying a machine and using a manual for operation from yet another machine. They don’t work.

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