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Are Children Remembering Their Past Lives? (Videos)

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Are more children remembering past life experiences?  Psychologists, historians and researchers have become increasingly more open to this possibility recently because of the large amount of verifiable evidence being presented.

Parents all over have been confused and concerned about their children because of the things they are saying and remembering.

 Check out this video about what is going on.


This video shows a few different children and their experiences with remembering their past lives and experiences.  From memories about relatives to experiences with war.


The video also interviews the parents of these children and we hear about how shocked they were about the idea of reincarnation being real.

The following video is an educational video about reincarnation studies.

“A young boy supposedly has memories of a past life in which he was his own grandfather. Plus, Dr. Jim Tucker discusses his and his former colleague Dr. Ian Stevenson’s research on children in eastern countries who have spontaneous past life memories. In their research they found much evidence suggestive of reincarnation, like detailed and accurate memories and physical characteristics carried over from the previous life to the current one (birth marks, deformities, injuries).”


How can the study of past lives enhance our understanding of consciousness?


When listening to our children we can learn a lot “out of the mouth of babes” right?

If you are interested and careful you can test this for yourself and let us know what you find:

With the parents permission ask a small child “Do you remember when you were big?” and see what they say. A friend of mine tried this and heard a lot of surprising things from her young toddler.

It might also be interesting to keep a journal about it for the child. I would advise listening and observing more than anything else. Try to resist playing the experience up or adding to the story. Just listen to what they say and remember that children can have both amazing experiences to share as well as powerful imaginations.

Caution: I feel like it is imperative to remain calm when we talk to children about these things because it has a potential to expound possible fearful experiences if not dealt with properly.  Whether it is their imagination or a real experience we need to help them work through it and be the pillar of strength they are looking for.   Reassure them that they are safe if they become scared and use your best judgement about continuing to ask questions.

Creating an open listening space will do a lot for the growth and nurturing of the child with or without the discovery of a verifiable past life experience.

Let us know what you think and feel free to share other interesting videos and research in the comments.

Thank you for reading,

Spirit Science Team



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    Total 2 comments
    • JustAComment

      The Bible teaches that at death, while man’s body is mortal, decays and returns to dust, his soul and spirit continue on either in a place of torments for those who reject Christ or in paradise (heaven) in God’s presence for those who have trusted in the Savior. Both categories of people will be resurrected, one to eternal judgment and the other to eternal life with a glorified body (John 5:25-29). The emphatic statement of the Bible, as will be pointed out below, is that “it is appointed unto men once to die and after that the judgment” (Heb. 9:27). This statement and the concept that mankind’s creation in God’s image is unique from the animals and even angels stand totally opposed to the idea of reincarnation—dying and coming back as another person or in the form of an animal or insect. What nonsense! The claim of some that they have information of past history is nothing more than some kind of encounter with demonic powers who have been present throughout history.

      The divinely inspired apostle exclaimed, “We are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:8). Christ’s record of the rich man and Lazarus shows that both the saved and the unsaved enter their respective rewards following death (Luke 16:19-31).

      • Working the Beat

        Boy do you have problems! Taking the word written by men of something we don’t know about as gospel is no more probable than reincarnation, and no-on said a soul would come back as an animal.

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