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Evidence Of Time Travel Popping Up All Over The Internet (Part2) (Many Interesting Videos)

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Evidence of time travel popping up all over the Internet

The signs are unmistakable. The evidence is everywhere. The laws of space and time sway and crumble as you read this. YouTube has exposed their presence. They are time travelers.
Loopers come in many forms. Modern day men pose alongside pioneers in history books. Hipsters stick out in crowds well before their time. Cowboys use iPhones as they ride in stagecoaches. DeLoreans appear parallel-parked alongside curbs in grainy footage from decades past. Extras in Charlie Chaplin films casually chat on cell phones. School children carry Macbook Airs … during the Cold War.
Can anyone really deny that time travelers are moving fluidly throughout history?
You be the judge.


A man and his wife open a book and are shocked by what they find:
A time traveller caught on tape chatting on a cell phone in a 1928 Charlie Chaplin movie:
Man uses iPhone in 1948 film to find a good Saloon on Yelp!:
DeLorean parked alongside a curb in another Charlie Chaplin film:
A girl carrying a Macbook Air … during the Cold War!?
Time traveler saves pedestrian from certain death:
Hipster appears in 1941 photograph:
Another hipster, this time in another Charlie Chaplin film:
A man named Vonhelton takes a jaunt through history:
Time traveling teacher from the 1950s predicts Game 2 of the 2010 World Series?
Man travels through time under sink, meets older version of himself:
Artwork from the Getty shows a time traveler checking RYOT News in ancient Greece:

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    Total 105 comments
    • FlightRN

      Bahahaha :lol: :lol: Come onnnnnn.

      • PaulTarsuss

        It’s easy to see why so many are captivated by the notion of “escaping” the epic travail the world is facing. Yet, time travel is certainly a futile respite, providing no real comfort. The following information carries REAL solutions to Real problems….And will likely inform you in ways you’ve not previously considered:


        Good Journies

        • chefjim

          Hey, PaulTarsuss! Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the article you posted about high performance electric motors. I learned about those a few years back after reading about them in Michael Behe’s journal of them.

          Of course the Macro-evolutionist’s of our day scoffed and explained it away still clinging to their tattered and obsolete “theory” rubber stamping their own delusion and utter refusal to embrace (or even entertain) Intelligent Design. Truly, “the fool hath said in his heart there is no God”. Psalm 14:1

          I followed some of the links in the story and they were all very good except one of them that I wanted to point out which was flawed and can be proven flawed.

          The Earth and the Moon Orbital changes article, however well written and compelling must be inaccurate because we can still predict eclipses and other solar events with great accuracy. What brought that to mind is the fact that there are 4 “Tetrad moons” in the next 2 years and we have already seen one of them. (I think, I’m not really big on the Tetrad Moon thing)

          But if the earth and moon were changing their orbits in the very least, wouldn’t we be unable to predict the position of them in the sky at certain times?

          Just wanted to drop a line and I did it on this page because you had blocked comments on your article about the HP motors (for good reason).

          You are a truth seeker and well studied to prove yourself acceptable unto the Lord and you are a “workman” who needeth not to be ashamed. We are a rare breed indeed! I wanted to thank you for your efforts in expanding God’s Kingdom which is coming soon. See you in eternity!

        • faithbrother

          Paul-Obama the Antichrist. Remember that PPSimmons made several videos proving Obama was the Antichrist several years ago./alternative/2014/08/astounding-breaking-ppsimmons-calls-obama-antichrist-video-hair-raising-breaking-news-3009132.html

        • King of Shambhala

          I hope the Messengers of the Apocalypse will assemble in masse here and reveal the Antichrist Obama just like “faithbrother” here.

          This is the end tmes.

          Go, go go.

        • King of Shambhala

          Massively reveal that Obama’s not the Messiah.

          He’s Satan aka the Antichrist.

          Reveal it.

          The Left Wing is crazy. Blacks like Michael Eric Dyson and other mentally sick Leftists have been saying Obama’s the Messiah since a long time. Black activist Michael Eric Dyson says many people say Obama’s Jesus.

          Deranged Nutbag Michael Eric Dyson: ‘I Ain’t Saying Obama Is Jesus, BUT….

          Remember mad Jammie Foxx? he said “Praise Obama our Lord and Saviour.” What is wrong with these people? I ask. Remember Oprah? “Obama is The One.” Remember James Farrakhan? “When the Messiah Speaks! And the Messiah is definitely speaking. (It’s Obama.)” These are mentally deficient and diseased people.

        • King of Shambhala

          Lyn Leahz has written that Obama is the Antichrist and also a heavenly miracle happened on the day after Obama’s election and marked him as the Beast aka the Antichrist.

          Indeed, the lottery in Chicago, Obama’s hometown drew the Number of the Antichirst 666, aka the Mark of the Beast, on the day after Obama’s election.

          There’s no mistake with heaven and the number 666 couldn’t be drawn by chance there, because 666 is drawn three times a year on average in Chicago so what chances are there for that number to be drawn just on the day when Obama’s victory is celebrated?

          For more about this look at this article from Newsweek, the mainstream media magazine.

          Belief Watch: Is Obama the Antichrist?

          Check out Newsweek’s iron-clad proof that a heavenly MIRACLE DID HAPPEN AND OBAMA’S THE ANTICHRIST.

          Google title
          Belief Watch: Is Obama the Antichrist?

          By Newsweek Staff
          Filed: 11/15/08 at 12:00 AM | Updated: 7/1/10 at 6:41 PM
          Filed Under: News
          On Nov. 5, Todd Strandberg was at his desk, fielding E-mails from around the world. As the editor and founder of, his job is to track current events and link them to biblical prophecy in hopes of maintaining his status as “the eBay of prophecy,” the best source online for predictions and calculations concerning the end of the world. Already Barack Obama had drawn the attention of apocalypse watchers after an anonymous e-mail circulated among conservative Christians in October implying that he was the Antichrist. Former “Saturday Night Live” ingénue Victoria Jackson fueled the fire when, according to news reports, she wrote on her Web site that Obama “bears traits that resemble the anti-Christ.” Now Strandberg was receiving up-to-the-minute news from his constituents in Illinois. One of the winning lottery numbers in the president-elect’s home state was 666— which, as everyone knows, is the sign of the Beast (also known as the Antichrist). “It is very eerie, and I take it for a sign as to who he really is,” wrote one of Strandberg’s correspondents.


          666 in the lottery makes Obama certainly the Antichrist BEYOND ANY POSSIBLE DOUBT. Only ugly fools can’t see it.

          Hurry and spread the news so you’ll be saved in heaven.

          Spread it worldwide even to China.

          Hurry before it’s too late.

          Lyn’s speaking the voice of heaven.

          You people are off course.

          She’s speaking with the voice of above.

        • King of Shambhala

          People listen to crazy nutbag Dyson rant about “the most powerful back figures ever”: “Obama, Holder, Clayburn, William Grey….. these figures played an important role. But … I’m a religious preacher…. and God finally said I can’t send anyone else and I’ve got to go myself. (He sent Obama and Obama is God Himself.) I’m not saying Obama’s Jesus, but there are many followers who say he is. But I’m saying ‘Show up dog.’ ”

          The reporter chokes up and bursts into nervous giggling. “I wouldn’t want to be written down saying what you just said that you’re not saying Obama Is Jesus…”

          Deranged Nutbag Michael Eric Dyson: ‘I Ain’t Saying Obama Is Jesus, BUT….

          Dyson’s a mentally deranged freak.

          He says Obama’s God in person. Then he says “Show up Dog”. Dog is the anagram for God so his rant can’t get much weirder than that.

          I think he imagines he’s sending subliminal messages out to the followers. Send them gang-style codes to say Obama’s the Messiah.

          Dyson probably thinks in his bloviated mind that he’s the Messenger for the Messiah Obama. He’s certifiable. They’re both certifiable, both Dyson and his so-called Messiah aka “the Man With No ID”, The Faceless, Feckless Man.

        • King of Shambhala

          Loony, crazyman, demented racist Louis Farrakhan calls Obama the Messiah.

          Remember that demented man’s crazy, racist, pro-black “sermon”.

          Farrakhan Heralds Obama as Messiah – YouTube

          also Google
          Farrakhan on Obama: ‘The Messiah is absolutely speaking’

      • plsnogod

        paultarsuss…for it is he :lol: and ‘king of wherever :lol:

        you guys crack me up.thankyou for the entertainment.

        there is no evidence for any deities,including the one you think you believe in.

        no evidence either for christ’s or antichrist’s,demons(a partic. favourite of mine),angels..fallen or otherwise,allah,shriva,hathor,tom cobbeldy and all…

        but you all think your ‘deity’is the right one don’t you.

        you ALL believe that if we don’t agree with your deity ,we shall not get to heaven/paradise/to sit with jesus etc etc. moreover we will burn in hell for eternity.

        people have been deluded into worshipping this nonsense in different forms for millenia. they even kill for it.

        time to grow up guys. if there was any evidence WHATSOEVER that any of these deities and places were true,i would be first in line to sign up.

        but there isn’t,never has been,and probably never will be.

        this is probably it. get used to it,and enjoy your life without hurting others.
        you do not need a deity to do that.
        if you do,then the problem is probably within you….

      • Sean

        This is all very old news, read and seen photos of, better to look at ooparts.

        The Getty Statue, guess the author didn’t notice its a Laptop with USB Ports on the side of it..and instead of saying this he says RYOT news..created by another Satanist Bryn Mooser with the one eyed or Eye of Horus photo

      • trashman

        Some of these can be explained. BTW i believe that time travel is possible. But the one with the so-called angel saving him from being hit is in reality a (show in China ), from what ive heard, which likes too show wild bizzere stuff, and that was a (play), on lighting etc. The others as wel…, welllll not all of them are explainable. What freaks me out is getting pennies from the store which are (NEW), and their dated 1977 or 1976, which has happened to me a few times but , this one day it was really freaky. I purchased some items from a favorite store, and the clerk stated he was runnign short on nickels, and would pennies be ok, to which i said sure. When i got home too throw the pennies into my penny jar i noticed them looking shiny and new, so i thought they must be some new pennies but when i looked at the dates they was 1974, 1977 and 1976. They lookedlike they was just MINTED! Also their was quite a few of them that dayi got from the store. Now i know i know some of you are probably saying its a co-incidence, or someone who collects coins hit hard times and had too cash them in, but ( who ) saves 1976 coins?! Especialy Pennies? furthermore if you valued your coins so much then why would you cash in almost valueless pennies? also they didnt look polished, or smell like a chemical was on them. I have seen some strange stuff in my life so ive learned not too dismiss things. I dont know. the impression i got from them is ——- someone just came back from the past with them! They had money of the time.

      • Jenny
    • Syrin

      So tell me. Which service did they use for their iPhones back in the old west? AT+T or Verizon? Did they put the service towers on the Indian reserves? How many satellites were orbiting the planet back in the day before rockets were discovered?

      • trishmonta

        I agree, no tower no service.

      • Anonymous

        They didn’t need towers. They used 30th century technology. ;)

      • Anonymous

        How many satellites were orbiting the planet back in the day before rockets were discovered?
        One only known. The so called Black Knight satellite! :wink:

      • Equalizer

        Please do not the ignorant… digital recorders do not require satellite service to record.

    • Martian

      The radio bases to cell phones was from an old company ATime&Travel… which pile of crap :???:

    • AndreyE

      yellow BS

    • JimTheOwl

      Geez this is a stupid post.

      The “iPhone” is a leather bound paper notebook. No camera, no buttons. Not an iPhone.

      The DeLorian was edited into the video, it’s so obvious that my 6 year old noticed it.

      The “hipster” is a still photo edited into the loop. He never moves, blinks or anything.

      This is the most fake crap I’ve seen posted on this site in years.

      • gigglyguts

        Also the so called cell phone in the Charlie Chaplin movie was already proven to be BS. sigh

      • Tatyana

        People seem to have forgotten about the old plain paper notebooks which were used to write on. I agree with you, Jim. These are fakes. But I do believe in time travellers. Only, real ones have more to do than to appear on movies and in photos.

    • Anonymous

      It’s all nonsense.

    • James Craik

      Future time travel is here. Just go to bed and sleep and voila!
      Wake up and its….the next day!!

    • ecclesiatical

      Most of the shots are photo-shopped but still how can you travel in time when time exists only on Earth,
      Only the present exists,there is no past and no future,so there’s nowhere to go to.

      • Area51

        Sorry my friend you are wrong. Do your research .past, present and future do run concurrently.
        99/: proven.

        • ecclesiatical

          @Area 51
          Of-course you are wrong,since you believe that aliens exist on earth you`ll believe anything.You probably believe the earth is flat,and the sun goes around the earth(.past, present and future do run concurrently.
          99/: proven.)
          I never said they didn’t,what i said was that you cannot travel into them.
          If something is not 100% proven it is called a theory,like the theory of relativity.
          So you see it is you who got it all wrong my friend.

    • JustAComment

      Seeing this article, it seems it needs something with a nexus with reality to redeem your thousands of clicks, so here is another article, from which you, who aren’t yet Christian, can gain salvation and eternal life. The article is a bit long, but so is being condemned to an eternity in hell, otherwise. This is probably more important than trying to find evidence Kirk and Spock are real people on BIN.

      God’s Simple Plan of Salvation

      My Friend: I am asking you the most important question of life. Your joy or your sorrow for all eternity depends upon your answer. The question is: Are you saved? It is not a question of how good you are, nor if you are a church member, but are you saved? Are you sure you will go to Heaven when you die?

      God says in order to go to Heaven, you must be born again. In John 3:7, Jesus said to Nicodemus, “Ye must be born again.”

      In the Bible God gives us the plan of how to be born again which means to be saved. His plan is simple! You can be saved today. How?

      First, my friend, you must realize you are a sinner. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

      Because you are a sinner, you are condemned to death. “For the wages [payment] of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). This includes eternal separation from God in Hell.

      “…it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27).

      But God loved you so much He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, to bear your sin and die in your place. “… He hath made Him [Jesus, Who knew no sin] to be sin for us… that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

      Jesus had to shed His blood and die. “For the life of the flesh is in the blood” (Lev. 17:11). “… without shedding of blood is no remission [pardon]” (Hebrews 9:22).

      “… God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).

      Although we cannot understand how, God said my sins and your sins were laid upon Jesus and He died in our place. He became our substitute. It is true. God cannot lie.

      My friend, “God… commandeth all men everywhere to repent” (Acts 17:30). This repentance is a change of mind that agrees with God that one is a sinner, a realization that one is sorrowful over and must turn away from sin, accepting what Jesus did for us on the Cross.

      In Acts 16:30-31, the Philippian jailer asked Paul and Silas: “… ‘Sirs, what must I do to be saved?’ And they said, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved… .’ ”

      Simply believe on Him as the one who bore your sin, died in your place, was buried, and whom God resurrected. His resurrection powerfully assures that the believer can claim everlasting life when Jesus is received as Savior.

      “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1:12).

      “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13).

      Whosoever includes you. Shall be saved means not maybe, nor can, but shall be saved.

      Surely, you realize you are a sinner. Right now, wherever you are, repenting, lift your heart to God in prayer.

      In Luke 18:13, the sinner prayed: “God be merciful to me a sinner.” Just pray: “Oh God, I know I am a sinner. I believe Jesus was my substitute when He died on the Cross. I believe His shed blood, death, burial, and resurrection were for me. I now receive Him as my Savior. I thank You for the forgiveness of my sins, the gift of salvation and everlasting life, because of Your merciful grace. Amen.”

      Just take God at His word and claim His salvation by faith. Believe, and you will be saved. No church, no lodge, no good works can save you. Remember, God does the saving. All of it!

      God’s simple plan of salvation is: You are a sinner. Therefore, unless you believe on Jesus Who died in your place, you will spend eternity in Hell. If you believe on Him as your crucified, buried, and risen Savior, you receive forgiveness for all of your sins and His gift of eternal salvation by faith.

      You say, “Surely, it cannot be that simple.” Yes, that simple! It is scriptural. It is God’s plan. My friend, believe on Jesus and receive Him as Savior today.

      If His plan is not perfectly clear, read this over and over, until you understand it. Your soul is worth more than all the world.

      “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36).

      Be sure you are saved. If you lose your soul, you miss Heaven and lose all. Please! Let God save you this very moment.

      God’s power will save you, keep you saved, and enable you to live a victorious Christian life. “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, Who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

      Do not trust your feelings. They change. Stand on God’s promises. They never change. After you are saved, there are three things to practice daily for spiritual growth:

      Pray — you talk to God.
      Read your Bible — God talks to you.
      Witness — you talk for God.

      You should be baptized in obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ as a public testimony of your salvation, and then unite with a Bible-believing church without delay. “Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord… .” (2 Timothy 1:8)

      “Whosoever therefore shall confess [testify of] Me before men, him will I confess also before My Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 10:32).

      • Check it out

        One must be careful when posting salvation comments by examining all the
        scriptures and including them in your text. For example baptism always
        precedes forgiveness or remission of sins, therefore baptism is included in
        the plan of salvation. Ref. 1 Peter 3:21 … baptism also now saves us.
        Acts 22:16 Saul was told to arise and be baptized washing away his sins.
        Acts 2:38 … Yes repentance is necessary and is connected to baptism for
        remission of sins. Do some further research and dont depend on a preacher
        or others to do it for you. As the Apostle Paul related to Timothy in
        2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show they self approved unto God, a workman
        that needeth not to be ashamed handling aright the word of

        • JustAComment

          No work of man provides remission of sins, including water baptism. Faith in Jesus Christ and His blood washes away sin. The thief on the cross had no opportunity for baptism. It is certain many throughout the ages, for circumstances, came to faith in the Lord and didn’t have a chance to be baptized, such as a soldier killed in battle who came to the Lord. And never once a true death bed conversion? Where in 1 Peter 3:21 is water baptism even specified? Which is more important, water baptism or baptism in the Holy Spirit? Can a person be baptized in water, without having a true faith? Of course, millions baptized into cults as a matter of ritual. But be baptized in the Holy Spirit, from the Lord, and not have true faith? Impossible. You make the mistake of taking entirely out of context the command to be baptized in Acts and adding to scripture that water baptism is essential to wash away sin, not solely the blood of Jesus Christ. If this were the case, Jesus Christ need not have been crucified, God make a mistake! He should have simply told people to repent, get dipped in water, and returned to heaven to send the Holy Spirit. It’s, in fact, a huge error and deception cult leaders preach, that their water baptism is what washes away sin, most cults ONLY their water baptism, cults that even baptize dumb babies which, more often than not, grow up spiritually dead in unbelief or false, ritual, works faith, to die in their sin. No act of man washes away sin, period. If you’re a “good Catholic” or the like, I’m sorry you have that faith problem and must inject man’s work into what is solely God’s work. And FYI, I’ve long since researched such very basic matters of faith, and actually would suggest you straighten out your own error, cease doing this errant Johnny-one-verse theology that doesn’t account for what the whole gospel teaches.

          Matthew 7

          3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
          4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

      • plsnogod

        you, ”justacomment”, have to be the MOST boring commentator on this site.

        to simply trot out ”scriptures’ is the lowest form of expression.


      • br8ther

        I recommend You to read the “Conversations with God” by Neale Donald Walsch. If you let go of the prejudice, then that will open your eyes and heart on the surrounding world. Bless

        • plsnogod

          oh very funny,

          you say to me ‘let go of the prejudice’.

          wow. bless you too.

          but i bless you from simply a human being to another human being.

          i love you as a fellow human being.

          i do not have to worship a deity to be a good human being.

          and neither do you.

          many people will and have killed their fellow human beings on behalf of their ”god”.

          you do not need to follow this path.

    • Anonymous

      Ok, second attempt to post. It went away,why?

      Anyways, the DeLorean one is clearly shopped,to the point where you can tell it doesn’t match with the video.

      second is the traveler saving a pedestrian..which was debunked as a video game scene in japan(correct if wrong).

      Third, Hipster in the Chaplin movie…come on people that’s Matt Smith(BBC’s Doctor Who)and you can clearly see his time traveling Tardis(Blue Police Box) to his right..

      I didn’t bother looking at the other vids though. I’m also not denying time travel..but the vids you’re showing are not proof. Sorry.

      Now don’t remove my damn post. :grin:

    • carsonking

      I don’t think people on here get sarcasm. Ha ha ha, thanks for the two laughs, one at the vids and one at the dopes trying to discredit you, amazing. Love it, keep up the good work.

    • HfjNUlYZ

      can not believe i took a look :shock: but what bunch b.s. :wink:

    • Okaend

      I have one of the most open minds as the next person but this has to be the most ridiculous pages I’ve mistakenly opened on this site in ages… Smoke some more grass and go to bed!

    • Paul Gilbert

      Evidence Of Repeats Popping Up All Over The Internet :lol:

    • InquisitiveMind

      I have a time machine although its commonly called a clock. I also made a belt out of old wrist watches turned out to be a waist of time. A bit like this article.

    • Dallas63

      This is silly!

    • kbreukh

      Yea, travel popping is quite common…here’s another article on the subject.

    • latedave

      thats wierd…last night i was watching the 1970 movie called sunday .is like on any sunday the moto the beginning a guy in a suit walks by .he looks like the guy in the movie blow that was made 2001 the one who plays pablo E ….check it out

    • darksunshine

      so why is one of them obviousy cgi and one doctor who [matt smith]

    • latedave

      go to youtube .go on …on any sunday..scrull down to …sunday…it a 1970 movie 4:08 a man walks by with mustash and sun glasses.he looks like the actor in 2001 johnny depps movie Blow he looks like the actor that plays pablo e..the actor that says i dont like trouble to johnny d in the movie……you deside..i know its only 30 yesrs…. HE LOOKS THE SAME

    • Theron

      Dang Shirley Temple was frikkin smokin’ hot in the “iphone” one. Mmm, Mmmm Yep I’d time travel to tap that……LOL :wink:

    • chefjim

      Time travel is impossible because God made it impossible. Just as He made the laws of gravity which have never been overcome, there is a barrier built into the time/space continuum which in reality cannot be crossed. In physics, time travel is imaginable by means of “wormholes” but in the physical 3 dimensional world, it is impossible.

      • carsonking

        Helicopters, plains, rockets and balloons, just a few who have cracked ‘gods’ code and are able to overcome the barrier. They must be forms of devil transport, I’d stop flying if I was god squad like you, you might be judged.

      • omatron

        You should not attempt to teach on matters of which you have never been educated.

        • plsnogod

          ”educated” tromatron ?

          very funny indeed.

          you believe in a made up deity and sing to an invisible man in the sky,and you frown down upon those who are not similarly deluded and call them uneducated! :grin: :lol:

      • plsnogod


        i have no idea whether we can time travel,
        but to say that it is impossible…”because god made it impossible” is a ridiculous thing to say.

        i have no idea whether we can time travel or not.but neither do you.

        what ‘god’?. which god?

        your god,or the muslim’s god,or the hindi gods,the greek gods,the roman gods,or the scientologists?

        there is no shortage of gods to delude yourself with.

        just because you watched star trek and can say ”the time/space continuum” doesn’t provide any evidence whatsoever for anything.

        happy praying.

    • HfjNUlYZ

      One word….. “Photoshop”. Isn’t it possible for anyone to print a new book with some old images with the modern guy photoshopped into one of the frames? I definitely think so…..

    • sten

      “Evidence” :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I am so glad I came here today I needed a good laugh.

    • Frosteetoes

      If you could time travel, where would you go? :roll:

      • CrowPie

        Back to that day…….and I would just say, “No, I don’t need you to help with this….”

    • Saul von Bell

      Revolutionary Quantum Entanglement Superposition System with Time Travel Aspect already developed and working: Life is Living Art website states: “My own personal subjective experiences around the idea of Quantum Entanglement shows wonderfully through many examples, that the scientists are never able to understand it all – unless they experience it subjectively themselves. After experiencing Quantum Entanglement themselves, they can bring the awareness and inner wisdom gained from the experience to the equation. Suddenly many missing links just seem to appear out of nowhere and wholeness becomes Crystal Clear: In Randomness there is Divine Order – Structure, which is contained within everything and no-thing at the same time. Here on this page I have demonstrated how the idea of Quantum Teleportation actually works and I have a solid proof of this system in action.” – | Quantum Entanglement with pictures found online

    • worldordernews

      lol @ the 4th video, thanks for the laugh.

    • Alan

      Internet, is time contraption device se, with the hard-faced materials acting as the wholesome machine, time is also, erm, distorted by it. :grin:

    • Alan

      In terms of the changing of anything, which isn’t in fact a change, but an isum, one would decide exactly the course, in the present, thus, no change, but to decide, which.
      after deciding, one cannot, go back, one is forwards, even when redevising.

      ^time travel. :grin:

    • Robin Brentwood


    • djfxw

      Why don’t people have simple common sense? First off, any one useing a cell phone in the past wont be able to operate it since cell towers and the cell services are not even invented yet? The guy in the coach using an iPhone in a 1948 film to find a good Saloon on Yelp!, could niot do so since the first GPSt satellite wasn’t sent up until 1978. And the best one of all? The DeLorean parked as a little kid runs by..If ANY of you beleive that, you should be locked up

    • omatron

      Who can chat on a cell phone decades to hundreds of years before there were any towers or others to listen, da?

    • Arte Vespule

      Dude, get a grip. The “iphone” is a notebook. The Macbook is simply a book. As for the out of place guys it’s photoshop as is the Delorean. The mysterious rescue is a viral ad for a Japanese video game. What arw you smokin???

    • Doubt85

      The Swedish guy is a commercial from a pension fund: AMF. A well known company who has made this theme many times. Do you remember the guys who made that commericial for Volvo where Van Damme is standing on two trucks? Same production company. Maybe you can still think in this case: Who was first the chicken or the egg? But believe me, that’s exactly what AMF wants, a slick advert.

      • Cat

        Damn, cos I was gonna crawl under my sink and see what I could see……..

    • The Real Deal

      I wish i could time travel back to before i clicked on this article.

    • Paul Gilbert
      • RationalSkeptic

        That video was about 0.5% correct. :lol:

    • RationalSkeptic

      The Delorian was the best thing ever!

    • Joshua24:15

      Time travel is….. impossible.

    • Saber

      Slenderman has been pooping up all over the Internet too.

    • Anonymous

      How many more times are we going to see this story?
      If its not this its Obama’s misses has 3 bollox and was seen standing in a queue at the Sperm Bank! or the New World Order have ordered that Gary Busey will be their first President!
      I used to read this site every day, now its about once a fortnight, I then have to sift through all the pathetic stories I read this time last year, which normally leaves me with about 2 to read!It seems to have just turned into a site for complete fruitcakes to vent their ridiculous thoughts!

      That is all
      Come on mods, sort this out!

    • Theron

      OK….Let me get this straight. You have access to time travel and still use an iphone? They will never ever invent anything better? No sense in upgrading then! :lol:

    • Brahmand Yaatra Project

      Want to know something? There is no time, only the NOW. You still don’t understand how the universe works… But I’m going to change that.

    • MojoJiggy

      LOL – the DeLorean in a Chaplin movie?? Seriously? That is SOOOO badly Photoshopped that my 3 year old could notice. How about a little seriousness to the subject? Oy vay…

    • 7up

      I can understand why people from the future would want to travel back to a time when we had freedom and privacy.

    • LuMax

      Holy Crap ! There’s a chupacabra !

    • mdez13

      talk about awful photoshop jobs…

    • Tamaya

      For some reason it still amazes me how quickly any discussion on the Internet can be turned into a Obama is Satan debate. This time it only took about 3 posts. Good Job.

    • Lacsap

      One could use a phone (device) to connect to anywhere and in 0,00000.. sec if the phone and station would be quantum entanglement. Not saying that is the case here, just saying it is possible. This technology will be used for phones, internet, space communication in a few years from now. Einstein described quantum entanglement as “spooky action at a distance”. You can see Quantum entanglement as teleportation. Researchers at TU Delft’s (NL) transferred this year (2014) information by quantum entanglement..

    • adonijah

      Fallen angels and Angels of God are capable of disguising themselves as human backed by scriptures. And most of the technologies that men enjoy are secrets revealed by the watchers in exchange of human abductions as agreed upon by them and president Eisenhower. Possibly, the watcher was the one photographed on the above pic because if it were a man his flesh would have to disintegrate on his way to the past as he must exceed movement faster than light. Just a guess.

    • HotFish

      *Ashton Kutcher crawls from a rubble pile after a failed attempt to travel to 1970s Wisconsin. *

    • RationalSkeptic

      The Swedish “time traveler” video is actually a viral video made by a pension fund company i Sweden. AMF Pension.

    • Anonymous

      What a joke! Only article that’s dumber is the one about the guy fighting aliens on Mars for 17 years.

    • The Watcher

      They are coming in now to witness the SHTF.

    • Astral Silence

      Yes, people from an age that are advanced enough to do time travel somehow aren’t smart enough to dress appropriately for the time they are travelling to. They also figure “well I’m going to bring this cellphone with me even though satellites don’t exist yet, therefore I won’t be able to even speak to anyone, so I’ll just walk around in this pre-cellphone age pretending to talk on one for some reason”.

    • Punk Ass

      Oh sure there are time traveler. They use a mac book to edit their evidence to prove their existence. Like a photographer has never super imposed himself into another photo? Come on folks really. Half the edits here are just down right bad! I guess you could call them travelers? AKA Low Life Liberal Hacks!

    • Factory Farms FEAR the MooCow


    • BrianNYR

      First video the long haired blond dude is wearing identical shorts as the rest, nothing to see there. The deLorean was 100% photo shopped and horribly done and obvious. The rest has already been admitted fake. What a crock of sh1t this guy is LOL :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • An Observer

      The “Time traveler saves pedestrian from certain death” video is actually a promotional video for an asian paranormal show.

      The “hipsters” are wearing clothes that were common in that period. That’s what hipsters now are dressing like.

      The Macbook Air is a book or notebook.

      The “iphone in 1948″ is actually a popular movie, if you took time to do research instead regurgitating other peoples bad work, you could have watched the movie, and seen him flipping through pages of his notepad numerous times. The same notepad hes holding right there.

      The delorean is such a bad photoshop it made me cringe. Not to mention, thats a moronically obvious movie reference, and you would have to be an infant to not realize its fake.

      Why waste everyones time posting such garbage? OH yeah, HITS!

      Thats all every “journalist” on BIN cares about, hits hits hits. Say something stupid, lie in the title, and supply nothing but crap in the article. GET THOSE CLICKS LANGTU0000!!!!

    • Time Traveller

      Wow, well if you want to really learn about time travel, follow the link in my profile. I genuinely time travel from time to time, and offer photographic proof as well.

    • Bucky

      Why hasn’t this fake story gone away yet?? Are people really this dumb? Oh well. I guess I clicked it too. :???:

    • Bill Lyle

      Hey! They found my photoshopped DeLorean! Thanks, guys… Was looking for that…

    • Time Traveller

      Time Travel is possible!. In Feb 2011, I was able to travel forward 4 days into the future and experienced the devastating earthquake that destroyed the NZ city of Christchurch. It allowed me to then return to normal time and warn my family by phone and text.

    • wizguy

      Last pic, Greek statue. Right hand seems to show delicate right pinky, in selecting something off of the screen…, now that left hand has some abnormalities. That delicate pinky is something grotesque, the ring finger is maybe just broke. Thumb? You tell me. Left foot is like a club foot, all toes same length? The dress is all fine with folds and pleads, so why aren’t the left hands and feet more correct?
      The armrest signifies the use of a lathe, is it really an eagle, at the top? Any relevance to the fencing, behind her?

    • SnakeEyes40

      LoL Wow that Delorean looks so REAL. I think I can see Doc Brown sitting in it… :lol:

    • Randy

      are you guys trying to ruin your credibility?
      These pics are not even close to believable.
      If you are seen as posting obvious faked trash then people will not associate you with truth just trash.
      Get this off your site and get back to real news that at least appears to be true.

    • Zachary Carl

      I would like to add that Time Travel is a Forbidden Technology, like the Stargate. For time is but a Space and our bodies are not made to go through such drastic circumstances, God touched on this through John the Divine in Revelation, Chapter 8:1-And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And also in Chapter 2:21-And I gave her space (TIME) to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Space & Time are the same thing. I don’t believe in time Travel, it’s something evil is trying to get over on you !

    • Zachary Carl

      I would like to add that Time Travel is a Forbidden Technology, like the Stargate. For time is but a Space and our bodies are not made to go through such drastic circumstances, God touched on this through John the Divine in Revelation, Chapter 8:1-And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. And also in Chapter 2:21-And I gave her space (TIME) to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Space & Time are the same thing.

    • SnakePlissken

      Bunch of bible thumpers trolling this article too.

    • Connie

      for the most part they resemble on an other, or can it be that mainly it is the same person.

    • Sun Rabbit

      None of this is evidence, much less proof of anything. However, has anybody here looked into the whole Berenstein Bears thing? I never watched it back in the 80s, but I remember it being in the TV Guide and not only I but everybody else distinctly remembers it being spelled as BernstEIN, but if you check it out using Google it’s always BerenstAIN Bears. It’s pretty weird. The theory circulating on the interwebs is that there was a split in the fabric of spacetime around that time. Check this out:
      It’s quite possible that everybody unconsciously remembered it as Bernstein because that would be the common spelling, as in Leonard Bernstein for example. But it’s nevertheless weird.

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