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Is Time Travel Possible? - Evidence of time travel (Videos) Part1

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Is Time Travel Possible?

Pew Research’s recent public opinion poll on technology and the future has been on my mind this week. We’ve already discussed the possibility of weather control andteleportation, but what about time travel? Only 9% of Americans polled say they want time travel technology (or, at least, that they’d prioritize it over other futuristic contraptions), which I’m initially inclined to blame on the fact that most of us didn’t grow up watching Doctor Who and don’t know how cool time travel technology can be.
As was the case with most of the other technologies discussed in the Pew study, time travel refers to something we’re already doing (albeit on an insignificant scale). Due to the effects of time dilation, astronauts and satellites already travel forward in time by tiny fractions of a second. Greenwich Royal Observatory’s Colin Stuart explains how here:
But even if we perfect and amplify this technology, it only allows time travel to the future, and where’s the fun in that? There’s little point in traveling to the future if you can’t come back to the present when you’re done. But traveling backward through time involves a lot more energy and, in Michio Kaku’s words, “punching a hole in the universe”:
A good number of scientists and inventors are trying, in various ways, to figure outhow we can travel through time—but none, as far as we know, have been successful.. Our inability to conquer time travel defines our existence as mortal beings who can only move within brief, finite periods of time—in one direction, and at or near one speed. If we ever could travel in time to change the past, it would be to the human experience what printing our own fake money would be to a game of Monopoly. It would be a game-changer—so much of one that our odds of using the technology responsibly, or even competently, would be slim. Stephen Hawking once remarked that one of the best arguments against future use of time travel is the lack of evidence for time travelers among us. It does, at least, suggest that if future generations have visited us, they had the good sense to keep it to themselves.

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    Total 24 comments
    • Osimandias

      Anything kaku says is cakka.

    • Stumpzian Farber
      • Equalizer

        “Time travel is a Fact”…old school physics, In 1943, the U.S. Navy conducted a series of tests to render allied ships invisible to enemy radar. Specific magnetic fields can be created to warp time. The approach can twist space that causes time to be twisted, meaning you could theoretically walk through time as you walk through space. Exact same magnetic fields used on alien saucers. It is not acceleration of speed but time literally being bent to a specific degree and location. Lower degrees lets say 15 degrees bends the humans visual spectrum “cloaking” 45 degrees will make solid material disappear from radar. 90+ degrees is time travel. Same physics used by Einstein and Tesla at ‘The Philadelphia Experiment’ which caused the USS Eldridge to displace from time. Read Secrets of the Unified Field by Joseph P. Farrell.
        Hmmm, rumor has it same electromagnetic technology gets us to Mars, often. Kinda explains why we no longer have a liquid rocket fuel space program anymore.

        • coolsaint

          Read book ” Absolute Relativity ” explains how it works technically , among other things . If you like far out stuff , read it .

        • Equalizer

          Will do…thank you coolsaint.

        • No time

          What do the Flat Earther’s have to say about all this time warp mumbo jumbo?

    • arius

      Folks, there’s no such thing as going to our past or future. Time is just a measuring tool created by humans to measure the movment of mass.
      Slowing time or speeding it can occur, but the old “Back to the Future” concept will not occur.

      • Neo

        To put it more accurately, time is a ratio of change in one system (assumed to be at a constant rate) compared with change in another. If the assumption is false, then time becomes a rather meaningless concept. In reality there is no time, only cause and effect. Therefore to travel backwards in time you would have to undo every effect and cause in the universe, thus violating both free will and causality.

        • Gojiroiscoming

          That would be true in a universe. This is why the idea of the multiverse is so much more elegant to explain these things.

          Should you travel backwards or forwards in time, you will in effect be part of an entirely different timestream of which you have entered. Getting back to the stream you came from is the challenge. Now you are talking temporal communications and being able to quantify and execute the creation of a stable wormhole in another timestream at specific geographic coordinates in space and time.

          Sending someone blindly would be infinitely easier than bringing them back. Even comprehending how to provide the power or to figure out the mechanics on how to send someone forward or backward at some kind of controllable range is multiple generations of research away. Youre going to need to predict the exact location of the planet at a point in time and space as its moving at hundreds of thousands of miles an hour around the sun and rotating at the same time. Just thinking about the computing power necessary for what would be a basic function of whatever kind of machine is devised is mind boggling in itself.

      • coolsaint

        Read ” Absolute Relativity “

        • HfjNUlYZ

          Excuse me , but , who’s the author? Sounds interesting .

    • Paul Gilbert
      Time Traveler Comes back With News Reports #Ukraine #Russia
      Posted May 07 2013 :lol:

    • believe

      I see a lot of pics that are evidence of time travel because someone is on a cell phone in the pic. So they are assuming that the individual went back in time and had their cell phone with them. How does the cell phone work without the signal towers?

      • Central Scrutinizer

        Oh Man!!!

        I hate it when someone interjects some cold, harsh reality…..

      • Volcano

        Believe, You are correct i left the same comment you did last year when someone else posted the same story using the Charley Chaplin Photo.

      • Hurricane22

        maybe future cell phone can work without signal tower…
        what?? they’re time travelers anyway

    • MediaMike

      You might want to investigate Project Pegasus, in which a young Barry Allen Soetoro was a participant, and Project Looking Glass.

    • MG

      If you go back in time you’ve already changed your present. You can’t change something you’ve already done.

    • VirusGuard

      We all time travel back in time when we think about our past and this can have an effect of the future like recalling that your uncle kicked your arse at a young age so you then repay the debt.

      No we cannot go back in time and change somehing physical but then again nothing is physical and its all an illusion put togeather by the brain and the physical world at any point in time is influx anyway.

      Electrons never remain still so how small does an intance of time need to be so that it can be recorded in physical debth.

    • happychappy

      So if you can only travel to the future. Where do you return to when you come back. Same time you left or a future time?

    • Writers Block

      John Titor!

    • The Real Deal

      Time travel is most definitely possible. I cracked open a bottle of vodka while watching the Giants and Eagles game, and an hour later, it’s Monday night. I travelled through some kind of portal to the future…and with a raging headache! I don’t want to time travel no more.

      • Bill Lyle

        That happened to you too? Aparrently, Jack Daniels makes a Time Travel Juice, as well. Amazing! :lol:

    • nottrue

      If we could manipulate atoms on a small scale, for instance, the size of a small cardboard box we could in fact reverse time within the confines of that area (the small box). That is if we were able to also record time by recording the placement of every atom within the box. You would have to record every atoms movement, temperature, speed, etc… within that small box and then use whatever technology to recreate the recorded atoms and move them into place the way they were when the recording started. If you were able to do this on a major level like say the entire earth from space you could in theory go back in time a bit but it still wouldn’t account for the rest of the universe. To do that would take an enormous recording of atoms to which it seems impossible.

      My theory anyways.

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