Robin Williams Had Ebola And Was Murdered Because Of It!
What are the coincidences? A major US actor has died just as the world is facing a global ebola pandemic. I would write this off as coincidence, but there are just too many coincidences here. Go to right now and look at the image on the front page, it is Williams with a chimp on his shoulder. The image is below and it is on Drudgereport right now!!! What is Matt Drudge hiding from us? Notce how Robin Williams’s eye is bleeding and how there is a rash on his cheek…could this be a sign of Robin displaying Ebola symptoms?
*The image may not be on drudgereport as of now, but it was all day yesterday…look at archives or comments below to confirm*
Here is some more proof that Robin Williams was infected with Ebola over the years, survived, and was in fact patient zero!
1. His last image was of him with a monkey on his shoulder. The same exact type of monkey that is in that contagion-like movie from the mid 90′s in which they nuke the city. He was supposed to take the leading role but didnt because of Zionist intervention.
2. Robin Williams has played many roles in which he played or was surrounded with monkeys. Jumanji, Patch Adams, and he was also the genie in Aladin in which he was very close to the monkeys and MUSLIMS.
3. Robin Williams was constantly surrounded by Monkeys in real life as well…Look at the pictures below and on the internet!
Why so many monkeys around Williams and why so many Illumanati references to monkeys being around Robin? COULD IT BE that the illumanati left infected ebola monkeys around Williams so he could be the one that could spread the disease in this country? Was Robin Williams patient zero? I believe so….still dont believe it? Look at the pictures below…
A recent photo….this is 100% an Illuminati warning of things to come!
A monkey-looking Williams looking like he is infected with ebola.
An image of Williams with an ape…notice the “we shared something extradinary” line. What did they share? MOST LIKELY EBOLA!
They do let just ANYBODY write articles on here, don’t they ?
This story is way more plausible than 95% of what is posted on this site. So yes….but this could be true…do your research!
Yes,if the mod or editor like the story or fear porn.
Fear Porn gets views! Dont be mad at the moderators for allowing fear porn, get mad at the readers for believing it! Sex sells and so does idiocy.
Also…look at his eye and his face in the first image! His eye is red and possibly bleeding, which is a symptom of ebola. Also his left cheek is extremely red.
Not at all. The actual virus in the show looks just like ebola too….just a thin spaghetti looking line.
If i hadn’t read through this whole article i might have called you absolutely crazy. The monkey references throughout his career are coincidental indeed. The monkey on his shoulder from drudge, now you’ve got my attention. Drudge report indeed has that picture up at their site.
Personally, i don’t yet subscribe to this theory, but the monkey/ebola coincidence…how oddly ironic, come to think of it.
Yes it is just odd with the picture on drudge….not just because it is a monkey though. Look at his eye, it is completely bloodshot and his face cheeks are very red. He literally looks like he is hemorrhaging!
Are you a doctor? I thought not,if those who have bloodshot eyes and cheeks very red.,have Ebola,than most of us are doomed.
From my own meandering experience i assume he drank a little to much(whisky)since he was a confirmed alcoholic.
Why bring this up before he died?cos dead men don’t talk,until you’ve got prove of something keep the theories to yourself and the world would be a better place.
This is by far and away the silliest article I’ve ever read on BiN. And that’s saying something, when you consider Fulford et al.
This just in! I heard that the monkey in the pic has died. It was found wit two gunshots wounds to the back of its head in an apparent suicide. This story is getting crazy by the min.
What? Can you confirm this? SHOCKING
Monkeys are not the vector for Ebola but are considered thus because they can be found infected with the virus in the wild, as a wild guess Ebola was orginally a bird virus using several hosts deposited by feces on fruit by bats which are a major player in spreading infections (
Yes but it is highly unlikely to get Robin to play with fruit bats or be friends with fruit bats. It is widely spread from ape to human because humans are usually much more friendly, intimate, and close to apes than they are to bats.
Ebola is spread by eating bushmeat – bats and monkeys infected with the virus and unwashed fruit, feces, blood and handling a diseased or dead animal which has been infected. Apes die as quickly to deaths due to Ebola as Humans and animals Robin Williams and camera crew were exposed to at any time were not wild animals freshly imported from the Congo, they were from home Zoos, trainers and pets in America therefore not wild and free to roam the Jungles of Africa.
All imported animals are quarantined and the Ebola incubation period of 16 Days is a known benchmark. The problem is Humans who are not quarantined but allowed to pass through a near instant transit system (Airplanes) which in 14 Hours can take an infected person anywhere in the globe.
OK Mr. fancy science pants. I smell a liberal. I have watched enough movies to know how Ebola is spread….take your liberal elitist logic elsewhere! We dont need your big city brains here, this is a discussion for good Christians that love America!
It mentions in this article “Zionist Intervention” as to why he didnt get the role in a movie. Can the author elaborate on this further?
Sure….he was going to get the role, but the Zionist in charge of production decided against it because he was still mad about Mrs. Doubtfire. You see, Mrs. Doubtfire was supposed to coincide with transgender awareness in the United States. It was supposed to be released after sometime in 2008 so that it would bring awareness to the transgender plight and make it more acceptable in the United States. It was released in the 90s, against Zionist orders, in a time when transgenders were still largely unknown or still considered freaks. THe Zionist wanted more people to mutilate their organs and become transgender because they wanted Americans to become more satanic in nature, and this was less likely to happen if Mrs. Doubtfire wasnt released during the LGBQT awareness days of recent years. Also Robin Williams was supposed to have an actual sex change for the role, but decided against it because he wanted to keep his man parts….this might be the reason he was murdered.
What grade are you in? LOL
5th grade special ed.
And another band wagon goes past, don’t worry, another one will be along in five minutes.
Have a word with yourselves, there’s not going to be any straw left to clutch on to at the rate you paranoid drongos are going. It’s truly ridiculous, no wonder everyone thinks people who don’t believe 911 was the committed by Arabs, or 1% of the population own between 80-95% (depending on the source) of the total wealth of the world are a seat short of a mini bus, it’s hardly surprising. All the factual inconsistencies are just thrown in the tin hat, hat. You are diluting our argument and making all of us sound as stupid as you, give it up.
Pretty please.
It’s funny you say that, carsonking, because when I first saw the alert about Robin’s death, I said, give it 15 minutes and there will be an article posted on here about how the Illuminati off’ed him..
It wasn’t even 15 minutes before the first one was posted..
Ha ha ha, your a witch, ha ha ha. It gets right on your tits doesn’t it, everyone that dies is an illuminate target, no one just dies anymore? When I die, spread a rumour, bin had me bumped off because of my bad attitude, that will throw a spanner in the works.
First of all, everyone with half a brain knows that reptilian Zionist committed 9-11. And what is wrong with tin-foil hats? They are very effective at preventing the NSA from reading my thoughts.
@ TheJeffness
I do hope your comment was sarcastic, and that your not getting your scientific knowledge from movies. Because if you are you are being fed misinformation.
For instance, in the movie Red Dragon one character calls another an ‘eideteker.’ Meaning, he has the ability to both recall information by photographic memory and to emotionally take on another persons perspective. Both of these things are purely fictional.
There are countless examples of medical and scientific misinformation in movies and on the tube.
1) Ebola can’t survive for long outside of the host
2) Ebola dies almost immediately in air conditioning (it likes hot, wet environments)
3) Victims die within hours/days of contracting Ebola Zaire (which is the strain that MSM is talking about)
4) It’s a scare tactic….Ebola is man-made (like most diseases). The patent for the vaccine is here: (you can’t cure chimeric forms of a virus unless you created the chimeric form yourself…..)
Man made? LOL will you listen to this guy? Dude, alien made…get your facts straight!
OMG! Conspiracy theorists will stop at nothing. Can’t you let this man die in peace!
RIP Mr. Robin Williams, I pray for you, and your loved ones at this time of great sadness and grief.
Try just putting in the bin oh it is.
My 4 yr old has more intelligence.
If you believe this article, do mankind a favor… STOP BREEDING
1. If Robin Williams had ebola, a murder would not cover it up. An autopsy would reveal whether or not he had ebola.
2. If Robin Williams had ebola and was left for the public to find, then we’re speaking of mass murder.
3. If you hadn’t already figured this out, please invest in some common sense and work on expanding the IQ
1. An honest autopsy by the Illuminati? Good one!
OMG!OMG!OMG! There has to be some kind of moderation of articles on this site. This is just despicable trash.
The truth is despicable….but it needs to be heard!
I spent countless hours uncovering and putting together this theory. Dont call me a loser, I have dedicated my LIFE to bringing the TRUTH to all GOOD CHRISTIANS all across this amazing country! Losers are the ones that sit back with narrow minds, brainwashed by the zionist and reptillian media, and doubt EVERYTHING that doesnt come from MSM. WHEN SHTF you will be a truly lost soul…you probably already have Ebola! I will be praying for you tonight!
This is genius. Very sad to see that BIN moderators deleted all his previous stories from his account. This is probably satire….how can BIN allow all the other ridiculous stuff to be posted and not this? While it is still up all its links have been removed ahnd his previous stories have been deleted from his account. How can they allow people to post stuff about illlumanati sacrifices killing Williams and not Ebola? One is OK to post and the other isnt? They are both ridiculous…. Allow morons to post ridiculous nonsense that they believe but dont allow normal people to post ridiculous nonsense they dont believe that is meant to make people laugh? This site is ridiculous….Will never be taken seriosly…atleast this post served a purpose to expose how ridiculous some of the people on this site are. The other posts that are similar serve no purpose except to make people dumb and make the rest of the community looked retarded.
What crap. If anything killed Williams, it was the antidepressants he was most likely taking to “battle” his “severe depression”. Adding the Jeffness to list of contributors to ignore. Sheesh.
LOL please….Alcohol is much more likely to contribute to someone’s suicide than SSRI’s. The whole link between suicide and SSRI’s is slightly flawed, while the evidence of alcohol and suicide is extremely strong. Of course people kill themselves when they are anti-depressents because they are depressed to begin with…is this a sign of the anti-depressent causing depression or is it simply that the anti-depressent is ineffective? Its most likely because it doesnt work! While there is a strong link between mania and SSRI’s, the suicide link is bogus for the most part…there might be a very small percentage of people that become suiicidal when taking these drugs, but most of the time when someone kills themselves on SSRIs its because the drugs dont work and the person was suicidal to begin with. So it is much more likely that alcohol lead to his suicide…stop with the SSRI nonsense, especially when it comes to murder. The murder rate has dropped by half in the past 20 years, and SSRI’s have increased 100x. When the murder rate was 20,000 per year, practically nobody was on SSRI, now the murder rate is 10,000 per year and practically everyone is on SSRIs….if SSRI’s even lead to .001% of people becoming homoicidal than the murder rate would be far higher! While the drugs are overperscribed and largely ineffective….the nonsense surrounding the murder and suicide links are way overblown and just as ridiculous as Robin Williams dying from Ebola!