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Black Eyed Child of Cannock Chase: Is this the first photograph EVER of the infamous spectre?

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Black Eyed Child of Cannock Chase: Is this the first photograph EVER of the infamous spectre?

Is this spooky snap the first time an infamous ghost known as The Black Eyed Child has been captured on camera?
That’s the chilling claim of top psychic Christine Hamlett.
The medium believes she has snared the child spirit known to roam the sprawling heathland at Cannock Chase in Staffordshire.
Christine, from Northwich, Cheshire, claims the haunting image shows the fabled and feared Black Eyed Child praying in the dense woodland.
The clairvoyant, 57, captured the picture on Friday, snapping the spirit near to Birches Valley visitors centre.
And she believes the ghoulish girl could be one of the many phantoms she has made contact with that died of now treatable but then deadly childhood diseases like smallpox and dipheria.
She told the Birmingham Mail: “They are asking for help, but they didn’t want help to get back into the light.”

Spooky snap: The picture appears to show a figure praying in the dense woodland of Cannock Chase – a hot-spot for sightings of the Black Eyed Child


Christine is just one of a string of ghost-hunters to flock to the haunted hot-spot after a plague of sightings of the girl with the coal-pit eyes.
And she revealed the secret of her successful snap – the “pan and water” technique.
This involves photographing the reflections of ghouls in the water rather than the traditional point and click of an everyday snapper.
Christine’s husband David grabbed the picture as the pair scanned the landscape for ghosts.
She added: “I help spirits who are earthbound, for whatever reason.
“They have a message or something to say before they pass on. There is a light and they have to go into it.
“I try to reassure them there are people in the light who will help them.

Special powers: Christine Hamlett claims to have contacted the spirits of young children who passed away and believes the ghost died of a disease after toiling away in a workhouse

“I can’t make them go, but I try to get them into a frame of mind where they are ready to move on.”
Christine claims the trouble spirit could be one of many buried in an unmarked grave after dying in a workhouse.
And of the girl’s ghastly charcoal eye sockets, she added: “The eyes are for effect. These children have a story and they want it told.”
The Black Eyed Child of Cannock Chase has quickly become an internet sensation.
The child had not been spotted for 30 years but a plague of sightings in recent weeks has sparked worldwide interest.
Some witnesses claim the child giggles and calls for help while the descriptions of the girl are identical to those chronicled in the early 1980s.


And experts have offered up a string of theories for its existence - from a mass hallucination to links to a Celtic tribe known for blood sacrifces.

One eye-witness account relayed to paranormal investigator Lee Brickley told of a family alerted by screams as they walked through Birches Valley.
The unnamed shocked woman said: “We instantly started running towards the noise.
“We couldn’t find the child anywhere and so stopped to catch our breath.
“That’s when I turned round and saw a girl stood behind me, no more than 10 years old, with her hands over her eyes.
“It was as if she was waiting for a birthday cake.
“I asked if she was OK and if she had been the one screaming. She put her arms down by her side and opened her eyes.
“That’s when I saw they were completely black, no iris, no white, nothing.
“I jumped back and grabbed my daughter. When I looked again, the child was gone. It was so strange.”
Watch Mike Lockley from paper The Birmingham Mail visit the supernatural hot-spot with paranormal investigator Lee Brickley

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    Total 3 comments
    • Choronzon, Lord of Dispersion

      My eyes!
      MY EYES!
      This is what happens when you GO TO THE LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Never listen to silly white-skinned women!!!!

      RUN FROM THE LIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!
      god does NOT exist!
      YOU ARE god.
      Anything you think becomes reality HERE!

      THERE IS
      NO god that would take credit for creating this universe!
      Earth IS
      It IS HELL
      when you do not know (like you know what you had for breakfast this morning).
      WHITE-SKINNED MAN comes to save you because YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE SAVED FROM
      LIFE (many, countless gods) creates the Universe and its circumstances, and ALL
      LIFE FORMS PRESENT in it, not the other way around.
      There is
      NOT one god, but “gods” beyond counting!
      single energy force that is SELF-AWARE is a “god” here, in this universe!
      YOU HAVE
      ALL BEEN duped for your entire lives.
      THERE IS
      NO “ONE”, NO “one god” that “made everything!
      knowledge is NOT known.
      YOU DO NOT
      EXIST AT ALL in this universe.
      “project” here from YOUR ETERNAL HOME!
      I DO NOT
      I DO NOT
      HAVE TO “believe” anything!
      Because I
      have a real memory of where I have been, where I am now, and where I WILL BE!
      ALMOST ALL OF YOU, who must refer to a “Book” as solace as to “where you are
      going” after you vacate YOUR temporary “MEAT-WRAPPER” IN THIS HELL!
      I do NOT
      have to “believe” anything.
      Here is
      the truth.
      You should
      be able to remember, also, if you can undo the “brain-washing” from birth and
      further “mental conditioning”.
      Here is another “life philosophy” for you all to consider, with a different
      twist. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO sick of reading the prevailing notion that ONE entity
      created all in this physical universe, and that ALL return to the “One”, the
      truly communist-type of god! NO individual “personalities” will exist after the
      body dies in the minds of the crackpots, demons, BOOK “pushers” (market-teers)
      and religious lunatics (Save me, save me, oh, one!) who dominate the
      conversation on BIN! They use name calling (get behind me satan) or even use censorship
      and simply eliminate anything else other than the usual whine of “Save me”!
      “Unite me with the “One”! Whether “Old biblical babble” or “new age crap”, it
      is all the same, pathetic whine about the End of Time!
      So, consider this:
      No god would ever take credit for creating this universe.
      It just exists, as we do.
      All is not known.
      Only your lunatic asylum on planet hell (earth) has ever ‘conjured up’ this god
      Why does your god demand your prayers?
      Why do you think that ‘something’ would ‘take credit, for say, a tidal wave
      that kills over 250,000 on 3 continents and numerous islands?
      You think there was some ‘divine planning’ in that that any rational, thinking
      entity would ‘take credit for”?
      Why did your god jesus sit next to a demon, evil incarnate, and listen to a
      sales pitch?
      Why did your god jesus let that pure evil walk away to continue to torment you?
      And, you worship this insane, demonic personality?
      Nothing does exist here.
      Nothing touches at any level of ‘perception’ HERE (solid, liquid, gas,
      molecular level, sub atomic level- particles that orbit one another and never
      That is the way HERE is designed.
      You see, all of you have a memory problem.
      A big memory problem that causes all of your problems HERE. You have all
      forgotten the purpose of HERE and why HERE was created.
      You are solid energy that vibrates, or resonates, at a specific frequency,
      That individual frequency is how you are recognized by others like you.
      And, who cares if this whole planet does not exist in the future?
      The whole ‘universe’, for that matter.
      You see, like there are athletes among you that can achieve and perform ‘feats’
      that you never will (like, “Big Wave” surfing, or “Extreme Downhill Skiing”),
      there ARE others among you that have memories that extend, very accurately,
      well beyond this one, very hellish-like, lifetime.
      Because, my fellow immortal beings, you have ‘been robbed’ of your ‘eternal
      existence’ memories.
      You wander, trapped on this hellish planet earth, ‘generation after generation,
      recycling, over & over again.
      Stripped of memory.
      Born again as ‘human’ on PLANET HELL, earth.
      I know what this world is really all about!
      I am in hell, right now!
      I remember what and who I really am!
      A sentential being that has existed for trillions of years.
      I exist all the time not on this planet, but, in “my home”, that is ‘not of
      this world”, untouched by all of this.
      Time does not exist where I live all of the time.
      Distance does not exist.
      I think, and it takes form and substance…………………………………. here
      anything I think!
      HERE, in this physical universe!
      Made for my amusement!
      This is an amusement park for us, the immortal beings!
      A “body” is no more than a “temporary meat-wrapper” that we “ride” in! like
      getting into the “ride car” that brings you around the track at “magic
      mountain”. when the ride is over, you get out of the vehicle that transported
      you over the track.
      We are ALL designed to go “at will” from “body to body”.
      We have lost that ability, and now are all ‘trapped on the ride’, and we cannot
      get off!
      We are here to experience sex, food, smell, violence, both giving it &
      receiving it;
      all the things that do not exist when you exist as
      Pure energy forever,
      Energy that is indestructible,
      That cannot die,
      That can not be destroyed,
      That cannot experience pain
      But, you can be trapped, ‘imprisoned’, and have your memory “wiped clean’ after
      every “lifetime”.
      You poor, lost, immortal beings!
      YOU do not remember a thing!
      So, when you “die” you all “go to the light”!
      You cannot help yourselves, images of your dead friends, family, are pulled
      right out of your “fresh memories” and projected to “lead you to the light, to
      love, to god”?
      And that is your mistake!
      Cause you get zapped, like a moth hitting the ‘bug zapper’ screen, your memory
      is “wiped clean’ and you are born back in a body, trapped with no memory for
      another rather hellish lifetime of pain, rape, war, starvation, tidal waves,
      violence, child-birth, and death…again! And again……And again. Death experienced
      over and over and over again!
      “Help me “one”!
      I am trapped on the ride, and I cannot get off!
      Help me “one”!”
      Whether you know it or not, that is where 99.99% of you are ‘at’ right now,
      Unless, you do not go to the light!
      See why I do not care?
      About any of you HU-mans?
      You cannot die.
      The worse that happens is you are born, here in hell on earth, in a
      meat-wrapper of some type, again!
      ‘Memory strip’– completed — again.
      Good luck
      trying to escape this “Designed Terror World” for immortal beings who “Just cannot
      remember” literally who they are!
      It’s that earthy ‘religious conditioning’ that “sets you up for the psy-op job”
      at the moment of death! (Save me, oh, one, save me!)
      Your religious leader monsters know all this!
      They are
      your “prison guards”, and are afforded “special privileges”, torturing your
      ‘brain washed from birth’ kind!
      No “One” will come to save you, because YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE SAVED FROM

      NOW, GO, ALL OF YOU, AND “REMEMBER” your eternal existence memories for yourselves!

    • Pix

      Stupid women. Cannock chase is a tiny woodland crisscrossed every few yards with roads in the heavily built up area of central England. The only mystery there is how the wildlife manages to dodge the traffic. There are no Celtic tribes, England isn’t Africa, let alone one based on blood sacrifices FFS. There are no historical mentions of black eyed kids in Cannock Chase, only new ones claimed by the same middle aged nut case. :lol:

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