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10 Mysterious Photos That Cannot Be Explained

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Mystery is always something that people enjoy. Everyone and anyone feels like they could come up with their own assumptions or theories of how, what or when something happened, and it could not be proven whether it is wrong or right. The following 10 photos and videos have experts completely baffled, leaving no definitive explanation in their wake. Find out the stories and conspiracies behind them.

10. Does The Babushka Lady Have Evidence To JFK’s Assassination?

Many mysteries still cloud the 1963 assassination of John F. Kennedy. One of them is the Babushka Lady, a nickname that was given to an unidentified woman who was repeatedly recorded at the scene of the shooting, using a video recorder. Police tried tracking down the woman, in hopes that her footage would reveal clues that could help with the investigation, but to this day, she has never been identified.

A woman named Beverly Oliver came forward in 1970, claiming to be the Babushka Lady. She said that either FBI or Special Agents had tracked her down years prior and requested to develop the film she had taken at the scene of the crime, which she handed over. They then vanished, and she never heard from them again. Oliver’s claims have been highly discredited due to various inconsistencies with her story, mainly the fact that she was 17 years old at the time, when the photos seem to show a middle-aged woman, and her inability to correctly identify the model of the camera she was known to be using. In 1994, Oliver wrote a book chronicling her memories of Dallas the day of the shooting, entitled, Nightmare In Dallas. Oliver was also the basis for a scene in John Oliver’s film, JFK.

The identity of the Babushka Lady still remains unsolved.

9. Hessdalen Lights: Alien Or Natural Battery?

The Hessdalen Lights are a spectacular, but unexplained light show, that can be seen various times throughout the year in the skies over Norway. The lights were most active from 1981 through 1984, when people traveled from all over the world to camp out and see the lights which were said to be visible 15-20 times per week. These days, the sightings are down to about 15-20 times a year.

A scientific explanation for these lights remains unproven, leading many to hypothesize that they are caused by alien spacecraft. Other sightings including headlights, mirages, astronomical bodies and aircraft have been noted.

However, as of May 2014, some scientists think they might have uncovered the mystery. The hypothesis is that the metallic rock inside the mountains, combined with the heavy amounts of sulfur in the river, have created a battery. When ionized gas is created from the fumes, the lights become visible. This theory is still not proven, though, and the mystery continues.

8. The Mystery Of The Hook Island Sea Monster

If these photos of the Hook Island Sea Monster were taken present day, they would largely be accused of Photoshop. However, they were taken on December 12, 1964 and have been widely circulated since then. And, in case you’ve forgotten, there was no Photoshop in 1964.

Robert Le Serrec and his wife were off the coast of Stonehaven Bay in Hook Island, Queensland. When his wife spotted the alarming mass on the lagoon floor, they took several photos while trying to identify it. They are reported as saying it looked like a giant tadpole-like creature, with an estimated length of 75-80 feet long. The assumed creature didn’t move and the couple thought it might be dead, so they approached it in hopes of gaining recorded footage of it. But when the creature began moving and opened its mouth, they hurried back to their boat in which time, the creature swam away.

7. The Solway Firth Spaceman Mystery

When Jim Templeton took photos of his wife and daughter on a sunny day in Cumbria, England, during the summer of 1964, he didn’t know he would soon become a permanent debate among conspiracy theorists and UFO believers. But that’s what happened when he had his film developed and noticed, what appears to be a man in a space suit, standing behind his daughter. Templeton said that he did not notice anyone other than his wife and daughter at the time of shooting. When he took the photos to the police, they gave it back to him and said there was nothing suspicious about it. But when his local newspaper picked it up an hour later, it was soon circulating worldwide.

Many people have debunked this photo by saying that, what appears to be a spaceman is nothing more than the girl’s mother standing farther up the hill behind her, washed out by an optical illusion of light and shadows. Others firmly stand by the claim that it is a spaceman, with legends of a missile launch that was set to take place in the same area, that was abruptly aborted because of sightings of two men in white spacesuits that match the description of the figure in the Templeton’s photo.

6. The S.S. Watertown Phantom Face

James Courtney and Michael Meehan were cleaning a cargo tank on the S.S. Watertown on its way to New York City, in 1924. The men were overcome with gas fumes and died. As customary of the time, the two men were buried at sea. But for days following their sea burial, the reflections of the two men’s faces were seen in the water. The faces were so clear, Captain Keith Tracy followed orders to get a photograph of the two phantoms, which he did.

5. Is There An Alien Satellite Orbitting Earth?

Could there possibly be a satellite that has been orbiting earth for the past 13,000 years, that was put there by aliens? If you believe the Black Knight conspiracies, then the answer is yes. Some have tied it to the “long delayed echoes” and a radio signal that Nikola Tesla picked up in 1899, which he believed to be coming from outer space. The rumors of it being a satellite originated in the 1950s, when newspaper stories were published, attributing UFO researcher Donald Keyhoe, to claims that the U.S. Air Force had reported finding two satellites orbiting the Earth when none had been launched from Earth at that point.

4. The Cooper Family’s Unwanted Dinner Guest

Legend has it, when the Cooper family (shown in the photo) moved into their new house, this was the first photo that was taken. When the picture was developed, the image of a body falling from the ceiling was clearly visible. Further investigation on this story yields no more information on this story, though, leading many to believe that it’s just some sort of image trickery or hoax. The origins of the photo and when they first surfaced are unclear.

3. Are There Pyramids On The Dark Side Of The Moon?

What exactly is lurking up there on the dark side of the moon? If you believe the moon skeptics, there’s a whole lot more than NASA ever let on, and this photo proves it. Taken by Apollo 17 during the last flight to the moon, this photo was listed as blank in the photographic index. While it definitely is washed out by exposure and noise problems, there does seem to be a formation, not unlike a mountain or a pyramid. Some believe that there are great pyramids, as well as castles on the moon and that NASA has been covering it up all along, but that this photo slipped through the cracks and reveals the truth to what they’ve known all along.

2. Goddard’s Squadron Photograph Of Freddy Jackson

In 1919, Freddy Jackson was accidentally killed by an airplane propeller while working as an air mechanic in the squadron of Sir Victor Goddard. Two days later, the squadron took a photo together – but when Goddard had it developed, he noticed something, the impossible – Freddy Jackson was in the photo. When he showed it to his crew, the men agreed that it was indeed, Jackson, despite the fact that he had died two days prior to the photo being taken, and that the group photo was held on the same day as Jackson’s funeral. It is believed that Jackson’s spirit was unaware of his death and showed up to have his picture taken as scheduled.

1. The Mysterious Death Of Elisa Lam

Elisa Lam was a 21 year old student staying at the Hotel Cecil in Los Angeles, when she went missing in January 2013. Her body was found contaminating the water two weeks later in the hotel’s water tank by the maintenance man. Lam reportedly suffered from bipolar disorder. At first glance, this story could be chalked up to a freak accident. However, there are many very notable and extremely strange coincidences surrounding her death.

The first bit of evidence is the bizarre video, and last known sighting of Lam. Getting onto an elevator, Lam proceeds to push numerous floor buttons but the elevator doors do not close. Then she begins to seem as though she is hiding in the corner from something passing by, but nothing shows on the video. Then she gets out of the elevator, looks around erratically, back into the elevator again and back out – all while the doors have never budged. Minutes go by, as her strange behavior continues and after Lam vanishes from sight, the elevator doors close, re-open, close again, and proceed to the next floor.


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    • Texas Lovin\\\'



      Refresher course – Each Police Dept, City County, State and the US ARE ALL FOR PROFIT BUSINESS CORPORATIONS (hiding under the false name Government)! So if you need to got to court, you will always win in court. The judge and city attorney ARE BOTH part of the same corporation (or they are both paid by the same office), so how can you or anyone get a fair and honest court? The judge is suppose to be impartial, but they are a paid employee of the same corporation as the city attorney AND YOUR Public Defender if you have one! So they do work together to screw everyone for more $ for the Private For Profit Corporation!


      Ask the judge who they represent (aka city). Then ask the city attorney who they represent (aka city). Get that on court record as a Conflict of Interest or Favoratism and if you lose your hearing, FILE A APPEAL and state your judge showed “Favor” because they belong to the same FOR PROFIT CORPORATION, and it is Unconstitutional!

      Also, if you have a Birth Certificate, you ARE A PRIVATE CORPORATION! So all newborn babies today, ARE FILLED in GOV AS A CORPORATION; YOU ARE NOT A CITIZEN! Now do you understand why you seem to have no Constititional Rights? Its because you are not a citizen, nor able to get Constitutional Right, but your are a Corporation until your death! That is the Gov loophole!


      Also, your Birth Certificate is a Corporation BOND and TRADED AND SOLD ON WALL STREET! How more clear does it take for you to SEE YOU ARE A SLAVE TO THE GOV? Each person is bought and sold on WALL STREET DAILY! Also, if your mother never claimed you from the gov 90 days after your Birth Certificate was filed, that child is declared abanded and your gov owns that child! Now do you understand WHY the gov is involved so deeply into your parental rights? They are NOT YOURS! WAKE UP PEOPLE!

      Also, do you know that you do not need a drivers license if you are not driving for your business? You DO NOT NEED one if you are travelling as a free person and not for profit. You only need a license IF YOU DRIVE FOR YOUR JOB OR PROFIT! And you don’t need insurance, registration, etc. Now do you know why all the illegals can legally drive a vehicle and not get pulled over?


      Lastly, your children go to SCHOOL PRISONS! They get locked and chains on the door and don’t open them until school is over. They have uniformed police officers walking the halls with sidearms to threaten the children into learning, conforming, and not think for themselves; but to be taught what your government wants them to know (aka Brainwashed). Then lunch, they only get little food. This is A MUST READ! It will tick you off EVERY PARENT but it opens your eyes:



      • Mark Brander

        Good info…. however it is too late for people to be thinking about winning court cases, they need to be concerned about losing their souls!


        This is the day of the Lord. Why do you think that judgment would not be passed upon you? Do you think that I have not heard the cries of the innocent? Do you not think that I do not see the brokenness of the masses? How can you as a nation be so arrogant that you would believe that I, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords would not seek justice for my people? The blood that has been split is so deep that it can no longer be ignored.

        My children make yourselves ready for me, clean your homes, cast away all those things that hold you here on earth. For I the lord your God will be taking all those things away. Take your last look around you, for you have chosen to ignore me, so I will cast all those things into the sea. The earth will shake the sky will burn, your ears will ring of the sound of war. There is no place to run, there is no place to hide. I am a just and righteous God. I created the universe, and I know every star by name so why do you think that you can hide your faces from me.

        Repent for the hour is at hand. Cry out for your judgment draws nigh. Cry out to me and repent for my judgment will be quick, and clear. No one will question that the hand of God was against you. I will no longer look down upon you and have mercy for those who continue in their sin. The hour has come, the die has been cast, I have written this day in stone, If only you had listened to my word, if only you had loved me enough to seek me, if only you had been broken enough to repent, my judgment would not have had to be this way.

        Cry out and repent, cry out for the innocent, cry out for now blood will flow like a river in your streets. Cry out for there will be no one to plead your cast. Why have you not listened to all the warnings that I gave you. I gave my life so that you might live and live abundantly. The hour is at hand, the days will be shortened, and many will be gone in a moment.
        My children cover yourselves in prayer and fasting. Anoint your homes with oil. Seek me without ceasing, for those whom are mine have been marked. Do not stop seeking me and interceding, for I will always hear my children when they cry out to me. Be ready, the hour is here. IN THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS

        See more warnings about what is coming at

    • Sean

      Very Old News and Photos, try this one.

      Code: orion99… if you don’t want to watch the Video to get the Code and just look at the Photos.

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