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These 7 Mysterious Photos Have Never Been Explained... And Probably Never Will Be (Attack story and Videos)

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These 7 Mysterious Photos Have Never Been Explained… And Probably Never Will Be

Sometimes an image is captured that just cannot be explained.
The bizarre, and often ambiguous, photographs in this article have remained unexplained for over half a century in some cases, but it’s uncertain if we will ever know the truth about their origins.
But the question is, which stories leave you genuinely baffled and which snaps have a perfectly simple explanation? Check out the list below and judge them for yourself.

1. Babushka Lady



One of the witnesses who saw Kennedy’s truly shocking assassination first hand is now the most mysterious thing about the whole event.
‘Babushka Lady’ is a woman who appeared in numerous films that depict the final moments of the beloved American president’s life, but she has never been formally identified, despite extensive FBI investigations.
Police were desperate to locate the woman because in some shots of the assassination, she can be seen standing with her camera at her face after the shooting when all the other pedestrians have taken cover.
A woman named Beverly Oliver came forward in the ’70s claiming to be ‘Babushka Lady,’ but she did not have any photos to prove she was the person in the film, and many people suspect she was simply seeking attention. Oliver herself claims that the police took the film and never gave it back.


2. Hessdalen Lights



The Hessdalen lights are a bizarre phenomenon that only occur in the Hessdalen valley in Norway.
These unexplained lights have been sighted since the ’40s and have been photographed hundreds of times, but to this day nobody knows why they occur.
The strange lights often appear as dazzling yellow or white lights of unknown origin hovering above ground level. The same light can often be seen for an hour or more.
It’s been theorized that the Hessdalen lights might be caused by a battery effect caused by metallic rocks and a sulfurous river. But that hasn’t stopped UFO investigators getting very excited by the mysterious site.


3. Hook Island Sea Monster



The Hook Island Sea Monster was photographed by the Le Serrec family in 1964, and it has been one of the most mysterious cases in cryptozoology ever since.
The gigantic tadpole like creature was reported to be 80 feet long, and just when Le Serrec was beginning to think it was dead, the sea serpent opened it’s toothless mouth and swam away.
According to the Le Serrec family, the creature possessed eyes on the top of it’s head with pale coloring and had smooth black and brown skin. Nothing like it has ever been spotted again.
While there are theories that the Hook Island Sea Monster is in fact a giant piece of plastic, it has never been proven that this beast is definitely a hoax.

4. Solway Firth Space Man



Back in 1964, a father took an ordinary family snap of his daughter on Burgh Marsh, but when it was developed somebody very strange appeared in the background. An astronaut.
The photographer, a British firefighter named Jim Tempelton claims that:

I took three pictures of my daughter Elizabeth in a similar pose – and was shocked when the middle picture came back from Kodak displaying what looks like a spaceman in the background

Tempelton was adamant he didn’t see anybody else near his little girl while he was taking the photo all the way up to his death in 2011.
Kodak analyzed the photo and confirmed that it has not been tampered with in any way, but some experts think their could be another explanation…
Journalism professor David Clarke theorizes that the ‘space man’ could in fact be the overexposed shape of Tempelton’s wife from behind.


5. The Cooper Family Photo



The photo above is one of the most chilling of its kind on the internet, but it’s origins are incredibly unclear.
The back story attached to the image name the family as the Coopers from Texas, but there is little to no explanation centering around the handing body that has emerged from the ceiling.
While the swinging ‘corpse’ is probably the result of an accidental double exposure (taking two photos on one piece of film), that still doesn’t explain how such an eerie image of a hanging man was taken in the first place…


6. Geophone Rock Anomaly



Photo AS17-135-20680 was taken by Apollo 17 near “Geophone Rock,” but the image was officially cataloged as being blank.
However, if you alter the saturation and contrast of the image, the photo appears to be hiding some sort of pyramid structure on the moon’s surface.
The resulting image is so crude, that it could just be an imperfection on the overexposed film, but some people are adamant that there is a lot more on the moon that has been hidden from the general public.

7. The Disappearance of Elisa Lam

The mysterious death of Elisa Lam is the most modern, and most strange unexplained event on this list.
On February 19 2013, the 21-year-old Canadian student’s naked body was found in one of the rooftop water tanks of Los Angeles’ Cecil Hotel. Lam had been missing since January 31 and her decomposing corpse was only discovered when hotel guests complained of water that “tasted funny.”
Lam’s last moments alive were captured on film in the hotel’s elevator, and the disturbed behavior you can see in the video above is truly chilling.
Lam had a history of bipolar disorder which might explain her behavior in the elevator (no drugs were detected in her system during an autopsy), but there is still not an adequate explanation as to how the petite young woman could have put herself in the the water tank.
These huge and hard to access water silos had incredibly heavy lids and although they weren’t locked, they were alarmed. How Lam ‘accidentally’ drowned in these circumstances is still an absolute baffler.

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    Total 5 comments
    • Miggy

      I saw a documentary on #4 and cleary it is a picture of the mother/wife who was with them that day. The story got so much press and notieriety so quickly it is theorized the family did not want to spoil everything so they just went along with it. They cut the picuture off in the above video before you could see more of the back of the head. Clearly a fake!

      John 3:16 Merry Christmas!

    • Sean

      Very Old News

      In case you don’t want to watch the Video,

      code: orion99

      My guess, that thing with all the wires to it, is a “Quantum Computer”

      The Collider, the White Light, Spirit/Light of God the “God Particle”, anyway take a look, very interesting Photos

      • Xebache

        Thanks for the link. Great photos.

    • whatisit
    • The Clucker

      #5 made me laugh. Was it really necessary to put a circle around the upside down guy as if no one was able to see it themself?

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