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Meet the Chinese Lumberjack Who Slept With an 10-foot-tall, 6-fingered Alien Woman (Videos)

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Meet the Chinese Lumberjack Who Slept With an 10-foot-tall, 6-fingered Alien Woman

“If you can’t find me,” Meng Zhaoguo said over a cell phone whose signal faded from its isolation, “Just head to the last house on the logging commune lane. Or ask anyone who’s around.” Everyone knows the first Chinese person to allegedly be abducted by aliens.
With its surging economy, China is summiting once-unseen heights in world rankings: millions of English speakersalmost the most millionaires and actually the least frugal tourists. Yet despite being slightly larger in area than the United States with four times as many people, China trails far behind when it comes to visitors from outer space. To date, only one Chinese person — lumberjack Meng Zhaoguo – claims to have slept with one.
Meng Zhaoguo, a rural worker from northeast China’s Wuchang city, taking a lie detector test in Beijing.



I first visited Meng at his home on the Red Flag Logging Commune, set among the remains of a forest in China’s far northeast, an area historically known as Manchuria. Chinese characterize Northeasterners as big-hearted, industrious and sometimes a bit touched in the head. So it was not a shock when the nation’s first person claiming interstellar relations came from here. In 2003, I traveled over a winding, ice-covered, one-lane road through the forest to meet him.

On the commune, Meng lived in a two-room timber frame house he had built with his own hands. Bare yellow light bulbs dropped from the ceiling, and there was no phone — or cell reception. But a big-screen Sony television filled one end of the room.
“Out here, it only picks up two channels,” he said. “So it’s a waste of money, but I didn’t buy it. A businessman brought it, after he heard about my story.” Another visitor, from Malaysia, had brought him a cow. “I sold that,” Meng told me. “Cows cost money to take care of. What am I going to do with a cow out here?”
We stepped outside, boots crunching snow, and faced the Dragon Mountains, veiled in purple mist as the day’s light faded. Meng said that on a night much like this in 1994, he saw a metallic glint shimmer off those peaks.
“I thought a helicopter had crashed, so I set out to scavenge for scrap.” He made it to the lip of a valley, spying the wreckage in the distance, when “Foom! Something hit me square in the forehead and knocked me out.”
He awoke at home, he told me, with no memory of how he got there. A few nights later he woke to find himself floating above his bed. As his wife slumbered beneath him, a 10-foot-tall, 6-fingered alien woman with thighs coated in braided hair straddled his waist. Meng and the alien copulated for 40 minutes.
“She then disappeared through the wall and I floated back down to bed. She left me with this.” He undid his trousers to reveal a two-inch-long jagged mark that he insisted bore only a coincidental resemblance to a scar resulting from a slipped stroke of a saw.
I asked him to draw the creature, and he took my pen and tore off a sheet from a roll of rough, unbleached paper. To my surprise, I recognized the alien. As he made tiny x’s on the alien’s inner thighs, I realized Meng was sketching a hairy cousin of the Michelin Man. His smiling, puffy white face waved from atop an auto repair shop at the base of Red Flag Logging Commune. I thought of that, and the empty crates of Five Star beer stacked just outside Meng’s front door, and the remote loneliness of a Northeast winter.
But Meng told the story calmly, not in a desperate or pleading tone, cajoling the listener to believe. I kept my deductions internal, and he suggested we go outside with his kids and light the fireworks I had brought for them. That night I slept fitfully on Meng’s bed, while he took the couch.
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    Total 29 comments
    • Astral Silence

      This is the BIGGEST load of BS I have ever read…you seriously want us to believe Chinese lumberjacks exist?!

      • SettingRecordsStraight

        Yes they do exist, they tend the bonsai forests…..

      • The Clucker

        I doubt she was impressed with his weiner size if she was 10ft. tall.

      • FindtheTruth

        Yeah that was more odd to me than the 10 ft. tall, 6-fingered alien woman for some reason….

        • BlueDissident


      • The Real Deal


    • Binkus

      wow a few memories i have i have committed to the ‘wank bank’ of hot encounters but this is different gravy

      • Saber

        Worthy of Penthouse :lol:



      • The Clucker

        Hi chicken.

        • NM156

          Where the hell is Well Pat when you need him? :lol: :lol:

    • Dustdevil

      Wow, and I wanted to see the she-creature Michelin Tire girl with the braided thigh-hair. Flashback STRAIGHT to the 1970′s (without the fringe suede jackets). [queue up the Sammy Johns 'Chevy Van' song]

      • The Real Deal

        I’ve seen hair on women, but if you’re copulating with a woman with braided thigh hair… You’re either really hard up, or you’ve probably had too much to drink. lol

    • Mr Lightbeam

      Bring on Barbarella!! :razz:

    • Danishsaxonblood

      The Chinese by their lumber from te usa

    • Theron

      Was she tight? :twisted:

    • StraightDopes

      a story that is truly worthy of BIN

    • The Watcher


    • STRAW


    • FindtheTruth

      Chinese Lumberjack + 10-foot-tall, 6-fingered Alien Woman? LOL.. I think that beats the other odd combination I encountered in the news – Marilyn Manson + Canada + Denny’s Restaurant @2am + Sucker punch. LMAO!!! (Don’t know if the Chinese lumberjack really has sex with a 10ft. tall 6-fingered Alien woman, but quite often the truth is way stranger (scarily) than fiction.)

      = PROOF that this world is completely nuts.

      …And to think that so much of the general population think conspiracy theorists are nuts. ha.

      • Theron

        How many fingers does Yao Ming have? :grin:

    • Bill Lyle

      It wasn’t an alien. It was a girl I used to date, in high school. Last I heard, she took a job in China. :lol: :lol:

      • CrowPie

        Soooo, you turned her Chinese Lumberjack, eh? :lol:

    • bigtoe1111

      click revenue.

    • FalkeAuge

      Magic Mushrooms – the real ones found in the China forest.. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Factory Farms FEAR the MooCow

      He should have took cow and kept it. :mad: Eat my GMO :twisted: My squishy Tumor GMO :evil: Millionaire Celebrity Scientists high salary pay says SAFE and deliciOUS to eat GMO all day everyday. :mad:

    • Don't be hating!

      Because he does not believe in Jesus Christ, then he is vulnerable to these attacks.

    • icetrout

      mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm- copulated…

    • skreamer

      Why would an advanced Alien want to down grade its genes with human slave DNA?
      Most likely going to mass clone the baby, turn them into zombies, send them back to invade and take over earth!
      Its exactly what i would do!
      These hybrid Alien Asian zombies well be 8 feet tall!….A 6ft tall man X 10ft tall Alien= 8ft tall zombies!
      I can work this out because im a genius!
      Maybe the Alien was drunk and likes little boys!
      Maybe buy a computer with the cow money and watch porn so he realizes it nothing special to be having sex with freaks!
      I think that 10ft chick is really a guy (hormone therapy) who was in the Olympics for china! Often sneaks into peoples houses at night and has sex with them! Lumberjacks and sailors are easy targets! Occasionally you get some drunk guy who claims it was an 10ft Alien with 6 fingers had sex with them! (he’s really only bragging to his mates).
      The sap in some of those trees are high in LSD!
      If he smoked weed, he would sleep better and not have such strange dreams!

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