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Top Illuminati Grand Wizard: “We Control Islam and We'll Use It to Destroy the West.” (WW3)

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In this documentary short we discuss Albert Pike’s Three World War Predictions. There are websites with this information, however I believe the most important aspect of the predictions is that the Illuminati is using Islam to accomplish its goals. Albert Pike openly stated that Islam will be the central component in a war against the West, and that the Illuminati will lead Islam into direct confrontation with the West. We have already seen what the New World Order has done with Islam, and that is to foment a crisis, escort millions of Muslims to European nations, set up Sharia courts, target European women with sexual assault and rape, and watch as Brussels, Begium and Paris, France attacks happen. But it’s all been planned, setting the stage for WW3. Just as they set the stage for WW1 and WW2.

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After Islam is used for its purpose, it will be done away with to make way for the religious system of pure Luciferianism. All Muslims will partake in the new system and worship Lucifer.

Another video below. 

Youtube:C. Ervana

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    Total 31 comments
    • my2pesos

      Illuminate ~ Ill UT Mini A
      Illuminate ~ I’ll UN Me At

      • Ambicatus

        wow! another insightful, helpfull post that helps people find their way in the dark! well done!


        anyway, the SHRINERS, are islamic.

        and the “illuminati” is a fancy cover term for THE JESUITS.

        • sim1776

          The Jesuits are just another branch of Mystery Babylon. Ignatius Loyola was the leader of the Illumbrados and used them as a basis for forming the Jesuits. That and Freemasonry are offshoots of the Knights Templar which re-imported the Mystery faith to Europe (it had been suppressed by the Catholic version of Mystery Babylon). The Templars learned about the Mysteries from the Assassins. The Assassins were founded by Ishmaelites, an Islamic cult that originated in Egypt. That is why Shriners display some symbols from Islam including the red Fez, scimitar, and crescent.

          • Anonymous

            Look at your TIMELINE. Long before there was a guy named Christ? there was Master Plan of the Pharisees via Babylon for World Domination and One World Govt. Called “Rebuiliding Solomons Temple” so the source goes back to JUDAISM.

            JEWsuits were founded 2000 yrs after by a crypto jew named Ignatius Loyola (1500′s) to infiltrate and weaken Catholicism- that info comes from UK’s first jewish PM, Binjamin Disraeli and CHURCHILL. In 1400′s the Eastern Sanhedrin of Constantinople spelled out the plan to overthrow Christian Civilization via puppets and proxy priests, converts etc. W/ John Paul Vl, the zionist FREEMASONS got their first fully masonic Puppet Pope.

            Adam WEISHAUPT was another JEW who became a Catholic priest to take down Vatican. BTW- VATICAN BANK has been controlled by Rothschilds since 1832.

            Just like Muslim Bros are Islamic Freemasonry? So too are the JEWsuits, Catholic Freemasonry.
            but what is FREEMASONRY?
            It is ZIONISM for the goyim cattle. WTFU idiots, and look at the SOURCE at the TOP. WHO came FIRST and has been common deonminator thru all the various “enemy” tools over centuries.

          • Busta Myth

            Well that would explain why the Vatican helped all the top Nazis escape to Argentina after WW2 with a lot of their loot

            And why America hired thousands of scum bag Nazis after WW2 in Project Paperclip

            and why the American OSS sent Adolf Hitlers Arab Nazis from WW2 aka the Muslim Brotherhood (arab assasins) ran by an EGYPTIAN called AL BANA to live in Saudi Arabia, who then taught Osama bin Laden who the CIA hired to fight the commie Russians in the first Afghanistan war

            (Hitlers Arab Nazis also wore Nazi Uniforms and red arab FEZ hats except theirs had the NAZI Skull and Bones aka Totenkopf cap badges and a German Eagle on them

            and it also explains why they like big Egyptian Obylisks, Pyramids and the Eye of Horus

            and that G – on the logo obviously stands for GOOGLEGESTAPO :wink:

    • Leo

      SAUDI ARABIA: Worldwide Hub Of Wahhabi Terrorism And America’s Great ‘Ally’ :cry:


      • Roadrunner


    • doggy do

      blah and blah

    • Redeemer

      Pike was a sick and twisted man and unfortunately we live in an increasingly sick and twisted world……


    • Trapper

      Illuminati—-Grand Wizard.
      It’s fun to see Jews-Golem’s and the Jew Tools, put these words together, (KKK. Grand Wizard and Illuminati), the KKK. was at one time the third most powerful Politician Party in america, [till it was Infiltrated and Destroyed by the Jews from the Inside], the Illuminati an Origination that has never Existed, [a Name and Origination Created by the Jews to create Fear and to Keep At tension Away From The Jews And What Jews Are Doing].
      The Bottom Line on how this Illuminati Crap can be used in america in 2016, (after have been so repeatedly disproved so often), is, one, the 72 hour memory of most americans and, two, there is a new Crop of Empty Heads being Born Every Day To File With False Crap By Jews-Golem’s and Jew Tools.
      Worry Not About The KKK. Or The Non-Existent Illuminati, Worry about what the Jews are doing. (Trapper).

    • Antique White

      good image of coming events , you left out the prophecies one the image of the beast regarding the beast John saw and the absents of the eagle in his second vision?

      there was no timing factors based on biblical landmarks like the rebuilt temple, the absents of miracles greater then what Jesus did? there was no hope in the message? still get get the main point out of pike and thank you lady with a middle aged voice most likely east coast!

    • JC Lincoln

      Oh thou silliest of peoples. Dost thou not know that thee fightest not against a nation or a people, but against a Body. A Body of followers of the Lord! The Lord Jesus Christ! Bull and bluster as thou willest, ye shall not succeed. For with a breath from His mouth, He shall sweep thee from off the face of the Earth. And ye shall not be remembered!

    • Anonymous

      Nahh the headline should be:
      Top Illuminati Grand Wizard: “We Control Islam and We’ll Use It to Destroy the West.” What YOU going to do about it? You all weak cowards anyway.

    • Anonymous

      True “Luciferianism” doesn’t need to dumb down the people, never ever.
      A hierarchy of psychopaths taken it all over, they not that bright, Satanism.

    • Anonymous

      The deception:
      Hugh Schonfield had a different idea for the origin of the name Baphomet as published in Appendix A – The Essenes and the Templars from the book The Essene Odyssey by himself.

      The Essenes, to avoid persecution and because they were a secret sect, employed the uses of ciphers and codes to hide the identities of important names. One such cipher, known to bible scholars and translators of the Dead Sea Scrolls, is the Atbash Cipher. To use the cipher you swap the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet for the last, second for second to last, third for third to last and so on. This means that Aleph=Tau, Bet=Shin, hence the name Atbash.

      Essene knowledge got passed on to the Gnostics, and Gnostics then passed it on to the Cathars. The Knights Templar was at one time enrolling many Cathar nobles as new recruits. It is likely that among the knowledge passed to the Templars from the Cathars, would have been the knowledge of the Essene ciphers, including Atbash.

      Hugh Schonfield obviously thought so, since he didn’t hesitate in applying the Atbash cipher to what he saw as the “obviously artificial name Baphomet”. So Hugh wrote out the name Baphomet in Hebrew, applied the Cipher and revealed the word Sophia! Baphomet was the Greek goddess of wisdom!

      The Inquisition had thought that Baphomet was the bearded male head that the Templars prostrated themselves before and which spoke to them and gave them occult powers. Sophia, however, is obviously female and Hugh was not surprised to note that Inquisition records also show that in Templar hands was,
      “a casket surmounted by a great head of gilded silver, most beautiful, and constituting the image of a woman.”
      But what of the male head? This was Adam Kadmon, and the head was denominated in Hebrew as Chokmah, i.e. Wisdom.

      Even before the discovery of Baphomet’s true name, the feminine side of this deity had begun to manifest. Most modern depictions of Baphomet show him with a goats head, breasts (two, four or even six), wings (angelic or demonic), a phallus (usually a very big one), and hooved legs.

      So Baphomet had already emerged as androgynous, even before the discovery of his being the blending of Adam Kadmon (essentially a god, although Jews and derivative monotheists wouldn’t see it that way) and the Goddess Sophia due to an Inquisition error.

      Sophia is honored as a goddess of wisdom (Lucifer, the light bearer (break new ground)) by Gnostics (Mary/Isis/Semiramis/Columbia/Diana)
      Sophia (Greek for “wisdom”) is a central idea in Hellenistic philosophy and religion, Platonism, Gnosticism, Orthodox Christianity, Esoteric Christianity, as well as Christian mysticism. Sophiology is a philosophical concept regarding wisdom, as well as a theological concept regarding the wisdom of the biblical God.
      philosophy (philo-sophia, or, literally, a friend of Wisdom)
      gnostikos, “learned.”

    • Anonymous

      216 – The Islamic Connection / Total Onslaught – Walter Veith

      41:34 –>
      The Deadly Deception (by James D.Shaw and Tom C. McKenney, 1988)
      the shrine (“Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine) is available to 32nd Degree Masons and Knights Templar who wish to
      participate. p58

    • Anonymous

      Here is some for your memory bank:

      I know how it works everything but the SUN is the false God. The Moon god is the false, the morning Star is false if it is Venus. Indirect light, manipulated light sort of, cold light they call it. Then as above so below.

      “If God did not exist, He would have to be invented. But all nature cries aloud that he does exist: that there is a supreme intelligence, an immense power, an admirable order, and everything teaches us our own dependence on it.” ― Voltaire

      Sophia and her three daughters, Elpis (Faith), Pistis (Hope) and Agapi (Love)

      • Anonymous

        Jesus represented the Sun upon Earth, I can live with that. A good thing.

      • Anonymous

        Nahh… The woman is the deceiver (they thought so in ancient times, thus no need to seek a false Isis, false Mary it is a treat)
        Adam Kadmon, and the head was denominated in Hebrew as Chokmah, i.e. Wisdom.
        We need the Male wisdom to save us. Oden is one name, the right eye wisdom.

      • Anonymous

        More than just thought, philosophy, wisdom, religion?

        “Why Women Destroy Nations / Civilizations – and other Uncomfortable Truths”

        Gnosticism: Flesh evil (impure, the woman also gives birth to new “flesh”, Kind of Buddhism), Spirit pure.
        Is it all a gay “happy” mafia behind it all? A gay priesthood behind the throne?

      • Anonymous

        Jesus represented the Sun upon Earth, I can live with that. A good thing.
        Perhaps the Jesus in the scriptures should have had a wife, thus balance, but then more vulnerable.

      • Anonymous

        Jesus represented the Sun upon Earth, I can live with that. A good thing.
        Perhaps the Jesus in the scriptures should have had a wife, thus balance, but then more vulnerable.
        Hmm what is the balance then if not the woman, wife?


      All is very interesting and does indicate long term planning.. but “the letter” attributed to albert pike is a hoax and does not exist.

      However, This is not to say that what is occurring in the world today, is by chance..

    • Jango

      This is nothing new. It is all described in End Times Prophecy which states that the 3rd horseman will produce economic collapse which we see happening now, and the 4th horseman will be given power to kill with sword (beheading) famine, (already happened in Iraq and Syria) and plague (biological warfare or something similar). If ISIS is the 4th horseman (4th seal) then we only have a short time left because the 7 year tribulation starts at the 6th seal. Time to get right with God or perish….. More at

    • Sensor

      Albert Pike was not God, only an idiot.
      The peoples of the world revolution will destroy the Illuminati elite.
      Islam is destroyed along with the elite high blood sacrifice.

    • Icecharge

      The Islam is the “another beast, coming out of the earth [oil]” as it is stated in Revelation 13:11 (NIV). It is powerful but still, its power is limited and will not last until the end. It will not participate in the battle of Armageddon that is the last confrontation between the forces of Jesus Christ and Satan (the Dragon), so it must be destroyed before that event. It is stated in Rev. 16: 13, “Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet [no 'another beast']. 14, They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty. 15, Behold, I come like a thief! [Jesus] Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed. 16, Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon”

      • still

        Where is it talked about Islam in these Revelations?

    • 2QIK4U


    • Michael Carrigan

      I-scam. The real meaning of Islam. “I scam” is the message of the iscamists. They send souls to hell. Rebuke their lies.

    • Franklin

      Yes. Islam will be distroyed by the west as it saids in Dan. 11:45. Then the beast of Rev. the papacy will force everyone to keep Sunday. Then Jesus will come.

    • still

      The Illuminati predict nothing; they just plan and follow through their plans to the letter. With their huge financial means, they implement their plans, pay, corrupt and if necessary assassinate (anybody) to clear the way to their goal. Albert Pike was bluffing when pretending that they are controlling Islam and using it to destroy the West. In fact they are controlling the media and using it to demonize Islam. They are staging terror in the name of Islam; they are orchestrating massive waves of migrants into Europe to create chaos in Europe. In order to re-establish order they’ll have to cancel the freedom of people and then set their wicked NWO.
      Islam didn’t come to destroy the East or the West. Islam came to re-establish the true religion that Abraham, Jesus and Moses came with: Islam, i.e. full submission to the Will of God.
      “All Muslims will partake in the new system and worship Lucifer.”? Pike was dreaming. They may control the Saudi Jewish family but they have zero control over true Muslims.
      True Muslims are all over the world. The Illuminati may not know about it but the truest, the purest and the most authentic Muslims are now in Europe and America, not in the Arab World. This is not a joke: Arabs and other traditionally Muslim societies are inheriting Islam from the elderly with much defects and superficiality the while new-comers to Islam in the West are starting a-knew with a blank page, with zero sin*, as pure as angels. A repenting sinner is much, much closer to God than an arrogant full practicing Muslim whose endeavor may well amount to nothing at the end of the day. The amount of worship practice isn’t the gauge of piety. Piety is measured with the gauge of sincerity [Ikhkas].
      Newly-converted Muslims may not realize it but, if a hundred or so of them gather and pray they would make anything, a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g they wish happen.
      *All the previous sins of a convert are erased; he/she becomes as clean as a newborn baby.

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