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FBI Insider Leaks All: Clinton Foundation Exposed! Involves Entire US Government!

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A thread on 4chan with an FBI insider confirms everyone’s worst suspicions.  The Hillary Clinton email server was merely a distraction from the Clinton Foundation and most of DC is in up to their necks in what could be the biggest scandal of all times.  This inside info from someone claiming to be a high level FBI analyst whose job was to look at the records, with NOTES added to clarify some of the responses.

The smoking gun is about to arrive and there are “a lot of people involved”.  To save everyone time, here are the choice bits with the link to the entire archive, where you can decide for yourself if this is for real or not.  Looks like Trump and Putin hold some of the cards.  This could be the most interesting election ever.  (Lanugauge Warning):

You are welcome to copy this, please post a link to the original here at BIN.

This level of corruption is something expected in a developing country or a place like China, where they openly persecute good people and have industrial scale organ harvesting of Falun Gong and others.  The Clinton Foundation is up to their neck with Jiang’s vile regime in China, but there is so much to see here…keep reading.

Original thread archived at

Why Hillary was Not Indicted

>>79480356 (OP)
Will she be indicted?

{NOTE:  This thread was from BEFORE the announcement by Comey that there would not be any indictment}

There is intense pressure for us not to do so. I am posting from a position of near anonymity and enough plausible deniability to evade prosecution, as we have all been given gag orders. 

There is enough for her and the entire government to be brought down. People do not realize how enormous this whole situation actually is. Whether she will be or not depends on how much info about others involved gets out, and there are a lot of people involved.

The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the e-mail server. We received the server from Benghazi, then from the server we found data on the CF. Then we realized the situation is much worse than previously thought. 

Super Classified Materials on the Clinton Email Server

She had SAP level programs on her server, which if made public, would literally cause an uprising and possibly foreign declarations of war. 

{NOTE:  A Special Access Program is an intelligence program classified above top-secret. They are held on closed servers at secret locations. The only way to get one is if you are specifically read on to a program, have a need to know, then you must physically go to a location and pass through several layers of security to even look at the program. A good example in non-classified terms would be the locations and operations of our intelligence operatives around the globe, or our missile silo locations.}

The Clinton Foundation is the Key



The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the e-mail server. We received the server from Benghazi, then from the server we found data on the CF. Then we realized the situation is much worse than previously thought. 

{NOTE:  This explains why the investigation took so many people and so long}

A Bigger Problem than Hillary


Killing HRC would not cause this problem to go away.  The problem is with the Clinton Foundation as I mentioned, which you should just imagine as a massive spider web of connections and money laundering implicating hundreds of high-level people. Though I do not have a high opinion of Hillary, she is just a piece -albeit a big piece – of this massive shitstorm.

Legal is asking preliminary questions about whether or not she has been coached (she has) and setting up the general line of questioning. I am a high level analyst though, so my job is only to look at her records.

The DOJ is most likely looking to save itself. Find everyone involved in the Clinton Foundation, from its donors to its Board of Directors, and imagine they are all implicated.


The ENTIRE Government is Involved

My opinion is the entire government is guilty of treason, which is why HRC’s death would not cease the investigation or prevent further scandals. Many, many people are involved. 

There already is enough to indict. Comey has been trying to stall because he does not want to face the Clinton Machine, as well as the rest of Washington D.C. But this case would explode into a million other cases if fully brought to light, and then we would be one agency competing against the entire government and a hoard of other interests. It is a very tense and uncomfortable position. 

What Lynch is saying is she will accept whatever they do and make her determination as she will. Nothing about her responsibilities has changed, she is simply trying to keep her hide intact.


Foreign Powers Have Some of the Documents

Trump Has Some of the Documents

Russia Will Probably Leak All Info they Have

Foreign powers are in possession of some of the documents we have analyzed, because they were hacked from the Clinton server. Trump has some files as well, and likely plans to leak them and use them to his advantage soon. 

The leaks will have to be made in a non-transparent fashion. 

If we recommend, we literally hand over documentation implying the entire government is involved in treason at the highest levels and everyone is about to duck and cover, as well as some sensitive details of SAPs which would obliterate national security.

I am not sure, but some of my war strategy buddies are estimating a high probability that Russia will leak all of the info they have to the world, since Clinton wants to go to war with them and they have no desire to be in conflict with the US. 

If we do not recommend, it will look like a cover-up and Trump will use the perception to bolster his message. I did work in PsyOps once, and Trump’s use of confirmation bias is legendary. 

Bill Clinton Will Likely Die This Year

If Trump Wins, Hillary Goes to Jail

Bill Clinton will likely die this year.

Everything is Corrupt, Even Trump is Dirty

Impossible to say. The entire government is corrupt. No one is clean, not even Trump.

Trump has donated to the Clinton Foundation in the past, though for fairly innocuous things like building permits and such. He is smart, so his tracks are covered well. But if any prosecutor wants to go very in-depth Trump would be brought on bribery charges. He could easily get out of them, but he would be charged nonetheless. 

We have our hands tied. My message to you and everyone on this board is do not get distracted by Clinton’s e-mails. Focus on the Foundation. All of the nightmarish truth is there. The e-mails will pale in comparison. 

I do not know of Trump’s record, but from the case he definitely knew to limit his exposure and make it only look like a donation. 

If Trump wins, HRC will be prosecuted. I have heard rumors Christie will be his AG, and Michael Flynn will be his VP pick.

A Multitude of Scandals

Saudi Arabia visits and donations to the CF. Russian Uranium fiasco. HRC and the Israel lobby, the Council on Foreign Relations. AIPAC. The list is endless.

Three Choices – Could Crash Everything

I will put it to you this way: You have three choices,

A) turn over all of the information to the DOJ, make public a recommendation, the truth comes out, the entire world realizes how much the US is meddling in foreign affairs and we go to war, the civilian population realizes how much foreign money influences our government, and a civil war begins. 

B) You cherry-pick the data to implicate the people already in the eye of public opinion, so the chips fall on the heads of a select few and the whole system does not crash. 

C) you do nothing and watch the unstable political climate to gauge how you will respond. 

I am confident if Trump wins she will be going to jail.

The Problem is the Entire Government

Comey will likely resign in any case. FBI is being very quiet for a reason, most of us want to keep our jobs. 

Snowden has nothing to do with any of this. 

Possibly. I don’t know for sure. 

Obama and HRC do hate each other. HRC hates black people and Obama dislikes recklessness. As far as the investigation, some details are correct. As to the outcome, no one knows. 

Truthfully, not many. The FBI is rather fond of /pol/. We study more than we investigate.


The problem is with the entire government. HRC is one component of that government.

Hillary Sold SAP’s to Overseas “Donors”

All I can tell you about the SAPs is HRC had them, and she did not have proper authority to have any of them. They were leaked to her by someone, and she did sell them to overseas donors. Possessing them alone makes her guilty of treason. 

Obama is loosely tied to the CF, but much more tied in with the same people who donate to the CF. 

Russian borders, Ukraine, everywhere NATO is, the South China Sea, the Phillipines, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Africa. 

Soros is at the heart of all of this. 

If it comes down to it, I would fight. But most of us are of the opinion that HRC will not be president, and having Trump in office makes our job that much easier. But right now we have to carefully wade through the mud. 

As I stated before, BC likely wanted LL to focus on the e-mail server and shy away from prosecuting the foundation. 

We will go to war with Russia and possibly China if she wins. 

Obama Wanted to Postpone the Case Until 2018

Didn’t Obama push to have the case postponed until 2018 as well?

There is talk of it. I do not know where the order came from. 

A Difficult Position for FBI Insiders

If leaking data en mass destroys my country, we betray the country. If we do nothing, we betray the country. I am not disagreeing with you. I am saying the situation is more complicated when you are inside, and you do not have the breadth of info that I have that would make your eyes fall out of your skull if you knew what all was going on. 

It benefits her because her donors have paid for it. I do not want to post any information about me or where I am, because if any hint got out that I posted anything, I would be fired and blacklisted. Possibly killed. 

Soros Guiding Everything – Global Government

Soros funds, instructs, and influences every layer of US government. right down to the tax code. 

Correct theories: Huge Jewish influence, Soros as a puppet master, red team planner. You would have to ask specifically. 

The goal (of Soros, since I assume that is what you are asking) is to create a global government where all people intermingle and breed and become on people ruled by a racially pure Jewish race. They sincerely believe under their rule all human conflict will cease because there will be no more cause for division. This desire is born out of a fear of the horrors of WWII. The Holocaust is a lie, but the death toll was still massive nonetheless. And many people were brutalized by it.

Russia Hacked the Clinton Email Server 100%

do russia (or others) have enough info to bring down clinton if they leaked it? would they be more likely to leak it or use it for blackmail?

They have enough to take her down. I am not sure of the totality of what they have. I can tell you that they 100% hacked her server. 

Orlando and LA Gay Parade Attacks were Inside Jobs

are the incidents manufactured with the intent of harsher gun control laws?

Yes. They gay bar attacks were inside jobs. 

If Everything is Exposed, Human Trafficking and all the Payoffs

>In regards to the Clinton Foundation, what would happen if all of this information ended up being released to the general public?

I said in the last thread, total chaos. The government would be exposed at every layer, who pays who, who buys what, and no one has yet asked about the human trafficking bits I have been laying out. 

>What if you, you personally, leaked all the documents to the darkweb or some other online outlet. What would happen?

Silencing and/or death. Some places are trying to leak but we censor them too fast. 

>Would the countries that would be named in the documentation declare war if there was a large change in government?

No, they would declare war because all of our secret operations in their countries would be exposed. 

>Couldn’t you have the AGs of some of the right aligned states indict her? If they were given enough information and documentation?

We have thought about this. It is on the table. 

9/11 Was a Mossad Inside Job

>>79489525 (OP)
What do you know about 9/11? Was it an inside job?

9/11 was Mossad.

Get Smarter About Civil War (The FBI’s Main Concern)

If a civil war broke out, 100% certainty China and Russia would get involved. 

>Also, what fears would need to be resolved in order for the FBI to be willing to go nuclear on this bitch and the foundation?

This would be like launching a nuke at NYC. We would hit the target, but we would then be at war with the whole US. 

The FBI is facing the entire federal government in this case. It is why we are so quiet. 

Sex Rings in All Governments

Sex rings are popular in all governments, but pedophilia is primarily in British parliament & Saudi Arabia, and that’s why HRC and BC love foreign donors so much. They get paid in children as well as money. Dig deep and you can find it. It will sicken you. 

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    Total 77 comments
    • Ideas Time

      The world we live in not much like reality is it? Sounds like if someone wants to leak something they should do it in hard copies and send it out to a couple of hundred and as them to send out to a couple hundred more. That would overload the people trying to stop the info from getting out. Once the horse has left the barn not much point in closing the gates and the perps would be to busy running for cover.

      • HitleryforPrison

        Excuse me! I “resemble” all of those remarks and more you will never know about!

        • Equalizer

          Hitlery…you and Buttrock Ovomit are destined to meet the guillotines blades edge.

    • Pink Slime

      We are told who rules THIS kingdom. SATAN the DEVIL! Most in government don’t know who they REALLY work for, but worse don’t know they are UNDER his spell.

      But is that any excuse? No, because a man will reap what he sows.

      • lucid_ity

        Evil’s days are numbered

        • ElOregonian

          Actually, Each of our days are numbered here on earth. Evil festers in dark and hidden places. It crouches in silent empty corners awaiting an opportunity to seize those unaware of it’s corrupted purpose of damning itself, and those it consumes.

          It’s empty belly can never be satisfied, it’s certain death always has room for one more in its grave. It will never be satisfied until the last one is overcome…

    • Gil Carlson

      Remember, the government has the upper hand, we don’t stand a chance!

      Let me give you a hint about some of the mind-control projects that the CIA is working on: So far beyond what they wanted to do in the past. Now they can do all this but from a distance, and we won’t even know what is going on. Instead of drugs to get us to reveal our secrets, they now want to download our memories and examine them on a computer! They might even be able to remove our memories completely or replace them with someone else’s memories or false ones!

      • VetGeek

        Sounds like VR system…am I correct?

    • 1 darkstar

      Sound like a real bunch of sick people.

    • dianecee

      All who are involved need to be killed. All of them. How dare they jeopardize we the people and OUR nation…..and to boot, we are paying their salaries, healthcare and pensions. When all of their monies are confiscated the national debt can be paid off.

    • Snowball

      I read the whole thing over at 4Chan.

      I admire his outlook, but have no reason to believe he is a real FBI informant.

      • You People Are Nuts

        Oh for sure….4chan World News Daily 24/7.

        and don’t forget to tune into The Mary Poppins Nightly News….which is on right after “20/20 with Mr. Magoo”.

    • ElOregonian

      So, where is reality? The truth is not here but in heaven. We know who rules this domain with the fall of Adam and Eve back in the Garden.

      • smfresh82

        really? you honestly believe that since Eve ate an apple it is causing what is happening today? that is downright fucking insane. good lord what is wrong with you people. you are in a religious coma. look up the archons. yeshua warned of this.

        • The Clucker

          It wasn’t a literal apple, fella. You apparently didn’t get the heavy innuendo implying that an act of a sexual nature took place. Read Genesis again, with that understanding and it will make perfect sense. Adam and Eve hid their private parts with clothing after the “apple” incident, which would make absolutely 0 sense if they had only eaten an apple. It would make sense though, if they knew they had done something wrong, I.E. something adulterous, having sexual relations with someone or something that they were forbidden from doing those things with. Remember, throughout the Bible it makes it clear that keeping genetic lineages pure is important. it also makes it clear that it was important to keep track of your genetic lineage.

          Remember, there were 2 sons. Cain and Abel. Guess which one may have came from the “serpent seedline” because of that sexual act? It’s entirely possible for a woman to be pregnant with twins from the sperm of TWO separate fathers. The serpent “tempted” Eve, then she brought Adam in on it. I think she was banished from the garden for doing sexual acts with the “serpent.” (Probably not a literal “snake”, obviously.) Eve convinced Adam to also partake of the “apple.” Did he do some sort of sexual act with the serpent as well, or did he just condone what his partner had done?

          “5) Superfecundation
          Twins can have different fathers. One well known case was described in 1810 in the United States. A woman had both a white and a black lover, and she became pregnant and gave birth to twins, one white and the other black. Each twin had a different father. This is called superfecundation.”


          Also, remember that Cain killed his brother. I think the reason he did this was due to what sort of nature was passed to him through his genetic line.

          Cain was marked and banished for a reason, I would presume.

          These are just my thoughts on the matter.

          • You People Are Nuts

            How did Eve get the snake up in her vaginal opening without the poisonous snake biting her?
            So did Cain phuck his Mom, Eve?
            I mean you can’t expect your family to grow if there ain’t no women around.
            So once they finally produced daughters….Did Cain have relations with his own daughters? or did his sons do it with their sisters?
            Can Mom be the kids’ grandmother also? With all this incest, was it consensual?Sensual?
            If you inter-breed, don’t you get deformed babies? or really dumb ones?

            Actually, this is what it would have had to happen for us to be here.

            and you read about Adam & Eve where?

            • The Clucker

              Cain was banished, and his line was able to continue, which would imply that there were other people elsewhere on the Earth. In fact, he built the first city, implying there were many other people around. Just because Adam and Eve were the first of their “kind” doesn’t mean that there were no other “kinds” if you catch my drift. The Bible doesn’t explain everything. There are things that are left for us to figure out. Asking a guy on the internet that thinks he’s a chicken probably isn’t the best way to figure those things out.

            • The Clucker

              “How did Eve get the snake up in her vaginal opening without the poisonous snake biting her?”

              Answered that one in my first comment.

              “Actually, this is what it would have had to happen for us to be here.”

              Only if you’re assuming there were no other people outside of the Garden.

              and you read about Adam & Eve where?”

              Book of Genesis. This was also answered in my first comment above.

            • TonysTake

              The “snake” wasn’t hungry, it was horney. :evil:

            • Everette

              Science sates type O white people came upon earth about 150,000 years ago . But wait the Hebrews and the Bible staes Adm and Eve are only 5778 years ago . So what is happening ? Genesis chapter 1 tells us GOD reformed the earth and told the man and woman to go forth and Re- plinish the earth ! So they are to do it again . Science also states that the earth has been thru about 5 redo’s . In other words time limits are set to end the earths habitation after a certain time period . After the reforming and making and creating man and woman the Bible tells us GOD rested ! Then we pick up in Chapter 2 . GOD then makes a garden east in Eden . The Bible states that there was not a man to till the ground . But wait we have people that was created over 150,000 years ago . Science states that type O blood type people are meat eaters . So GOD in chapter 2 after the rest period creates a garden and forms another man ( Adam ) . HE puts him in the garden to dress the garden . Science states tharpt about 5800 years ago tyoe A positive blood type came upon earth . This closely matches the time period of Adam and Eves arrival in earth (5778 years ago ) . Then we read GOD causes a deep sleep to come upon Adam , HE Pulls out a rib and forms Eve . Then chapter 3 the serpent enters . Special Human Being Research Socity , ones that keep records of humanity , states that the serpent was a man name Nahash of the tribes of the earth which practiced dark magic . He enticed Eve to have sex . Eve never knew what sex was or did and was told not to practice it until marriage . GOD had told them not to mix with the tribes of the earth in writings found recently . The Vatican had burned most of the books and writings of history trying to destroy history ! Adam also did not know what sex was . According to the Bible Eve enticed him to try it ! Now the Vatican in 325 AD put together the writings they decided to have in the Bible . Not all the Bible is GODs words . Looking up the Bible code can help explain this . Anyway , Adam and Eve and Nahash had sex . Eve was pregnant with both men’s children . We find after they became of age Cain became jealous and killed Able . GOD finds Cain and Cain begs GOD to protect him from the people that would seek to kill him . GOD marks him and he leaves mom and dad and goes eastwards . He finds a woman of the tribes of the earth and mates with her . Now Adam and Eve have another child . Seth was born when Adam was 130 years old , mankind lived longer in past history . Now when Adam was 235 and Seth was 105 Adam begged Seth not to marry a woman from the tribes of the earth , let GOD make him a woman , but he burned with lust and married . This information can be found in other writing that have been found . Proof of this was the Bible continues that Adam did not have anymore children until he was 800 years of age , then he had more children . So there had to be other people on earth for both Cain and Seth to have married . There was no incest and you don’t have to worry about all the population to begin to start having babies with 2 heads ! Relax it’s going to be fine ! :lol:

          • Apollo is the A/C

            Clucker – you did a great job summarizing AND BTW – kudos to you in taking the time to explain some things. It’s not that people are stupid, the Truth has been hidden from them. Anyways, GOOD JOB!!!

    • dabu

      Russia has the emails, and putin is warning us right now! We are dangerously close to WWIII! That coming from the country with the most nuclear bombs should have every american in D.C. Putting a stop to this!

    • KKD

      Yeah cause 4chan hasn’t been hacked and taken over by the US Government. “FBI Insider” sure. Nothing but agents dangling a carrot on a string for the donkeys. Just creates more debate, speculation, separation, expectation that will come to fruition. All this “coming soon” “soon to be exposed” As one user said if someone wanted to really leak something the would make copies and disturbed them every place they could. That means not online, sending the material around on PUBLIC services , Libraries, buses, subway, phone booths, waiting rooms, independent media sources, hospitals, anywhere the pubic are and use frequently.

      Waiting for the MSM to disclose ANY corruption of these people in government will never happen unless its in their interest to do so. The American people live in a mass spying state, To think there is any “unwatched” or “un-monitored” internet activity that relates to the US Government is a pretty foolish thing to believe in. Agents are everywhere. How can you be even sure I am not one???? You can’t. All you have is your “belief” that I am not and sure what is that based on? NOTHING…. :shock:

    • Traci393

      Trump raped at least one 13 year old girl, and that woman has witnesses. Trump is well known for being close friends with serial pedophiles. This last decade, it has been proven that Trump has close international illegal business ties with Putin. Every past business venture outside of TV spectacles, Trump has gone belly up, leaving duped investors responsible for the debt.

      Trump starts a business venture, finds investors, and then walks away declares bankruptcy before every spending his own money. His investors sue him, he settles out of pocket, and then refuses to pay his legal fees to his OWN hired lawyers. His lawyers then sue him all over again.

      He then hires a ghostwriter to write about how successful he is, and either runs for POTUS or participates in a WWE match to promote himself and fake book.

      Trump does this EVERY decade.

      “Dupe, lie, declare bankruptcy, publish nonsense, repeat!” -Trump

      • oncefired

        You have Trump mixed up with Mitt Romney?

      • Anonymous

        You are totally correct here. Hillary is still out of jail, we don’t have a wall, illegal aliens are flowing into our country like water. I mean what has Trump done exactly? Can anyone here name one campaign promise that he has fullfilled or even tried to? That being said, I hope he is able to grab a little Asian pussy over there. He is a star, you know. :cool:

    • my2pesos

      Top ‘O’ The Line ~ Tooth Penile
      Top ‘O’ The Line ~ Tooth ‘pen’ Lie

      • my2pesos

        Pentagon ~ Pen ‘n’ Goat

    • chefjim

      While much of this is true, it is still considered MEDIA and thus is controlled. My estimation is that this is carefully used criminal facts used as propaganda for the people about the lying mess that our world leaders are in at this time in history. Believe only one thing: You can’t believe anything in this world. How can I say all of this? Simple. If we are to believe any of this, we must come to the conclusion the the POTUS election is RIGGED. If we were indeed looking at dialogue of people representing those “in the know”, they wouldn’t use the word “if” when referring to the election. The outcome is determined already.

    • dagiles

      great job……excellent work!

    • Godzilla

      Whatever happened to bush and cheney. They did 9-11-2001, gave us patriot act/dhs/tsa, falsely blamed alqueda and falsely attacked iraq and afghanistan, lost $2.3 trillion from the DOD budget, gave $700 billion in bailouts. Then obama, clinton and mccain set us up for arab spring which was nothing more than alqueda taking over countries in the middle east friendly with russia. Then ukraine.

      This excuse about countries declaring war on america is bullchit. Nobody but china and russia can compete on somewhat equal grounds and only because they have lots of nukes. The real reason FBI is hesitant to give disclosure is protect the people mentioned above, and those people above them called the illuminati, which is old money. The royal families and jew bankers don’t ever want to go to jail.

      And above the illuminati are alien entities that live underground and on other planets in our solar system. The rabbit hole is extremely deep. We are being told NOTHING, much like the middle ages where king and queens ruled the world. :mad: :mad:

      • Decode the World

        Actually, most people would be better off living under a king’s rule. Taxes were lower and the laws were very clear. The king was the boss and yes, he could chop off your head for any reason, but he was also responsible for the moral climate of society.

        • Godzilla

          A slave is always a slave. The least we could do is demand the smallest possible government and try to awaken as many as possible to the truth. I don’t have high hopes of the top criminals ever getting punished. The hell with them. Eventually they will either kill themselves or have to escape the planet and go elsewhere.

        • The Clucker

          What ever happened to that guy everyone thought was you? You know, the one with 30 logins that would downvote all of the comments into oblivion and threaten the BIN readers? Red Mann, I believe he called himself. He has been absent for quite some time. I’m asking you, Mr. Kitze, because he claimed to be on your payroll.

          Anyway, why did my article about King of Shambhala get deleted? I never was given a reason for that. Did he complain? I bet he did.

          • Big dog.../small fish...

            You wrote a piece of that nitwit?? If it was deleted – that goes totally against freedom of speech.

            • The Clucker

              It didn’t contain any profanity, but I mocked him to no end. That should be O.K. though, considering that he mocks Obama, Hillary, and all of his detractors any time he gets the chance. I wrote (poorly) a similar “piece” on the one who calls himself “Ray-El” and that was NOT deleted, which leads me to believe he had issued a complaint. I would try to reconstruct it for you but it would be time consuming and would just get deleted again so it wouldn’t be worth the time spent.

          • Hi NSA, kiss my artichoke

            Ah yes, Red Mann… the only person I thought was fruitier than KOS.
            Can’t say as I miss him, her, it.
            Would have loved to have seen your article on KOS, might have helped my $666 a week paid trolling of him. :twisted:

            • The Clucker

              I’m glad you’re getting paid. I’m doing this crap for free.

              Strangely Red Mann was actually quite intelligent. The problem was that he was paid to promote a certain agenda. In my opinion that agenda was to make waves with the Christian folk around here so that comments and clicks could be driven up on certain articles.

            • FAT AXL!!!

              “Red Mann was actually quite intelligent.”

              No he wasn’t. He was a Zitchin follower and he believed Sorcha Faal gives out good information.

          • Chet

            Clucker quote: “What ever happened to that guy everyone thought was you? You know, the one with 30 logins that would downvote all of the comments into oblivion and threaten the BIN readers? Red Mann, I believe he called himself. He has been absent for quite some time. I’m asking you, Mr. Kitze, because he claimed to be on your payroll.”

            Real mystery indeed. Chris leaves “the building” to flog his cristocreep currency and all his 2000 parts leave the BIN with him.

            About as deep a mystery as the watermelon obsessed”pink slime” and “msg chicken” account(s) that some say are the same person.

            Chris has never denied being “Red Mann” or any other of the filthy accounts littering this site. Don’t expect him to whip out his short comings and step into the light now.

            • The Clucker

              “Chris has never denied being “Red Mann” or any other of the filthy accounts littering this site. Don’t expect him to whip out his short comings and step into the light now.”

              (Psst! I was just seeing if he would use silence as an admission of guilt, once again.)

              It’s a grand comedic scene that plays itself out over and over again on these pages. I sure do love me some comedy, Mr. Chet.

            • King of Shambhala

              The second I set foot in these comments thet rolls will run for cover.
              They’re like vampires that lurk by night and flee by day.
              They don’t want to fight becuase logic is not part of their world and they’re ugly stupid sub-level minds with no lives.
              Spouting anonymous crap is their life.
              They’re losers.
              Too bad for them.
              They’re nice but they’re guilty of supporting the Antichrist Obama.
              They support a fraud Obama, who’s an old homo black.

            • King of Shambhala

              Why do the trolls never broach one single topic?
              They never talk about Obama being the Antichrist and the fact that I reveal he’s the Antichrist by the lottery draw of 666 in Obama’s homstate the day after his election.
              Nobody wants to talk about the fact Obama’s a homo and his own CDC disease-control website says 95% of HIV/AIDS is due to homos.
              The trolls are strange because they enver attack or criticise Obama.
              SUSPICIOUS! Thye’re paid Obama operatives. Shills!!!!
              What more proof do you need?

            • King of Shambhala

              I don’t know why the trolls always take sides for Obama/Hillary and not against them.
              I don’t get why they defend the two frauds Hillary and Obama.
              Something must be wrong in their heads because otherwise why would they defend those two?

            • King of Shambhala

              The Apocalypse just happened at the Top 50.
              Google: Beware of Saturday 7/16/16… = 7 / 1+6 / 1+6 = 7-7-7… the Day Martial Law to Be Declared?

            • Loki

              Geez. Count on KOS to kill off an interesting comment stream with absurd broken record style “I’m the Messiah” ramblings.

              Begone ye, KOS. Begone, mentally ill one.

      • King of Shambhala

        The false christs lurking in the comments are trolls.
        People, you have to spread the news Obama’s the Antichrist or you’ll not get to heaven!
        Ignore the trolls who heckle here because they defend the Antichrist Obama.
        They’re mentally ill.

    • lexus

      All my suspicions are true, at least concerning Hitlery, the Foundation and this entire government. And to think they are at least 70 years behind the times. That’s at least how far ahead our technology is, unknown to us. We’ve all been duped by Satan, the banking world, industrial and military complex, and the ass holes we elect. This is Satan’s world, remember? He sub-controls the direction the world moves. God is still No. 1 and all things, including Satan, are under His control.

    • Pink Slime

      Hillary is a globalist. There is not a drop of her blood that is American. So it is with the sodomite Negro who is a Muslim. So why is one a “president” and the other running to be one?

    • Nano Babe

      In Australia we almost had a Hung Parliament and Pauline Hanson got 5% of the Majority Vote, if you don’t know who she is google her with he catch phrase “Please Explain?” It was Australia saying to the Government F**k U, we would rather HER than any of YOU. Our Government is a bad DVD copy of yours. Would you agree that the ALP Party in Australia is totally under the thumb of Barry’O?

    • lexus

      Everyone needs to flood this administration and media about the Clinton Foundation relentlessly and don’t let up!!

      • Anonymous

        First comment you have ever made that I have agreed with. Nice work.

        • The Clucker


    • Josie

      If this person or the FBI does not bring this to light, they are just as guilty as the people involved. We all know this government is corrupt but couldn’t do anything about it. Not that its possible to expose all the sorry excuse for humanity. Do it!!!!!!!! Think of all our men and women who have died in Service for the government’s greed and there war mongering. Sit back and do nothing and we’ll all end up in female camps. We need to take this country back…..

    • Josie

      I typed Fema Camps not female camps, the wording changes by itself. Doesn’t look like they posted my comment anyway.

    • Ruk9p

      If the FBI leaks all, they betray the country try. If they do nothing, they betray the country try. Hmmm… If the biggest concern of the FBI rank and file is making sure that they get their 30 pieces of silver, and any action betrays the country, the FBI can easily fix this issue. From the bottom, up, start arresting everyone on whom they have credible information that indicates criminal activity, starting with the FBI “leader”, Comey. Then, Lynch, Hillary, Bill and so forth, and such like until we need a couple of new prisons just for the DC traitors.The people won’t go bananas doing anything but cheering. As long as local law enforcement isn’t decimated by the fallout from the crimes of the elites, this ” agent”, is just looking for sympathy and to weasel out of the hardest thing that the FBI ever had to do. Had they been willing to do this part of their jobs in decades past, this wouldn’t be a problem.

      The FBI wanted “jurisdiction”, THIS is as bad as it gets. But following orders from leaders they know to be corrupted, is worse than the corruption itself. If the FBI didn’t back up the blackhats, but arrested them instead, I might have some sympathy for the situation they knowingly watched grow around them.

      If the law doesn’t apply to Hillary, it doesn’t apply to me (or anyone else), either. So go arrest the bitch!

    • apache5

      they are ALL SCUMBAGS and they ALL need to be tried and hung FOR treason

    • LindaJoyAdams

      Current dictator of the USA is ‘hired hand’ Lynn Blodgett and he is named by high level officials verbally and in writing. US congress defunded internal audits and criminal investigations of Govt contractors in COUP OF 2002 SEC DEFUNDED ALSO TO NOT ABLE TO UNRAVEL A MAZE OF SHELL COMPANIES AND ILEGAL SECRET DEAL PARTNERSHIPS OF GOVT CONTRACTORS AS THE ENTIRE GOVT AT ALL LEVELS SOON CONTRACTED OUT MORE THAN EVER. THEN congress UNCONSTITUTIONALLY GAGGED ITSELF AND IS NOT PERMITTED TO CONTRACT A CONTRACTOR, NOR MENTION THEM NOR ASK THEM TO TESTIFY AT HEARINGS. before I knew of any link to the Clinton Foundation had been forced to unravel this from the bottom up for my own personal survival. This international cabal owns our data and files and that of other nations now as this same things as gone on world wide and the TPP will find all in one big data base outside the country as new companies being formed and ACS is already in Malaysia . MOST IN CONGRESS DID NOT KNOW THEY VOTED FOR THIS AND FEW THEIR NOW KNOW AND THE REAL GOVT IS NOT IN CHARGE OF ANYTHING ANYMORE AND CONGRESS ONLY KNOWS WHAT THE CONTRACTORS LETS THEM KNOW TO PASS LAWS THAT DO NOT WORK BUT ARE MORE STEALING SCAMS. we aree all directly affected as they have been allowed to illegally say they are a govt office, phone number or officials and ARE NOT. A meeting in Dallas of the elites began this as they knew that the new generations of systems would allow one entity to eventually control the entire world and the govt contracted out systems instead of hiring programmers in house as in the past. First company formed was Sungard in 1984 that controls all money in system and that is all most have.not coins or cash etc. One keystroke can wipe us all out. legitimate companies like Xerox and more recently Hewlett-pckard were victims of takeover and turned into govt services companies and in preparation for TPP are now being split back to what they were and the govt services contracts part into new companies and SEC HAS HAD HANDS TIED TO BE UNABLE TO ACT by congress. Since 1983 there has been a type of over thrown of the original group into this newer cabal Do not forget that Walmart, where Hillary was on the board fast became he general store of the world and many communities no longer have smaller stores to buy from any more. Lots coming to light of what they may be used for control of food and goods distribution, etc. Much private industry has to hire Lynn Blodgett’set al management firms to be in existence also and few understand that they are working along side you in companies now. as they , like as govt contractors are not allowed to tell you … they are already the 3rd cause of death in the USA in total control of health care and micromanaging your own doctor, etc. ITS GOOD TO KNOW THAT SOMEONE ELSE IS FINALLY WAKING UP TO WHAT MAY SOON BE THE BEAST OF REVELATION AND THE ANTI CHRIST HISELF IN CHARGE OF THE ENTRIE WORLD. Hillary and the Blodgett brothers and others may well find themselves expendable now that they got it all in place. I begin this investigation in 2002 when I knew that crimes were being committed with govt data and learned soon on no one in the real govt has access or can make this cabal obey the govt and its a real life and death struggle for me as Lynn Blodgett is indefiance of 38 federal agency judges in several agencies on my cases alone and HE IS NOT SUBJECT TO THE LAWS OF THE LAND AT ALL AND NEITHER IS HIS COHORTS. this should be the campaign issue. Do not forget this cabal is the snoopers of our e mails and phone calls and can use the info as they wish to, unlike a real govt employee who could still be prosecuted for even accessing what they have no official use of it. and GS4 AND OWNER YNN BLODGETT WAS CONTRACTED WORLDWIDE FOR SECURUTY BY US AND OTHER NATIONS AND WAS TO BE PROTECTING OUR EMBASSY AND AMBASSADOR AT BENGHAZI , BUT CONGRESSIONAL ILLEGAL GAG ORDEF MEANT HE WAS NEVER ASKED WHERE WERE YOU AND YOUR PEOPLE? Most of our govt can easily be blackmailed to wipe them out financially if not for personal secrets. Even Trump, could not buy or sell without going through them? Linda Joy Adams

      • Global Grist

        I’m curious how Hillary having SAP’s on her personal computer system may have played into the Benghazi deaths.

      • King of Shambhala

        Linda Joy Adams is an elderly lady from Kansas. She says she’s Obama’s thrid cousin. the bombshell she reveals to the world is that Obama’s real name is Barry Parks, i.e. the son of Jim T. Parks from Topeka Kansas, where Obama’s mother was born.
        Linda gives the only story of Obama’s childhood that holds any water.

    • Josie

      If you don’t release this information then you are a trader. There is a possibility that Trump may not win because everything is rigged by the elite. Don’t wait till it’s to late! This is our last chance, if she is not stopped a lot of people are going to die. Do you want that on your head….

      • King of Shambhala

        Trump’s the elite.
        He’s not educated.
        But he fits in well anyways.
        The Elite are not very educated anyways.
        Most of them can hardly read anyways and don’t understand when people talk to them, even for basic things and which they get backwards most of the time anyways.

    • CURT
      LEARN IT, PROMOTE IT , LIVE IT! Lets live without “THEM”!

    • dennisR8

      The tip of the ice berg is the 500 members of Congress that have been bribed with money due to American citizens from NESARA. George HW Bush started this evil effort and Bill Clinton is a major player. I think that the Council on Foreign Relations David Rockefeller and George Soros are also big players in stealing money due American citizens from the real organization NESARA. This NESARA could be legitimate money as a result of banking evil practices. I do not know enough about NESARA though. George HW Bush is the original gangster here unless Rockefeller is higher

    • Richard Parker

      Yep, that’s pretty sad stuff, but you just can’t count on the US government to tell the truth.

    • Ideas Time

      Read this entire article. Interesting. http://www.tomheneghanbriefing

      Hillary Clinton the ISIS Terrorist

      by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

      UNITED States of America – It
      can now be reported that U.S. Defense Intelligence and the U.S.
      Military Flag Officers have received the 33,000 TREASONOUS Top Secret
      emails from the Russian Federation that will immediately lead to the
      arrest of former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton.

    • lucid_ity

      The FBI is compromised. It will be interesting if they attempt to cover up the vast clinton crimes in this scandal.

    • The Clucker

      It’s crazy how the master of the house’s stories never seem to drop off of the main page of the news feed. I wonder why that is… (I’m not really wondering. That would be just plain ignorant. I’m just being facetious.)



    • Josie

      Wish they would hurry and release what they have before the election, time is short. Who in the heck are they going to get to prosecute these people, most are crooked. This info. Is already three months old.

    • The Watcher


    • No Body

      Involves Entire US Government! By this you must mean the “US BRANCH OF THE FEDERAL OR FEDRAEL OR FEDRAELI MAFIA.

    • No Body


    • Josie

      This is a year old!!!!!!

    • Wynter Silvermoon

      Be careful with this. Trump is not dirty. He does everything by the book. He is a very strong Indigo.

    • Bob DD

      Author: “…you can decide if this is for real or not.” I think this is not real! Jibberish!

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