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By Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian (Reporter)
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Video: Financial End Times: The Arithmetic is Getting Harder to Deny Every Day . .

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by Tom Dennen


Banking today is like living alone with your savings under the mattress, getting up in the middle of a freezing winter night and sitting down on a warm toilet seat.

You and your money are not alone!

Can we Learn from history? (More below video)

1.            Gold and silver are the ultimate trading commodities, but too heavy to carry around, so various methods of ‘counting’ metal assets were invented over the last six thousand years including paper scrip followed by today’s pdigital measurements that tell another bank or merchant that ‘the bearer’ is legitimate and the bank or merchant can withdraw the amount deposited or spent, but a gold or silver coin, called ‘Specie’ money still carries weight.

2.            The Babylonian Curse of Usury – basically cheating someone in need – began six thousand years ago when Babylonian rulers discovered that farmers worked harder when they were in debt.

3.            Two Thousand years ago, a very angry Tiberius Caesar (not ‘meek and mild’ Jesus Christ) threw the Roman money lenders out of the temples of his Empire because they were being used for money lending . Kicked out “over matters of usury”. The temples were being used as banks in a nation that had been slowly strangled by debt over three hundred years before Tiberius took over, but even in his time citizens were loath to storm any temple as gods dwelt therein and you do not anger the gods. (I have quoted the journalist who recorded Tiberius’s eviction, below).

4.            Just over a thousand years later, Edward the First threw his Empire’s money lenders out with a blanket Edict, “over matters of usury” that had accumulated over some three hundred years before his reign.

For reasons unknown he retained the economic system that the lenders had initiated, which allowed interest on loans, forbidden by Old Testament Judaism, Christianity and Islam, both of the two latter religions are based on Judaism’s Old Testament which holds that lending money is to help, not to rob, which is sinful – good, old-fashioned Jewish thinking.

5.            The early American colonies under Benjamin Franklin rejected the British monetary system of lending for excess interest and created government-issue Colonial Scrip to finance his small colony – an interest-free, debt-free currency that caused a permanent break from the British. Unfortunately the fledgling Democracy cast off Franklin’s scrip and returned to the ‘accepted’ banking system of usury.

6.            Albert Einstein was credited with this out-of-science answer to the question, “What is the greatest force in the Universe?”

“Compound interest.”

7.            Abraham Lincoln created a currency he called The Greenback Dollar after being told his Civil War would cost him up to 36% in interest charges on any war loans to his Union government. The Greenback was ‘real’ money, debt- and interest-free legal tender that was accepted as payment for taxes by the issuing government.

8.            Hitler’s German population, when he took over in 1933, was at a sleeping-in-the-streets level of poverty and was, by universal decree, formed by the Versailles Treaty,not allowed to borrow money from any source. So the Reichsmark arrived, a government-issue, interest-free (and so on) real currency that took one of the poorest nations one earth from bankruptcy to the most powerful economy on earth . . . during the Great Depression!

While his anti-Semitic genocide was beyond inhuman, he did give his country the economic power to make war, from 1941, just eight years after his premiership started, on a world that had denied it credit access or any other assistance whatsoever, from the Treaty of Versailles on.


For one hour worked, one Reichsmark was paid in legal tender, acceptable as tax revenue. Real money, not ‘fiat’ money printed on a privately-owned press at the cost of the paper alone (much like New York’s Itheca Hour)

9.            John F . Kennedy issued almost $9bn of real money into the U.S. economy with his revival of the Silver Certificate which could be redeemed for Silver Dollars each containing one ounce of 99-fine silver, ‘specie’ or ‘real’ debt-free, interest-free money that worked anywhere in the world. On every bill was printed, “Pay to the Bearer on demand

( $ dollar amount) in Silver” so the common man had access to real metal wealth. Like Lincoln, he met the same fate.

10.         Today, through banks, commodity and stock exchanges, and a myriad of complicated and rigid financial rules the moneylenders own the Temple and thus control the Anglo-European Empire while its citizens resort to debt counseling over their diminishing nest eggs held by the foxes guarding their hen-houses.

It’s time to pay the piper, isn’t it?

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