Supermoon Quakes in Chile, New Zealand, Japan and Argentina, and it's Not Over Yet!
Here are a few news reports regarding sizable quakes that popped off like clockwork over the last few days during the closest ‘Supermoon’ in recent history.
Argentina hit as well…
Quakes also occurred near Japan and Chile during the course of this November’s “Supermoon. What many do not realize is that our Moon’s orbit, now markedly changed, not only tugs on trillions of tons of sea water, but the much more dense liquid magma just beneath our planet’s relatively ‘dust layer’ thin crust! Yet, many scientists would have you believe that apparently, the moon is rather stingy about what kinds of mass upon which it chooses to exert it’s gravitic attraction. Either that or our relatively super thin crust exhibits magical gravity shield properties and only the open sea water, remaining unprotected, is exposed!
But just how thin are we talking regarding the outer shell of our planet? Our planet’s crust is so thin, relatively speaking, that if the earth were shrunk to the size of a chicken’s egg, the crust would be 3 to 4 times thinner than the egg shell! Shrunk to the size of a classroom globe, it would still be thinner than your finger nail! I have watched as our planet has shifted it’s orbit enough to cause remarkable changes in the Sun, Earth and Moon orbital relationship; resulting in massive worldwide changes. Climate, ocean current, quakes, tsunami, etc..
The following contains an externally edited version of an article I posted here at BIN years ago. The story was deleted several times here on BIN, but here is the edited copy, entitled: “HUGE MEDIA BLACKOUT REGARDING EARTH AND MOON ORBITAL CHANGES”
All the reports of ‘supermoons’ now in the news are increasing awareness among the world’s populations to the cause and effect relationship now playing out in the local cosmos. By simple observation of these dynamics, one is able to warn of incoming quakes. A few days ago, I told friends and family that this november’s supermoon would cause sizeable quakes to pop off, mostly in the southern hemisphere. I was made aware of this by God given common sense, observation and deduction. The Moon is near the northern limit of it’s relatively new ‘spiral’ orbit. It is also reaching it’s closest ‘perigree’ for many years. Compare what you see to the highly inaccurate information that is still being taught today. Soon, you too will be able, with an appreciable degree of accuracy, to “predict” earthquakes. Here is more, much more, information for those interested to see what God is accomplishing on the world stage at this time…and has yet in store for our world.
“There will be great earthquakes, famines,and pestilences in various places, along with fearful sights and great signs from heaven.“ Luke21:11
There is one more “Supermoon” arriving in 2016 that, according to calculations, will peak on December 14th. I encourage you, dear reader, to study and prayerfully consider the information at the links above and compare it to your own observations, rather than blindly trust a thoroughly corrupted corporate media, which has a long history of ignoring and/or intentionally covering up such information that is beneficial for all who wish to make relevant determinations for themselves and their families.
What is now occurring on the earth is no reason to sit down near the finish line of this earthly marathon and hang one’s head between their knees in fear or depression; for there is MUCH to be thankful for, and much Hope for the future!
Remember, If God can save a guys like Kirk Martin and myself, He can surely save you too.
Blessings all in Yeshua, Jesus Christ, and Good Journeys