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By Tom Dennen, the paranoid historian (Reporter)
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Benjamin Fulford: We Are Not All Doomed!

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Fulford is a very popular journalist, and with Daniel Louis Crumpton, make a formidable analytic team;


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    Total 9 comments
    • sim1776

      Only here would Fulford be considered a journalist. Fantasy writer is more like it.

    • patriots.bonfire

      Canadian Benjamin Fraudster.

    • Anonymous

      “Until you change the way money works, you change nothing.” — Michael Ruppert

      This was good and true, said by Benjamin Fulford … hmm. I used to listen to his report, then one knew what’s not going to happen. So when he says “we are not ALL Doomed!” That too me is more scary than all the usual crap planet x, nibiru …

    • truthseeker4809

      The problem with Ben Fulford is that his statement loses credibility after repeating lies over and over again. While he has a few points that worthwhile to listen to, he misses the real core of the problem. What is controlling the world is the belief system.

      Energy doesn’t need to be bought because it is free. The universal law of the nature says the energy is free. ISIS controlling of the middle east is not a issue. The real issue is why the real truth is prevented from being exposed to the largest general public.

      The another real issue may be how to recapture the main stream media from the hands of the evil cabals who don’t want the truth to be known to the public. How can you pass a law saying that a news media can not be owned by a party by more than 5 percent of the entire stock of the company no matter what.

      And they have to show the proof that all the 20 companies that own the media should not be related in anyway by any financial, political, cultural and religious interest.

      Is that too much to ask?

    • Jango

      His headline is right: We are not ALL doomed. If you believe in Jesus as your savior then you will not perish (be destroyed). All the rest will be. Sorry, but I didn’t make the rules, that’s just how it works. God cannot have anyone in heaven that wants to serve the devil, they need to repent and start to follow God’s ways if they want to live with Him in Heaven. Find out how at

      • Ste Gre

        There are many who never knew Jesus or the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, never even knew about the bible, but had, and applied, love in their heart for others. there is to be a new heaven and a new earth and there are to be people who will endure unto the end when Jesus returns. there is to be two resurrections: the first at the beginning the the thousand year reign of christ when the dead in Christ shall rise and the living shall be caught up with the dead and, the second, after the thousand year reign of Christ when all the other dead shall rise and be judged from the Book of Life – some to everlasting death, some to everlasting life according to their works.

        • Anonymous

          its good you want to understand the Truth which is The Word/Jesus He is the only one we should attach ourselves to, to guide us through the deception of evil God bless you .

    • Boo

      It’s more like formidable disinformation team. Mr. Fulford is just one step from the cliff’s edge and counting down 3,2,1 as he prepares to throw the boulder attached to his ankles into the abyss below.

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