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Monster Fires Burning Up Midwest; Almost 1m Acres, 1m Cattle Dead!

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How on earth do 830,000 acres and one MILLION cattle get burned up….in the middle of winter?!?!?

This isn’t fire season.  No thunderstorms, no heat wave, yes there is a lot of wind.  But it’s still cold out.  Things just don’t catch fire like this on their own……hmmm…..

Fakebook is pushing down the local reports of this tragedy.  Why?  That’s a good question.  Someone needs to get out and look at the source.

From Jim Stone

And they are probably staged by the likes of Zukerberg and Soros.

Normally I would not do anything with this topic, but after what a reader sent, I believe it is a staged event that the elite, including Zukerberg want. Why would I say this? Well, look at what this reader sent:

Heartbroke sent:

“Hi Jim, heads up to whats going on here in the central states…huge fires all over Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas whipped up by outrageous winds, estimated a million cattle destroyed from facebook posts that have been deleted and gone as fast as people post them and not a whisper on any national news(big surprise there). Farmers have been killed trying to save their animals and nothing on our news about any of it. Farmers from all over are sending convoys of hay to help feed whats left of all the herds after the crops and hay was burned all over. Its tragic and they are actively squelching as much info as they can getting out.Please let people know.Thanks for all you do…..heartbroke in Missouri”

MY RESPONSE: I have confirmed that these fires are real, and that indeed, by the numbers, a million cattle probably really have been killed. It is worse than what this writer said. CONFIRMED: 830,000 acres in Oklahoma and Kansas burned, with the worst damage in Texas, no estimate yet. New Mexico has also suffered severe wildfires. Totals probably equal two million acres so far, and you simply can’t burn that much without “losing a million cattle” being more than plausible. SO WHY WOULD FACEBOOK BAN THIS TOPIC? EASY ANSWER:


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    Total 32 comments

      Yes it is still winter, but in the Texas Panhandle, we have had temps pushing 90 on some days, relative humidity of 9 %, and winds gusting to 60+ miles per hour. Think about how dry that makes things! It doesn’t take a conspiracy for several fires to get started, and out of control. Use your head for something other than a hat rack.



      The reason these fires were not bigger news in the MSM, is all of the “journalist” are Blue Island people, and they don’t give a rat’s ass what happens to the people in flyover country. Expect to hear about the unexplainable rise in beef prices, when the Blue Island people go the the market, in the next few months.

      • yen ain\\\'t happening

        The MSM is too busy forfilling the needs of thier handlers posting fake news stories.

    • DK

      Cattle have legs and when panicked crash straight through barbed wire so so just setting fire to the field would have little effect, one or two would be lost to the wire. Cows weigh up to a tonne.

      • chefjim

        Cattle have legs…I like that!

        • DK

          Yes I too have yet to hear off any wildfires which have killed livestock which have not been either in transit or in some other form of containment – i.e. a barn. Cattle can manage 30 mph.

          • DISPENSER

            The fires were moooving at 50-60 mph in some cases. The land is not perfectly smooth, it has gullys, hills, and obstacles that slow down the movement of cattle.

            • DK

              Winds were gusting at 40 – 60 MPH – the fire was not moving at 40-60 MPH the smoke was on MARCH 3rd, folks downwind had some warning – the fields were not only dry but grazed making an adequate firebreak unless your cattle were on a range with mixed woodland.

              All the head would have panicked and run away from the fire. Not all would have made it. There are good reports of entire herds being put down due to injuries. Even so the fire was slow enough to allow the farm owners to pack up and escape.

              What has happened which nobody has the sense to question is why wildfires are starting in a straight line perpendicular to the direction of the wind with no natural means of ignition.

      • wbrowning

        Have you seen how fast a wildfire spreads in sixty MPH winds?

        Faster than you or any animal can move.

        These animals and people were killed by being surrounded and engulfed in the flames.

        • DK

          Dear Mr Browning, animals can smell wildfires from a considerable distance, fires happen to not be a consistent unbroken line of fire unless deliberately set by humans, but are sporadic usually created by lightning strikes, which means there are areas of wet terrain to take shelter in.

          Grassland burns quite well normally, however by the time grazing cattle have finished with it it is usually stubble and in the areas concerned you are getting BLM complaints of rancher over grazing. Cattle by grazing make a low risk environment for fire.

          What I am pointing out here is Cattle live in fields where by grazing the fire risk is minimal, massive wildfires happens where there are no cattle, like forests or state land. You also are not having 60mph winds, they are your usual 6- 14 mph, you should write headlines for BIN.

          • DISPENSER

            You have never been to the Texas Panhandle have you. We do have winds of 35-45 mph sustained, and gust up to, and over 60 mph. The day the fire broke out we had gust of 60+ mph.

            • DK

              I have 2 relatives who live in Austin Texas on a new development which I can only describe as reclaimed desert. I do live in cattle country, but the other side of the world from you. I never said there were not gusts of 60 mph, they were on MARCH 3rd-this article was posted on the 12th DATELESS, what I am declaiming is 1 million acres burnt and 1 million head lost and massive wildfires burning out of control right now this instant you are certainly going to die, this is OLD NEWS, and the reason why none of it is true is that everything from running away to pulling in the fire departments from neighboring states was done. The loss of life and property is minimal, however it was not natural causes but Arson.

    • chefjim

      The MSM DID report these fires and did mention that 7 people (at last count) had perished in them but no mention of ANY cattle. Why would they report the people and not the cattle?

      At any rate. Half of the country is freezing and the other half is on fire. No man made weather patterns happening here at all. Please move along and place all of your common sense on the belt.

      • lorddaniel

        Lol so u don’t believe in the God factor?

    • DJ

      I stumbled upon this headline in Israel news…ISIS points to arson attacks in Israel as a model for terrorists…. there is a plethora of information online on the subject of Islamic terrorism and arson. This may be the reason the MSM is not reporting on this news-worthy topic, just as we didn’t hear much about the fires in Tennessee which clearly demonstrated a pattern of having been set in an organized distribution pattern.

    • redgrashoper

      I have seen the fire first hand with volunteer fire departments coming hundreds of miles away to help with the fires. Cows deaths are a real thing. Here is a article to show…… Wind is blowing 30+ MPH again today at 30 degrees. Praying the fires don’t start going again. Yup it’s all another day Living in Kansas.

      • DK

        Current wind speed in Kansas is a state high in one location of 24 mph with an average of 17 mph, not actually enough for a fire storm but plenty enough if there is arson over a large area by an organised group. Your last hail storm was 6 days ago with light snow on Saturday. So no lightning started the fire, it is man made. Wake up and smell the petrol.

        • redgrashoper

          DK what? Fires was starting Friday March 3, temps was about 80 degrees and wind was 50 MPH they humidity level was at or less than 10. Fire warnings was out. If you want you can pull up the weather for the Dodge City Kansas NOAA weather site. I not saying that it is absolutely not arson but the conditions are right for accidental fires to start with out petrol arsonist. I saw where on started and could of been anything.

          • DK

            Not by the ‘report’, this current article is about the 11-13th March fires because Jim Freestone deliberately left out any mention of a date other than that of publication, of which apparently the monster fires are burning up the Midwest at this very moment, even as I go though the search engines there is no mention of recent any wild fires at all in 2017 other than on from Fox.

            The only article of those fires which you mention from March 3rd on Fox News dated 7th March. Total area burned (by Fox) = 145 square miles (92,500acres) with a ballpark figure of 1 head per 4 acres the maximum possible loss of head is 23,125, no mention of loss of life.( Those fires are out or controlled but your wind speed was right at that time.

            Your news channels only seem to be interested in Chile fires.

            As for arsonists, you are well outside the tourist season and the only 2 natural sources of ignition are larva and lightning. If they are absent the fires are man made even if it was one intensive heavy smoker driving around the US he still had to drop lit cigarettes at exactly the right spots at the right time to make a wildfire ant it was still a deliberate act.

            The exaggeration here is in the order of 10 times the actual fire damage and unless most of the US herd was droving through the affected area with no way of escape some 50 – 100 times the number of head lost is being falsely claimed.

    • Hang all drunkdrivers

      My guess is illegals are setting the fires. They’re mad at trump for not letting them stay here mooching off working americans. Naturally the media ignores that story.

    • apache5

      Facebook is owned by the CIA who are owned by the NWO, and so until YOU idiot sheeple wake up and decide to clean out the scum in DC NOTHING will change for the better, it WILL get worse MUCH worse!!!

    • BungalowBud

      Still winter and those warm temperatures not compared to summer don’t have to be. Its the lower dew points because still cool Gulf. So this combo means way lowet humidity than even in summer. Dry timber really goes. Remember burning Christmas trees in winter?

    • dufus

      it just doesn’t make sense to hide this from the public. one million cows and doesn’t make the news. Something ain’t here. But a lot of news, as of late, is hidden. a lot.

    • unidentified

      maybe it didnt get reported because it never happened :arrow:

    • Anonymous

      Weather Modification easy answer.

    • Everette

      For awhile now I have been saying nut case Muslim that just left our White House had brought in over 150,000 Russian troops and was bringing in UN troops in adding the NWO operation of destroying America . Scum bag with presidential orders in 2012 may , started the rampage of foreign troops with his executive order of 15,000 special force Russian troops to protect him as he said from the American people . They were surrounding him in region 3 , or in other words the states surrounding Washinton DC . He continued bringing in troops and the last report was over 150,000 Russian troops are all across America . Many had stated seeing the troops in the states locations were the fires had broken out . One report was fire fighters trying to stop the set fires had come upon a unit in the middle of the woods near where the fires had started . Add to them the UN troops and the Islamic Isis troops butt head had brought in and anything becomes possible . This reminds me of the civil war were the northern union troops set fire to the southern troops crops and farms . This starved out the south causing them to have to surrender . 1,000,000 cattle means hamburger might rise very soon . Then what about the crops also involved . It was said recently that America has only 3 days supply of food in store houses . Should a crisis hit the shelves would soon become bare . Thank you idiot Muslim enemy of America nut case Obama . Charge this basterard with Treason and hang him in front of the capital and White house . These troops need to be found and removed . They are according to sources getting ready to spring into action against America and its citizens . They were even allowed by idiot to bring in russian nuke bombers into South Carolina , I know I saw one myself , then the news confirmed it . Who is to say that this is how the russians were being transported in with . And who knows it was said that even nukes were brought in . If so , then I’m sure they have lready been planted and awaiting the words go ! Some russian spies converted American had so stated this plan . So when certain cities go up in smoke then know jackass Obama caused this . Then Find his ass and let him take his dirt nap ! First the fires out west , now the fires in middle America . What next the east coast and south . Gatlinburg , Tennessee already got a dose of it . I was there about a couple months before the fire . There was there already hords of imagrants that massed the parkway the day before I left . What was a 10 mile drive took us 3 hours because of the hords that had suddenly appeared on the parkway . I had been to Myrtle Beach and had seen many Russian people that had been brought in and had taken over jobs in Restrants , stores and hotel , motel businesses . When we got to Gatlinburg we found after a year being there previous Russians had started working in the Restrants since the previous year . I believe they are taking down our food supply first and our hiding places making everything out in the opening . Not to mention killing the wild animals hunters would be able to live off of . Dumbass also used tax payers money to stock up food , seeds , bullets ( over a billion rounds ) and dig holes in the ground for their elite to hide in . Then when the smoke clears they will emerge and force those left to comply because they have the food to feed them . I hope Trump finds these elites first and deals them the hand they have been dealing American citizens . Round up these foreign troops and send them back home ! Whether Isis , Russian , UN , drug cartels , thug cartels , or whatever wants America’s destruction , they must go !

      • Mayhem

        Who is denying the wild fires? I see folk questioning the million acre claim as well as the loss of a million head of cattle and none of your links address either point in a way that corroborates this articles headline.

        As far as i can tell less than half the area was burned than what is claimed here and stock losses are in the thousands not the many hundreds of thousands.

        Me thinks you’re arguing what you wanted to hear instead of what is actually being said.

    • dakota

      I think YOU better start using YOUR head. It furthers their agenda to eliminate the world’s food supply by using accelerants to murder the cattle. AND U KNOW that.

      Removing the posts is a dead give away. Pardon the pun.

      Spread this story all over the world, folks. Quickly.

    • Bradley Dueringer

      It is part of tptb’s planned famine and increase in food prices to further our enslavement

    • O. Ryan Faust

      Who’s causing it? Let’s see. Who comes from a region that should be a tropical rain forest, but instead is a barren desert because they set fire to vast areas of land as a way of waging war . . . and has come to America in large numbers . . . and hates us . . . and wants to kill us . . . and think we’re infidels . . .

      Ok, I give up.

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