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By 50 Shades of Pissed Off
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Seth Rich Was Huma Abedin’s Liasion to Leak Clinton Emails After She Was Blackmailed by Anonymous. Huma was the leak!

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I know the Seth Rich murder has been covered ad naseum. So I’m gonna make this brief and to the point.

I just wanted to point out a couple things that I saw reported back when it happened that I havent heard a word about since.

In August of 2016 I was browsing through a 4chan forum and I took this screenshot of a conversation (screenshot below) where Anonymous was claiming that they had hacked into Huma Abedin’s personal computer and had intercepted Huma in real time, sending the Saudis a compromising video that she had taken of Hillary. It is not stated what exactly was on the video but my guess is that it probably had something to do with the sexual abuse of a minor.

(Apparently Angela Merkel was also in one of the “compromising videos” with Hillary. God only knows what it shows them doing.)

Huma Abedin’s family is in Saudi Arabia and this is where her loyalty lies.

Anonymous confronted Huma and faced with the threat of being exposed, she agreed to give them info (the emails that were later printed by Wikileaks) if they agreed to keep quiet about what they found her doing. 

According to Anonymous, Huma told them that she would give them the info they’d asked for via an insider…a liasion.

Guess who that liasion was? SETH RICH!!

Now does it make sense why they are trying to confuse this story?


Anonymous then gave the emails to Wikileaks to publish.

Here is that screenshot from 4chan. This was big news back then in forums like 4Chan and GLP…but it never seemed to reach any of the mainstream alternative sites and it seems to have been forgotten about since.

(Also note…the news about all of the sensitive files marked “Life Insurance” stored on Huma Abedins and Anthony Weiner’s computer didnt come out until months AFTER this in November. Which gives Anon’s story here more credibility and shows they had foreknowledge of information that was proven true months later. I remember thinking back to this story I had read on 4chan (about Anon blackmailing Huma) when the news broke months later in November about the huge amount of emails and files marked “Life Insurance” on Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner’s computer and thinking to myself “Ah there it is. They finally got her.”

And think about it. Do you really think a small fry like Seth Rich would have had the access or the means to obtain all of this info on his own? No…it was Huma Abedin…. covering her own butt. Using Seth (who she probably chose because he was already disgruntled and outraged about the pay for play scheme he had discovered days earlier.)

The disgusted closet Bernie supporter was the perfect “errand boy” to do the dirty work and take the blame if they got caught. 

And this is probably why the DNC is in such a scramble to confuse and convalute this story.

Because God forbid anyone find out it was actually Hillarys CLOSEST AIDE who leaked it all…especially after they had whipped everyone into a frenzy squealing about the “evil Russians”.


So I just now tried to go back to the original link on 4chan where I had originally taken the screenshots of this conversation Anon had about Huma. And it says it “cant be found”.

So I tried to access the link in the wayback machine and it tells me that:

“Sorry. The url has been excluded from the way back machine”

which is something I’ve never seen before. Only way that could happen is if it was intentionally scrubbed.  

And if it’s not true then why worry about scrubbing it?  Good thing we still have the screenshots.


This was my original Facebook post about it last year in August.

Also there are some pretty important details covered in the following article. The day Seth Rich was killed the Russian intelligence backed site put out this story.  (I know people diss on this site but in the few years Ive followed the site I have never ONCE read something there that I later found out to be untrue. They are always the first to break stories.) And there are some very important tidbits in here that have been overlooked in my opinion.


July 13, 2016

Assassination Of Top US Democratic Party Official Leads To FBI Capture Of Clinton “Hit Team”

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A somber Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that a top American Democratic Party staffer preparing to testify against Hillary Clinton was assassinated this past Sunday during a secret meeting in Washington D.C. he believed he was having with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents, but who turned out, instead, to be a “hit team”—and who, in turn, were captured yesterday after a running gun battle with US federal police forces just blocks from the White House. [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]



According to this report, SVR “electronic specialists” performing counter intelligence “missions/operations” noted on 7 July an “enormous/gigantic” increase of computer and telephonic traffic between the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters in Washington D.C. and the Clinton Foundation (CF) offices in New York City.

Upon a “deeper/broader” investigation into this “odd/strange” increase in communications between these believed to be separate organizations, this report continues, SVR analysts determined that the original initiating person responsible was a 27-year-old DNC official named Seth Rich who was that political organizations Deputy Director Data for Voter Protection/Expansion who had helped develop a computer program for the Democratic National Committeeallowing people to type in their address and get a map to their polling place.


DNC official Seth Rich, assassinated 10 July 2016


What had drawn the concern of DNC official Seth Rich causing him to contact the Clinton Foundation, this report explains, was his discovery of a “pay-to-play” scheme that involved people seeking jobs with a new Hillary Clinton presidential administration to funnel money to the Clinton’s through their foundation with various US federal government positions being designated by the dollar amount it would cost to buy them.

As the “cash for favors” lifestyle of both former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton have long been known about, this report continues, SVR analysts, while preparing to document the results of their 7 July probe into the Clinton Foundation concerns of DNC official Seth Rich, became alarmed when they discovered that his “micro computer system” (cell phone?) had become “infected/virused” by “killers/assassins” working for the Clinton’s—and who the SVR had previously documented as being involved in the assassination of the husband of the State of Georgia prosecutor investigating Bill Clinton for child sex crimes and the murder of American pop singer Christina Grimmie and massacre of nearly 50 gay pride celebrants.



Fearing that the life of DNC official Seth Rich was in danger due to his being “tracked/targeted” by this known Clinton “hit team”, this report says, SVR Director Mikhail Fradkov authorized an emergency contact between his agency and the US State Department—but, and shockingly, when Russian diplomats presented the SVR findings to US authorities, on 7 July, they were immediately expelled from the United States.

Causing even greater perplexity to the SVR about these events, this report continues, was that in expelling these Russian diplomats from the United States, the US State Department thanked Russia for the information stating that it would be “taken care of”, and then formally requested that the matter remain secret.

However, less than 24 hour later, this report notes, the Washington Post wrote a “made up story” about what had actually happened causing Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov to publically state: “I can confirm that […] the US government did demand the departure of two employees of the Russian Embassy in Washington DC without presenting any complaints to the employees themselves. Furthermore, the State Department strongly asked us not to make this fact public. As you can see, it is customary for American diplomats to keep their word.”



Three days later, this report grimly states, SVR fears that the life of DNC official Seth Rich was in danger proved true when, on 10 July, he was gunned down in Washington D.C. at approximately 4:19 am.

According to the official US police report of DNC official Seth Rich’s murder, this report explains, it says: “Detectives from the Metropolitan Police Department’s Homicide Branch are investigating a fatal shooting that occurred in the 2100 block of Flagler Place, Northwest on Sunday, July 10, 2016. At approximately 4:19 am, members of the Fifth District were patrolling the area when they heard gunshots.  Upon arrival on the scene, members located an adult male victim conscious and breathing, and suffering from gunshot wounds.  The victim was transported to an area hospital, where he succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead.”



This SVR report, though, says that DNC official Seth Rich was “lured/enticed” to his murder by this Clinton “hit team” who portrayed themselves as FBI agents wanting to secretly interview him—and that the expelled Russian diplomats had given the US State Department “electronic access” to so that they could be found.

Curiously, this report continues, US authorities, and while being able to track this Clinton “hit team” since 7 July, only confronted these assassins yesterday—and who before being captured, engaged in a gun battle with US federal police forces firing their fully automatic weapons before being trapped and surrendering just blocks from the US Capitol and White House.


Clinton “hit team” captured by US federal police forces on 12 July 2016


SVR intelligence analysts contributing to this report speculate that this latest assassination ordered by the Clinton’s has enraged FBI Director James Comey who barely a week ago allowed Hillary Clinton to walk free from her many crimes committed against her own government and people—and that he had no choice to do because of his own involvement with the Clinton Foundation while he was the director of the notorious HSBC money laundering bank that funneled hundreds-of-millions of dollars to the Clinton’s.


FBI Director, and former HSBC Director, James Comey


To what FBI Director Comey will now allow to happen to this Clinton “hit team” who assassinated DNC official Seth Rich this report doesn’t speculate upon—but it does conclude with a presentation of the many stunning facts regarding the Clinton Foundation that shows it to be nothing more than a “Clinton slush fund” that violated an agreement Hillary Clinton signed with Obama regime in her failing to report millions of dollars given to it by foreign governments, has over 300,000 contributors, and that the prestigious Charity Navigator organization refuses to even acknowledge it helps anyone but the Clinton’s themselves.




So those are just some things to think about.

Also just a couple other things to add to the strangeness.

ReallyGraceful recently did a video on Seth, where she points out how completely unemotional and unaffected Seths parents and brother seem in the family interview they gave right after he was murdered. A stranger who doesn’t give a damn couldn’t give an interview that calmly and nonchalantly. 

Everything Strange About the Murder of Seth Rich – YouTube


And then I saw this on /pol/ reddit’s twitter feed that I found kind of interesting. 

“Skype account of #SethRich briefly logged onto IP of D.C. General, a hospital abandoned since 2001. 

Was he taken to an abandoned hospital?”

And it was kind of strange how the doctor said he was fine and then suddenly he was dead and no one was allowed to go in his room at the hospital?

Sure it could be because they murdered him there but more likely than that is that he was put in the witness protection program by the white hats (think Steve Pieczenik’s group perhaps?)

I don’t trust Pieczenik but that’s another subject for another day. The fact is is that there are warring factions among the intelligence agencies who had a lot of stake in that information getting out in order to stop Hillary.​​​​​​

​​​Perhaps no doctors were allowed in that room, and no code was called when he died because HE WASN’T IN THE ROOM. 

Perhaps he was taken to the abandoned hospital while in transition which is where he logged onto his Skype acct briefly in order to reassure his parents he was okay and that he was being taken into protection. This would explain their completely unemotional interview right after he was killed.

Is it possible Seth is still alive? Is this why his parents didn’t seem too torn up right after his death? Is this why they don’t want anyone looking into his death or talking about “conspiracy theories?” Pretty strange behavior for family members who just had a loved one murdered in cold blood.

I dont know…just something to think about. Just remember…anything is possible in the Twighlight Zone we now find ourselves in.

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    Total 42 comments
    • jdpent01

      JDP…The outrage is the just firing people and letting them go without jail time for crimes committed is just not right, these people run free, travel internationally, etc should all have their passports confiscated and be sitting in detention waiting trials.If there is new formerly unseen evidence against Hillary R Rosenstein should re open the file that Comey screwed up to press charges showing America no one is above the law.

    • Anonymous

      “Russian intelligence backed site com put out this story. (I know people diss on this site but in the few years Ive followed the site I have never ONCE read something there that I later found out to be untrue.”

      Good to know. Quite the reveal.

      • Anonymous

        Interesting. No one has called you out on your statement concerning “Sorcha Faal” or the propaganda activities of the SVR or FSB..

        ” a top American Democratic Party staffer preparing to testify against Hillary Clinton was assassinated this past Sunday during a secret meeting in Washington D.C.”

        You see nothing wrong with this? (just as a minor example)

    • Freeus

      America will be a great country when we change the people who elected themselves to shut us up and our freedom down-globalist. Bilderberg to Committee of 300 these billionaires/ trillionaires over- Rockerfellers, Rothchilds, Warburgs, Vatican, Kings and Queens etc. money is as old as Eden. They have a tight hold on making wars, taking countries apart and putting their banking systems in place quietly. False narratives, lies, globalist media has CIA and FBI etc. in tow. NO words reach our ears unless scrutinized. False reality has been sold for centuries now cracks open with the internet, their prized possession to rules us, has now become, their incoming silencing monopoly as we spread the truth of these communist dictators of evil. Never be silent write your politicians, tell them to get with Trump or get voted out. No globalist no NWO here. Another Venezuela style U.S., falling down- is the globalist dream- take down U.S. , open borders, control us and take over world. Their commandments -Georgia Guideposts with depopulation- lovely evil people huh?

    • TruthyRuthy

      Yikes. Hoping that soon we will see all this in court.

    • raburgeson

      That puts the rest of it together for me except for 2 things. It gives us a credible source for the Saudi blackmail. It does not explain the Source of the Israels blackmail or What they have on the great Muslim in chief Obama and exactly which country was blackmailing him. More digging people, Someone shut the mouths of the entirety of both political parties concerning his real identity.

    • Light In The Dark Place
    • Boo

      We either start employing our laws and investigators to follow the evidence wherever it leads them or we settle for being the equivalent of a Banana Republic.
      If those people who work in the agency’s responsible for delivering the facts and evidence need to know what a Banana Republic looks like in real time, refer them to Venezuela. Where the people who use to hold down jobs and the positions their American counterparts hold now, are currently dumpster diving, burying their friends and family members or pushing up daisy’s.

    • sim1776

      I’d take anything from Sorcha Faal with a grain of salt. He’s not too far from Benjamin Fulford. Here’s a link:
      Ken Adachi is a respectable person in the alternative media realm. The dialog is interesting in that Sorcha Faal is more than likely an intelligence mouthpiece, perhaps for the Russians.

      The story itself may be true but remember that Seth Rich was an IT guy. Chances are good that he smelled a rat and carried a couple flash drives to work. Based on available evidence, he was Wikileaks’ source and assassinated for his part in the DNC and Clinton campaign dumps. Anything further than that is speculation. I will note that the NYPD has been absolutely silent since the initial leak about Weiner’s laptop.

      • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

        I would urge you not to give into the conditioning pushed on us a few years ago…there was a huge campaign to discredit her site a few years ago which originated with Jeff Rense (who is a well known plant in the truther community). And it worked splendidly b/c everyone dismisses her info now without even reading it. But I must say her info speaks for itself. I’m sure Sorcha Faal is a pen name but whoever is behind it is constantly releasing real time breaking stories…real time info that could only come from the intelligence agency of a foreign govt…meticulously sourced…and very credible. I’ve been watching the site for a few years now and I’ve yet to come across a site that continually breaks stories as often as hers does. Plus in the few years I’ve been reading the site I have yet to read anything that later turned out to be false or “disinfo”. And believe me I’m very observant. I’ve also been on the lookout for it because of the huge campaign to brand the site as “disinfo”. I wanted to know if there was any truth in that. And I have yet to find any evidence to support it. It’s my opinion that Russia is behind the site, always releasing very damning info about the Obama regime. I also believe that there are currently two Illuminati factions who are in a huge power struggle with each other for control right now. One of them controls America & Europe (they are the Rothschilds, Rockefellers and the Vatican) and the other controls the BRICS.nations (Eastern dynasty bloodlines). We can’t expect Lucifer’s evil foot soldiers here on earth to actually get along can we? Power struggles and backstabbing is no doubt rampant among those self serving God-less pricks. Anyways, I believe this site is the BRICS Illuminati releasing damning info against their adversary (the Euro-American cabal I.e. The puppeteers of the Obama admin.) Which explains the huge campaign to discredit the site a few years ago….They don’t want anyone even looking at the info. It’s quite entertaining actually to watch this site constantly release so much damning real time intelligence info outing the Obama admin. And of course I shouldnt even have to say that it’s a given that you take everything you read with a grain of salt. Im sure those behind the site releasing this info have their own agenda. But as it stands now their obvious enemy is my biggest enemy and most imminent threat at the moment so I’ll take it…even if the motives behind the site are impure (i.e. illuminati battle tactics/revenge.) it’s a brilliant tactic really….Keep releasing the raw and detailed truth to the population your enemy is trying to cull and condition. B/c I’m telling you…the info always turns out to be true…I’ve been watching the site for years. And always seems to fill in the blanks that no one else can. Sorcha Faal is actually the original source for many of the big stories that break. You prob don’t realize it though because most ppl are embarrassed to link it as a source due to the very successful “branding” op our rogue govt has done on it via their “field agent” (Jeff Rense) So before you dismiss…stop and look…think for yourself. Don’t let their conditioning keep you from reading and forming your own opinion.

    • Anonymous

      Intriguing response you gave to sim1776. But I do seriously have a few questions.

      Was Seth Rich high level – a TOP American Democratic Party staffer? Was he in fact preparing to testify against Hillary? Is there any corroboration for that?
      It does seem that he was assassinated, but why wasn’t Huma who, according to the report, was compromised by Anonymous and therefore an extreme risk to Hillary and continues to be so to this day?

    • Anonymous

      Well, 50 shades..

      Whether you choose to respond or not, I WILL be back later to shred your appalling assessment of Sorcha Faal, that website, and your somewhat presumptuous comment to sim.

      I suggest you raise your level of discernment meanwhile.

      • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

        Relax, I haven’t had time to answer your comment yet. I just have a million things going on but I intended to when I got a min. And how was my response presumptive? I just hear ppl mimicking the same words “disinfo….disinfo….squawk…”  like parrots whenever they see the name sorcha faal….and when all these ppl who don’t even know each other all automatically respond with the same exact words over and over like Pavlovs dogs salivating every time the bell rings…I know for a fact they are not readers of the site…and are just speaking from what they’ve heard “everyone” say and the “reputation” the site has been so successfully branded with
        Now if you are one who likes to make your own mind up…and are inquisitive like me….sometimes you will find it really pays off.

        As far as Seth Rich being a top democratic staffer….well, yes…I’d say he was….he was the Democartic party’s deputy director of voter expansion and was the developer of a very important app they were using. And if he was colluding with Huma Abedin I’d say he was pretty high on the food chain. I watched clips of her on a reality show they were shooting of her and her husband when they were trying to manage his PR crisis as he was running for mayor again.  She’s pretty snobby and doesn’t talk to “just anyone.” (You know those kinds of ppl).

        It talks about him being prepared to testify against Hillary.  :twisted:

        This SVR report, though, says that DNC official Seth Rich was “lured/enticed” to his murder by this Clinton “hit team” who portrayed themselves as FBI agents wanting to secretly interview him

         What had drawn the concern of DNC official Seth Rich causing him to contact the Clinton Foundation, this report explains, was his discovery of a “pay-to-play” scheme that involved people seeking jobs with a new Hillary Clinton presidential administration to funnel money to the Clinton’s through their foundation with various US federal government positions being designated by the dollar amount it would cost to buy them.

        As the “cash for favors” lifestyle of both former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton have long been known about, this report continues, SVR analysts, while preparing to document the results of their 7 July probe into the Clinton Foundation concerns of DNC official Seth Rich, became alarmed when they discovered that his “micro computer system” (cell phone?) had become “infected/virused” by “killers/assassins” working for the Clinton’s—and who the SVR had previously

        • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

          Sorry that last part posted before I was done fixing it. There’s no edit or delete button here. What I meant it to say was:
          And what they meant was that Seth Rich was preparing to testify against Hillary Clinton in the mtg he believed he was going to where he thought he was meeting with the FBI….although it turned out to be the Clinton hit team. That’s how they lured him there.

          With that in mind read these parts again:

          “… American Democratic Party staffer preparing to testify against Hillary Clinton was assassinated this past Sunday during a secret meeting in Washington D.C. he believed he was having with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents, but who turned out, instead, to be a “hit team”—….”
          “This SVR report, though, says that DNC official Seth Rich was “lured/enticed” to his murder by this Clinton “hit team” who portrayed themselves as FBI agents wanting to secretly interview him…”

          “ What had drawn the concern of DNC official Seth Rich causing him to contact the Clinton Foundation, this report explains, was his discovery of a “pay-to-play” scheme that involved people seeking jobs with a new Hillary Clinton presidential administration to funnel money to the Clinton’s through their foundation with various US federal government positions being designated by the dollar amount it would cost to buy them.”

          “As the “cash for favors” lifestyle of both former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton have long been known about, this report continues, SVR analysts, while preparing to document the results of their 7 July probe into the Clinton Foundation concerns of DNC official Seth Rich, became alarmed when they discovered that his “micro computer system” (cell phone?) had become “infected/virused” by “killers/assassins” working for the Clinton’s—and who the SVR had previously …”

          • Anonymous

            ..Just got home,, tired, I’ll provide you with some good info a little later this evening, i promise.

            Oh, by the way, i wasn’t pushing for your answer.. just giving you a heads up.

            So.. until a bit later, a tune for you! turn it up.


    • unidentified

      its safer to leak important facts/knowledge via the internet chat rooms, his death was an obvious hit because he knew too much and wanted to expose what he knew to the fbi not knowing he himself would be the target

      • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

        Yes, you’re probably right. And yes that’s why I like to peruse the 4chans and GLP’s, etc. I often find extremely interesting pieces of info I would never fine elsewhere. Alot of govt insiders who are afraid to speak out seem to like to use the site to speak anonymously

        • 50 Shades of Pissed Off


    • Anonymous

      Let me preface my response with a few thoughts about where I’m coming from with this. You speak of tiring of the constant labeling of disinfo where Sorcha Faal is concerned and I understand the fatigue.
      All too often people will do just as you have said – judge without investigation and rely upon hearsay. I have railed against that on THIS site for many years.. You know the commentary intimately. You see the repetition of errant views, and the hurling of accusations – usually without merit.

      Makes me wanna hurl, myself, at times.

      But when I see what I feel must be corrected, I’ll try to do so. Which brings me to the subject of Sorcha Faal here and now with the article you have presented.
      I’ve known of that site for many years.. almost from the time it began. So, I’m well aware of “David Booth”, alleged creator of the Sorcha Faal persona and website.

      Those here who know me well know that I battle perpetuators of disinformation.

      I consider Sorcha Faal to be exactly that. Please don’t yawn, heh. I will try to prove to you why I believe it is so.

      Disinformation as you well know, does not necessarily mean that all that is presented within a piece is false or wall to wall lies. Many times it’s a toxic pool of myriad facts peppered with agenda-driven lies blended for the purpose of duping the people into accepting the lies as they consume the information.. and their truth is an illusion.. a delusion.. unless they snap out of it.

      This article as written by Sorcha is a prime example and typical of the website as a whole. The title is sensationalistic, seemingly journalistic, screaming to be accepted as factual. But is it?

      Assassination Of Top US Democratic Party Official Leads To FBI Capture Of Clinton “Hit Team”

      You say that the info speaks for itself… “real time info that could only come from the intelligence agency of a foreign govt…meticulously sourced…and very credible.”

      I disagree. It is a patchwork of pre-published material derived from news articles embellished with crap that is plain and simply made up.
      The article itself was published July 13, 2016. Seth Rich was shot July 10, the “hit team” caught July 12.
      You quote from the article referencing the discovery of pay to play, cash for favors,… known and factual events and circumstances that seem to support a reason for attention to the date, July 7, when, as stated in the article, Russian diplomats were expelled from the country. (which actually did happen) BUT WHAT WAS THE ACTUAL REASON for the expulsion? (linked in the Sorcha piece.)

      “Russia’s Foreign Ministry has confirmed reports about US authorities expelling two Russian diplomats from Washington DC following an incident outside the US Embassy in Moscow on June 6, 2016, when a US diplomat was allegedly ‘beaten’ by Russian security staff.”

      From the Washington Post:

      This was a big deal and I found the video of the event which aired in Russia July 7.

      You’ll see in the linked articles that this is why the Russians were expelled. Not the reasons given by Sorcha Faal. It all sounds good.. But it’s false info.

      For the sake of time, I’m going to skip much of what I have and jump to the capture of the “hit team”, July 12. From Sorcha:

      Yep, looks like they caught the hit team.. but very little info at the time, gotta trust Sorcha.. and here’s another article about that event with photos and twitter accounts and video, and more:

      Wow, right? But were they really a Clinton hit team??



      19-year-old Keyante Edwards, of Southwest, DC for Assault on a Police Officer (Aggravated Assault), Carrying Pistol Without a License, Discharging Firearms, Presence in a Motor Vehicle Containing a Firearm, and Unlawful Entry.
      18-year-old Alpha Jalloh, of Southwest, DC, for Fleeing from a Law Enforcement Officer in a Motor Vehicle, Reckless Driving, Presence in a Motor Vehicle Containing a Firearm, and Resisting Arrest.
      20-year-old Keith Jones, of Southeast, DC, for Presence in a Motor Vehicle Containing a Firearm, and Resisting Arrest.

      same link includes link to Police Report.

      Hmm.. do we trust it? Seems accurate and makes sense.

      As stated earlier, I have an incredible amount of material to back up my claim that Socha Faal is absolutely disinformation.

      I can go into greater detail for you concerning just this one article. But if you study all the material I have already provided, you get the picture.

      If in doubt, please challenge. I can continue. The FACT remains that Sorcha Faal gets all the information from pre- published news reports and adds made up information, other factual events, conjecture, and spins it all into one big ball of disinformation.

      I have to go… but I'll be back.. please consider the material and compare it with the original article.

      • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

        Well when I get an extra two hours to go through all your material and break it down I will. Until then all I can say is that I have followed the site for years and I have always read breaking news there first. Sometimes it doesn’t come out in mainstream news for even a year or two…and yet I already knew because I have been following that site that reported it right when it happened.

        I’ve never caught the site “making things up”…not once…and I’m not a gullible stupid person who can’t see inconsistencies.

        This site is being used as an element of information warfare within the elite where one side (the elite running the BRICS nations) reveals sensitive info to the public that is “uncomfortable” for their opponent  (the Rothschilds/Rockefellers/Vatican aka those running America and Europe).

        You should always take EVERYTHING you hear with a grain of salt. Instead of sitting here arguing about whether or not the things within the article are true or not….you should remember that most ppl (who are good at discerning what’s really going on) have the habit of taking everything in and filing it away in their head. Then later they may see other things that match with something they had filed away in their head…so they bring that piece out and when it fits with something else.

        I really wish I had time to go through and deconstruct all of your “evidence” but I don’t at the moment. Maybe I will later. Not sure. Until then…if you dont want to read Sorcha Faal, then that’s your right. But I can tell you that shutting that site out as a source? Youre missing A LOT. Read that site every day for 2 months and I can promise you your mind will change.

        • Anonymous

          I see. I won’t be back.

          • Anonymous

            OMFG.. you must pursue. dig deep.

            • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

              RAIN, I looked a little closer at the video purported to be the reason for the Russians dismissal and sure that may have happened but it wasn’t the reason they kicked them all out. Even George Webb (who’s an amazing & upstanding researcher) who has been digging into the Seth Rich case affirms that yes the SVR contacted the FBI with the information about this group of killers, trying to warn them a murder was about to take place. And that this was when they were all kicked out. Here is one of his videos where he goes into it a bit.

            • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

              Sorry the link posted twice. Here it is once

            • Anonymous

              Thanks for the link but I have already seen it,, and more. I should tell you that you and I have differing opinions of George Webb and I cannot accept what amounts to nothing more than hearsay from him, concerning the alleged SVR report without actually seeing it. In fact, where are any of the SVR reports such as the one that this article claims to be taking information from?

              You will note, just as I have already provided in my first response, that the quote referenced by Sorcha Faal in this article, links directly to a report from RT.

              Here is what is stated in the Socha article:

              However, less than 24 hour later, this report notes, the Washington Post wrote a “made up story” about what had actually happened causing Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov to publically state: “I can confirm that […] the US government did demand the departure of two employees of the Russian Embassy in Washington DC without presenting any complaints to the employees themselves. Furthermore, the State Department strongly asked us not to make this fact public. As you can see, it is customary for American diplomats to keep their word.”

              Again, Sorcha’s linked quote is from this RT article, published, July 9:


              This is what is said:

              Russia’s Foreign Ministry has confirmed reports about US authorities expelling two Russian diplomats from Washington DC following an incident outside the US Embassy in Moscow on June 6, 2016, when a US diplomat was allegedly ‘beaten’ by Russian security staff.
              “I can confirm that […] the US government did demand the departure of two employees of the Russian Embassy in Washington DC without presenting any complaints to the employees themselves. Furthermore, the State Department strongly asked us not to make this fact public. As you can see, it is customary for American diplomats to keep their word,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told the press, alluding to the publication on the incident in Washington Post.

              The article claimed that a Russian guard “attacked and beat up a US diplomat who was trying to enter” the US Embassy in Moscow, citing “US officials who were briefed on the incident.”

              “The American diplomat – or, more accurately, a CIA officer who worked under the embassy’s cover and was returning to the compound disguised after conducting an intelligence operation – attacked a police officer, who was carrying out his duty protecting the diplomatic mission,” Ryabkov explained.

              “The video footage of the incident was shown on July 7 on NTV channel and speaks for itself – in the middle of the night a man wearing a knitted hat pulled low over his head, despite the fact it’s summer, jumps out of a taxi and rushes to the entrance of the embassy, without making any attempt to show his identity. When the guard rushes to intercept him in order to prevent a possible threat to the diplomatic mission, he hits the officer in the face with his elbow, which is, in fact, a criminal offense,” the official noted.

              And here again is the Washington post article which links directly from the RT article, linked by Sorcha Faal, which was published June 29.


              The controversy surrounding the incident was a discrepancy between who attacked who.. made clear in the video of the event and what is actually being referred to by Sorchha Faal by the statement: “The Washington Post wrote a “made up story”.

              So, here we have the original articles, the video of the event in question and the dates of publication of all.

              This then only supports my contention that Sorcha Faal merely lifted previously published accounts from RT and The Washington Post and then obviously lies about it.

            • Anonymous

              50 shades I have proven repeatedly now that Sorcha Faal Is In FACT disinformation and uses previously published material taken from news reports and adds unverifiable claims. Not only that, I have provided rock solid EVIDENCE that “Sorcha Faal” intentionally LIES.

              You cannot refute this. To do so is a complete denial of what I have already shown you regarding just ONE of the articles published on that site.

              ..I believe you should also definitely reconsider your view of George Webb. No doubt about THAT either.

            • Anonymous

              50 Shades..

              I want you to look at something here that is very important in understanding the Game.

              You viewed the video of the incident at the U.S. embassy. It is very clear WHAT really happened there and who is telling the truth. You have seen the news reports detailing the controversy.

              I have the original report from the Russian Foreign Ministry.

              “Q: The US State Department stated that as early as June two Russian diplomats were expelled in response to an incident near the US Embassy in Moscow. Is it really so? What is the reaction of Russia?

              Answer: To begin with, on June 30, we already talked in detail about the incident at the entrance to the US Embassy on the night of June 6. Then an American diplomat-or rather an officer of the CIA who worked under the embassy’s “roof” and returned in disguised form after conducting an intelligence operation-attacked a policeman who was in charge of protecting the diplomatic mission.

              The video recording of this incident was shown on July 7 by the NTV channel and speaks for itself: in the middle of the night a certain person in a knitted cap, tied over his head, jumps out of the slowed-down taxi and rushes to the entrance to the Embassy without making any attempts to show Certificate. When the guard, in order to prevent a possible threat to the diplomatic mission by an unknown person, hurries to cross him, he beats the police officer with his elbow in the face, that is, in fact, commits a criminal offense.

              But, no matter how hard it was to deny the obvious, the State Department continues to do this, trying in vain to keep a good face in a bad game. Moreover, Washington is taking concrete actions that further exacerbate the atmosphere of bilateral relations that the Obama administration has been methodically destroying for more than two years, including attempts to undermine our economy and military threats. Not to mention the constant pressure on the staff of our diplomatic institutions, and not only in the US – we, after all, know perfectly well (get such information from our partners) about American pressure on other countries to force them to participate in provocative actions against us.

              I can confirm that, with reference to the above-described case, the US authorities really demanded the departure of two employees of the Russian Embassy in Washington, without making any claims to them themselves. And in the State Department at a high level, we were invited not to publicize this fact. As you can see, keeping the word is not in the customs of American diplomats.

              Since the American colleagues have become open-minded, I add that following their unfriendly step from Moscow, two employees of the US Embassy had to leave. They were declared “persona non grata” for activities incompatible with diplomatic status. This is the same night hooligan and another same CIA operative.

              We hope that Washington still realizes the viciousness of the aggressive anti-Russian line. If they decide to move further along the path of escalation, they will not remain without an answer.”

              Propaganda, Disinformation, and Manipulation are a curious and fascinating subject, Yes?

              You can see this report for yourself:


        • sim1776

          I greatly appreciate your impassioned response earlier, 50 Shades, as well as the dialog that you have maintained of respectful response to your article.

          The elite factions are not broken up along an East/West dynamic. I have looked in on Sorcha Faal’s website from time to time. I don’t criticize the information. More just be aware of who your sources are. All MSM and quite a lot of the so-called alternative media are merely mouthpieces for the various elite factions. They’re just squabbling layers of the onion. Follow the money. All of the BRICS nations have Rothschild-controlled central banks. They all report to the Bank of International Settlements(BIS). So much of what’s presented to us is “theater of the mind,” misdirection and illusion. The Rothschilds are merely the visible portion of the elite families who, quite possibly, own it all. Seth Rich, Wikileaks, pizzagate, etc. are, while horrifying in exposing the criminal conduct of political whores and the “elite” of society, merely one faction of elites airing the dirty laundry of another faction. The elite factions breakdown much more along aristocratic/occult/neo-feudal versus secular humanist/egalitarian lines of Luciferian doctrines. I do realize that you acknowledge nature of the information and urge you to continue to verify. A common propaganda technique is to have a source of information that is reliable and lulls us into a sense of complacency; we, after all, are creatures of habit. Meanwhile the banksters continue to make themselves wealthier and wealthier. Ordo ab Chao is the nature of the literal beast. Look at all of the societal discontent that is being sown on top of the geopolitical instabilities. “Divide and conquer,” the mob is whipped into a frenzy, and we depopulate ourselves.

      • sim1776

        Well-sourced rebuttal. I think one of the biggest problems in the alternative media realm is “jumping to conclusions.” It’s rather like the knee jerk scream of “false flag” or “hoax!!” for every act of terror and mass violence. Although much of it is fabricated, only a select few really know the truth and the extent of the fabrication, while the rest are unwitting cast members or shocked audience. Hegelian games to arrive at a prearranged solution further along the Long March.

    • Anonymous

      I have something else to share that involves another Sorcha piece that led to a lib media frenzy and incident involving BIN, David Duke, Buzzfeed, CNN, and the Trump campaign.

      I discovered this a while back and it’s a great insight into operatives, media, and socio/political manipulation.

      You might find it interesting. No one knows this but for one other person who frequents this site as well. Might be worth looking into deeper.

      • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

        ?? Just some friendly debate. No need to banish yourself.

        • Anonymous

          Something happened.

        • Anonymous

          Sorry to be cryptic. I’m experiencing some very weird things. it happens. been through it before and just need a day to see it through.

        • Anonymous

          OK, so just so that you or anyone else doesn’t get the wrong idea, it has nothing to do with anything said here.

          • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

            Ok, well hope all is well

            • Anonymous


              All is good. Every once in a while someone tries to screw with me in an effort to create drama and muddy the waters. As i said, been through it before and i know it’s all CRAP..
              This is hilarious, really. Seems the exact same thing has happened to others just in the past couple days and it’s all just one big GAME.
              it really is NOTHING. Just part of what is merely one big game being played across the internet like a 4D chessboard but you really only lose a couple o’ pawns along the way.

              You know how it goes.. People think they know what’s what when they don’t have a clue and act on delusion, get trigger happy and start taking pot shots. So you just shoot back and when the smoke clears, you check for a body count.

              By the way, everything i just wrote is a shot at someone i know. HAHA. Doesn’t matter what anybody thinks, it’s just a game.

              ANYWAY, let’s continue at some point. Nothing wrong with trying to figure things out even if chances are THAT may never happen. What’s there to lose? A pawn?

            • Anonymous

              ..and THIS one’s for mr. Hack:


            • Anonymous

              Can you guess who “mr. Hack” might be?

    • Anonymous

      So, 50 Shades of something..


    • Anonymous

      Anyway, my apologies for that parting shot. It was nothing more than the delivery of a message that reads:

      Never underestimate ANYONE. Welcome to the big Game.

      ..and as for Clues, I hope you enjoyed my “American Bad Ass” vid posted here June 2. Some wicked content, eh?
      ..and I’m sure you caught Sorcha’s article published yesterday, June 3. “FBI Nabs Hillary Clinton “Lost” Emails In Surprise Raid On Huma Abedin Home”

      How “lyrical” can you get?

      “I PUT DETROIT CITY BACK ON THE MAP!” haha…….. show me some metal!

      Now, about the operatives – media – socio/political something or other.. I’d like you to work with me on that.. are you game?

    • Anonymous

      The Alpha Jalloh Identity cover up seems true. I cannot locate any information on the arrest now. It’s as if it never happened, records seem to have vanished, and I am not being given access to police reports now.
      I had heard about that a couple days ago but as you know, I don’t accept hearsay without investigating it myself. I came up empty. wow.

      Do you know of any further information re. Alpha?? This just went bizarre.

    • Ideas Time

      I saw a great video about this Hoax. This is yet another psyop or was designed by the white hats to crush the HRC run who had almost no support but was planned to win by rigging the elections.

      These people in power, rig everything to stay in power as parasites and just maybe some powerful people stopped it. We of course will never know. Remember they all lie as a way of live. My guess is Rich is alive and well and rich now and will be eliminated and his family if he ever talks.

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