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By 50 Shades of Pissed Off
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Fake Sandy Hook Parents Mess up in Group Interview on 60 Minutes- Oops!

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This is absolutely PRICELESS. The look on the faces of these fake Sandy Hook parents when one of them messes up in this group interview on 60 Minutes is just hilarious. These people are HORRIBLE actors. This is most definitely one of my all time favorite Sandy Hook videos.

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    Total 21 comments
    • Jango

      Would probably be a good video if that stupid music and commentary was deleted…..

      • Deep State Globalism

        In many cases, the crisis actors are who they claim they are. Members of various targeted communities who have been approached and prepped to play their roles. But you are correct, sometimes it turns around and bites them on the ass as was the case of the “incubator babies” story. Of course, the media simply refused to tell the real story when it finally came out from a Canadian investigative journalist, and thus, it’s not as much of a threat as you might think (in a real, working, open democracy, the media would serve in exactly the same way you assume. But as you know, they don’t, so what risk of exposure is there?)

        Remember when Noah Posner’s pic ended up on that wall and he was supposed to be on the list of students killed in Pakistan under a different name? That’s a big one. How did the media handle that? And after what little coverage it got was done, what happened?


        Then you have redneck “Dixon White”

        Finally, to answer the most pressing question “why would they take that risk?”, well that is obvious…

        If let’s say Sandy Hook were to fall completely apart and the whole thing tracks back through Homeland Security, the Justice Department and even eventually to the White House itself… which it never would go that far up (plausible dependability) … what’s going to be worse for the perps? A charge of staging a false flag in order to “get guns off the street” … or them having signed off on the murder of 26 U.S. citizens, 20 of whom just happened to be children?

        For the administration, the difference is between impeachment and the death penalty. For others down the line, a two year prison sentence and maybe probation verses the death penalty.

        That’s the “why?” of it. And it seems pretty reasonable to me when you think about it.

        And do I think it’s more dangerous in terms of more people knowing about it and keeping quiet?

        Not at all.

        In fact, it’s probably a lot easier getting people to go along with a psyop drill than it is getting them to rally behind the murder of 20 kids, which of course would eat at their conscience a lot more than some fake drill would and the threat of someone spilling the beans in the future would obviously be greater if it really happened.

        They do stage real ones. Real mass casualty events. Many of the shootings in what I call American Gladio were very real. Aurora, the Islamic Center Shooting, the Mall Shooting, the ambush in Webster New York. Others as well.

        But in some cases, the events are so contrived, so controlled after the initial event, you have to conclude that it was faked, or staged (well, they are all “staged”, or designed)

        For the longest time, I refused to accept the fact that the Sandy Hook thing was anything other than a couple of foreign assets being brought in to shoot up the school. I’ll admit that. It seemed to me at the time, like you believe now, that it was certainly within their capability and mindsets to have actually killed those kids.

        But then after all this time, learning who the parents were of this supposed victims and watching how the families rallied behind the agenda immediately (some were on board long before the event in fact) and then you combine that info with how they have covered up the facts of the event since … finally coupled with the bizarre behavior of EVERYONE involved… EVERYONE… and you can’t help but come to a different conclusion. Or at least, I had to.

        In the end, I took ALL the evidence (autopsies on kids forbidden to be released to public prior to event, police vehicles blocking access to the school for the ambulances, leaving the bodies on the scene for well over 12 hours when standard practice dictates paramedics can’t even make death declarations (they should have been worked on and immediately transferred to hospital (and the fact that not one single parent QUESTIONS that determination and the fact that those kids were left there in a pile, in a bath room, for so long)), the missing images on the video of streams of kids being evacuated from the building in spite of the fact that the police report says the video shows it, the piles and piles of money being pumped into the community by the government afterward for “families of victims and WITNESSES?”, missing video of Adam getting into building, the murky background of Adam himself where they tried to fabricate a motive and that fell apart quickly, the fact that he supposedly couldn’t tie his shoes or touch a door handle yet he went in and wiped out two classrooms and several running adults in a couple of minutes then “piled the bodies up in the bathroom”, the silence on the two guys they caught trying to flee through the woods (the “wood cutters”), the missing janitor “hero” on the 911 call, people walking around in circles at the firehouse (yes, they were)…) … I took all THAT evidence and THEN re-examined the statements and bizarre behavior of the families and “witnesses” like that old man…

        … and THEN I came to this conclusion. In short, I didn’t let their behavior drive my decision. But when factored in with everything else, you can’t help but… I can’t help but come to the conclusion, yes, they are lying through their fucking teeth.

        Look, lying (or at least behavior indicating someone is lying) isn’t enough to convict a suspect. But when you couple it with hard evidence (in this case evidence proving the authorities are definitely covering up something) … uh… yeah. That’s a conviction in my book.

        And in this case, if one is lying, all are lying. Some are just better at it than others. Some just took the money and STFU. Some moved away. Most from what I understand.

        And like the janitor, some just faded into history.

        I’m sorry for the long response but, like I said, at first and for a while after, I couldn’t bring myself to think that an entire community could go along with something so depraved, and for the most part I think most in the Newtown community aren’t “in on it” (case in point, the police deliberately blocking the road so the ambulance drivers who weren’t in on it couldn’t get to the scene) but, I’ll tell you this much, the ones who hold suspicions know for a fact they had better keep their mouths shut.

        And we don’t know if anyone has come forward with evidence to prove one of these families didn’t have a kid at Sandy Hook, do we? Because where would they go with the info? The FBI? Justice? Fox News? And what’s going to happen when they do? Did?

        Look at it this way: this is a small community, right? Do you think people with suspicions are going to come forward knowing full well they would be implicating their neighbors and fellow PTA members and the parents of their kid’s friends? Do you think they would come forward knowing it would be the end of Newtown forever, which it would. Newtown would become a ghost town and many of it’s residents would have to relocate and change their names if this story went mainstream.

        Which whistle-blower in the town wants to do that? Ever heard of Gary Webb? Look at his career path.

        And even if some of them know what’s up, what else do they know? They have to know the police and State Police had to have been in on it. All the way up the chain.

        Do you think many folks in that town are going to be willing to put a target on their backs in that environment?

        Perhaps a cop or two might come forward?

        Well, first of all, cops are a fraternity. Especially in a small town like Newtown. A small, corporate town.

        In that sense it’s understandable that no cop has come forward. They simply wouldn’t want to or they know it’s pretty damn easy for a cop to get shot during a simple speeding ticket exchange. And who would investigate the shooting? You get the picture.

        Besides, many of the cops probably feel it’s ok because no kids got killed, the parents were on board with it and in the end, they are doing it “to get guns off the street” which will help cops across the country.

        So no, with all that said, I don’t think the lack of a whistle-blower is surprising or the threat of someone becoming one was all that worrisome to the people who planned this.

        In the end, after carefully considering all of this, I came to the conclusion that Sandy Hook was a staged event during which none of the supposed victims were killed.

        • Bob DD

          BINGO! Look what happened to former Trooper Wolfgang Halbig, they allegedly got to him via going after a family member. I’m assuming you read Dr. James Fetzer’s book Nobody Died At S…. Hook. It was selling well on Amaz.. site and was mysteriously taken down. Last I knew one can search him & book title and read it free.

          Who can save us? If the Deep State is going to take down Pres. DT, he ought to reveal this whole scam.

          • Deep State Globalism

            The Illuminati always reveals their intentions prior to implementation or their satanic magic has no power.

        • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

          It’s funny you mentioned it because right before this article I wrote one about WHY the use the hoax model over just really killing ppl. I think I got it nailed down.

    • GOLOC

      Purple Haze,
      Now you see how long the Psyop Coup Purple Revolution Against Americans has been going on,
      Purple Tie.

    • unidentified

      it was because of the sandy hook elementary school bloodbath that got the illegal use of firearms problem out in the open


        No one died at Sandy Hoax, and the problem is that morons like you want to ban guns.

    • Anonymous

      If Sandy Hook didn’t happen, then Jesus didn’t really die but is still alive and living in San Diego. :eek:

      • Deep State Globalism

        Never compare your misguided ignorance with God’s son.

        • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

          Amen to that

    • Jeffery Pritchett

      Meh, don’t endure the bad commentary and music, it’s not much. Just one guy in the group of “parents” saying you can’t reload a clip as fast as the interviewer claims in that situation.

      No one “messes up”.

      The old video of the dad laughing it up then getting serious when he realizes they’re filming is way more telling than this.

    • wbb

      The commentary was bad enough; the noise that was added was too much.

    • Christy

      Something else I noticed in the video — a LOT of those parents in the audience were wearing PURPLE! You know, the Hillary/Soros Purple People Revolution etc. (same color Hillary AND Bill wore during her concession speech the day after Donald Trump won the presidency) Purple is not that common of a color that so many people would simply be wearing it.

      I’m thinking this is NOT a coincidence!


    • DRAUGR

      Why the ape background noise? It made this video unwatchable.

      • Jeffery Pritchett

        You’re trying too hard sweetheart.

    • DRAUGR

      Why the ape background noise? It made this video unwatchable. Those disgusting ape sounds are not allowed my house.

    • krew09

      you can find the ADL infested in law enforcement nation wide…Local,county,state,and federal agencies all are trained by these rats. Bnai Brith was the main subversive organization that overthrew the Christian Czar in Russia,and brought in the Soviet Union..butchering 60+ million

    • marialuis

      UN Report Reveals How Israel is Coordinating with ISIS Militants Inside Syria

    • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

      Personally I really like the music. I don’t typically like rap but this song kind of makes the video

    • insane2bme

      fetzer and halbig proved this hoax and remember obama says he feels great that his administration wasnt involved in any scams etc my ass these are sick anti america anti freedom all i can say to any american if it comes to pass where we will be under communist rule fight snd if you die it wont be in vain no american should stand down i will die before they force me into communism

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