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By 50 Shades of Pissed Off
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Gabrielle Giffords Was Not the Target - It Was U.S. Federal Judge John Roll: The Sheriff’s Judge Who Upheld the Constitution and Reversed Congress’s Brady Bill!

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U.S. Federal Judge John Roll

He was no stranger to death threats, and had once been given a month-long U.S. Marshals Service protection detail.

Arizona Judge Stood Firm With Sheriff Mack
By Pat Shannan

During the hours following the Tucson tragedy, as the details slowly emerged and we learned that a relatively unknown congresswoman was seriously wounded and a federal judge had been among the six killed, many Americans wondered if there was a specific target and who that might have been. More importantly, why was Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) getting all the ink while Judge John Roll remained virtually unnamed for a whole day? In this business, we at AFP long ago learned to read the white part of the newspaper.

We were in good company. Even Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul’s daily Internet news release was asking the same questions the following week. Next, former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack* came forward with illuminating information that none of us remembered: Judge Roll was one of the few “good guys” on the federal bench. He had ruled favorably in Mack’s case against the Brady Bill in 1994 when Mack had sued the federales for trying to force him and all the other sheriffs in America to do their work for them.


Sheriff Richard Mack

Mack took it all the way to the Supreme Court where he finally got the reversal in 1997 and forced the rewriting of the far less intrusive Brady Bill.

But earlier in the game, he found himself in Roll’s federal courtroom fighting a provision in the new statute that threatened to put him in federal prison. Mack says that Roll seemed sincerely concerned about federal power to arrest any sheriff that failed to comply with the federal mandate, even though then-Attorney General Janet Reno had said that the bill’s language was aimed at gun shop owners and not the sheriffs.

Roll granted Mack’s injunction against the government for any arrest for failing to comply. Then the prosecutor told the judge that in only the first four months of enforcing the Brady Bill the government had prevented over a quarter million felons from gaining access to handguns. Disregarding the audacious exaggeration of numbers, Roll further impressed Mack by telling the prosecutor,

“Counselor, do not pretend in this courtroom that your statistical analysis somehow equates to Constitutionality.”

Mack tells us what Roll included in his ruling on the Mack v. US case:

The court finds that in enacting [the Brady bill] Congress exceeded its authority under Article 1, section 8 of the United States Constitution, thereby impermissibly encroaching upon the powers retained by the states pursuant to the Tenth Amendment. The court further finds that the provision, in conjunction with the criminal sanctions its violation would engender, is unconstitutionally vague under the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution.

“Judge Roll,” writes Mack, “of all the dozens of judges who had heard this case from me and the other six sheriff defendants, was the only one who ruled that the Brady Bill violated the Fifth Amendment as well as the Tenth. It was pursuant to Judge Roll’s insight and sensitivity to the threat this ‘law’ posed to us, the sheriffs, that this case made it to the U.S. Supreme Court.”

Further into the decision, Mack saw Roll display another principle and said, “It truly brought me to understand how astonishing this man really was.”

Roll had said, “Mack is thus forced to choose between keeping his oath or obeying the act, subjecting himself to possible sanctions.”

“I have to say that Roll’s understanding of principles amazed me,” Mack writes today. “He was so professional and knowledgeable. He took his job and the Constitution so seriously.”

Pima County, Ariz. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik’s ridiculous blaming of conservative talk show hosts was reminiscent of the same cover-up ploy at Oklahoma City in 1995, but his public statements regarding Roll having just dropped by to say “Hi” and his being “in the wrong place at the wrong time” may merit further examination considering there have been some questions about who will have jurisdiction over the crime—the state or the federal government.

FBI Agent Tony Taylor filed an affidavit with the court swearing that he saw Roll chatting with Gifford’s congressional aide, Ron Barber, for several minutes prior to the shooting, and that Roll had been notified by telephone of the Saturday rally on Friday. Roll was apparently at the rally to discuss illegal immigration and the extreme caseload imposed on federal judges in Arizona largely related to immigration cases.

Full credit to American Free Press.


  • CIA/Homeland Security/Napolitano smuggling operation came to the attention of three individuals, two members of Congress and a federal judge. The three were Arizona Democratic Representatives Giffords, Republican Representative Mike Conaway from west Texas, and Judge Roll.
  • Federal Judge John McCarthy Roll was the Chief Judge for the United States District Court for the District of Arizona who this past Friday issued what is called a “preliminary ruling” in a case titled “United States of America v. $333,520.00 in United States Currency et al” [Case Number: 4:2010cv00703 Filed: November 30, 2010] wherein he stated he was preparing to rule against Obama’s power to seize American citizens money without clear and convincing evidence of a crime being committed.
  • Not one bullet is entered into evidence, or any ballistics evidence taken from the scene that would be required in a legal proceeding to match gun to bullet and establish the case for murder.
  • Multiple calls for Mass shooting one before 10am that we count hear because the county took over the radio. Second call (we have from Oro Valley dispatch) at 10:45am (note Sheriff Dupniks press release with the time line establishing the scene was secured at around 10:18am. Then a 3rd call for a Mass Shooting at the same location but note the change in the tone of the dispatchers voice, at 12:06 almost 2 hours after the original call.
  • FBI Agent Tony Taylor filed an affidavit with the court swearing that he saw Roll chatting with Gifford’s congressional aide, Ron Barber, for several minutes prior to the shooting, and that Roll had been notified by telephone of the Saturday rally on Friday. Roll was apparently at the rally to discuss illegal immigration and the extreme caseload imposed on federal judges in Arizona largely related to immigration cases.
  • Source:

Jared Lee Loughner

  • FAQS about Jared Lee Loughner that were not reported or covered-up by the media

    1. The mainstream media spliced and aired the 911 calls to make it appear that there was only one shooter at the scene and avoided airing the entire 911 calls that would have revealed descriptions of shooter(s) that did not match Jared Lee Loughner as well as reports that at least two people got away.
    3. September 2008 – Jared Loughner reported to Foothills Police Department that his identity has been stolen when a fake MySpace page was discovered. He claimed that he looked up on ‘PeekYou’ and found a page that had his ‘old picture’ when he had longer hair. He reported to the police that he thought his friend ‘Alex’ had done it. Interestingly, Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp quickly sold the MySpace Company just over 5 months following the shooting, according to the NY Times. It was sold for $35 Million to a company called, Specific Media. Murdoch sold the MySpace Company for $545 Million less than what he paid! (2011, Steller; NY Times).
    5. In a background check, Loughner’s shows a history of living in San Diego, CA
    7. Loughner was NOT Jewish, he was Catholic according to an independent genealogy check compiled by Ron Kampeas, from Jewish World Review
    9. Jared Lee Loughner never appeared on the Pima County Sheriff’s Department booking roster on the day of the shooting.
    11. One eyewitness claims that the man at the scene the day of the shooting did not look like the photo(s) of the man that has been shown to the public for over a year and a half.
    13. No ‘live’ footage of Jared Lee Loughner has been shown to the public. Only courtroom drawings and alleged photoshopped mug shots have been shown to the public.
    15. Jared saw a psychiatrist by the name of Dr. Thomas Brittain in 2007. He had a private practice in Tucson and was sub-contracted by the Department of Defense (DOD). Dr. Brittain died earlier this year just two weeks prior to the death of Gabrielle Giffords’ author, Jeffrey Zaslow, columnist and former employee of Wall Street Journal and Sun Times.
    17. 911 calls and eyewitness testimony suggests that 3, possibly 4, shooters were at the scene that day based on descriptions of the shooter.
    19. Initial reports from eyewitnesses claim the ‘shooter’ was shot dead at the scene and other witnesses claimed they heard more than one gun being fired.
    21. Jared Lee Loughner performed ‘magic’ at the scene and fired more bullets than his Glock 19 and extended magazine could hold.
    23. Police dispatch tapes claim that the ‘gun’ was not found upon arrival at the scene and the “officers were looking for it in the grass that day.” These dispatch tapes do not coincide with the official story that the ‘heroes’ claimed they ‘took away his gun’ when they tacked him and secured the scene.
    25. No security was provided at the political rally at the Safeway store that day, which suggests that the police may have been given a stand-down order
    27. A witness claims ‘tents’ were being set-up at the scene two hours prior to the shooting. Police claim that the tents were brought in for forensic support following the shooting.
    29. Jared Lee Loughner listed a phone number on a Administrative Office of Courts, Arizona Superior Court (AOC) document in 2010 that came back under the name of ‘D. Green.’ Two people have come up in this case including Dallas Green, grandfather of Christina-Taylor Green and Dr. D. Lee Green who also did a studywith Dr. Lynne Fenton who was the psychiatrist for the recent alleged Aurora, Co shooter, James 2012/ 07/ drlynnefentons-bio-that-was-deleted.html
    31. Jared was referred to the Juvenile system in Pima County following some teenage petty offenses and was hospitalized at Sonora Behavioral Center for treatment after a incident at school when he appeared drunk.
    33. The Atlantic featured an article with a video on the day of the shooting that shows two vehicles. The Nova appears to have old plates on it and does not match the description of a yellow Nova in a police report in 1994. I also found it interesting that the plate color is not the current AZ plates. I searched the AZ DMV and found that none of the 2010-11 plates matched the plates shown in the AP Press released vehicles. Most interesting, a search of previous license plates in Arizona turned up a maroon plate was issued from 1980-1997. This plate shown on Loughner’s car was plates from this period. Why then did the officer not notice his plates were approximately 14 years old when he was pulled over the morning of the shooting? In another police report filed in 1996, Amy Loughner reported her tags were stolen off her 72’ Chevy.
    35. 18. At no time did the mainstream question these discrepancies in the 911 calls. CNN interviewed one of the 911 callers who called the emergency right after the shooting. Emma McMahon was at the event with her mother (Mary Reed) who was allegedly shot three times. She told Anderson Cooper that she ran to the back of Walgreens and called 911 and then ran back to help her mother. The actual 911 tape had Emma calling in but told the dispatcher she was hiding in the back of Walgreens and never once mentioned her mother was shot or hurt. She did not mention her mother at all! This seems suspect considering most people would want to alert the medical staff if a loved one was injured. Six months after the shooting, the ‘Christina Taylor Green Fund’ was awarded to Emma. The scholarship includes a political leadership program by women’s political empowerment organization, according to Running Star. Emma, why did you forget to mention your mom
    37. 19. According to an article from the Arizona Daily Star, written by Fernanda Echavarri, titled,Firefighter refused call to Tucson shooting spree scene, a 28-year veteran firefighter, Mark Ekstrum refused to go to the scene citing “political bantering” as his reasoning. He was demonized that he refused to go to the scene that day but what was the real reason and what did Mr. Ekstrum mean by “political bantering?” Mr. Ekstrum refused to comment anymore about it after the initial interviews with local Tucson papers and could not be found for further questioning.
    39. 20. Bill Ayer’s wife, Bernadine Dohrn has connections to the Pima County juvenile system. Bernardine Dohrn is now a professor at Northwestern University and is on the Board of Directors of an organization called, W. Haywood Burns Institute that believes high criminal behavior among the juvenile youth is caused by discrimination. The W. Haywood Burns Institute also aims to get the United Nations (U.N.) to take an active role in American juvenile justice, while charging fees to work with local governments. The non-profit group, based in San Francisco, has described itself as an organization that leads in the field of juvenile justice and ethnic and racial disparities reduction. Dohrn is also on the board of directors of the Northwestern University Child & Family Justice Center (2012, Northwestern Law Education). Recently, National Review published an article titled, The Dohrn Connection -Eric Holder’s DOJ funds a Dohrn-connected organization stated, “In 2010 and 2011, the Justice Department saw fit to give $400,000 in grants to an organization that lists Dohrn as a member of its board of directors: a $150,000 grant in September of 2010 and a $250,000 grant a year later.” Eric Holder is currently in trouble with the ‘illegal’ gun running scandal called, Fast & Furious, where the ATF illegally dealt guns to Mexico for the purpose of creating and promoting instability. They have justified their criminal behavior and Border Patrol Agent, Brian Terry, was killed with a gun connected to the gun running scandal. As the scandal is currently unfolding in American history, the ‘gun-running’ scandal goes deeper into corruption than one could imagine, including – disarming Americans. Pima County Juvenile Court Center – Model Dependency Court participates in the Juvenile Detention Alternative programs, which ties to W. Haywood Burns Institute, which Bernadine Dohrn is on the board of directors.
    42. Bernadine Dohrn wanted by the FBI 197021. Jared Lee Loughner claimed in 9thCircuit Court documents that he “was not an American citizen” and “he did not want to be forced medicated” because “he does not do drugs.”22.Jared Lee Loughner was sent to Springfield, Mo federal prison to be medicated back to sanity. Following the transfer to Springfield, the CIA advertised for an ‘Operational Psychologist’ who would be responsible for providing “behavioral science consultancy” for the intelligence community.
    1. PhotoSnip) – CIA #613733

      23. The ATF denies that Jared Loughner’s gun was part of ‘Fast & Furious’ scandal but admitted they were worried about it.

      ******update: The Hill deleted their article about the ATF being ‘worried’ about Jared Lee Loughner’s Gun being involved in ‘Fast & Furious’ scandal. For some reason after this article was published, they decided to delete the original but other verifications can be found here or just perform a ‘startpage’ search.

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    Total 5 comments
    • krew09

      Of all the hoax shootings,this one is one of the most obvious…another Jew manipulated event.

    • unidentified

      back when the event happened there was a lot of speculation about it being used to manipulate public opinion into banning guns, the bill of rights and the constitution itself, a total breakdown so foreign thugs could divide/conquer and hit the reset button on the usa because foreigners that cannot mind their own business

      • Anonymous

        Yeah, there are many who recall that aspect of this particular event, however..50 Shades has this totally right, in my opinion.. –

        Judge Rolls.

        Those who were around these parts back in the day might also have a few memories triggered by this. Some interesting points made right here in the BIN back then. It was the spectacle of events that ensued, that brought together suspicious/inquisitive minds.

        Question everything. Good job.

        • Anonymous

          ..and before someone tries to jump me for spelling, Know this: it is intentional.

    • Bob DD

      Too bad someone doesn’t legally spy on her and find out if she stutters, or whatever she does publically to see if she truly got shot. Some suspect she did not get shot, as videos of the scene leave many questions, like when the gurney she was on was being wheeled toward the ambulance, she didn’t having anyone working on her, lack of real blood (looked like a red dye packet type thing). Just too many questions surrounding Sandy hook, 911, TC blonde reported alleged shooting. I QUESTION EVERY SUCH EVENT ON TV? I refuse to be scammed/hoodwinked. One gets shot in head and is functional?

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