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By 50 Shades of Pissed Off
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Serious Mass Casualty Drills Urgently Taking Place in Hospitals Across the Country

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So an old friend of mine I used to work with who now lives in the Midwest has written me 3 times over the last six months to tell me of strange things going on at the hospital where he works.

Some info is redacted to protect privacy of the person as he is really scared about what he’s seeing and doesn’t want to be identified. He has worked in security (in management) at this hospital for several years now.

April 21st, 2017

Friend: We have had some strange things we have been doing here the last week with Joint Commission. We are _____ hospital in ____ (somewhere in the Midwest). We have a lot of BLSII and BLSIII stuff here and have gone on lockdown 3 times in the last week…What’s going on? We are using a lot of our emergency systems like Communication to communicate with other Hospitals and Police Depts and Fire Depts as well our emergency room has had to use their MCD Mass Cauality Disaster system which we have never done before.

Joint Commission is the controlling system that controls all Hospitals and Medical Colleges…In the lockdowns we are going to full code Yellow Which is Mass Casualty Disaster status.

Things have really been crazy with this stuff the last week.. Then I see about operation Gothic Shield is next week…Makes me go HMMMMMM

Something else that happened​ that’s not normal…We only test our back up power once a month and only switch a unit or 2 over…. We have tested it 5 times over the last 2 weeks with last week going to Full code Orange where we move the entire Hospital over to back up power and go completely off the grid. And they are giving NO reasons for all of this.”

Then he messaged me again last month

Sept 8th, 2017

Friend: Hey lady… Something strange is going on again here. We’ve had two mass casualties exercises and an active shooter drill this week… We had a full switch over to generator power last night went completely off the grid included Communications using joint commission satcom. But probably one of the strangest things that I have seen in my 3 yrs as a supervisor here happened Wednesday of this week. We are part of the FOP Fraternal Order of Police and are under that contract. On Wednesday they added MC-33.3 in which in an mass casualty or natural disaster we can be sworn in as peace officers by the chief of ______ police at any given time for the needs of the safety of the ______ Medical College. That’s unprecedented language and almost CRAZY

Me: What happens if you get sworn in as peace officers? What does that mean exactly?

Friend: Means we are now officers of the state of _____ and will also become armed…it would more than double the number of armed officers we currently have.”

And then he messaged me again last Wed:

Oct 25th, 2017

Friend: Things are getting trippy at my work again

Me: What’s going on? Sorry meant to share your last story but got really sidetracked

Friend: We are doing things we have never done before. Testing communications with short wave radios. Added 3 more vehicles and 4 more guards to our staff.

We have had several active shooter drill and lock down drills over the last 2 weeks.

They made one of our rooms in our dispatch and HQ a secure room with a double locking system that only the Director of Security and University Chief of Police can open. No one including mgrs or shift supervisors know what’s in there. Not even the lieutenants on the University police know but the University Police just got all new radios, tasers and sidearms… Suspicious minds think it’s all the old equipment but don’t know for sure or why it would be on our campus.

All of our DLAR labs have gone on lockdown and are back under badge only access.

DLAR is where we hold all of our Radioactive stuff and all of our bacteria is like Eboli measles mumps Anthrax and so on… It’s where we do all of our testing on lab animals.

All of our ER nursing staff just had to go thru skills training for Mass Cauality effectiveness. I also found out we have underground cold storage to hold up to 350 casualties in our health and science building… That building has limited access.

That building is very strange…the ground level is actually floor 6 and as you go down underground 6 floors down you get to the first floor…. The last four floors are key and badge access only.

Does it fit with anything you know of that might be coming?…because it’s almost like we are preparing for something.

Me: Yeah…it sounds like there’s some wicked stuff that goes on in your hospital. Many hospitals do mk ultra experiments, tune ups, if they’re experimenting on “animals” it prob means they’re creating hybrids and monstrosities. Sounds like your hospital links into the underground tunnels which connect underground…theres a high speed rail that is like technology we have never seen which goes across the country through these underground bases. There are underground cities all over. Hospitals…esp in big cities are linked up to these.

Friend: This tunnel system you are talking about has me intrigued..all of our buildings connect via tunnels and Sometimes when your in them you feel this shaking like a bus is going over and making the tunnel shake but there are no buses on our campus. It’s really strange.

Me: Yeah that’s the underground rail system they have that you’re probably feeling. It’s kind of like light rail but faster. They move all sorts of stuff that way beneath the country. All super Wal-Mart’s and home depots have underground hubs. Connected to the tunnel system…and many hospitals..and colleges.

Friend: We are both a hospital and a college. We are a life sciences facility.

Later he said this. “Hey…Last Night you asked me what BSL was….Here you go.”

 “We have alot of BSL2,  BSL3 and 2 BSL4. In the building where most of this is…You have to have a key to even use the elevator and have to have a special key to be able to get off or even go to that floor.

I will send you a pic of the entryway to one of the BSL3 and all the crazy stuff it says like you MUST be gloved to even touch the door.

(He never did send me the pic). 

So after I posted what he told me above on my FB page and also on Reddit and Twitter,  I got a few more interesting comments from ppl. Sounds like my friend’s hospital is not the only one running these drills. 

I told her no he’s not in Denver. Then this one:

And this:

So definitely something to add to the other puzzle pieces now coming together. Personally I believe they’re preparing for the chaos that’s about to begin from Nibiru/Planet X. I’m going to write another article on that next. I have A LOT to say on the subject. 

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    Total 11 comments
    • Funk-nonymous

      Complete BS.

      • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

        Wish it was friend…I wish it was.

    • Funk-nonymous

      “We have alot of BSL2, BSL3 and 2 BSL4.”

      Unless this is CDC, WHO, or Military there is no BSL3 or BSL4 work permitted in hospitals. None. These are high containment conditions, these pathogens aren’t allowed out period. Mostly because of people like your “friend” here.

      “and all of our bacteria is like Eboli measles mumps Anthrax and so on”

      Your “friend” is a moron and shouldn’t be allowed to work in security anywhere. There is a huge difference between these pathogens (and there really isn’t much “like” Ebola (spelled correctly here) except perhaps Marburg), the fact that there is only one bacterial species listed (after “all of our bacteria is like”), the sentence lacks punctuation, has misspelled names… they wouldn’t let an idiot like this “friend” close enough to these pathogens to read the sign on the door to the outer containment facility that says “Authorized Personnel Only”.

      So, it is still 100% BS based on this alone. Make up one part of it, the rest becomes crap in an instant.

      • Anonymous

        True or not, this story obviously assumes that it has escaped.

      • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

        He’s not a medical person…he runs security. I’m not sure what your point is exactly but regardless I have nothing to really respond with…as he wrote it…not me. I’m just relaying his messages to me as I think ppl should know. I used to work with this guy for several years so I know him well and there’s no doubt in my mind of his authenticity. Of course there’s no way to prove anything as he doesn’t want to be identified so you’ll just have to take it at face value. Take it or leave it. Idk what to tell you

        • 2QIK4U

          You did security?

      • trashman

        General Surgery:::: YOU are the moron! I worked at a Hospital also in the mid-west, and yes their are areas where highly contaminated pathogens are stored!!! The back-up generators were capable of going for at least 1 week!, but the primary purpose for the generators was too keep the contagious organisms , in check. Their are many tunnels which link any part of a Hospital too another part, and it is in this part of the Hospital where they are usually kept. I have seen these areas where they are stored , and it is strictly forbidden too enter, unless with a Hospital badge, and a security code. And who gives a crap about spelling sir! The point is the information is getting out!! , and btw their is a huge, (Outbreak), going on in Madagascar! ,and many countries in Africa atm!!! Its called the Pneumonic Plague!! So far its spread too numerous countries around madagascar!!, and it happens too be a favorite tourist destination for the British in the winter! , so please get off your, ( High Horse ), and stop knit picking about spelling bs!!!

    • Anonymous

      “Many hospitals do mk ultra experiments creating hybbrids and monstrosities.” “High speed underground tunnels all over”. “All super Wal-marts have underground hubs.”

      OMG!!! LOLOLOLOL!!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!!!! *** SNORT *** Sorry, I just blew coffee out my nose I LOL’s so hard!!!!! STOP!!!!! On the other hand, keep them coming!!! Have you ever considered stand-up comedy? If not, you should!!!

      Byl the way, you aren’t Dave Hogg’s daughter are you??? You sure sound like him. :lol:

    • 2QIK4U

      Thier original mass event was thwarted after trawling pages watching Soros. Don’t be surprised if the Black Death plauge suddenly hits America from a refugee? Guns and trucks haven’t worked so it’s time to bring the big Mozzies out. (mosquito)

      • trashman

        2QIK4U: The fact of the matter is this:: Their IS a major outbreak in Madagascar, as the point of origin, and yes it is spreading into Africa, and it is in 9 nations in Africa atm, pneunomic means it is <( Airborne ), highly contagious, and very lethal! It has a 2 week incubation, which makes it even more deadly!! It is out of control, and many nations their recognize that fact. It is only a matter of time before it goes Global. The good news is this. , it can be killed easily with inoculations, but so far no one here has even hinted at starting that!!!, With a 2 week incubation period a person can get it and fly globally on business spreading it and not even know it!!! The sad part is this, Once the symptoms start IT KILLS IN 2 DAYS!!! These are facts, and i believe that the Hospitals have been made aware of it , and are preparing. I worked in a Hospital, and can verify the warning codes in this article. Its only a matter of time before it gets too us in the USA, Canada, Mexico etc etc etc. So laugh away , and ***snort snort snort*** away , but as for me and my family we are preparing NOW! You better take this one serious, because it is quite frightening too me, knowing what i know :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:


      Full steam ahead and damn the torpedos, orders are to stick your head into the guillotine and pull the lever, have no fear we will win. P.S. hide your families in caves of Papua Ne Guinea.

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