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By 50 Shades of Pissed Off
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Clones and Organic Robotoids Run DC and Hollywood

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There is a ton of information about clones specifically organic robotoids in Dr. Peter’s audio letters on this site:

If I remember correctly the Robotoid stuff in Peter Beter’s audio letters begins on audio letter number 46 and then Dr. Beter tells about these almost every letter after that. Here are some excerpts. Sorry for the format. It’s how it’s written on the site.

He made these audio letters in 1979.

Audio Letter 46-

“What I am about to reveal I am revealing primarily for history. I know even before I reveal it that some of my listeners will desert me after they hear it, saying “It just cannot be”; but, my friends, I also know that the events in the days ahead will be impossible to understand without knowing this secret. So I do not ask that you believe it simply because I say it. What I do ask–and I ask it for your own good–is that you keep an open mind. Listen and hear what I must now reveal, then watch events themselves.

My friends, since World War II and before, scientists the world over have been probing for the basic secrets of life itself; and in this field as in others, progress has been much faster than the public has been led to believe. Today it’s common knowledge that heredity is governed by something called genes, yet barely a generation ago this relationship was only beginning to be suspected. When it was suggested in 1944 by a theoretical physicist, Erwin Schrodinger, it was a novel idea. Beyond that no one was too certain what genes were aside from huge molecules or clusters of molecules. Some thought they were molecular chunks of protein, some thought they were something else. When Schrodinger’s ideas about genes were published, World War II was still raging and basic scientific research was on a back burner; and yet, barely a half a dozen years later, researchers were zeroing in on a building block of life even more basic than genes. The solution was found to this revolutionary puzzle in April 1953 at Cambridge University in England. Scientists James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins were later to share the Nobel Prize for solving the puzzle. They had discovered the molecular structure of DNA, the famous “double helix.” In 1968 Watson published a book titled “THE DOUBLE HELIX”, published by Athenaeu7m, New York, N.Y. To understand the overwhelming importance of the double helix discovery in 1953, one need go no further than these few words on the jacket of the book: “DNA is the molecule of heredity, and to know its structure and method of reproduction enables science to know how genetic directions are written and transmitted, how the forms of life are ordered from one generation to the next.” In other words, to understand DNA is to begin to understand life itself.

It has now been over a quarter century since the crucial discovery of the DNA double helix, and since then research in molecular biology has not been standing still but speeding up. In some cases research has gone in directions which are deliberately sheltered from publicity because of the fear of public reaction. Not so long ago, for example, universities doing research into artificial microbes found their neighbors in an ugly mood when they found out about it. Test tube babies are now a reality, and that began not long ago in England where the mystery of DNA was first unraveled. Then, of course, there are clones–that is, creatures which are reproduced by artificial means and which are exact duplicates of an original. Clones of all kinds of animals have been produced successfully in the laboratory, but that is not what bothers people. In the recent past it has been claimed that human clones are also possible and that some may already be in existence. These last claims about human clones have been ridiculed, denied, and suppressed by all kinds of officials–the reason is that the idea of duplicate human beings impinges upon a super-secret realm of Intelligence activities by both Russia and the United States.

True clones are not involved, but something that bears a superficial resemblance to cloning is going on; and the last thing the powers-that-be want is for you and the public to have any hint about what is afoot. In Russia as well as in the West, research has been under way for many years in biological synthesis–that is, artificial life forms; and according to high intelligence, a stunning break-through took place in Russia some years ago. The Russians refer to this break-through as a “providential discovery”, something they learned almost by accident. They discovered the key to creating what are known as “organic robotoids.” An organic robotoid is an artificial robot-like creature, it looks and acts exactly like a human being and yet it is not human. A robotoid is alive in the biological sense but it is an artificial life form.Robotoids respond to conventional routine medical tests in the same way as humans do; they eat, they drink, they breathe, they bleed if cut; and they can be killed. Robotoids can also think, but they think only in the sense that a computer thinks. Like any other computer, the brain of a robotoid has to be programmed for each assignment it is given; but unlike many electronic computers, the biological computer brain of a robotoid possesses an enormous memory. As a result, robotoids can be programmed to communicate and think in such complex patterns that they act human.

Organic robotoids are remarkable creatures, but they have many drawbacks. They don’t grow or reproduce but must be manufactured one by one in the desired form. They also have a very limited life span, measured in months or even weeks, depending upon how they are utilized. This is due to the fact that their metabolism, while it resembles that of humans, is very inefficient. A robotoid can be manufactured on very short notice, a matter of hours; but after a few weeks or months it suddenly begins to degenerate physically and mentally. When that takes place, the robotoid has to be removed from service and disposed of. To extend its useful life as much as possible, a robotoid is customarily cooled down to slow its metabolism between assignments. Organic robotoids are extremely expensive, troublesome creatures to produce and utilize; and robotoid capabilities do not exceed those of human beings. All they can really do is simulate human beings; but, my friends, for Intelligence purposes that’s all they have to do!

To produce an organic robotoid it is necessary to have a pattern to go by. The pattern required is that of genetic coding taken from a few cells from the body of a human being. In this respect the Russian technique sounds like cloning, but the technique itself is totally unrelated to genuine cloning. A robotoid is produced within a matter of hours, and it simulates the human donor at his current age. Like any man-made copy of anything, a robotoid is never a perfect copy of the human that is to be simulated; there’s always small discrepancies in appearance and behavior, but these are seldom great enough to arouse any suspicion. When the initial Russian break-through in robotoids took place years ago, the Rockefeller-Soviet alliance was still functioning. The Christian group who now rule Russia were already secretly more powerful than the Bolsheviks, but the final overthrow had not yet taken place. When the robotoid break-through took place, they moved quickly to minimize the amount of information obtained about it while those Bolsheviks still retained positions of power. They also tried to prevent information about it from leaking through Intelligence channels to the CIA, nevertheless partial information did reach the CIA and the late four Rockefeller brothers.

By early 1975 the Russians were known to have successfully created at least one organic robotoid in the laboratory. Meanwhile the CIA was coordinating a feverish research effort aimed at accomplishing the same feat. Up to now, robotoid technology in the United States is far behind that of Russia. The American capability in robotoids is not even close to being operational, whereas the Russians are deploying them right now. But there has been at least one attempt to create an organic robotoid for public use in the United States, and I am referring to the final fate of the late General George S. Brown. In April 1977 I revealed how much General Brown had sacrificed by that time as the price of doing his duty for America, but not long after that General Brown paid the supreme price for his actions. It is only now that I am free at last to reveal it.

On July 10, 1977, General Brown was taken to CIA headquarters near Washington, D.C., in Virginia. There he was taken to one of the many secret rooms designed into the CIA building by Nelson Rockefeller. The room was a laboratory, and the attempt was made to create a robotoid replacement for General Brown. The techniques employed were far more crude than those used in the Russian process since the CIA process required General Brown to be on the scene. The attempt ended in complete failure. A crude facsimile of General Brown was generated but it refused to come to life. Even so, General Brown could not be allowed to live because now he knew too much; and so on the evening of July 10, 1977, General George S. Brown, the last great patriot in the United States Government, was MURDERED. A normal human “double” was found for General Brown since a robotoid attempt had failed. This was the man who testified in the role of General Brown at the Congressional hearings on the Panama Canal Treaty, September 27, 1977! At his side throughout, briefing and prompting him, was the Secretary of Defense, Harold Brown. Occasionally the “double” would be flustered by a question and looked down at the table in front of him until the Defense Secretary whispered something in his ear. Then he would look up again, say what he had been told, and so on. Once the Panama Canal hearings were out of the way, the “double” for the late General Brown was seen as little as possible in public. Soon there were stories that he had contracted cancer. Then the Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Jones, began acting as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs months before the end of General Brown’s tour of duty. In June 1978 we were told that General Brown was retiring, and last December 5, 1978, we were told that he had died of cancer. At that point the General Brown “double” collected his pay and headed for Frankfurt, West Germany, where he landed on December 11, 1978, at 3:30 AM local time. It is a standing rule that “doubles” for important people never live long, and so at about 7:30 that evening General Brown’s “double” was shot to death in the back of the neck.

Last month I revealed that an Intelligence war of “doubles” had erupted in the United States. President Carter, Vice-President Mondale, and their wives had fallen victim to this war of “doubles” as their Easter breaks away from Washington were ending. Now I’m sorry to report that Amy Carter, Billy Carter, Lillian Carter, and Hugh Carter all died soon after Jimmy and Rosalyn did. All of them, including Amy, have been replaced by “doubles”; but instead of the Bolshevik “doubles” who had been waiting in the wings, those we are seeing are Russian organic robotoids. The voice of the Jimmy Carter “double” which was reproduced last month in Audio Letter No. 45 is the voice of a robotoid. That robotoid was the one who was dazzling everyone with his vigorous new image. Only a few months ago Carter had been limping around with what we were told were severe hemorrhoids; but now, out of the blue, here was a Carter who was a powerhouse–hiking, fishing, and jogging ten miles a day, he also looked and sounded younger than before–that was the first robotoid “double” for Carter which I referred to last month as Carter No. 2.

By the time I recorded Audio Letter No. 45, there was also another Carter robotoid making the rounds–this one, Jimmy Carter No. 3, was the one that attended the Holocaust observances in the Capitol building here in Washington. By contrast with Carter No. 2, No. 3 looks noticeably older and more haggard. As I mentioned earlier, robotoids are very good copies but they are not perfect, no two look exactly alike. Last month I mentioned that the “doubles” for Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter were spending a great deal of time at the Russian Embassy here in Washington instead of at the White House. Now I can tell you why. Robotoids are programmed at the Embassy for each assignment. Between assignments they simply rest there in a state of reduced metabolism.

When the Bolshevik coup d’etat against the Rockefellers began four months ago, the Kremlin rulership already knew that Bolshevik “doubles” would soon be on the scene, and they knew that if the Bolsheviks were allowed to complete their take-over of the United States, Russia would soon suffer. The Bolshevik plans for nuclear war against Russia are a blueprint for suicide for America–but they have not been abandoned. Up until now the Russians had been keeping the robotoid capability under wraps, and there was a real question whether they would ever be used; but the Bolshevik coup d’etat convinced them the time had come to deploy the robotoids. Now they are using Nelson Rockefeller’s “Hit List”, and using their robotoids the Russians have already altered the course of world events in dramatic ways.


Excerpt from audio letter 47-

My friends, reality is always hard to accept whenever it is unpleasant. Our minds play tricks and tell us it just cannot be. Like the man who photographed the crashing DC-10, we don’t want to believe our own eyes and ears. Instead of accepting the truth as it is when it disturbs us, we try to deny its existence. Right now this is happening to some listeners to the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER. Last month I made public one of the most carefully guarded of all Intelligence secrets–that is, the existence of ORGANIC ROBOTOIDS. As I explained last month, they are now the key fact of life in understanding current world events. Without knowing this very important secret, you will have no hope of understanding present and coming events.

Even so, some of my listeners are not waiting for events to speak for themselves. Instead, they are shakily telling themselves, “There just has to be some other explanation for the strange things in today’s news.” These people, my friends, are turning away from the AUDIO LETTER. They want only to have their ears tickled with the words they like to hear. They want only to hear the words they have heard before over and over again, year in and year out: Runaway government, taxes, dishonest politicians, the Russian threat, and so on. With these things they can feel dissatisfied yet content–reassured that nothing really ever changes. But as I said last month, I knew very well that this would happen before I ever said a word about the “robotoids.” I knew that there would be a falling away by some who have followed the AUDIO LETTER up to now. But there is only one way that the AUDIO LETTER can serve those who do choose to listen–that way is to continue to reveal the truth exactly as it is. If I were to withhold crucial information whenever it is frightening or unfamiliar, perhaps I could avoid losing any listeners; but then the AUDIO LETTER would end up serving no one–no one, that is, but the enemies of our Lord Jesus Christ.

When our Lord walked the earth 2000 years ago, He said: “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” He gave the Good News that a new day was dawning for those ready to accept it. He began awakening His followers from their slumber; and those who were benefitting from the oppressive status quo of that day began to feel threatened. Soon Jesus made it clear that He was not talking about politics or military conquest but something deeper than that. Many of His followers fell away in disappointment. But the ruling circles felt even more threatened. Their real control over the people was through their beliefs, and Jesus was opening their eyes with the truth; so they had Him crucified, and the people cheered.


Topic #1–In the spring of 1973 my book “THE CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE DOLLAR” was published by George Braziller, New York, New York. In the book I revealed in detail how forces were being set in motion deliberately to destroy the United States dollar. I named a lot of names, and I explained the role being played by various individuals and multinational corporations. Of all the individuals I named in the book, the most important was that of the late David Rockefeller. He was the kingpin in the plan to destroy our dollar and our economy, as I showed in the book; but when he was asked for his public comment about my book, he said: “Interesting science fiction.” But as events have proven, my book was anything but science fiction. I was a lone voice in 1973 because I was revealing things that were not publicly known. Instead, until I went public with them, these things had been known only to a handful of the most powerful in America and abroad. For that reason, many people found what I revealed then hard to believe; yet today the things I warned about have already come true or are happening now behind the scenes. When I wrote my book in 1973, Americans had yet to experience an embargo of foreign oil. The dollar was still thought of as almighty, and my warnings that it would soon shrivel sounded preposterous to many Americans. But today, who in his right mind would speak of the so-called “almighty dollar”? As for gold, Americans could not even own it legally in 1973 except under special circumstances. Very few Americans even thought about gold in 1973, so the plans I exposed in my book for gold prices to shoot up past $200 an ounce sounded ridiculous to many; but today, who among us is unaware of the daily news reports about astronomical gold prices?

In 1973 I spoke of stagnation with inflation, of shortages, of financial distress in municipal governments, and on and on. At that time these things sounded too far off to many of my readers–it sounded like science fiction. But today, just look around you, my friends. Look at the gas lines, the truckers’ strike, the defaults and near defaults by major cities, the prices that change almost daily in your grocery stores. Today everyone talks about these things, they are just facts of life; but when I warned about them six years ago, I was ridiculed for saying they would happen because I was out of step with the crowd.

The same thing is happening now in the wake of my revelations last month about the Russian “organic robotoids.” The conventional wisdom, of course, is that there just cannot be such things; or at least if they are possible, they must lie far in the future, not now. But, my friends, the conventional wisdom is wrong, dead wrong. They are not only possible but they are real, and they are walking among us right now. To those who are ignorant of the scientific advances that have taken place in the past 20 to 30 years, they sound incredible; but within a small select group of scientists both in and out of government, here and abroad, the existence of Robotoids is known, and certain of those who know and understand about them are faithful listeners to the Dr. Beter AUDIO LETTER.

As I mentioned in my introductory comments, those who seek to control us want to keep us all in a horse-and-buggy mentality. That way we remain unaware of the forces we are confronting and therefore more vulnerable. Ever since World War II began four decades ago, we Americans have been living with a shroud of secrecy in the military and scientific fields. As a result, most Americans today are actually living in the past without knowing it. But in my AUDIO LETTERS I’m trying to bring you up to date with reality. For the past four years I’ve been letting you in on developments which have taken decades to materialize in secret. Learning about all these things over such a short time span is like having the world itself change almost overnight. So it is little wonder that some of my listeners are getting a case of “future shock” from my AUDIO LETTERS. By the way, the term “future shock” is taken from the famous book titled “FUTURE SHOCK” by Alvin Toffler. The book was published nearly 10 years ago, in 1970, by Random House. Toffler defines future shock as “the shattering stress and disorientation that we induce in individuals by subjecting them to too much change in too short a time.” In his book Toffler called attention to the fact that numerous rapid and drastic new developments are taking place today without people quite knowing how to cope with it all. Among these developments Toffler discussed the revolutionary advances in biology and genetics. Quoting leading scientists in the field, he gave examples of astonishing things which are either possible now or will be soon. All of these are fascinating to read about and many are frightening as well.

In particular, several items point directly toward organic robotoids, although the book does not say so. As I explained last month, an organic robotoid is an artificial robot-like creature. It is a kind of biological machine with a biological computer brain. With this in mind, consider the words of Arne Tiselius, a biochemist and Nobel Prize winner. As quoted in “FUTURE SHOCK” nearly a decade ago, he said: “It is quite obvious that computers so far are just bad imitations of our brains. Once we learn more about how the brain acts, I would be surprised if we could not construct a sort of biological computer. Such a computer might have electronic components modeled after biological components in the real brain, and at some distant point in the future it is conceivable that biological elements themselves might be parts of the machine.” Dr. Tiselius was on the right track with these words of 10 years ago, but he was too conservative. At that time, the Russians were already on the threshold of their key breakthrough which I referred to last month. That breakthrough had to do with the biological computer brain which is the key to a successful robotoid. In a few moments I’ll tell you more about that. In other places, too, one can find many bits and pieces of information that point straight toward robotoids, but you will not often find this information on television or in the newspapers. Instead, it crops up here and there in specialized publications directed at particular audiences. An example of this is the book “THE DYNAMICS OF CHANGE” published in 1967 by Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. The book is copyrighted by Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation, having first published all the material in six issues of Kaiser Aluminum News.

The revolution in biology and genetics is only a very small part of the subject matter in the book. Even so, listen to just a few brief quotes. Under the heading GENETIC MANIPULATION: “The ability to control the formation of new beings may be one of the most basic developments of the future. Recent discoveries about the nucleonic acids, the basic building blocks of life, have led to the belief that man may some day be able to treat genes in such a way that desired characteristics can be realized…” Under the heading DIRECT EDUCATION OF BRAIN CELLS: “Experiments indicate that certain chemicals in the brain will, when implanted in another brain, transfer knowledge…” Under the heading MAN-MACHINE SYMBIOSIS: “…Computers exist which can learn, remember, see, seek goals, reason, walk, sing on key, talk, be irritable, play games, grasp, adapt to an environment, and even design improvements in themselves…” My friends, remember, these things were published for public consumption, and a dozen years ago! Further, under the same heading: “…man-like computers may one day contain plasma circulating through a viscera-like envelope, allowing them to be self-healing.” Finally, under the heading HUMAN ROBOTS: “…An electronic circuit that imitates two neurons, the cells of the human brain, has been built, and has enabled a robot to deal with some unexpected situations, but the neuron structure was bulky.

The brain has billions of neurons, meaning an incredible miniaturization job will be necessary before truly human robots are developed.”

Since those words were written, of course, incredible things have been done in miniaturizing electronic computers. For example, a mere dozen years ago there was no such thing as an electronic hand calculator. Within a few years they were on the market but at a cost of hundreds of dollars. Today, just a few scant years further on, they are all over the place–tiny, inexpensive, and able to do things only bulky computers could do a decade ago. But these things only hint very vaguely at the scientific strides that have made Organic Robotoids a reality.

The man-made biological machine known as a Robotoid is remarkable from head to foot; but the most astonishing thing about them is their ability to simulate human beings–not just in appearance but in behavior. In other words, the most crucial and most amazing thing about a Russian Organic Robotoid is its biological computer brain. The developments that were destined to lead to Russia’s breakthrough in robotoid brain research began 32 years ago, in 1947. In that year a Hungarian-born physicist, Dr. Dennis Gabor, conceived of a way to make three-dimensional photographs called “holograms.”

It was a revolutionary scientific discovery, and it was destined to lead to the Nobel Prize for Dr. Gabor. He did not receive the Prize until 24 years later, in 1971. By then, holograms were a reality in numerous laboratories world-wide; and yet most members of the general public still had not heard of holography. And even today, more than three decades after Dr. Gabor’s original discovery, holography is still unfamiliar to the public as a whole. In 1947 Dr. Gabor’s theory pointed the way toward holography, but at that time holograms could not actually be made. What was needed in order to make them was something called “monochromatic light”–that is, light of just one wave length. No one knew how to create that kind of light in 1947, but in 1960 the situation suddenly changed–that was the year the laser was invented. When lasers are discussed in public, attention is usually focused on just one of their amazing characteristics–that’s the ability of a laser to produce a narrow, intense beam of light.

The beam can travel great distances without spreading out and diffusing. Lasers pointed the way toward energy-beam weapons, among other things; and as I revealed long ago in AUDIO LETTER No. 26, this is what secretly spawned America’s crash program to get to the moon in 1961. But the reason laser beams behave the way they do is that the light they produce is monochromatic, so they are made to order for generating holograms. Like lasers, holography has led to developments that were totally unexpected, and one of these was the Russian breakthrough in biological computer brains some years ago. When you hear how they work, you’ll understand why robotoids act so much like the human beings they replace. 

A hologram is a very unusual kind of photograph. To make one, the film is exposed using a laser and a set of mirrors and lenses; and to make the holograph image on the film visible later on, laser light must again be used. When you look at a hologram, it is as if you were looking through a window at the real object. You can move back and forth, up and down, and see it from different angles in three-dimensional detail. By contrast, of course, a conventional photograph is flat and looks the same from all angles. Holograms are also different in another way. If you tear a normal photograph into several pieces, you ruin it. Each piece contains only a disconnected fraction of the total, but not so with a hologram. If you cut up a holographic film into several pieces, each piece still contains almost the entire image. There is some loss of detail but basically it’s all there. It’s this fact that led years ago to the Russian breakthrough in biological computer brains for their robotoids. For quite some time, scientists in the Intelligence Community world-wide, studying the human brain, have known one very important fact. That fact is that a portion of a human brain can be removed through accident or surgery and yet the person still retains most of his original memory, so in this respect the memory in a human brain is like a hologram. Nowadays the relationship between holography and human memory is beginning to be understood in the West.

For example, Dr. Karl Pribram, a neuropsychologist at Stanford University, wrote about it recently in the magazine “PSYCHOLOGY TODAY.” As he pointed out, the implications of holography are enormous, both for brain research and for computers; but this relationship was first recognized not in America but in a research laboratory at Russia’s Siberian Science City, Novosibirsk. The reason the Russians have scooped the West in many recent scientific discoveries is not that they are supermen while we are mental midgets, instead it has to do with the way they organize their efforts in science and technology. This organization is totally different from that in the West, and it’s turning out to be far more efficient. For one thing, when it comes to research, communications in Russia are far superior to those in the West. There are more than 5,000 research centers and laboratories in Russia doing research and development of all kinds, and they are all linked together by vigorous communications–not only within each scientific field, but between different fields. There’s also a fundamental difference in what is discussed in Russian technical literature, as compared with the West. In the West, a scientist usually publishes a technical paper only to report a success of some kind. If he carries out a research project that fails, he generally publishes nothing about it; but in Russia, many failures and problems are discussed very openly in the technical literature. As a result, many areas of research meet a very different fate in Russia than in the West. Here in America an elaborate and expensive scientific project may come very close to success but fall through because of a key missing ingredient. When that happens, very little is published about it; but in Russia, the researchers describe their problems and failures; and among the thousands of other scientists nation-wide, one might have the answer. So the Russian system, which is built around cooperation, often produces success; but the Western system, especially in America, is built around jealousy and it often leads to failure. It’s happened many times, my friends, and it happened several years ago in robotoid brain development. Last month I revealed that the Russians can manufacture organic robotoids, which are almost exact carbon copies of real human beings.

This is done by a process that simulates the genetic coding of the person to be copied. It sounds a little like cloning, but it’s not. A clone of a human would itself be a human, but an organic robotoid is NOT human. It’s an artificial life form, like an animal in some ways but like a computerized machine in others. Every Russian robotoid has what is called a “holographic brain.” This brain duplicates essentially the entire memory of a person being copied. The key to doing this is a new technique called an “ultrasonic cerebral hologram.” Using high-frequency sound waves, which are inaudible, a complete three-dimensional picture is made of a person’s brain. This is a painless, non-destructive process; and under the proper conditions it can be done without the person even being aware of it. Last month I revealed that the Russians are using Nelson Rockefeller’s “Hit List” to weed out Bolsheviks here in America, and for roughly three years they have been preparing for this day. They have been secretly making cerebral holograms of the people on the list at every opportunity. This has been done to every person on Rockefeller’s list who has visited Russia or Eastern Europe in the past three years.

When an organic robotoid is made to simulate, for example, our late President Jimmy Carter, two major factors are involved. One is the genetic coding required to simulate Carter’s appearance, voice, fingerprints, and so on. The other is a holographic image of Carter’s brain. This image is a complete record of the neuron patterns which existed in Carter’s brain at the moment the hologram was made. Therefore it contains all of the memory and knowledge Carter had up to that moment.

When a Carter robotoid is made, the biological computer in its head is caused to form according to the holographic record of Carter’s brain. However, certain portions of the robotoid computer are caused to deviate from the holographic record. The end result is a biological computer which has to be programmed but which contains essentially all of Carter’s memory, involuntary mannerisms, and the like. As a result, a Carter robotoid will automatically do certain kinds of things without the need for specific programming. For example, a Carter robotoid will seem to recognize old friends. That’s because the computer memory of the robotoid reproduces Carter’s memory of that friend. The holographic process puts it there automatically without the Russian programmers even having to know it’s there.

Organic robotoids are such amazing creatures that they are still a subject of questioning and debate. This is true even among the Russian scientists who made them a reality. For example, robotoids seem to have no true instinct for self-preservation. In this regard they act like machines, simply doing as they are told to do. By contrast, both humans and animals generally have the instinct for self-preservation. Robotoids can be programmed for self-preservation, but they are equally willing (if “willing” is the word) to perform suicide missions, exploratory one-way trips into space. I’ve only one example of this: if a space mission looks too dangerous to risk the life of an experienced cosmonaut, a robotoid can now be used. The robotoid copy of the cosmonaut is already trained the moment it’s made, thanks to its holographic memory. Organic robotoids look and act so much like human beings that it’s hard for us to get used to the idea that they are not human; but the Russians decided several months ago that the stakes are too high not to employ them, and so the silent Russian invasion of America by robotoids is now well under way.

Topic #2–The Russian strategy is to work from the top down in dismantling Bolshevik power here in the United States. In this respect they are doing the same thing in principle as they did in overthrowing Bolshevik power in Russia. Within Russia itself the overthrow process made use of human “doubles.” These “doubles” were Christians with a level of dedication that is almost unthinkable in the West. They underwent plastic surgery at the expense of a life-long change in their appearance, they spent years in detailed study of the persons they were to replace; and then once they had replaced powerful people, they saw to it that other members of their Christian sect acquired positions of power. Over the years untold numbers of these Christian “doubles” in powerful positions were eventually found out. When that happened, they were purged by the Bolsheviks; but when they died they took with them the knowledge of the identities of other Christians whom they had placed in power. And so with every Christian they killed, the Bolsheviks were gradually sealing their own fate. They never caught on to the master take-over plan of the native Russian Christians until it was too late.

Today the Russians are putting that experience to use again in their robotoid strategy to take control of America. Bolshevik power is always centralized, so the Russians are starting with the head of the Bolshevik serpent. From there they intend to work outward gradually to the many tentacles of Bolshevik power. As of now, the White House and Cabinet are under complete control by Russia. According to my latest Intelligence report only one member of the Carter Cabinet is still alive. All of the rest, including the “ad hoc gang of four”, have been replaced by Russian robotoids.

Likewise, the United States now has a Supreme Court made up of nine (9) Russian robotoids, and now Russia is focusing on the main members of the United States Senate who are opposing SALT II. When Carter robotoid No. 3 was in Vienna earlier this month for the SALT II summit, he acted like a puppy dog around Leonid Brezhnev No. 2; and Brezhnev 2, the human double for the late real Brezhnev, likewise treated the alleged Carter like a puppy. Whenever he tired of talking or became hungry, Brezhnev 2 simply got up and walked off, and the grinning replica of the late Jimmy Carter would follow obediently at his heels. Finally on June 18 the Carter robotoid set the world on its ear by kissing and hugging Brezhnev 2 after the SALT II signing ceremony. While the process of takeover is under way, the Russians will not render the robotoids vulnerable to neutralization by the Bolsheviks. For that reason, the robotoids which have already replaced certain Senators are continuing to pretend that they oppose SALT II. To do otherwise would attract attention prematurely. But the really bitter opposition to SALT II is coming from people who don’t know what is going on.”

Continued at

The Robotoid stuff in Peter Beter’s audio letters begins in audio letter number 46 and then Dr. Beter tells about these almost every letter after that. What I posted above is simply a taste of it.

Great videos by the Black Child on cloning.



My other FASCINATING articles on this topic

Hollywood “Insider” Exposes Clones, Cults, Serpents, Mind Control And More

Was Taylor Swift Killed And Cloned? New Music Video Brags About Her Murder

Dave Chappelle’s Cousin Says He Was Killed and Cloned – Speaks Out for First Time

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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.


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    Total 2 comments
    • 2QIK4U

      I have photo’s of worker’s dressed in sixties clothing making human looking droids the size of Schwarzenegger in his prime but the insides looked like oil covered car parts? Is the closest I can describe it. Using it as a profile pic got me banned until I removed it, this site needs to allow a photo with each comment. It would stop a lot of BS argument’s with people who have sunstroke. My real site I use I’m agreed with then shown even more evidence toward’s the topic. They’re lateral and know nearly every topic spoken of.

      • Mayhem

        How about a link to this “real site” where you’re feted for your stellar evidence?

        Or you could email the photos to me…

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