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By 50 Shades of Pissed Off
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Guns and Roses - The Hoax/False Flags That Keep Failing to Take Away the Guns - Bill Cooper Prediction Update

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Guns And Roses….The False Flags That Keep Failing To Take Away The Guns

I was saying to someone just yesterday that I’ll bet they’re gonna hit us with several more tragic school shootings one right after another….until the public clamors for something to be done.

Parkland was just the beginning. Mark my words.

Reffering to Bill Cooper after Columbine:

“Watch for the rose presented at a future school shooting, it is then that the NWO will make it’s move”.

“Bill Cooper’s broadcast after the Columbine shooting. In this (two hour) broadcast, he talks about “the rose”, and when we see it in a future school shooting that it was a symbol that the New World Order was ready to make it’s move. We saw this rose come forward with the “valentines day shooting” in Florida, but everyone thought it was simply done because it was valentines day. Not so, the rose, according to Cooper, is the symbol of the New World Order, the birth of their new world order, when it is finally realized. Cooper also goes over how the shooting would be used to take our rights away, and how secret societies were involved with Columbine. Keep in mind Cooper said this 20 years ago“.

-Jim Stone

So it appears that not only was a rose presented at the Parkland shooting

Florida’s mayor holds a rose at a memorial for the fake victims

….but they have presented that rose at SEVERAL major false flags since Sandy Hook.

Sandy Hook appears to be the first one where they used the rose….

….which makes sense….they truly believed Sandy Hook was going to be the one that successfully got the guns. It worked in Scotland. The Dublane Massacre. The School Shooting that the public was so horrified by that they didn’t protest the new laws and gun confiscation that followed. The Dublane Massacre was a fraud..a fake event used to take away the guns. Sandy Hook was modeled after the Dublane Massacre. They thought it would work here too….they were mistaken

Sandy Hook was based on the dublane massacre.

A friend of mine has a family member who lives in Newton who played a major role in the Sandy Hook fraud. (I promised him if I ever spoke publicly about this that I wouldn’t give any identifying details…so forgive me for being vague).

Anyways my friend told me that back in 2008 this family member suddenly had loads of $ rolling in…he didn’t know where it was coming from…but his family member was boasting about the hundreds of thousands of dollars they were being paid to participate in a future event…a fake event that would be covered by the media as real…one that would be used to get Americans to give up their guns. He didn’t understand what his family member meant at the time but when it finally happened FOUR years later in 2012 and his family member played an important role…he knew that was it.

(When this person told me their story I was the first person he had ever told this to…I brought him into my Sandy Hook group and we vetted this person and discovered he really was related to said person who played major role in Sandy Hook.) So this tells us it was being planned at least as far back as 2008 and these ppl were being paid HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS…from our taxes no doubt.

Race for Chase huh? And why may I ask might Chase be making a Satanic sign with his hands? 

They sure love their symbolism

Pic allegedly done by Sandy Hook victim “Grace Parker”….given to President Obama, flashed all over Anderson Coopers national news television show….. They just had to throw this blatant mockery in there.

(What’s interesting is that my friend saw this same family member of his acting as another crisis actor in a recent false flag just last year I believe?… the airport terminal shooting in FL. His family member was very blatantly doing the Shhh sign in the photos. With one finger over the lips.)

(Significance of Shhh….

Sandy Hook got a “new town” of Newtown, CT around 2010.

In 2010, a new hair salon was leased where an older hairstylist was kicked out unexpectedly from their storefront by the owner even when a new contract was being considered. An article was written about this in the Stamford Advocate. The barber shop that came into town was named, “Shh…co.” The hair salon’s symbol is a red, bloody handprint with white heart in its center. Handprints are universal symbols for kids and children.

(Each handprint in the window is supposed to represent a child who died in the shooting that day.)

The heart in hand is a masonic symbol and symbolizes human sacrifice and even the cutting out the victims’ hearts.

It is very odd that a hair salon wants to be known as Shh…co. as if to say, “Shh…be quiet. Keep silent about what you know.”

Shh…we have pledged to keep quiet about the Sandy Hook incident…

They truly believed Sandy Hook was gonna be it. That it would be the catalyst that made everyone willingly bow down and hand in their firearms. Hence the rose…

When it didn’t work they did another….where the rose was presented….

Pulse Nightclub

The recent TX church shooting they used roses as well. These are pics showing the inside of the church they painted white (over all the blood and guts) and put roses on each chair for each alleged “victim ” which at the time seemed weird to me. But now makes sense.

There may even be others I’m not aware of where the rose was presented. These are just the ones off the top of my head.

So I was thinking about this and thinking that perhaps each of the false flags with roses are “the one” they planned to be “the one” that would successfully take away gun rights. But they kept failing.

This whole thing makes the band name “Guns & Roses ” hold a new significance.

And rest assured that these are just stories. They’re not really killing kids. If you need to understand why they always use the hoax model click here.

Looks like with this last one they are pushing the gun control ban HARD and have even written up a bill banning all semi-automatic weapons… that is SERIOUS.

They have billions of our tax $ to spend on these hoaxes. Stand by for many more guns and roses….America is being attacked from the INSIDE.

By the way I was just recently suspended from Facebook two days ago for posting this next pic. Can you believe they suspended me for 7 days over this?



Children of tomorrow
I apologize to you
On behalf of those in my time
For the things we didn’t do

We didn’t stop the tyrants
So your fate could be prevented
We watched them steal our freedom
By our silence we consented

We didn’t choose to circumvent
The doom you’ve not escaped
While the Bill of Rights was murdered
And the Constitution raped

Some of us were lazy
Others too afraid
To think about our children
The ones we have betrayed

I guess we were too busy
To be concerned or care
To try to ease the burden
Of the chains we made you wear

We could have been good shepherds
When the wolf got in the fold
But we watched the flame of freedom die instead
And left you cold.

I’m sorry we were timid
My selfish generation
We left you but a remnant
Of a free and prosperous nation

I’m sorry for our actions
Like cowards we behaved
We could have left you freedom
Instead you are enslaved

Children of tomorrow
Descendants of our land
I’m sorry we allowed this
The fate you now withstand.

- Anonymous



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    Total 15 comments
    • Ideas Time

      Great article.

      • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

        Aw thanks. Wow a nice comment. Huge shocker

        • Anonymous

          Yeah. You should get a lot more nice comments. After all, you brought us the Statue of Liberty that cut off HIS penis, that’s squirting molten blood all over the place. Yep. In BIN land, you’re a veritable prophetess. It’s appalling the whole planet doesn’t just hang on your every word. Hope anybody critical of you goes to NYC, and that the Statue of Liberty drowns them in molten penis blood.

        • CeeLeeRose

          Well done 50….

          I was an non-consensual, unwilling participant as a MK Targeted Individual in such a grab for our 2A rights via the same SH mechanism of action. This one was supposed to be VERY REAL though. Thankfully “They” chose me & not someone easier to crack, as I weathered the DEW/V2k/MK storm with strength they didnt intend on seeing…As these DOMESTIC TERRORISTS didnt get their False Flag here on the island. Children & faculty are alive today as a result. The perps, locally & nationally didnt get their ex$pected multi-million $$ payout as well…Poor them…:(….

          Time period of “Prompts”: Late Oct-March of 2012…The name “Adam Lanza” was mentioned to me via my perps V2K “Chatter” & communications to me in NOVEMBER of 2012….It made no sense to me untill Dec….
          “Event” site: Langley Washington…
          Name of neighbor hood I lived in when 1st moving to Whidbey Island: Sandy Hook

          For more info on my story please visit LiveLeak UserName: “KrasnayaZvezda” PLEASE visit-It will help to add more perspective to the MCE goings on. People in my position seldom survive long enough to tell their story.

          LiveLeak: ~The Warp & The Weft~ A Targeted Individuals Story

          Additional comments on my unique experience & circumstances in comments section @ by Another Whidbey Island Author)-

          Keep up the good work…;)

          ~Creighton Lee Rose

        • King Of Jambalamba

          Great article,where did you steal it?

          • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

            Are you talking to me? What’s with the hostility? I wrote it myself. Are you jealous?

    • No time

      Why even have children, they only grow up to be slaves. This World is nothing but pain and suffering, that’s why babies cry when they are born upside down into this World of lies. Then some else names them and gives them an identity card written with CAPITAL LETTERS WHICH IS CALLED DOG LATIN OR THE LANGUAGE OF THE DEAD. What would the world elite do if they no longer had slaves to kick around? Make this World a better place, don’t have children and don’t reincarnate. If Earth is truly our prison, why would you want others to be born into it.

    • Don - 1

      99.9% of ALL mass shootings in the USA are FAKE…FAKE….FAKE. The fake shootings are designed to SCARE you. Plus these PsyOps are all about taking away guns from law abiding citizens.

      When CNN is first on the scene and CIA asset Anderson Cooper is one of the interviewers….you know its FAKE.

      • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

        You’re so right Don..they learned their lesson really killing ppl in the false flag of 9-11 where they really killed pp and realized when the families truly own their grief they could not be controlled. They demanded answers. They sued. They spoke publicly about the discrepancies and wouldn’t give up seeking to find out what really happened. When your grief is real you can not be controlled to push an agenda. Real grief turns into real anger….which messes up EVERYTHING. When you are in on it you do and say whatever you are told. You don’t become a problem. You don’t sue which turns a magnifying glass on details of the event. These elitists are control freaks. That is why all of these events are hoaxes

        Ppl always say “of course they would kill for an agenda”. Yes of course they would. But they don’t use the hoax model because they value human life. They kill ppl before breakfast every day. They could care less about killing. The only reason they don’t kill is because once there are real victims and real family members have real grief all bets are off. The situation then becomes a huge wild card
        .. a liability. They like these things to be real tidy

    • wheeties

      dont agree with you much 50 shades but nice job with this–gun control is commie nonsense–they only believe in the bill of rights or constitution that they like…corrupt as hell–immature as the 13 year olds at this protest–
      bunch of dumb ass kids–the 2nd amendment protects their right to assemble—yeah it gets abused-there a billion laws governing the use of a automobile but 8,000 kids (8,000!!!) will die in a car wreck this year and 24,000 adults–when a drunk kills somebody in a car wreck nobody call for the banning of cars or alcohol !! this protest was just crap being used by the control freaks and their agenda–fools,idiots,morons–all nonsense—a smelly fart –not worthy of any attention-but let them get up there and rant…going nowhere

    • Pink Slime

      Many good memes. I like the ones about the librarians. But there all good. I prefer this kind of information instead of videos, which can be cumbersome, and RUDE people COUGH too much without saying “excuse me”. This is better.

      Tell you what. If you keep doing this, give you a doughnut! :lol:

      But this gun control is nothing but a FARCE. It will NOT solve the problem. Does not ADDRESS the problem and will actually make the problem WORSE in the long and short run.

      But liberals don’t think, ya see. They only REACT and it become a complete FARCE! A farce in your face. Like the New World Odor they want on you.

      Jest a little thinking will reveal this is only ARMING criminals and DISARMING the only thing that STANDS in their way. THE ARMED AMERICAN!! Who will then KICK YOUR ASS for farcing this on your face with the New World Odor of yours.

      Disarm him, and you snowflakes will be shot on site if you disagree with the new gun-control masters you thought you wanted. They will not practice GONE-CONTROL on you. Lined up by ditches and shot one by one….. You stupid JERKS!! :twisted:

      • Pink Slime

        :arrow: :neutral: Oops Alert. “Not” should be “now”. Firing my editor. :mad:

    • Man

      None of the gun regulation stops a person of having a gun.

      Basically this is the crux of the article:

      “I want to keep my gun no matter what. Any threat that wants to regulate gun use is a threat of my gun ownership.”

      Which is just false.

      That starts of all the spin of ecery mass shooting is a false flag. Because it discredits any debate on gun usage after a shooting.

      and then make one of the weakest arguments of needing a gun. To stop a tyrannical Government.

      Have fun believing that your Remington pistol can protect you from a cruisemissile from a drone, a tank and a trained army.

      • Firmament Does Exist

        ” none of the gun regulation stops people from having a gun”…..then what’s the point of regulation?

    • Anonymous

      We should be asking why they are so desperate to disarm us and why we are allowing so many government politicians to serve two different countries? All of these dual citizens should be deported immediately as the traitors that they have proven to be.
      Perhaps they are desperate to disarm us because the Satanic lie about the shape of the Earth is being exposed every day now?
      The engineering team of Fecore just proved no curvature with a documented 28 mile laser test and on Mar 29th 2018, three days from now, South American scientists are releasing a seven year long study documentary proving that our Fool School system has been indoctrinating us with BS and lies since we were born.
      Now if you had been part of a cult that has deceived the world for centuries, wouldn’t you want your victims disarmed before they come for your sorry lying Butt? Let the lawsuits and mass arrests begin!

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