COVID-19 Motive? Problem, Reaction, Solution Explained - 9/11 Size Changes - Event 201, Wuhan Military Games, ID2020 (Live Stream & Article)
For decades now, people like myself have been showing how esoteric messages and symbols are shown to us on a daily basis to help shape how we think, feel and behave. This is a form of social engineering and it is achieved through psychological warfare that brainwashes the masses to comply with an ideology. This can be seen in politics, the entertainment and news industries, sport, computer games, schools, workplaces, practically everywhere.
An event can set a spiral of mini-events into motion that often leads to a set of pre-planned radical changes taking place within society. A problem is created by the same people who then manage and control the reaction, mainly via the media and other sources such as the WHO. After the managed reaction plunges the general public into fear they will be easier to control and they will then comply with any changes that their governments will suggest are needed. The people will be informed by morning television talk show hosts, news outlets, radio stations and so on. All these establishments will all be singing from the same script, flooding the public with wave after wave of information that sways perception so they continue to ride the waves without being able to question what they are being told because of blind fear. This is a key factor in emotional-based mind control tactics that the world population is being covertly subjected to.
The Problem, the reaction, and the solution are a 3-pronged construct of the powers that be who are pulling all the strings. Many people think they have free will, but the advertisements subliminally programmed them to want that next item, to need that new technology, or to yearn for 5G. None of us ask for anything, things are put into our psyche. Just like what is happening with COVID19. It came from nowhere, then it came from bats, then there were rumours it came from a bioweapons lab just outside of Wuhan, then it came from Canada, then Russia blamed Israel. All the while the masses are riding that wave.
Key factors that I would like to point out to you is how this is the perfect trojan horse to new law changes, mandatory vaccinations, a managed market crash, cashless society, and a new way of life and thinking as big as that as we had after 9/11.
How can we trade with cash in an infected world? Is this a perfect steppingstone to a cashless society? If so how will people adjust to such a radical change? Markets can not sustain themselves if nobody is at work, production in China ground to a halt weeks ago and it is now set to take place across Europe and the United States. This would also pave the way for mandatory vaccinations and possibly even RFID implants that will hold personal and medical data on a digital, centralised blockchain along with what we once knew as money. A huge paradigm shift is taking place and that is why I referred to 9/11 as a marker of how big an event this actually is. After 9/11 we had airport scans, heightened security measures and laws along with a fake war on fake terror. Whether or not the virus is real, I have always stated it is not the virus that we should be scared of, it is the language around it. It is how easy they have shut the world down without a question being asked and people are facing being placed in quarantine all down to what may be symptoms of a common cold. This is dangerous. BBC News is now reporting that it will be best if nobody ever returns to workplaces and we begin to work from home. This ties into the new-age technological revolution we are about to head into with the speed of data transfers set to go through the roof with 5G. An automated world where there is less need for manual labour is on its way fast. Dare I say it, less of a need for humans in a world that will be dominated by robotics connected to the internet of things.
All these factors are in place by the government establishments, military bosses, media outlets who are all working together to tell you a lie over 1000 times a day so you believe in record time, you are programmed in the blink of an eye. You now consent to their agenda and you fully agree with all they advise or say. You trust all the information flying at you in a way designed to stop you from being able to see through the storm to pick out what is really happening.
I am going to show you a different side of the story, an independent outlook that will help you understand not only how things work, but this will also help you to begin to decode the fabric of your surroundings so you can spot the elements that make up these state-sponsored media hoaxes, and the motives behind them, as soon as you see them unfold.
For example…
The British Government has slipped in new legislation that permits arrest powers to police if a person has symptoms of the alleged virus that means if anyone coughs or has a sneeze they may be frowned upon by the authorities and forcibly taken into medical seclusion. They have these laws in place but they are also advising it may be best to use herd immunisation tactics meaning they want to give healthy people a virus which then would also give them powers to place you in medical isolation and take away your human rights all based on having what may not even be a cold. Somebody may come out of their home smoking and cough and then people nearby could get scared and decide to report that person for coughing. The person would then have his or her time wasted by authorities. That aside, the language in this legislation is a lot more terrifying than catching a cold but it now makes catching a cold a possible offense. This is all a bit overboard, in my opinion, and it criminalises people for being sick.
They have now banned major sporting events but the list of activities that could transmit infection in everyday life is monumental. How can we touch our phones without knowing somebody else hasn’t who may not be showing any symptoms yet of the alleged virus? How can office staff share paper, printers, or fax machines without knowing a host has not been lurking? How can we trust the postman that the letters he posts through our doors are not infected with anything that may render us worthy of being placed in quarantine? Should we ban Royal Mail from delivering bills to our homes? How can bus and rail companies operate and put their own staff in an environment where they encounter 100s if not 1000s of people each shift? How can any of the passengers or know who has what slight illnesses that may deem them valid for quarantine under the new legislation? How can we cross the road at the traffic lights and be assured that somebody has not infected the button? How can we charge children’s devices responsibly without catching an infection or passing one onto the device? How can bar staff pour pints for customers without washing their hands and singing happy birthday twice in between every interaction that may involve taking cash? Even gloves would need changing frequently and this would amount to more costs for the company. How can shop owners not be expected to clean every item that has been touched in case the person has a virus? How can taxi’s operate that are opened by door handles that can be touched by 1000’s of people per-day? How can phone boxes remain in service around the world given we can not guarantee the health status of any person entering them at any given second? How can food delivery staff stay in a job when we can not guarantee either way if anyone involved is infected? We are told there are not even many symptoms for a very long time? This is a worldwide behavior-changing event, the question is just how far are they going to push it all? The short answer is look what has already happened so far.
How can we be told to wash our hands and sing happy birthday twice to beat a virus that just weeks ago we were being told kills people in hours? How is it safe advice to blow our nose or cough into a tissue or sleeve and then go walking side by side with people. Many people will then travel on packed trains with a sleeve that the government told them to sneeze on?
My point here is they have built a situation whereas if it was all real and without any number crumbing taking place, then the whole world would have to stop, shut down, not move, all do nothing except wait for the government to tell us their solution.
The video above shows how a host of organisations including Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation were present at a global N-Cov-2019 pandemic counter-reaction drill 10 weeks before the first Coronavirus death was announced on December 31st. This Gathering of world economic leaders and health committees mainly focused on how all echelons of business will continue in the midst of an outbreak that would kill 65 million people in just a few months. Various sections of the simulation included how the flow of information will be controlled by media groups who will also battle what they class as false information by flooding the airwaves with their narrative. Military service representatives talk of the world being placed on a warlike footing which means martial law would be implemented. Travel bans hit the industry hard and markets plunge. I would like to point out how we have just watched Flybe Airliners go bang but the news came and went without any fuss but during recent years we have been bombarded with closed airline companies in the new. Why was Flybe’s demise so low-key? Britsih Airways are now also reporting problems. I will be keeping an eye out for new airline companies popping up to replace the ones we are seeing go into the corona black hole. The pandemic also predicted the economic downslide created by the virus could last ten years and it also asks the question of were we ready enough for it. I ask the question based on a very deep analysis of all that has gone on if we are seeing another real-time simulation around the world right now?
The Event 201 website reads: The next severe pandemic will not only cause great illness and loss of life but could also trigger major cascading economic and societal consequences that could contribute greatly to global impact and suffering. The Event 201 pandemic exercise, conducted on October 18, 2019, vividly demonstrated a number of these important gaps in pandemic preparedness as well as some of the elements of the solutions between the public and private sectors that will be needed to fill them. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly propose these recommendations.
The Center for Health and Security later released a statement denying they had predicted current events. You can click the image to be directed to the original source.
Global Health Security: Epidemics Readiness Accelerator. World Economic Forum.
Private Sector Roundtable. Global health Security Agenda.
Peter Sands. Outbreak readiness and business impact: protecting lives and livelihoods across the global economy. World Economic Forum 2019.
Next up is research from Annie Logical who pointed out connections between the virus and the Wuhan Military Games that took place on October 18, 2019, yes, that date again!
You can read Annie Logocal’s article on Coronavirus at her website by clicking this link
Annie Logical writes:
In this video which is part one of two, I have shared my research that points to worldwide events being used to showcase microbiology and in particular ‘virus” imagery. Many scientists and microbiologists have questioned the technology claimed to be showing this but that will be shown in part two of the videos. We can clearly see how the imagery is being used in this video. Here is a link to an article on my website which explains how this agenda has been planned for a long time and who is involved.
In part two I will reveal an extraordinary link between the imagery at worldwide events and the latest ‘fake’ pandemic involving corona. Please watch, it is a very short video of just 8 mins and share.
If Event 201 was not wired enough, then how about Wuhan being stage to the 7th Military Games that was held in public for the first time ever on the exact same date that the pandemic simulation was held in New York? Is that not an eyebrow-raiser?
10.000 troops from 103 countries were in attendance at the event which boasted an opening ceremony to rival every Olympic games but was a clear depiction of a military world under the UN. No mainstream media outlets even touched upon it until they finally claimed that the virus may have been brought to Wuhan during the Military Games by the US. It is thought around 200 US military personnel attended the games.
Wuhan is also home to the first revolution in China started by Sun Yat-Sen who returned to Wuhan Oct 22nd, 1900, the games were from 18th October 2019 and The 7th Military World Games was the first international military multi-sport event also it was the largest military sports event ever to be held in China, with nearly 10,000 athletes from over 100 countries competed in 27 sports.
Thanks to Annie Logical for that information please subscribe to her YouTube channel
One of the strange synchronicities around the COVID19/Coronavirus outbreak is how similar the story is to certain books and television shows that came out before the 2019 virus that has dominated the start of 2020. One of the books is called the eyes of Darkness by Dean Koontz, which tells of a virus called with outrageous similarities to what we see today and another book, released in 2008, called End of Days, by Sylvia Browne. In her book, Sylvia tells us how a severe pneumonia-like virus will spread throughout the world in 2020 but it will vanish as quickly as it arrived before returning in ten years. Dean Koontz book, End of Days tells us how a virus that is created in a bio-weapons lab just outside of Wuhan as is the perfect weapon. It was named Wuhan-400.
Sylvia is known for being a writer but she also claimed to be a psychic before her death in 2013, keep your eyes open for the number 13 again.
Sylvia Browne died in 2013
The word Wuhan appears 13 times in Dean Koontz, 1981 novel, the eyes of Darkness as you can see below.
I would like to show you why I think this is even more coded and we only have to see what else happened in 1981 to see another pattern emerge, that Royal theme is back once again and it just will not go away in this article as much as the twin theme, or the serpent as much as the crisis actors.
Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer get married. The word Princess has been pushed into our psyche like mad over the past few weeks with the names of the cruiseliners involved in the alleged outbreak. All this at the same time we have seen the royal family in turmoil with Prince Andrew’s Epstein saga and prince Harry and Meghan’s runaway meltdown.
Alleged Yorkshire Ripper was arrested in 1981 and his connections to Jimmy Savile can not be ignored. This is also another theme of this article as a lot of connections are made to elite child-abuse networks.
Look at this interview for another example of predictive programming, the title of the video is ‘China Will catch A Cold‘, it features an interview from Project Camelot’s Bill Ryan, who it is alleged is a Freemason. Bill stated that China will catch a cold that will be a manufactured virus designed to target the Asian population and Iran will also be attacked as these events are unfolding in an interview on February 16, 2010.
This is a document from 2010 which was created via the Rockefeller Foundation, by a think tank called Lock Step. The document is about future scenarios of technology and Inter development, attempts to war game a pandemic situation.
On page 18 it reads: “In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain—originating from wild geese—was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population.
The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries and enabling a swifter post-pandemic recovery.
During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens for example.
Oh really, just like ID 2020 in my video at the start of this article? You did see it right? Here you go watch this manifesto from the Bill & Malinda Gates-backed ID 2020 which is microchipping people who have been displaced by wars, etc in a bid to give them digital identification that will be linked to a blockchain and will also be how they will be administered vaccinations. This is real. They say they have now chipped 1000s of New Yorkers also.
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Did Sylvia predict her own death?