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Ghislaine Maxwell and Madeleine McCann: A Call To Scotland Yard Ghislaine Maxwell Resemblance To Operation Grange E-Fit

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Madeleine McCann 🔴 Call To Scotland Yard 🔴 Ghislaine Maxwell Resemblance To Operation Grange E-Fit


The Queen of England, her husband, Prince Phillip Mountbatten, and their son future King Charles’ close friendship with Jimmy Savile needs to be compared to Prince Andrew’s relations with convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his madame Ghislaine Maxwell who is accused of trafficking victims and even teaching them how to perform oral sex on Jeffrey Epstein.

It can not go unmentioned how Ghislaine’s face is incredibly similar to one of the suspects released by Scotland Yard on an E-Fit of people they would like to speak to regarding the disappearance of Madeleine Mccann as seen in my article below.


Andrew’s persistence that he met Epstein through Ghislaine Maxwell (who he remains friends with at least twenty years later) does not hide the fact that she is accused of trafficking victims for Epstein.

This means Andrew has admitted to maintaining a friendship with Maxwell even hosting a shooting weekend at Sandringham with her after Epstein was charged with child abuse offenses.

He told viewers how he had not held a birthday party for Ghislaine but instead, they had a shooting weekend in 2011 that he further emphasised was just a “normal shooting weekend”, if that exists with these maniacs.


The unsolved death of a 17-year-old Latvian girl, Alisa Dmitrijeva, whose body was found on Sandringham Estate on New Years Day in 2012 still looks highly suspicious for the Royal family and a cover-up can’t be ruled out.

Many people have been calling for Ghislaine’s arrest since news of Epstein being in custody broke earlier in the year, including female producer and actress Ellen Barkin.

Ghislaine Maxwell came under fire from Ellen Barkin after Jeffrey Epstein’s arrest as Barkin stated: “Maxwell can not just walk free”.

Barkin claims Maxwell admitted to her she is a sex-trafficker who uses her piloting abilities to take victims to and from Jeffrey Epstein’s Little St James Island.

Ellen Barkin used her disgust in Maxwell to raise awareness of the fact that she herself is a victim of abuse by telling her fans on Twitter.

I have just hit home on the Ghislaine Maxwell connections so when you anylise the Prince Andrew interview, each time he mentions Ghislaine being the key figure in his relationship with Epstein, you will remember just what she is accused of and the strange circumstances around the Madeleine McCann connections that have never been connected, explained or played down by law enforcement authorities.

The image above shows an e-fit released by Scotland Yard of people they suspected may have played a part in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.

The image on the far left of 6 faces next to Madeleine has always caused quite a stir with people suggesting the two men on the top right resemble brothers John and Tony Podesta.

Tony Podesta was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager during her election battle with Donald Trump.

The John Podesta connection to the e-fit is well documented but another face on the police release has now become a point of interest to Enchanted LifePath.


Jeffrey Epstein’s reported girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell has been subject to public allegations of being a sex trafficker of underage girls.


Maxwell was under suspicion in British media going back to at least 2015 when Daily Mail published an article that rings very true to recent allegations facing both Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell.

Ghislaine Maxwell then began to catch the eye because of her uncanny resemblance to a woman who was pictured on the Madeleine McCann e-fit that features the John and Tony Podesta look-alikes.

The image below shows this more clearly.

This is worrying as we do see Ghislaine Maxwell is closely connected to Jeffrey Epstein and was said to be in a relationship with him although he was already a convicted child predator.

Notice the mage says help us identify these people? I wonder how much attention Operation Grange have paid to people’s information in the hope of offering help? None! Useless £12 million spent after 12 years and not a thing of interest! #GameShowConfirmed Image Ref 4A is this Ghislaine Maxwell?



We see a news article from UK based outlet Mirror Online which is dated, 7 AUG 2009, but was then updated 3 years later on, 30 JAN 2012.

This news article explains how a lady who is believed to speak with an Australian accent who looked like Victoria Beckham had approached a man outside a bar in Barcelona asking frantically “have you got her, have you got the child?”

Madeleine McCann: Police hunt Australian woman who asked ‘Have you got the child?’

Take note this was a woman who spoke in an alleged Australian accent, but when you watch the short video below you will see and hear that Maxwell does have an accent that she herself describes as funny, and to an English person it is odd so is Ghisaines strange accent being mistaken for an Australian accent?

You can listen to her voice in the video below.


The set of images released by police that outline descriptions of people they would like to talk to in connection with Madeleine’s disappearance is quite startling when analysed properly.

We have a person who looks like an egg, two people who look like the Podesta brothers, one person who looks like Kate McCann with a mustache.

Another looks like German suspect Martin Ney and another looks like Jeffrey Epstein’s girlfriend.

Hillary Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin’s disgraced ex-husband Anthony Weiner also features as a spotty faced cartoon version of himself. You simply can not make this up.

The line up is almost complete and it points directly to positions of power that are used to manipulate and blackmail a highly corrupt political spectrum.

Maxwell is thought to be a major player in the child sex-trafficking scandal that has been reported by independent researchers such as myself for years now and it has all been played down by mainstream reporters who act like they are paid to not publish information like this.

How they constantly miss things like this is either inept or ignoring a global issue head-on.

It is no coincidence that global news bosses are amongst the people who concern many of us.

In 2016, documents revealed possible national security breaches from the presidential candidate whilst emails between Clinton and Abedin were probed during an FBI investigation into Abedin’s ex husband, New York Congressman, Anthony Weiner, 46,  after his sexting scandal amidst allegations of him sending explicit pictures to a 15 year old girl.

Mr Weiner married Huma Abedin, in July 2010, with Bill Clinton officiating the wedding.

This poses the question are these images being intentionally leaked as the resemblances are now more apparent given the likeness between Ghislaine Maxwell and the Madeleine McCann suspect can not be ignored given recent events surrounding Epstein.

Look at these images and tell me this is not a game show.



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    Total 8 comments
    • Болеслава

      You pretty much solved the whole case.

    • Болеслава

      Epstein is alive as is Saville unless he croaked it since his phoney death.

      You can take that to the bank.

      P Andrew is S guilty as sin.

    • residentp

      It is very strange that obvious similarities of the Podesta brothers to the police id kits, resulted into nothing over all these years, and that can only imply that Interpol and crime units were controlled to ‘avoid’ the problem. An article where the Podesta brothers were connected, years ago, also pointed to other evidence proving they were in the area of abduction at the time of the crime by presenting email copies with Podesta connections and with the times and addresses of the emails. Nothing came of that and all that evidence is probably long gone now.

      • MyTwoCents

        And for all the phony rants on that Q board about how “they have it all” and “these people are stupid,” not even ONE of them has been arrested and now all we get are excuses from Barr, the Bush family loyalist, and Durham about how it’s going to take another few months… and another few months… at least until after the election. How do you drain the OCEAN? I don’t think anybody’s going to be arrested for anything because they’re all too powerful and they all have each other’s back. And the Clintons will just take care of anybody who gets in their way. How many of these guys were members of Skull and Bones at Yale? Asking for a friend…

      • truther357

        This record is being played over and over. For years the Podesta pedophile brothers have been connected to many crimes and Our ‘corrupt’ FBI & DOJ just looked the other way…as usual!
        The way We figure it…The Podesta law firm was connected to the Uranium One ‘High Treason’ crime which involved Obama, Clinton’s, Comey, Holder, Lynch, Mueller ( delivered a uranium sample to Russia) Rosenstine and many other high ranking officials from other Departments.The Podesta brother’s could blackmail any of these criminal’s if they tried to come down on them for any of their perverted acts. They were free to roam as they pleased without any fear of prosecution and even given a big role in Hillary campaign.
        Today Our’worthless ‘ AG Barr still refuses to even bring this ‘High Treason’ crime up. The reason that he is letting the ‘statues-of limitation’ run out , is because it is a bigger crime than the Roseburgs, who were put to death. Not only did Russia get 20% of Our uranium, but Iran and NK also got some (Documented).aiding and abetting Our enemies with material (weapon grade) that can be used to make weapon’s that could totally flatten Our nation and kill many of Our citizens.

        You call this Democrat ‘Deep State’ crimes and business as usual..and they know that no Chris Wray ‘goon squad ‘KGB will be knocking their doors down in the early morning, with assault weapons drawn and CNN recording.And that Our DOJ & FBI is still in Soros control and no threat to any of these criminal’s.

    • Slimey

      Why do podesta and the wiener look like WEASELS?? Ughlee weasel-faced creatures.

      And I know Prince Andrews is not guilty. He does not sweat as she accused him of. He said so! :lol:

    • deano

      Podesta?……..14 and the ‘Fish” ?…….that was their code for that CHRISTCHURCH Massacre of muslims,in NZ.

      MATTHEW 14;14……”Je$u$ HEALS THE SICK”…….(beleif in 5000/4000 Fish miracle = christinsanity)

      This how SICK these secret blood drinkers for the Society of Jesus are….occult FREEmasons.The Cure,is DEATH. !!

      Its that SIMPLE marylanders…..but u cant grasp because of your ‘gullible faith’…..of Talking Snakes,Donkeys,trips in whale bellys, and Virgin MOTHERS.

      Hagia Sophia = AYA is WISE (the wisdom house of AYA)…….Who was the goddess Aya christinsanitys?….Sophia? a Sophist?

      a Galli greek oracle prophet of Cybele that Castrated himself into a eunech tranny in a yellow frock with jewellry and tiara.

      ……oh no….that man of GALLI lee, those GALLI leyan disciples, and their GALLIcian church…of the GALLI cantu in HeruSALEM.

      ……can u hear the battlefield ghosts of GALLIpoli ?….Poli=city (Metro POLIs, IndianaPOLIs)……Gallipoli= GALLI CITY = Constantine ople.

      ……. :?: Hagia Sophia in HEADLINES?……Christ boy Putin saving east orthodaox russ ChristinSanitys…..AYAwise is going MUSLIM :evil:

      IRONY :!: The german battleship the “GOEBEN”, was the Kaiser starting WW1 with Russia via TURKS. Captain flew a ‘false flag’….a
      TURK =ottomon Naval Ensign, and bombed Sevastapol. Turkey was NEUTRAL, until this happened….the end for Ottomon Empire.
      :wink: ….Gallipoli was a “hold down troops” manouvre (johhny turk had to protect Constantine and Black Sea entry).

      the REAL target was Ottomon PALESTINE…..Troops held in Turkey = Aus Light Horse take Beersheeba, Lawerence use the bedouin arabs…British >>could take JERUSALEM…..and Allenby could get off his DONKEY (just like jesus)… :mrgreen:

      # El Lawerence….is ihesus collegium,oxford (stag=hart=jesus)…….in Arabia and the Levant, drawing maps, and LYING to arabs.,long BEFORE…the start of ww1.

      PROMETHEUS?…..City of DAVID’s hero…..TAKE NO PRISONERS! (as he drinks ,his face covered in blood spray) :shock:

      Matthew 14…..14…14…14…..14:14….heal the sick, = killl muslims….U psyco SHEMetic adreno addicts insane……

      Take the pressure……come play my game i’ll test ya…………christ-insane itys. Onward Christ Stain soldiers?… :oops:

      ….thought your babble bk says “Shall not kill” ?…….No , my son, kill means Heal…….celibate=EUNECH.??????

      …….JIZZ lane of max Smell………what a Trinity….sandwiched between Andy Candy and Ep$tein…..Weinstein and Clinton? Monica & Hillaria?

      …@HILARIA…..= clinton……….@HILARIA ..= clinton……and no, what she was doing isnt hilaryious..but evil :evil: taking Kids for GALLUS.

      U christians defending this Faith..are SICK ! :razz: …..ihesus… a twisted NT version….of worship of Attis….or Attys. (Phanes/Baphomet).
      its why cat o lick pricks are PEDERASTS of CATamites……poor choirboys.
      ..RIP. @ CASTRATO…sick idiots.and permanent abstinence from sex, can only be reached by TRANS formation,subsatanation,genderization.

      That is EVIDENCE…taht Jesus=a Myth……like Eunech=Celibate…..and Unicorn=’wild ox’……..and greek Hades~HELL….ihesu+s>iesu>Je$u$a

      ##BIBLE BELT………a region of virgin mary land where the young are “BelteD” around the head,with a Heavy KJV …….(ouch! :sad: )

      belief in God Ble$$ columbus…..In God We Tru$t……..women and sex = SIN……and a talking snake is to be believed…..the ih$ ie$u it$.
      (Jesus? John? Julius? Jupiter?)
      ……..iulius ceaser and Dieu Pater…dyeus piter….(latin god-father……and dont tell ya PTAH of egypt=pater,papa,father,paah,patrici,patric k,+

      ……oh those silly romans beleived in god Jupiter?….it was greek dyeus-Zeus…Dieu mon droit~God is my right?…..HELL NO :cry:

      Aristotle and Lycan-Wolf Kings (Chrestus IV,Attys,Soter,+++)……350BC = start of PREY …..Archgallus of Greek(east roma) emporers.
      Cybele and Attis cult, was their faith….=HILARIA at easter equinox………but castrato and dies sanguinis(Day of Bloood) :?:
      ……only a jesuit general…would know if 1204ad 4th crusade by venetians,or 1540 ihs vaticano bldg.
      Vatican = PIGNA…the seed ,pine cone tree of Attis self castration, eunech,Cybele trans, ..and literal celibacy. peacocks=’gallus’.
      Venice symbol?…Lion of stmarks, paw on babble bk.(lion of judah~richard lion heart ~riccardo of LYON ~ @NERGAL. :evil: war )
      usa gets the eagle(vatican byzantine,aechemenid persian,egypt)….we commoner colonys,the lion…and Lion KING for kids, LYin kings.
      and Zionists wont show ya that “Lion rampant”, of ecclestiacal 1897 false flag of disrael.@1st Zion meeting,Basel…basilus.
      or Rev.Ang. brit-germ ambass, NIGER priest,…William Hechler, the man who taught HERZL.@1900 Flag of Nig ger ia.(brit col,Lord Lugard)

      for u dumbos…..why is tthe STAR of DAVID on brit colony flag of slave nigeria in 1900?…or a “Lion”on 1st “israel flag 1897″?
      have a look at Morroco coins and Niger coins…if ya god ble$$….Israel was called Palestine til 1948….same time dem scrolls were found :wink:
      dont like that truth(denial)..then look at @ Brit Mandate of Palestine flag …….1917-1946…(Rot$childs shipped in yiddish spk/hebrew rite slavs from east euro)

      BIN ~ believe ihesus novva ?…o bammy (barak~ horse of muhamed moon trip on a pegasus) = the ‘ant-christ” ? :cool:
      those ‘binners’ make u blind…like blindfolded THEMIS in front of ya Fascist Law courts(blind justice).
      blood oaths and eunech horn fairy tales and serpent tail$, of mockingbirds of Skydaddy murdoch. :mad:

      … wakey,wakey children of the new world……and another ‘religious corona’ , Order
      (Franciscan,Opus Dei, SJ,ex ihs…Marian “Nones-nun”)….do u think they will like this PRO TEST ant ? (not a prodDer,proDest ant) :???:
      its up to :shock: u…

    • unidentified

      good the Mirror published the story otherwise we’d never have heard about their problems :twisted: :wink:

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