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Burning Man - Anthrax = 440 In The Bible - Egypt's 6th Plague - 70000 Census & David - Pentagram Ram - Video and Article

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Time and Space – Saturnalia at Burning Man

Burning Man Pentagram In Pentagon – Google Earth Pro

The next thing I looked at was the actual layout of the various Burning Man locations at Black Rock Desert, in Nevada, and of course, it got even more cryptic very fast.

Look at this monstrosity before our eyes. It is a black sun with a hole in it, complete with 13 rays, along with a pyramid.

The central 14th ray is in the location that would appear to be similar to the cut out point for protection within a magic circle which is used in witchcraft.

We also see a theme that makes me think we have a theme of, As Above, So Below, playing out. This layout also makes me think of doorways, or windows, veils. That theme again, I did mention windows at the start.

Below the pyramid, we see what can be viewed as an entrance, a pathway for energy, a portal maybe. This runs from what is the bottom end of the goat head, near its mouth/chin region of the pentagram.

The line then travels directly through the pyramid, and the black sun in the centre, before heading up towards the protection cut-out area on what would be a magic circle.

It then continues on its path towards what is marked As Above, and out into that area.

This then extends out into what is a similar layout to that which we see at The Vatican, a keyhole gateway, that word again.

I don’t need to remind you that a key is used to open doors, but I will for good measure as you take in this information.

Speaking of The Vatican a moment, and Keyholes with alignments to monuments or locations set within occult surroundings, let me show you the The Aventine Keyhole.

A website paying tribute to The Aventine Keyhole, speaks of doorways and views that align to St. Peters Basilica.

The keyhole is located on the Aventine Hill, which is one of the Seven Hills of Rome.

Seven is a very important number, and is arguably the most important number. It is the number of perfection, creation, associated to the seven days of creation. There is also the the seven lamps on the Temple Menorah. There is a Jubilee year every 49 years which is every 7×7 years. That fact is very important as we make our way through this article so keep it in your thoughts.

The Atlas Obscura Website states

A NONDESCRIPT GREEN DOOR AT the end of a cul-de-sac features a stunningly well-framed, if comically tiny, view consisting of two nation-states and one country, with the dome of St. Peter’s perfectly situated in the center.

The doorway in question leads to the Priory of the Knights of Malta, the legendary crusader knights and religious order. 

Atlas Obscura Website

It is within that section that we see what makes up the living area, of Black Rock City. The reason I was looking at this area is because the streets are named after times of the day. With Saturn, we have a strong link to time, as Saturn/Kronos is the god of time. This made me pay extra attention to this area, and the ongoing, and ever growing connections to Saturn, as well as other themes such as Egypt, and the Exodus.

I wanted to know more about these streets that hold a population of 70.000.

So on that note, I want to show you something that I just discovered now now whilst marking out the area of the Burning Man Pentagram with the goat head, in order to map out the streets to help highlight the rams horns that are inverted away from the Baphomet horns.


Burning Man – 440 In The Bible = Anthrax – Egypt’s 6th Plague – 70000 Census & David – Pentagram Ram

As you can see, I have added a blue circle and two blue lines that connect to the outer red circle. The lines that connect to the red outer circle then follow the red lines in an extended semi-circle shape, like the letter C facing downwards.

What we see next is extraordinary.

The right sided blue line is located at what would be the number 4 on a clock, the left hand blue line strikes what would be 40 on a clock.

I had two numbers which when added up come to 44, which is half of 88.

44 is a sacrifice number, and is also associated to a stab in the back, when on the Ides of March, in 44bc, Caesar was murdered.

But that was not what I went to look for, I wanted to find the connections to 440 and Saturn that I had spoken of in the past.

I then opted for the 4:40 route to research before I remembered that 440hz is the frequency that has been used in music since the tuning was changed from 432hz. 432hz is the God frequency, and 440hz is one of distortion and disruption. I also think this 440hz topic popping up is ironic considering the Burning Man festival is meant to be all about arts and music.

Biblical references to the number 40 can’t more obvious than The Great Deluge which lasted 40 days and 40 nights. That was a cleansing by water.

Fire is another form of Biblical cleansing that we see associated to Burning Man along with the rains that caused the mud.

This one is very notable, but when we compare it to the next discovery after this screenshot, that things get very interesting. Keep taking mental notes of all the keywords, numbers and patterns along the way. It will hep you later on, and moving forward with this type of research, especially if you would love to learn more.

It is this 440 number that I am chasing at this point, so I took the search over to Strong’s Bible Study and used the tools on that site where I hit on the next lead.

I searched for 440 to see what it brought up and this is what I was met with Anthrax.

But it does not end there. As well as being the name of a military grade nerve agent, and a disease for cattle, that can also harm humans, the word Anthrax also means Coal, Charcoal, or A Burning Coal.

I also find it even more ironic that we are now seeing the number 440 connecting to coal, fire and burning, when observing occult connections to Burning Man.

I added the KJV verse that we see in the screenshot.

It speaks of defeating evil with acts of kindness, overcoming evil with good.

Remember, these images have links to the original sources too.

The word Anthrax appears in the National Library of Medicine, where a study claims that Anthrax is possibly sixth, of the Ten Plagues of Egypt.

This is another huge Biblical reference to Egypt that is also taking us towards talking about the 70.000 at Burning Man, and a story in the Bible about God killing 70.000 men after a Census was performed against his wish. We will get to that shortly.

Anthrax as mentioned earlier, is also a bioweapon.

Here is the corrupt CDC talking about Anthrax.

The whole fake excuse for the War on Iraq was because the US, and UK governments lied, and lied beyond belief in 2004.

They did so by saying Saddam Hussain had the ability to generate anthrax attacks from mobile bioweapons labs within 45 mins. As if we could ever forget.

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