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Mike King: Coming Q Disclosures Will "Shock the World" (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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Mike King returns to Channel 17 to discuss current events and present his take on the Trump comms and Q posts that point towards the massive disclosures that will change the world.



A must see and share!! 



Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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    Total 23 comments
    • Anonymous

      It would shock me if a Qfraud prophesy or prediction ever came true. I haven’t seen a single Qfraud correct since the asinine campaign started.

    • randywaynefricke

      The Democrat Party are masters of subterfuge, obfuscation, and the non sequitur. They cannot argue and debate honorably. There hasn’t been a Democrat who has ever lived who has had an ounce of integrity.

      After November 5, 2024 no one will ever take ANYTHING that comes out of a Democrat’s cock holster seriously again. My hope is that this TDS-fueled maniacal persecution of Donald Trump will result in the obsoleting and eradication of the Democrat Party in America as we have known it.

      My joy comes from the prospect that there are a long line of Trump progeny with paterfamilias Donald’s genius DNA to keep a Trump in The White House for the next 1000 years.

      The Democrat (Satanic/Communist) Philosophy is in its death throes.

      I am all for a Trump Dynasty.

      • robinr999

        i bet you took drumps death jab you drooling retard.

        • DangerWillRoberson

          drooling retard is my term is this my double troller in syberville, :razz:

      • DangerWillRoberson

        Randy go get your trump booster! :idea:

      • HawkBowler

        A Trump millennial reign is droolishly retarded.

        Trump is the anti-Christ. Seriously, he’s the best option the cabal has for carrying out end time prophecy.

        Trump never asked God for forgiveness cuz he doesn’t pray.

        Trump’s idol is Appollo. The story Nimrod told anew. This is what’s painted on Trumps ceiling of the 66th floor penthouse.

        Trump has a literal golden toilet.

        He’s not one of us. Trump’s motives are more sinister than people imagine. He wants to kill patriots and Christians. He has no regard for us at all. Like Jan 6 when Trump told people to go to the cap building. He said he would be right behind them. Instead, Trump went home to watch it all on TV.

        • HopiumKoolAidVomit

          Yes, and one of the only (lasting) things we got out of Trump was Christopher Wray, who is targeting Christians and patriots!! Aside from the Warp speed death toll!!

        • HopiumKoolAidVomit

          Are you Q-ballers still “trusting Wray“? Thinking that he is somehow one of those fictional white hats because Q said so?

    • randywaynefricke

      Speaking of numbers comms let’s consider Juan O’Savin. Phonetically it’s pronounced “one oh seven.”

      The comm is “107″. Zero is not a number. Zero is a placeholder. Thus 1+0+7=17=Q.

      • HopiumKoolAidVomit

        Wow! What a revelation! Did you just figure that out?

      • Anonymous

        randy, it sounds like you did indeed get your Trump bioweapon clot shot and may now have one of those turbo brain tumors that so many others have developed.

      • HawkBowler


        Helps explain why the two are so tight.

        They use names and numbers to organize their own people.

        A 156, for example, LIZARD SQUAD, could represent operatives engaged in the Q propaganda.

        We are dealing with dualistic personalities of the two minded approach. Everything comminicated has double meaning. And the plausible deniability is built into the communication. Every word has multiple numbers and every number represents multiple words.

        The cabal didn’t invent any of the languages or the math. This comes from God. And true enough, there is spooky symmetry between the numbers and the words.

        All of life can be described using words and numbers. History is written and what happens in our world can not un-happen. The names and actions of people are all recorded, and all can be told in perfection using words and numbers.

        The cabal does lie and distort history, but they also keep careful record of the truth… otherwise they wouldn’t know what to distort.

        The book of life is a real concept. Even if it’s just imagination, we can see how everything could be recorded. Every action, word and number counts. All to tell a story both cosmic and local. And if u can accept it, a story that has already been written. A divine play in which the ending is assured to come out the way the Creator, the director, intended. How he does this while allowing free will is beyond our comprehension.

        The cabal believes in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They know the plan and their own doom, but such is evil that strives to defeat God. :cry:

    • DangerWillRoberson

      its coming, don’t hold your breath from the bull shit smell! just 2 weeks to flatten the curb, trust the plan, the patriots are in control, sit back and enjoy the show, safe and effective, its the same evil spirits of Lucifer from another paid shill grifter selling you vitamins that load you with nano tech! Hopium shake down artists, Dave at X-22, one of the best sales men in the Darpa closet I say, all of the 107, Jim Willie Ben full of shit all of them push this white hate black hat creating a new heaven and hell with out a shred of solid evidence just the daily trust us we care line! it really is evil, these posers want your trust with out any reason to trust half of them don’t have a name or face or history we can review for criminal history cuz most I believe are pedophiles esp Flynn and 107 who still will not address Mike gill’s charges of child trafficking 9/11 complicity etc! and it must be said trump must be the dumbest man on earth with operation warp speed genocide or the most evil? either way he can’t be president! :idea:

    • pohknee

      I believe that Trump supporters are just as supportive now as they were in 2020 etc.perhaps even more so. I also believe that there are forces taking actions covertly to rectify the situation whether they are called white hats, purple hats.etc. I believe that is instantly verified by the 400 million donation Trump received in 3 or 4 days after conviction. We all want this abomination of Biden and his show but we endure it. Hopefully, it will end shortly. Having said that, I am also aware of the price being paid during this period of enduriing the Biden and loonie actions some of which are yet to be played out. Citizens are looking for positive actions to be taken overtly to show people that it is more than holding out hope. We are watching our beautiful country be destroyed, people dying from many things including the COVID fake pandemics and MRNA injections. The WORLD is being destroyed and yet it appears only covert actions are to be present. We watch our legal system be disbanded, our money being minimized in value, inflation that is roaring and the system spouting about how good things are. Our Country borders being abolished and rampant illegals entering our country with better treatment than our citizens and Veterans. We the people will maintain the faith but want our defenders that a terrible price is being paid and the attrocities that are allowed to transpire. Time is of the essence.

    • suefurn

      After over an hour of waiting for Mike to get started, he finally did then Dave chimes in once again! People don’t have hours & hours to listen to all the podcasts they would like to hear & feel quite irked when the host won’t allow the guest to speak, which is the reason they tuned in. Chat your personal chat before or after & get to the point!

      • Lendog

        I hope the true history is shown , not the B.S. we were all fed in school .

    • jeremyfeit

      You fucktards talking “Qfraud” and equating it with these guys as well… maybe you’re not stupid maybe you’re just part of the “deep state”
      Because they’re addressing shit like how that “Biden” inaug was fake. These are DETAILS. Do details bother you fucks so much and you’d rather go on about how nothing is ever happening? If nothing is happening what happened to the real Biden? Why can’t he operate out of the real white house? Why did they border up the crapitol bldg but making it so people can’t break OUT vs in? These are called…. drum roll… DETAILS. Keep ignoring them while you talk your shit…

      On the other hand I know there are B.S. artist PAYtriots among us, that’s another issue.

      It reminds me of the 2012 truth movement. There were lots of books sold and it was saying shit that reminded me of that dumb fear porn 2012 movie… people talking pole shifts, billions dying except for those who transdend into the 4th and 5th demensions.. books and more books and videos and symposiums like the one i went to in hollywood and this dingbat i remember had this lame video where she actually said the georgia guidestones are proof of our collective ascension… she missed one small detail about the goal of reducing humanity down to half a billions. we are all lucky becaause she had part 2 she was going to play for the audience but god mustve intervened because technical issues made her unable to play it. i rmember jordan maxwell was there sitting in the…

      • jeremyfeit

        front of me talking to some ladies

        but most of us missed the simple truth 2012 was about the dawn of the awakening. trump and Q and the white hats are all part of this. it’s a gradual thing not what we’ve been expecting like military marching in on jan6th and making mass arrests

        but to say nothign is happening

        yeah i’ve got my criticism for derek johnson because he’s too often repeating the same shit over and over and to me it’s showing a severe lack of respect… tell us what’s new otherwise we can refer back to the countless times you’ve said the same points

        but he pointed out the truth about the fake inaug and the bogus military gear the fake military is wearing the 21 gun salute the real CIC trump got and the funeral cannons dead biden got….

        trump did sign exec orders which were the biggest money grab of scumbags assets making the queen’s high seas pirates collective bounties paltry in comparison

        • jeremyfeit

          some here are so cynical it’s a sin…. it’s purely stupid actually
          but hey maybe you’re just part of the deep state
          either that or the state of head up ass

      • HawkBowler

        Sure, Biden is fake… so what? They’re all fake… including Trump…

        You’re watching a movie, meaning scripted, meaning pre-planned on both sides.

        U will miss the truth entirely if u believe that Trump is separate from the others instead of working with them. All the bad stuff started on Trumps watch. He already gave us the military operation. Trump was CiC of the plandemic.

        :cry: :cry: :cry:

        • HopiumKoolAidVomit

          The medical empire and pharmacies all across the country are still pushing vaccines. If Trump was CIC, and there was any goodness in him, there should’ve been an EBS 4 YEARS AGO to at least stop that sickening horseshit!!!

    • g77enn


    • leahburchett

      Well lets get at it

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