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Derek Johnson: Covers the Actual Trump Assassination Attempt in this Latest Interview! This Is Big, Folks! (Video)

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by N.Morgan

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Here’s Derek in an interview just done by  in which he actually discusses the Assassination attempt on President Trump and shares where he thinks this is leading.

This is brand new interview, Folks and it’s a biggie! 

Stories Contributed by N. Morgan

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Total 10 comments
  • Jimmy

    Derek,… In reference to your rant at [ 3:32:00 - ],… Here (below) is the C19 press briefing on Warp Speed,… Nothing about HCQ, but on all the pharmaceutical vaccines, & the speeding up process w/o having to wait for the long FDA approvals,… You are saying that Trump’s vaccine was HCQ & CQ, but that’s not true,… He did make mention of HCQ & CQ as “potential C19 treatments”, during his Corona Virus Task Force Pandemic Briefing,… but his “Operation Warp Speed” is all about the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, BioNTech, & Other Vaccines,… Please provide the link to the Gov Archive you are referring to, because from what I can see online,… You seem to be the 1 who have got it wrong,…

    Operation Warp Speed (OWS) – Wikipedia

    President Trump Daily Corona Virus Pandemic Briefing – March 30, 2020 (57m) – yT
    He does mention about therapeutics, & the HCQ & CQ potential C19 treatments, but absolutely nothing on “Operation Warp Speed”,… He also talks about the respirators & ventilators which we know they were used by the C19 hospital protocols, & enforced by the White House, that used “Remdesivir (Veklury)” (the deadly drug pushed by Fauci) which shuts down your kidneys, makes you retain liquid, drowns your lungs w/ liquid, so that then, they put you on a respirator, & your death (at that point) is guaranteed,…

    Operation Warp Speed (OWS) – President Trump Full C-19 Briefing In NC (23m) – yT
    Nothing on HCQ or CQ, but on Pfizer & Moderna Vaccines, & that OWS is a historic initiative to develop, test, manufacture, & deliver a “vaccine” in record time,…

    • Anonymous

      Thanks Jimmy. One doesn’t have to look very far to see that the Goob is a lying fraud just like the rest of his Cult.


    Thomas Crooks, 20, was identified as the shooter. He reportedly was walking around the fairgrounds with an AR-15 rifle and brought his own large ladder to climb up the side of a building 150 yards from Trump. It is unknown whether Crooks was on antidepressants or SSRIs that are almost always a part of mass shootings. Crooks lived with his parents who are licensed counselors, and he stored explosive devices at their home. Crooks was reported to be a registered Republican, but he donated money to a fund for progressive Democrats. Crooks’ social media content was scrubbed after his death, but it is unknown who removed it. WHERE WAS SECRET SERVICE PERSONAL AND WHY DID IT TAKE SOOO LONG TO REACT???

    • Jimmy

      Ok,… so let’s consider this (as all possibilities should be considered),… So they claim the exact time of the incident was “6:11″ (which ads up to “17″ [Q]), but also,… you then have “Megyn Kelly” reading [Ephesians 6:11 New International Version - 11 "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." - & make this "Biblical"],… So, what if the whole “purpose of waiting”, & thus, the “stand down”, was to precisely coordinate & synchronize the 1st shot w/ the time stamp of “6:11″,… ??? So,… “Biblical”,… or “Staged” to be “Biblical”,… ???

  • John

    Eyewitnesses Report ‘Coordinated Attack’ with ‘Multiple Shooters’ in President Trump Assassination Attempt

  • randywaynefricke

    Active shooter and no one is hitting the deck or running for cover? Staged.

    People need to be a bit (OK, a LOT) more critical with this. Also keep in mind that you were not there. You did not see any of it with your own two eyes. You have no first hand knowledge of the matter.

    That said the more I study the (attempted assassination on Donald Trump) event the more I think it was a staged false flag. I think it had to be. I think I’ve figured this out. I’ll get to that in a minute.

    Now I can only offer my perspective based on what I know about how shit works. The action I saw it looked like Donald Trump had a stage blood capsule palmed in his right hand. He hears the first shot. That’s his cue to raise his right hand to his right ear where he smashes the thin cased blood capsule and voi·la, bloody ear.

    I have to shave my ears (yes, my ears). I can grab my ear. I can twist my ear. I can pull on my ear and I can pinch my ear. But trust me, when I nick my ear with the razor it’s friggin’ excruciating. Getting a bullet through ear cartilage would put anyone on the ground in a fetal position clutching their ear in searing agony. You’d quite likely pass out from the pain.

    So yeah, I think it’s all a part of “The Movie”.

    There was a lot more bad acting in this part as well. Central Casting. (Isn’t Trump always telling us that everyone’s from Central Casting?)

    The people just did not seem to be reacting the way one would expect people under…

    • Jimmy

      And,… (1) A real M-16 or AR-15 round would rip the flesh off if traveling even just above the skin, due to the pressure wave surrounding the bullet (2) When you cut your finger in the kitchen, even a small cut will bleed profusely, where you have to (immediately) put a band-aid around it or it will continue to bleed everywhere (3) What was shown looks like a minimal stationary amount of “dry blood”, there is no continued flow of blood, & there is not enough blood for a bullet wound on the ear, & this condition does not change over time, even after moving to their vehicle

      • Anonymous

        How long do you think they will keep the ear bandaged and out of sight before they have the balls to go for the “divine healing” thing?

  • trumster 79

    Heu Derek is Right about trump did have HCQ. He found out they switched them he stoped them. i have that in my Research, Guess y you missed That part Ds had a Patent out on these since 2010. Research it. 2012 they started giving it to military then stoped.
    Stop trying to Blame CIC Trump for every Little Thing. then that Steven Lied to him. He is gone also. Pay attention to all the details.
    On the other hand if CiC Trump didnt do what he did we would not be here today.Try researching on your own. instead of asking for links do what everybody else does. he waS not wrong you might have read it wrong.
    Now its taking longer yes because its Deeper then they Expected, Its the Whole world. Sting operation you cant tell all.
    But if you learn how to read the codes and Comms you can tell whats going on.At Least some of it.
    Sometimes it takes time to figure them out.worth it,if you want the truth.
    Thanks Derek Keep up the great work Ignore the unbelievers. Be perpared for what is coming.most wont be.

  • Platagonia

    trump’s supposed assassination attempt looks like a very bad scene from a poorly directed b movie, which basically it is. that looks like the smallest crowd i have ever seen for trump, which makes it easier to fill the camera shot with trustworthy agents. he auspiciously was looking to the side. he is slow to respond to the sound of the first shot and we hear a second shot before the doppelgänger playing trump touches his ear and only drops after a third shot to splash on some theatrical blood. secret service then reaches the podium. the crowd does not react as one would expect as a fusillade of shots are then fired. vincent fusca, the potential persona of jfk jr, doesn’t even flinch as if he’s expecting the shots. why don’t they run and act panicked like any normie would? the secret service look like the keystone cops when recklessly letting the trump actor stand up with his head on a proverbial platter for a potential head shot had there been a second gunman, or more! then trump, like an oaf, worries about his shoes, a little bit of over acting. if it were an actual assassination attempt and not a staged scene for The Movie, trump’s stand-in with ‘blood’ on his head would never be visible during his extraction and he would have been carted off rapidly for his own safety without pausing for theatrics. they would have moved the limo as close as possible and dumped trump in the back as fast as possible rather than inch there way with pauses for photo ops with his fist pumping and a head shot beckoning.

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