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Mr. Apocalypse Told Me that The Time would Come when The Inexplicable and Incredible would Become Routine.

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 God Poet Transmitting…….

Meanwhile Dr. Ruth and Richard Simmons… who might have been separated at birth… went out with a sigh and a whimper. She was… a banger on the Gimme Money Drum; Hitler gave me a dirty look! I swear… I swear! At night I have dreams where we are dancing and he has a human lampshade on his head! The lampshade is talking to me. Oh no! I can’t tell you what it is saying.

She says she was a sniper back when Palestine got stolen. They never stop, do they? When you don’t believe in God, Sex is all you are left with. It’s a true misfortune… because Sex… is the door you go by… on your way… to the true beauty. Sex is the material curtain… that stands in the way of your seeing the beauty. Nothing wrong with sex per se. There are just so many finer levels to it. It’s not sex that is wrong. It’s in the intention and application. Once again… love can save you from yourself.

Richard Simmons? Hmm… I don’t know what he was and neither did he. He walked off the stage when all the noise about sexual identity started trending, and… still hasn’t stopped. The closet door was nailed shut. The good news is that he will no longer be sweating with The Old People.

Why am I talking about these two that I have never mentioned before, and never will mention again? It’s the warm-up. Richard Simmons and (Not a Doctor) Ruth are the warm-up act. Can you make the connection? Is it hot in here or… do I just look good in these jeans?

Well now… there is a lot that is strange about this assassination attempt. First… the shooter was not transgender, and… as far as we know (at the moment) not non-binary or gender fluid.

That attempt on the life of Donald Trump is one of the weirdest things I have ever seen. If it was an arranged event; I haven’t heard whether or not there is a grassy knoll in the area. If it was an arranged event; wow! The bullet only clipped his ear as he turned his head? That’s truly spooky.

What was the first thing I said when I saw the news? Well… that’s the election. It’s over now. It’s a slam dunk. What a thing to happen! What a way for a thing to happen! This is just too strange to be real.

Then I see the interview with the red-headed guy. He’s waving and pointing at the man creeping on the roof with a gun. For several minutes… he is waving at the Secret Service agents and pointing at the guy. He says they saw him. I know… I know… from that angle they couldn’t see him, BUT… they did see the red-haired guy waving and pointing… and then! In the stands are dozens of people pointing… and screaming… so… I guess maybe they could see him?

There is the video of the local police sniper, with a kabbalah string on his wrist… aiming at the shooter, and waiting for him to shoot before he shoots him. WTF??? Now I hear they were all told to stand down. Shades of Dick Cheney on 9/11!!!

Why was there no security on that roof? There were only a few roofs in the area. Why weren’t all roofs off-limits? Isn’t that what they do? Superficially… from what I have said so far, it looks like a set-up that screwed up… depending on who did it or what the actual intent was, BUT… the age of the shooter doesn’t jibe. Perhaps he was not the only shooter? They say 5 shots were fired. That’s strange too, but I’ll let you figure that out. In a video, I distinctly heard 8 shots. Maybe it was the guys who couldn’t shoot… before.

Did he have a scope on his gun?

There are so many strange occurrences. They are saying they found Crook’s identity through DNA… in that short a time??? Yet he has no criminal record? I knew that was a distraction.

And… how about this? It’s all coming full circle.

The head of The Secret Service… formerly of Pepsi-Cola… does not like Trump and refused to give him extra security. The head of The J-6 Bullshit Commission wanted all of Trump’s secret service taken away. I suspect this shooting IS NOT going to be a one-off. Could they actually try again? Perhaps poison might better serve… or one of those magic ray-guns.

Mr. Apocalypse; one of the many faces of God… tailored to a particular presentation… told me that the time would come when the inexplicable and incredible would become routine. It just clipped his ear!!! Now… I don’t know if there was a Hollywood blood pack located there, and I’m not suggesting there was. My reason for mentioning it is that it would be a good explanation… unless… unless… it was supernatural.

Something is off about this event. Of course… it could have been an Act of God. We’re going to be seeing a lot of that because… The Bad Guys want The World to go down in flames, and God has another age coming in. A whole lot of people do not want Armageddon. So… anything is possible because with God all things are possible. Yeah? Yeah.

I’m writing this on Sunday, and the news-shapers are also at work… forming up the Monday Morning Narrative. The Media loves AND hates Trump. They love him because he keeps them in business. They hate him because… the people that own their asses… tell them to hate him.

If Alex Jones’ head doesn’t explode beforehand… he should have some kind of read on it all. I seldom encounter him because he’s off to the side somewhere… in an area that I don’t spend much time in… because it’s a construction zone, and I don’t have a hard hat. I’ll have to check out the fringe disinfo people tomorrow. I don’t usually, but… you never know what you will hear; do you?

Let’s talk about The Photo, which is also a video clip… of Trump rising up from the midst of his protectors… with blood on the side of his face… shaking his fist and saying… fight! Fight! Fight! Classic! That is The Money Shot to end all money shots. That lights up The Big Las Vegas Wheel in The Sky. That’s the flashing lights in your rearview mirror… from the police pulling you over… to tell you that you won The Publisher’s Sweepstakes.

They’re there to give you an escort home… where the people with the Mylar message balloons are waiting, and Richard Simmons is there. He’s going to jump up and down and take a snort of Helium and scream… you won! You won! You won!!! Well… that’s what they have written down here, but I don’t think it’s going to happen now. Richard… unlike Trump… did not dodge The Bullet. Sooner or later, folks. Sooner or later.

So… like I said, I’m writing this on Sunday. Actually, I am writing it at 5:30 AM… just before The Sun shows up above the obstructions… so that I can do my morning greetings. The news… what little I saw for about 5 minutes… before I started this… hasn’t changed from last night.

I put in my time each day, and there’s not a whole of lot it that I budget for the purpose of news gathering. I go to a few places. Some of them are rare sites that I find trustworthy, like The Truthseeker and Off-Guardian, and… some of them are cold-blooded… agenda-driven liars… like CNN and The Washington Post… Some of them are sorta middle of the road. They lie when it suits them, and they tell the truth by accident or because… they intend to spin it beyond all recognition.

Otherwise, I spend most of my time in contemplation OR… pulling my focus back into The Groove, over… and over… and over again; ten million times ten million… if necessary… to a consideration of The Inner Light and The Voice of The Silence. I’m open to hearing from anyone… about anything they might have… that is anywhere near equal in value. I haven’t found anything better myself, BUT… you never know, and it’s probably going to stay that way.

Heh Heh… I can just imagine what is going through Pelosi and Schumer’s minds, and all those other snarling yahoos. Inside their heads… the tilt light keeps going off. They know this is very… very bad. They just don’t know how bad. Does it mean both houses of Congress follow Trump? Why… you know what? I think it does. Does this mean he gets a mandate and J.D. Vance will probably follow right after his term ends? Why… you know what? I think it does. I was partial to Ben Carson, but… we’ll see.

It’s the smart move. Tessio was always smarter; just business, baby.

Can you imagine what goes on behind closed doors in these times? Where do they find the time to do so much evil? Maybe it’s all done with computers; instead of mining BitCoin, they are mining Adrenochrome, which is now part of The Google Browser.

Boy oh boy!!! Like I’ve been telling you here… day in and day out (except for weekends)… Mr. Apocalypse and Lady Awakening are real forces, and God is real too, and God is absolutely in charge of everything.

People don’t like hearing it, and don’t understand it… because things don’t turn out the way they want them to, BUT… you can’t tell the future by a screen-capture of the present. There’s a whole lot of shifts and dips in the trends and patterns. You need to be completely detached and objective in order to see what’s going on. You have to be in The Mind of The Creator, and you can do this if you are present and nothing more.

Most people who exist as ping-pong balls between their constructs of Good and Evil… can’t process reality. They don’t understand the white phosphorous rain on little children. They don’t understand The Evil that men seem to get away with. No one gets away with anything… ever, BUT Grace… does… sometimes… intrude.

Seeing things as they are… does not mean… one supports everything they see. If you don’t understand WHY… and need to wring your hands about this… that… or The Other Thing, maybe you need to look deeper. Maybe you need to become more introspective. Maybe you need a wide-angle lens. Maybe if you could step away and not be involved… you would not be in a state of self-deception.

Every morning since this happened. One of the first things is that I am reminded that The World has changed. Everything gets really interesting from here. You have to decide which part of what is happening… has to do with you. Interesting times are coming, and… one last thing.

End Transmission…….

Links are waiting at GAB=

Beginning of Chapter 17 (The Power of Faith) from The Bhagavad Gita.


O Krishna, what is the state of those who disregard the scriptures

but still worship with faith? Do they act from Sattva, Rajas, or Tamas?


Every creature is born with faith of some kind, either sattvic,

rajasic, or tamasic. Listen, and I will describe each to you.

Our faith conforms to our nature, Arjuna. Human nature is made

of faith. A person is what his shraddha is.

Those who are sattvic worship the forms of God; those who are

rajasic worship power and wealth. Those who are tamasic worship

spirits and ghosts. Some invent harsh penances. Motivated by

hypocrisy and egotism, they torture their innocent bodies and me

who dwells within. Blinded by their strength and passion, they act

and think like demons.

The three kinds of faith express themselves in the habits of those

who hold them: in the food they like, the work they do, the

disciplines they practice, the gifts they give. Listen, and I will

describe their different ways.

Sattvic people enjoy food that is mild, tasty, substantial, agreeable,

and nourishing, food that promotes health, strength, cheerfulness,

and longevity. Rajasic people like food that is salty or bitter, hot,

sour, or spicy – food that promotes pain, discomfort, and disease.

Tamasic people like overcooked, stale, leftover, and impure food,

food that has lost its taste and nutritional value.

The sattvic perform sacrifices with their entire mind fixed on the

purpose of the sacrifice. Without thought of reward, they follow the

teachings of the scriptures. The rajasic perform sacrifices for the

sake of show and the good it will bring them. The tamasic

perform sacrifices ignoring both the letter and the spirit. They omit

the proper prayers, the proper offerings, the proper food, and the

proper faith.

See more at Smoking Mirrors


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