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President Trump Always Communicating With Us, Re-Truths a Meme With 'Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming' From a Q Group on Truth Social - That's a Double Confirmation Boom!

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President Trump always communicating with us, re-truths a meme with Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming from a Q group on Truth Social. That’s a double confirmation. #BOOM #NCSWIC #OMG

Kevin McCarthy First House Speaker to be outed in over 100 years by Matt Gaetz. New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman, a school principal in his previous life, pulls fire alarm in House office building to stall the vote on government shut down, but says it was an accident. Welcome to Red October folks! Buckle up, it’s show time!

Look closely at this amazing GOLD Glock 45 that Trump purchased – WOWZA – He also admitted he has a permit and carries and is a gun owner. God love him. ;)


President Trump in Ottumwa, IA – Oct 1, 2023


Trump’s SHOCKING Confession: Why He’d Choose Electrocution Over THIS Terrifying Encounter! | Exclusive Iowa Rally Revelations!


President Trump’s ‘Pacific Airshow’ flyover you can feel the LOVE :-)


Trump Speech LIVE | No Opposition For Trump? | Trump South Dakota Rally | Trump LIVE News


GENERAL FLYNN: Our problem is the Republican Party—the UNIPARTY!


Jesse Watters On Trump and Garland


Trump Reacts To Tucker’s Latest Episode – Trump Telling It Like It Is “Let’s Indict The MotherF@#cker” – TRUMP SPEAKS AFTER TODAY’S COURT SESSION ENDS


GAETZ GETS IT and McCarthy First House Speaker ever ousted after coup by Florida Rep Gaetz – Rep. Jim Jordan Confirms Run for Speaker of the House – Republicans nominating Trump


New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulls fire alarm in House office building but says it was an accident #Pardon


In The Swamps Of DC – do not miss.


Hillary Clinton can’t resist dig at Trump during State Department portrait unveiling

Waiting for JFK: report from the fringe




Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: I Have A Major Announcement To Make On October 9th


The Lost Generation of the Left – wicked documentary, jaw dropping to see how far gone many of these people are.


Trump vows to protect and support homeschooling families in next presidential term


Water! Oil! Food! Energy! All Abundant But Controlled?Religion, Banking, are all designed to distract your mind.


So why is it OK to arm 87,000 IRS agents but not the American people? Do you really think IRS agents can handle a fire arm? They are MK mind controlled losers that work for the government.


France learns a hard lesson about migrants


I believe it is Satanic Alex Stein – The Tower Of Babel


Here Comes EyebrowGate 2.0 – Trudeau Apologizes For Parliament Standing Ovation for a 98 year old, NAZI war criminal says it’s deeply embarrassing.


Canada’s House of Commons erupts after Trudeau accuses Jewish MP of supporting swastikas #Hypocrisy

►”Deep State: How to Defeat America’s Greatest Enemy” and see what YOU can do about it!


There Whole Purpose Throughout History by Libertas


Israel Controls It All #SavingIsraelForLast AND the History of George Herbert Scherff Walker Bush


1944 Information Ministry Letter Proves Fake Holocaust Propaganda Promoted To Cover Up Real Bolshevik War Crimes


The Real Genocide of Germany – The Biggest Cover-Up In History – Warning, graphic, disturbing and very difficult. Truth shall set you free


Israel’s First Lady Of Human Rights: A Conversation With Shulamit Aloni


Jewish Leaders Sign Letter Labeling Elon Musk an ‘Antisemite’ and a ‘Danger’ to Jews, Call for Ad Boycott and End to Govt Contracts – Meanwhile, Jews Smear George Orwell As An ‘Antisemite’ But They Don’t Call Him A Liar


Tucker Carlson: ‘The Person Who’s Brave, Wins. Period.’


WHO Orders Biden To Arrest Americans Who Share Non-Mainstream Content Online


ICYMI: Tyrant Justin Trudeau Moves to Regulate Podcasts and to Analyze and Track Content and Subscribers …Update: Elon Musk Weighs In


Tucker Carlson and Colonel Douglas McGregor – WOWZA


New COVID 19 Tests say COVID 19 / Influenza – So it’s been the flu all along – your bodies way of naturally detoxing and we all do it seasonally. #SMH

Former police detective claims half of SIDS cases occurred within 48 hours after vaccination


A,B,C easy as 1,2,3 – Kindergarten 2023

Wrap up with a prayer request for a friend, family and community who are devastated by loss this week. Kindly join me in prayer for a wee little man named Samuel that did not make it. May he RIP and God protect his soul. Thank you.

What is the Most Powerful Force on the Planet?

Enjoy the show!


Look closely at this amazing GOLD Glock 45 – WOWZA.


Here Are Donald Trump’s Chosen Concealed Carry Weapons

Fascinating video. This guy does a great job.

Did you give away your salary? Did you give it away? I did every single time and it was an honour. Crooked Joe, Sleepy Joe – Crooked Joe is more appropriate.

Trump’s SHOCKING Confession: Why He’d Choose Electrocution Over THIS Terrifying Encounter! | Exclusive Iowa Rally Revelations!

President Trump’s ‘Pacific Airshow’ flyover you can feel the LOVE :-)

The PEOPLE’S President • ”Drill baby drill” #MAGA #America First



LIVE – Trump Speech LIVE | No Opposition For Trump? | Trump South Dakota Rally | Trump LIVE News

Trump mentions ROE vs Wade – the only one able to reverse this, he agrees with Ronald Regan – RR


GENERAL FLYNN: Our problem is the Republican Party—the UNIPARTY!

Never QUIT! We will never ever quit. Thank God in heaven that we are here now, we are the red sea. BOOM – Watch!


This coming war won’t be fought with tanks and infantry like the first two…


Trump Reacts To Tucker’s Latest Episode And Then Some

Trump Telling It Like It Is “Let’s Indict The MotherF@#cker”



Jesse Watters On Trump and Garland and Judge Engoron





McCarthy First House Speaker ever ousted after coup by Florida Rep Gaetz






Rep. Jim Jordan Confirms Run for Speaker of the House

New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulls fire alarm in House office building but says it was an accident

Rep. Jamaal Bowman pulled a fire alarm in the Cannon House Office Building on Saturday morning, shortly before the House was scheduled to vote on a government funding bill, an incident the New York Democrat said was an accident.

The incident was first revealed by House Administration Committee Chairman Bryan Steil, a Republican from Wisconsin, who said in a statement that an investigation is underway.




In The Swamps Of DC #SwampKiller

Hillary Clinton can’t resist dig at Trump during State Department portrait unveiling

Hillary Clinton made a celebratory return to the State Department for the unveiling of her official portrait, an occasion timed for the return to power of her friends.

“It is such a joy to be back here, and I haven’t seen this portrait in a really long time,” the 67th secretary of state joked at a gathering in the Benjamin Franklin Room. “Between COVID, between not wanting to finish it during the prior administration, it’s been a while.” HR

Nothing screams clones or doubles like this one. #HRC



Waiting for JFK: report from the fringe

In a chilling year-long investigation, CNN’s Donnie O’ Sullivan tracks the stories of Americans who have been consumed by a QAnon-rooted conspiracy theory that JFK and JFK Jr. are both still alive, are descended from Jesus Christ, and are going to take over America. Why do they believe this, and how did they get sucked into this conspiracy?


#JFKJRLIVES @realDonaldTrump @RealVincentKennedy


NO one (except insiders) can prove JFK Jr is alive, but no one can prove he is dead either. His plane disappeared 17 miles off of Martha’s Vineyard on that fateful evening…. or did it? No one has ever explained the children at the rallies or Vincent Fusca or the guy front and center 3rd person in (321) the big fat military Q. 321 is the number pencilled in on JFK JR’s ‘death’ certificate.


JFK Jr. Final Edit By Helen

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: I Have A Major Announcement To Make On October 9th

Current Democratic candidate for president Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced a rally on October 9th in Philadelphia where he will make a “major announcement.” As video of President Joe Biden, former President Donald Trump, and politicians of both parties is shown, Kennedy says “corruption has overtaken our government.”

Q Alerts for Oct 9th






The Lost Generation of the Left

Watching that clip of enraged toddler-minds loving bullying Mr Younger leaves me again thinking of the wisdom of Mr Mike Tyson; “people are getting way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the mouth for it”. He has actually had a life of struggle, I can almost guarantee none of these children have suffered or gone without … ever.

Trump vows to protect and support homeschooling families in next presidential term

Water! Oil! Food! Energy! All Abundant But Controlled?

Religion, Banking, are all designed to distract your mind.


So why is it OK to arm 87,000 IRS agents but not the American people? Um, hello. Do you really think IRS agents can handle a fire arm? They are MK mind controlled losers that work for the government and do not have your interest in mind. #BorderControl


France learns a hard lesson about migrants

I believe it is Satanic Alex Stein – The Tower Of Babel



Here Comes EyebrowGate 2.0 – Trudeau Apologizes For Parliament Standing Ovation for A NAZI war criminal says it’s deeply embarrassing.

Yaroslav Hunka, 98, was introduced as a war hero who fought for the First Ukrainian Division. 98 = 17 = Q

Does everyone remember Justin Trudeau’s fake left eyebrow came unglued during his G7 speech!


How about demonstrating the hypocrisy of:


Canada’s House of Commons erupts after Trudeau accuses Jewish MP of supporting swastikas

SHOCK VIDEO: PM @JustinTrudeau answers a question from Conservative MP @MelissaLantsman, a Jewish woman and descendent of Holocaust survivors by saying Conservatives stand with swastikas. This is beneath Trudeau and his office and he should apologize. #cdnpoli


Speaking of Fake Jews, Senator Demonrat Diane Feinstein, 90 Died. Finally

California senator known as advocate for environmental protection, reproductive rights, gun control – translation a dirty Zionist Jew from the Khazarian mafia run by China. She has looked dead for quite some time. #GIT


There Whole Purpose Throughout History by Libertas

Israel Controls It All


George Herbert Scherff Walker Bush

1944 Information Ministry Letter Proves Fake Holocaust Propaganda Promoted To Cover Up Real Bolshevik War Crimes

Essentially, this letter demands that the BBC and British churches enter into a conspiracy to falsely accuse the Germans of heinous wartime atrocities and ‘crimes against humanity’ in order to protect the public reputation of their Allies, the blood-thirsty ‘Russian’ Bolsheviks (many of whom were indeed ethnic Jews) as they raped, plundered, and murdered their way west across Europe during the German retreat.

The letter proves the ‘Holocaust’ propaganda campaign was planned long before the war ended, and certainly long before the Allies opened the concentration camps and saw the alleged ‘evidence’ of German ‘atrocities’.

BIG-LIES.ORG – Don’t miss! Make sure to share share share.

Takes guts and courage to share the truth. We have no time for cowards, our lives literally depend on it.

The Real Genocide of Germany – The Biggest Cover-Up In History

Warning, graphic, disturbing and very difficult. Truth shall set you free.

Israel’s First Lady Of Human Rights: A Conversation With Shulamit Aloni

Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouthi appeared in Israeli court today on murder and terrorism charges. Before the trial began, Barghouthi held his handcuffed hands in the air and shouted to reporters in Hebrew, English, and Arabic: “Peace will be achieved by the end of the occupation. No peace, no security.” (((Amy Goodman))) speaks with (((Shulamit Aloni))), a former Knesset member who headed the Meretz Party.


(((Amy Goodman))): “Often when there is dissent expressed in the United States against policies of the Israeli government, people here are called anti-Semitic. What is your response to that as an Israeli Jew?”


(((Shulamit Aloni))): “Well, it’s a trick, we always use it. When from Europe somebody is criticizing Israel, then we bring up the Holocaust. When in this country people are criticizing Israel, then they are anti-Semitic. And the organization is strong, and has a lot of money, and the ties between Israel and the American Jewish establishment are very strong and they are strong in this country, as you know. And they have power, which is okay. They are talented people and they have power and money, and the media and other things, and their attitude is “Israel, my country right or wrong,” identification. And they are not ready to hear criticism. And it’s very easy to blame people who criticize certain acts of the Israeli government as anti-Semitic, and to bring up the Holocaust, and the suffering of the Jewish people, and that is justify everything we do to the Palestinians.”


Jewish Leaders Sign Letter Labeling Elon Musk an ‘Antisemite’ and a ‘Danger’ to Jews, Call for Ad Boycott and End to Govt Contracts

Over 100 Jewish leaders on Tuesday signed on to an open letter labeling X owner Elon Musk an “antisemite” and a “danger” to Jews for allowing too much free speech on his social media platform.


The Jewish leaders, who have organized under the “X Out Hate” campaign, call on “all companies and governmental organizations engaged in business with Musk to end their relationships with his various companies” for not censoring enough to their liking and promoting antisemitic myths about “Jewish power.”


Additionally, they call on both Apple and Google to ban Twitter/X from their app stores.


Elad Nehorai, the organizer of the letter, told The Hill the purpose of the letter is “to push for advertisers and app stores to pull their support.”

Jews Smear George Orwell As An ‘Antisemite’ But They Don’t Call Him A Liar

Tucker Carlson: ‘The Person Who’s Brave, Wins. Period.’

Tucker – The Person Who’s Brave, Wins.

Tucker Carlson speaks about the essence of bravery and its importance in modern society.


WHO Orders Biden To Arrest Americans Who Share Non-Mainstream Content Online

The World Health Organization (WHO) has ordered the Biden regime to begin censoring and arresting Americans who are caught sharing non-mainstream opinions online. The WHO is currently finalizing its “Global Pandemic Treaty” which will grant the UN, WHO and WEF the ability to govern nations and impose tyrannical censorship policies that directly violate the First Amendment.

ICYMI: Tyrant Justin Trudeau Moves to Regulate Podcasts and to Analyze and Track Content and Subscribers …Update: Elon Musk Weighs In

“The CRTC now wants to regulate podcasts,” said the Toronto Sun’s Brian Lilley. “Here is my simple message to them. Go to hell.”

“Not a f**king chance You censorial Scumrat,” said Dr. Jordan Peterson on X.

CRTC’s announcement states that podcasters meeting certain criteria “need to provide information about their activities in Canada.”

Tucker Carlson and Colonel Douglas McGregor – WOWZA

Lots of juicy red pills in this 9.8 minute clip.

Fetterman’s mommy forgot it was school picture day.

New COVID 19 Tests say COVID 19 / Influenza – So it’s been the flu all along – your bodies way of naturally detoxing and we all do it seasonally.


Former police detective claims half of SIDS cases occurred within 48 hours after vaccination


Other detectives and prosecutors have noted the same trend in infant deaths, and research appears to support their observations.


A,B,C easy as 1,2,3 – Kindergarten 2023



A friend, family and community is devastated by loss this week.

Can we get a kind collective prayer of empowerment for a wee man named Samuel that did not make it last week. A friend, Samantha, new mom, went into hospital to deliver her son and he didn’t make it. Family and friends are absolutely devastated. Please God accept his beautiful soul and help comfort the family. #Pray


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Lion’s Mane Mushroom Nootropic

Mushrooms are having a moment. One fabulous fungus in particular, lion’s mane, may help improve memory, depression and anxiety symptoms. They are also an excellent source of nutrients that show promise as a therapy for dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. If you’re living with anxiety or depression, you may be curious about all the therapy options out there — including the natural ones.Our Lion’s Mane WHOLE MIND Nootropic Blend has been formulated to utilize the potency of Lion’s mane but also include the benefits of four other Highly Beneficial Mushrooms. Synergistically, they work together to Build your health through improving cognitive function and immunity regardless of your age. Our Nootropic not only improves your Cognitive Function and Activates your Immune System, But it benefits growth of Essential Gut Flora, further enhancing your Vitality.

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