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The Petrodollar, BRICS, Saudi Oil, and the Globalist Deception [Interview w/Susan Bradford]

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Petrodollar, Saudi Oil, BRICSI recently did a Google search for the latest news on the “petrodollar”—most of the mainstream press sources were reporting that any news on the end of the petrodollar is “fake news.”

I interviewed author and investigative journalist, Susan Bradford, regarding her timely, just released book: The Saudi Swindle: How the Deception Surrounding Saudi Oil Gave Rise to the Green New Steal, the Looting of Nations, and a Global Lockdown.

In her book, she states, “…the petrodollar is the linchpin for the development of the world.”

So I asked her to give us a history on the genesis of the petrodollar. Bradford explained, “At the tail end of the beginning of the 20th century, we had a gold-backed currency. And through the ensuing decades, we had dollars. So if somebody were to demand gold for the dollars they possessed, there wouldn’t be enough (gold).” She said this led to the global planners’ use of oil, Saudi oil. “They discovered that there was really an unlimited amount of oil within Saudi Arabia, fields of oil. So they decided to back their petrodollar, the fiat currency on oil with Saudi oil, while the World Bank determined the price of oil.”

Bradford said this enabled them to develop the world with the World Bank, as an agency of U.S. imperialism, but “it was one in which the American people would be left holding the debt.”


She made the point that the U.S. is rich with oil in “Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, Texas, and all over the country. We’re awash with oil.”  She said we certainly did not need to be dependent upon Saudi oil, but the globalists wanted to rely on the Saudi petrodollar to carry out their global agenda for the world. “The World Bank would be linked to global development, and the global development would help the global elite establish global markets, and monopolies for markets.”

It appears as always, the globalist plan was to use other countries’ resources and other peoples’ money to carry out their worldwide agenda. The petrodollar certainly helped them expand their reach.

Bradford said that in the mid to late 1970s, the petrodollar was launched during the Nixon administration, using the Rockefellers who had established a concession for exclusive rights to drill for that oil.

Bradford’s book also touches on how the British fit into the story by creating and using think tanks to help coordinate global policy.  “The Brits wanted to, under Rothschild control, establish a global monopoly. And so they set up think tanks throughout the world.” A couple of the organizations she mentions in her book are the Royal Institute of International Affairs on the British side, that works along with its’ sister organization within the United States, the Council on Foreign Relations. Bradford said,“…through that organization they continue to coordinate their global policy.”

During our interview, Bradford mentioned the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 and then how in 1933, Standard Oil of California was granted permission to drill in Saudi Arabia pre “petrodollar”,  and the Saudis were given a loan of 50,000 pounds of gold. When I saw the year the Saudis were given this gold, it raised a red flag in my mind because I remembered that this is the same year that Roosevelt confiscated gold from the American people and they could no longer hold gold. They could only hold the phony money given them. I asked Bradford, is it just coincidence that these two events happened in the same year?

Bradford’s response was, “That’s a very good observation. From the very beginning, Saudi Arabia was granted a partnership with the World Bank to develop the world, and that was done right after World War II. So I think that could be true. And coincidentally, the Saudi money is backed by gold, while ours is not.” Fast-forward to the petrodollar era, Bradford said that once they launched the petrodollar, it established more of a technical partnership during the Nixon administration.

She continued her explanation on the historical gold question, “The price of gold was determined by the Rothschild’s gold exchanges in London. And so they could determine when they wanted to sell the gold. They would make sure that the prices were high when they wanted them high, and when they wanted to buy it, they would lower the price. So with the gold, they wanted to establish a global monopoly of gold, and then they would hold the real assets while we’re using paper money. And of course the Saudis were part of this kind of global development scheme, where the wealth that they were creating was actually the wealth that was held by the shadow elite.”

We continued the discussion on China and the BRICS nations. Bradford’s view is that BRICS may not really be working out. “…it’s a kind of failed and half-hearted effort because they don’t really have the means to do what they want to do…I don’t think that BRICS is going to pose any real threat. It’s just kind of another strategy that they’re applying to try to develop these third world nations.”

While listening to Bradford’s comments about BRICS during our conversation, I was reminded that the one thing I’ve learned over the years as I’ve studied the history of the Federal Reserve is that the elite play both sides of the equation. Many times they create entities that are specifically put into place to appear as opposition of the other side—but this is just a set-up to give the impression that there is an opposing side. I wouldn’t be surprised if the globalist elite are also the real creators of BRICS nations to give the appearance of an antithetical side to this world agenda—when in fact they are controlling all sides.

Could it be this entire production has been put into place to help usher us into their new CBDC digital money system? If they give the appearance of tearing down the petrodollar, this will give them a fresh landscape to throw us into where we will be locked in a controlled, digital money system.

Bradford summarized our conversation by saying, “I think that we need to be looking backwards and restoring integrity to our government and then restoring the ability to print money to the constitutionally prescribed role, which is Congress. But I think you’re right that they are playing both sides against the middle to kind of drive the agenda forward.”

As Bradford’s book subtitle states, she discusses in detail how the Saudi oil variable fits into the rise of the Green Movement, 9-11, and the pandemic.



Susan Bradford’s book: The Saudi Swindle: How the Deception Surrounding Saudi Oil Gave Rise to the Green New Steal, the Looting of Nations, and a Global Lockdown Gold Confiscation of April 5, 1933:


#Petrodollar #BRICS #Economy #CBDC #SaudiOil #GlobalWarming #Pandemic

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