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You are The Mirror, and... The Mind Projects The Image... If Everything You See is Crazy... The Mind Replicates It.

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 God Poet Transmitting…….

We’ve been talking about Madness… Insanity… Mental Illness, and… Batshit Crazy for some time now. My position remains unchanged from the time it first began to come clear in my mind; Crazy Town is the real pandemic. It is a given… in the latter stages of Material Culture… when the conditions of Advanced Materialism appear. The human personality is a mirror. The Mind projects the image. If everything you see is degrees of crazy… then that is what The Mind replicates, and what The Mind replicates is the coming destiny of The Replicator.

This same shared malady sank Atlantis, and no doubt it is an inescapable tradition… in every culture that creates states of dependency on convenience. Cultures develop to where people can have anything any time they want it, and the more they do… the more empty and hollow they become inside. Fulfillment cannot be gained by a dependence on external objects and conditions. We are not designed for that. We get all this… in fact… to show us… convincingly… that it is not what we want.

Civilization is Humanity’s reaction to pain.

The majority of philosophers are useless. It is a tiny circle-jerk community of people who only think they understand each other, and… who then do not agree. The common man does not pay any attention to them. Neither does Heaven, except with certain exceptions. This is the appeal of Jesus Christ and others of similar intent. Everyone can understand what he is talking about, and what he is talking about exists on every level… from the bottom to the top… of our intellectual and emotional capacities.

Both ignorant and intelligent people can understand the message of Jesus Christ at their level, and once connected… the force of him… pulls them out of their torpor and toward him; “and if I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me.” So it is… that when one is awakened from The Big Sleep… which is the actual veil of ignorance… wrapped in dream-stuff… one moves into ever greater densities of light… which happen to be planes of consciousness… that are accompanied by the tools of perception… that are present at that level.

Some are going into The Dark, BUT whether you are going into The Dark or into The Light… there is some force that is deceiving or inspiring you, and it is appropriate to your mindset. You find familiar companions on every road you travel.

Here are ten minutes of information that dovetail perfectly with our position concerning The Real Pandemic. Add in cellphone addiction and you have a classic example of familiar companions. Two enormous forces are at work in present time on this plane. One force is sucking the mind into a hypnotic death dance with Carnal Nature… in all its varieties of seductive attraction… that are masquerading as appetites within… that are destined to feed appetites without. You might think you are consuming something but it is actually consuming you..

People are bewildered and confused… because all the truth they get on anything… is relative truth that depends on the atmosphere it is apprehended in. It is also indirect. It comes to you through someone or something else that represents it… whether that be Religion… Science… or any of the other dark filters that turn light into shadow, by assisting you into mistaking the one for the other; which is not EXACTLY what I meant to say, but it is as close as I could get.

People get their contact with The Spirit of God… indirectly… through books written by men, and then endlessly edited by agenda-driven fools. Some of them are well-intentioned. They only want you to understand it like they understand it. They are trying to help you out of your confusion by sharing their confusion with you.

Books have their place in the early stages, but they will hinder you further on. As Krishna said in The Gita; “Just as a reservoir is of little use when the whole countryside is flooded, scriptures are of little use to the illuminated man or woman who sees The Lord everywhere.” The same can be said of priests and ministers. The same can be said of scientific theory when one discovers that all science in their time is driven by the profit motive.

For some decades in this life, it was an idea of mine to have a community. I lived in a couple of them early on, and… they were the best of environments, but they ended… because times change and people are drawn to other things. So… for a little while… in later days… I made various efforts and they all went sideways… in the process of never getting off the ground… because I did not understand… at the time… that such things come about because my invisible friend(s) want them to. Otherwise, they don’t happen; nothing does.

Now we have a virtual community and people can come and go as they please, and live as it suits them, and not have either of these offend some HOA or community guidelines… made up by the people responsible… for sucking the life out of everything. It’s a similar proposition that happens when two people have been living together for a while, and then decide they should get married. This is a sure sign that the relationship is in trouble.

Of course… societies function because there are enduring traditions… The Family Unit is the basic building block of a successful culture. It will thrive until The Usual Suspects come along to push Communism… which insists on the destruction of The Family Unit, and… a system where everyone is raised by The State. These people too… are looking to form a community. It could be called, Hell on Earth. Here is the sort of things that they get up to.

They also… on their way to Hell on Earth… work tirelessly to put people like this into positions of power. This facilitates their step-by-step effort to commit the same horrors in the present… that they committed in the past. Joe Biden is president… precisely because of his befuddlement, and complete moral degeneracy. He was put into office by the same people who put that clown at the head of The National Education Association.

The World is the place where agendas strive for supremacy, and where The Sane; presently decreasing at an alarming speed… already understand that some things work, and some things don’t, and… the people who promote the things that don’t work… do so precisely because they don’t work. Then… when it all falls apart… they’ll be there to pick up the pieces and sell them off cheaper than stolen.

I am the sort of person who wakes up very quickly. Once I see that something is so, I immediately adjust to it. This was not always the case, and that is probably why it is now… always the case. You can spend a lifetime… or several… arguing with yourself about the pros and cons of This… That… and The Other Thing; better to meet it at the marrow.

When I came across Alexander’s method for dealing with The Gordian Knot, I decided I would apply the same principle, at least in larger things. It’s probably not a good idea to apply to your shoelaces or household cables.

Every day is a tense affair for many people. Often they do not know exactly why they feel as they do. They can point to the uncertainty of the outer world… the ever-increasing atmosphere of violence on the streets… the breakdown of the Family Unit… the sudden appearances of new diseases, and everywhere… the lies, and more lies, and more lies. Of course, it can’t continue to go on like this, and deep inside them, they know this. It’s not a good time for the half-empty glass people.

However… it is simply a time of change. It is a time of massive transition, and cabals and criminal collectives are running around trying to get control of the changes so that they can determine the outcome. They WILL NOT be determining the outcome… except in a limited fashion among people who buy into their bullshit.

This is not just a material adjustment of conditions. This is a time of awakening, and either you will come awake in willing fashion or… you will be awakened by any means that are necessary. This is a time of spiritual transition, and people are heading in the direction of whatever it is that drives them. In some cases that is an ever darker state of carnality. Some ventures and intentions lead into The Light and some lead into darkness.

Still The Reactive Mind. Calm the restless heart. Seek within. You never know what you might find. It definitely beats looking for it out there somewhere.

End Transmission…….

We will remind you of the recent broadcast at Feet to The Fire for a round of blog postings and then… we will say no more about it.

Links are over there at GAB=

Chapter 15- The Supreme Self- from The Bhagavad Gita-


Sages speak of the immutable ashvattha tree, with its taproot

above and its branches below. On this tree grow the scriptures;

seeing their source, one knows their essence.

Nourished by the gunas, the limbs of this tree spread above and

below. Sense objects grow on the limbs as buds; the roots hanging

down bind us to action in this world.

The true form of this tree – its essence, beginning, and end – is not

perceived on this earth. Cut down this strong-rooted tree with the

sharp ax of detachment; then find the path which does not come

back again. Seek That, the First Cause, from which the universe

came long ago.

Not deluded by pride, free from selfish attachment and selfish

desire, beyond the duality of pleasure and pain, ever aware of the

Self, the wise go forward to that eternal goal. Neither the sun nor

the moon nor fire can add to that light. This is my supreme abode,

and those who enter there do not return to separate existence.

An eternal part of me enters into the world, assuming the powers

of action and perception and a mind made of Prakriti. When the

divine Self enters and leaves a body, it takes these along as the wind

carries a scent from place to place. Using the mind, ears, eyes,

nose, and the senses of taste and touch, the Self enjoys sense


The deluded do not see the Self when it leaves the body or when

it dwells within it. They do not see the Self enjoying sense objects

or acting through the gunas. But they who have the eye of wisdom


Those who strive resolutely on the path of yoga see the Self

within. The thoughtless, who strive imperfectly, do not.

The brightness of the sun, which lights up the world, the

brightness of the moon and of fire – these are my glory. With a

drop of my energy, I enter the earth and support all creatures.

Through the moon, the vessel of life-giving fluid, I nourish all

plants. I enter breathing creatures and dwell within as the life-giving breath.

I am the fire in the stomach that digests all food.

Entering into every heart, I give the power to remember and

understand; it is I again who take that power away. All the scriptures

lead to me; I am their author and their wisdom.

In this world, there are two orders of being: the perishable,

separate creature, and the changeless spirit. But beyond these

there is another, the supreme Self, the eternal Lord, who enters into

the entire cosmos and supports it from within.

I am that supreme Self, praised by the scriptures as beyond the

changing and the changeless. Those who see in me that supreme

Self see truly. They have found the source of all wisdom, Arjuna,

and they worship me with all their heart.

I have shared this profound truth with you, Arjuna. Those who

understand it will attain wisdom; they will have done that which has

to be done.


See more at Smoking Mirrors


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