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14 Israelis suspected of running child sex trafficking ring in Colombia

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Elon Musk vows ‘thermonuclear lawsuit’ against Media Matters for America

In their hurry to photoshop Trump with Jeffrey Epsteins they forgot to add his legs.

Must watch this video- Major sites such as: BBC, FOX5, CNN, CNBC, NBC NEWS and many more are warning of an imminent collapse in the coming years!!!

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Israel Admits It Killed Some Of Its Own At Nova Music Festival

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Confirmed via Police Investigation Apache Helicopters Killed The Majority Of Civilians

The Zionist Brain

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Willliam Cooper And Zionism



Click on link for video of Ben Shapiro

“So if you guys are not understanding what has happened in last 72 hours I’m gonna analyze it and give you my take.

Basically the Jews shit the bed or in their own nest depending on how you say it where you live. How did they do this? Let me explain it in depth. Israel controls the Governments and therefore the foreign policy of every major western country globally. This is the reason why they can oppress and brutalize their neighbors unchecked by the Media or the United Nations. All the while living in a total Apartheid State.

They control both these organizations and restrict criticism of themselves above all else. But this control is not enough for Israel. They want more. They want these Western countries brought to their knees. So what you have been witnessing over the last decade is the method of flooding the West with migrants from 3rd World countries by George Soros on behalf of Israel.

Britain, the USA, Sweden and others are all feeling overwhelmed right now as their welfare systems crumble under the weight of uncontrolled immigration. We in the West have watched this happen to our countries and witnessed first hand our Standards of living go down the toilet as inflation skyrockets, food becomes scarcer and Civil Infrastructure crumbles around us due to maintenance stopping.

We could do nothing because our elections are rigged and the people in power who represent us are owned either via blackmail or bribe by Israel and do as they are told. What are they told? LET THEM EAT CAKE. But now we have a problem for the Jews worldwide in the West. Gaza. What has happened in Gaza has angered the world and exposed Israel as the brutal oppressor in the region. There is no hiding who they are any longer. We see them. But guess what? So do all the millions of illegals that flooded into our countries. They see them too. They’ve always seen them. Now the Jews have a big big problem. The Western countries where Jews live have always been considered a safe have for them to live. We are after all the Civilized countries right? The Jews feel safe and protected here living amongst us and all our Law and Order. But as our countries are flooded with migrants our Law and Order suffers too.

It also begins to become overwhelmed. In other words the protectors of the Jews in western countries are now becoming too busy to protect them because they are on Migrant control. The very same migrants that are in crowds world wide baying for Jewish blood. Baying for blood in the West. The migrants were never flooded in to do this. They were flooded into our countries to overwhelm, weaken and destroy us. But now because of what Israel just did in Gaza they are saying “Well let’s start with the Jews first”

It is a self own that the Jews like Benicide Shapiro did not see coming. He lives in America not Israel because he feels safer here than there. All the Jews in the USA and Britain and elsewhere do because they feel safer in the Western countries. But they literally flooded their own sanctuaries with their most hated and violent enemies. They thought these guys would come after us. But now they are horrified to see that unlike in Israel where they have an apartheid state set up with massive walls and military to protect Jewish settlements in the West they have no such protection. This is why they are freaking out. This is why people are painting their doors with the Star of David. They are being “Chosen”. Not by God this time. By Muslims living in the West. They Jews now realize there is no where to run.

Elon simply pointed this out. He’s not threatening them in any way. He’s just saying don’t cry about a situation you caused yourself by flooding your own adopted countries with millions who despise you then dropping bombs of their families back in the Middle East.

What did you think would happen? You shit the bed people of Israel. Now sleep in it.” -GK


Look at this lunatic.



Hamas is paid directly from Israel. Which is owned by The Rothschilds who also owns “The Muslim Brotherhood”. @Prolotario1

Hamas is paid directly from Israel. Which is owned by The Rothschilds who also owns “The Muslim Brotherhood”. People this was never my opinion. This is history. This is documented. This is treason. Bibi Netanyahu is a war criminal. This is why multiple countries want him charged for war crimes.


Did you know Hamas was behind the bombing of the Jerusalem City Bus in 2016 that killed 19 people and injured 70? Now think about who was paying them. I have informed you all on this terrorists group which should prompt you to give a second look at all the terrorists attacks committed by Hamas.


As a matter of fact you should look into the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization). Hamas infiltrated this movement two create a counter religious narrative to dilute the purpose behind PLO. The PLO was secular and leftist and promoted Palestinian nationalism.


Hamas wanted to set up a transnational state under the rule of Islam, much like Khomeini’s Iran. Do you see how this group has been used to usurp power away from Palestinians to ensure they remain under the thumb of the Rothschilds? Look at how nationalism was demonized by Liberal media that is also owned by the Rothschilds.


This should tell you how they use the same playbook everywhere. They did it with Antifa & BLM who were bused in from different cities to cause destruction under the guise of racial justice when they were not even from those locations they were attacking. @Prolotario1

14 Israelis suspected of running child sex trafficking ring in Colombia

Network allegedly marketed trips from Israel for tourists to have sex with minors who were forced into prostitution; 6 Israelis held, arrest warrants issued for other suspects

Torah Jews Trampling Israeli Army Uniform – Is this Anti-Semetic?

Torah Judaism Wants You To Follow Them – They Do Not Support Zionists as Jews – Zionist do not represent the Jewish People


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Total 3 comments
  • JesusAlready

    I’ve looked at enough of Elon Musk to realize he is a centrist, a conservative and especially a conspiracy exposing English speaking man who could help us all a lot if we wanted to become entrepreneurs in areas he invests in. Call me up, Elon. Thanks!

    • JesusAlready

      Elon Musk is often characterized as a centrist and has expressed views that align with both conservative and progressive ideologies. He is known for his outspoken nature on various issues, including technology, innovation, and societal challenges. While he engages in discussions that some awakened people can interpret as exposing conspiracies, his primary focus remains on entrepreneurship and advancing technology through his investments in companies like Tesla and SpaceX and NuraLink. I think he can lead some transhuman agenda.

  • JesusAlready

    Taking down unrepentant abusers, such as mercenary soldiers who aren’t hebrew or semite, does not constitute antisemitism. Therefore the term antisemitism is not properly utilized in a modern society. Why is that? There aren’t any true Hebrew or Semite people alive anymore.
    Those who scream the term, are looking for undue support by way of fraud, ignorance and nescience. There is something they ache to remain in control of. Anyone venture a guess as to what it is or could be?

    I yield the floor…..

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