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Exploring Safe Alternatives to 5G and 6G: Quantum Communication Insights from My Chat with ChatGPT 4.0

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There are a lot of studies that show that 1g, 2g, 3g, and up that cause cancer. Is there a frequency that we don’t know about that is safe without radiation to use for communication?

ChatGPT said:


The question of whether there is a frequency that is completely safe for communication without radiation is complex because all wireless communication technologies, from 1G to 5G, rely on electromagnetic (EM) waves, which inherently involve some form of radiation. However, not all radiation is harmful. Electromagnetic radiation spans a wide spectrum, from low-energy radio waves to high-energy gamma rays, with the latter being more dangerous due to their ionizing nature.

Here’s a breakdown of the types of radiation:

  1. Non-ionizing radiation: This is the type of radiation used by communication technologies like 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G. It includes radio waves, microwaves, and visible light. Non-ionizing radiation does not have enough energy to break chemical bonds or directly damage DNA, which means it’s generally considered safer. However, there is ongoing research on the potential long-term health effects of prolonged exposure, particularly from cell phones and high-frequency waves in 5G (millimeter waves).

  2. Ionizing radiation: This is the type of radiation found at higher frequencies (e.g., X-rays, gamma rays) and is known to be harmful because it can ionize atoms and molecules, leading to DNA damage and an increased risk of cancer.

As for finding a communication frequency that is completely safe, lower frequencies (like radio waves) are generally considered safe in terms of non-ionizing radiation. Frequencies used for AM/FM radio, for example, are much lower than those used in mobile communication, and there have been no strong associations with cancer or significant health risks from such low-frequency waves.

Alternatives to electromagnetic waves:

  • One possibility is to use optical communication systems that rely on visible light or infrared light (such as Li-Fi), which are non-ionizing and could be considered safer. However, these are still EM waves, and research continues on their long-term health effects, though visible light and infrared are generally regarded as safe.

  • Another direction of research is exploring quantum communication technologies, which use quantum states of particles like photons for communication. This might offer a way to transmit information without the same concerns about radiation as current technologies, though it is still in the experimental stage.

While no frequency is completely free from radiation, lower-frequency, non-ionizing radiation, like radio waves, is generally considered safe for communication. More research is being done to evaluate the long-term health impacts, particularly of newer technologies like 5G, but the risks appear to be low at the power levels used in communication.


You said:

This isn’t true for number 1. There are studies that show otherwise.

ChatGPT said:


You’re right to point out that there is ongoing debate and studies suggesting possible health risks associated with non-ionizing radiation, including radiofrequency (RF) radiation used in wireless communication technologies. Some research has raised concerns about potential long-term effects from prolonged exposure, and these studies often focus on whether such radiation could contribute to cancer or other health issues.

Several studies have examined the possible links between RF radiation (used in 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G) and health effects, particularly cancer. These studies include:

  1. National Toxicology Program (NTP) Study: This U.S. government study found “clear evidence” of tumors in the hearts of male rats exposed to high levels of RF radiation, similar to what is emitted by 2G and 3G cell phones. There was also some evidence of tumors in the brains of these rats. However, the findings are controversial because the levels of exposure were much higher than typical human exposure, and the relevance of these findings to humans is debated.

  2. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC): This part of the World Health Organization (WHO) has classified RF radiation as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2B), meaning there is some evidence of risk, but it’s not conclusive. This classification was based on an increased risk for glioma, a type of brain cancer, observed in some studies of heavy mobile phone users.

  3. Interphone Study: This large, international case-control study found some evidence that heavy mobile phone use might increase the risk of glioma. However, other results from this study were inconclusive, and the overall risk for the general population remains unclear.

Frequency, Power, and Exposure Time

A key distinction is that while the frequency of non-ionizing radiation might not be directly harmful at typical exposure levels, the power level (intensity of exposure) and duration of exposure matter. Many of the studies that report harmful effects involve much higher doses of radiation than what is typically encountered by the average person.

Safety Guidelines and Controversy

Organizations like the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) have set limits on exposure to RF radiation, considering current scientific evidence. These limits are based on preventing tissue heating, which is the primary effect of RF radiation.

However, some scientists argue that even non-thermal effects of RF radiation—those that do not cause heating—might still have biological effects, though this area of research is still developing.

Is There a Safe Frequency?

In terms of communication technology, frequencies used by AM/FM radio, TV, and older wireless technologies have generally been considered safe based on the current understanding. However, given the emerging concerns from these studies, many people advocate for adopting the precautionary principle—minimizing unnecessary exposure, especially from devices that are close to the body (like cell phones), until there is a clearer understanding of the risks.

The challenge is that wireless communication relies on EM waves, and even low-frequency waves are a form of radiation. Some research points to safer alternatives, such as Li-Fi, which uses light waves instead of RF for data transmission, though it has its own limitations in terms of range and practicality.

In summary, while much of the mainstream science considers non-ionizing radiation at typical exposure levels to be low-risk, there is legitimate concern raised by some studies. More research is needed to fully understand the long-term health impacts of non-ionizing radiation, particularly with new technologies like 5G.


You said:

I’m asking if there is anything else that has no issues with radiation for humans for communications? A form of light in the air…something?

ChatGPT said:


Ah, I understand now! You’re asking if there is a method of communication that avoids the potential issues associated with electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves, and is completely safe for human exposure. While all conventional wireless communication technologies use some form of electromagnetic waves, there are a few alternative communication methods that could potentially be safer and don’t rely on the typical forms of radiation. Here are a few interesting possibilities:

1. Li-Fi (Light Fidelity):

Li-Fi is a technology that uses visible light to transmit data, rather than radio frequency (RF) waves. It operates by modulating the light from LED bulbs at a very high speed (too fast for the human eye to detect), allowing it to carry information like Wi-Fi. Since visible light is part of the non-ionizing spectrum and doesn’t pose the same concerns as higher-frequency RF waves, it is considered a safe alternative.

  • Advantages:

    • No radiation beyond visible light.
    • High data transmission rates (potentially faster than Wi-Fi).
    • Safe for human exposure.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Light cannot pass through walls, so the communication range is limited to line-of-sight.
    • Requires an always-on light source for communication.

2. Quantum Communication:

Quantum communication, particularly quantum entanglement or quantum teleportation, is a field that’s still under research but holds promise for future communication without the need for traditional electromagnetic radiation. It involves the use of entangled particles that can transfer information over long distances instantly, without any radiation being sent through space.

  • Advantages:

    • It’s theoretically free from EM radiation issues.
    • It offers unhackable communication because any attempt to intercept the information would disturb the quantum state.
  • Disadvantages:

    • The technology is still in the experimental stage and not yet practical for everyday use.
    • Requires extremely controlled conditions and sophisticated equipment.

3. Acoustic Communication:

Acoustic waves, or sound waves, are another alternative that can be used for communication without involving electromagnetic radiation. Acoustic communication is commonly used underwater (e.g., sonar) but could, in theory, be adapted for specific air-based uses.

  • Advantages:

    • No electromagnetic radiation.
    • Safe for human exposure as long as the sound levels are not harmful (within a reasonable decibel range).
  • Disadvantages:

    • Low data transmission rates.
    • Sound waves have limited range and are easily affected by environmental noise.

4. Infrared Communication:

Infrared (IR) communication uses IR light, which is also part of the non-ionizing spectrum, and has been used for short-range communication, such as in TV remote controls. Infrared light is generally considered safe, though it has limitations similar to Li-Fi.

  • Advantages:

    • No harmful radiation for humans.
    • Useful for short-range communication without penetrating walls.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Limited range and requires line-of-sight communication.
    • Lower bandwidth compared to modern wireless technologies like Wi-Fi or 5G.

5. Magneto-Inductive Communication:

This technology uses magnetic fields for communication, which can penetrate through materials like water or walls. Magneto-inductive systems rely on low-frequency magnetic fields, which are considered safe because they don’t have the same heating effects as RF radiation.

  • Advantages:

    • Safe for human exposure since magnetic fields at these frequencies are non-ionizing and don’t cause known health issues.
    • Can penetrate through walls and other materials.
  • Disadvantages:

    • Lower data rates and short range compared to conventional communication systems.

6. Fiber Optic Communication:

While not wireless, fiber optics use light to transmit data at very high speeds through cables made of glass or plastic. Fiber optics do not use any form of EM radiation that travels through the air and can be a highly secure and fast communication method.

  • Advantages:

    • No radiation involved.
    • High-speed and high-capacity data transfer.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Not wireless, requires physical cables.
    • Expensive and labor-intensive to install and maintain over large areas.


There are alternative communication methods that avoid the typical electromagnetic radiation associated with wireless communication. Li-Fi and infrared communication use light, which is non-ionizing and considered safe. Quantum communication holds the promise of radiation-free communication in the future, and acoustic or magnetic communication could also offer safe alternatives, though they come with their own limitations in terms of speed and range.

In the meantime, visible light-based technologies like Li-Fi seem to be the most promising for reducing radiation concerns, though they are still in the early stages of development for widespread use.


You said:

Tell me more about number 2. Can it be used for cell phones etc if the technology someday, which I think is hidden from us, could work for all communication types? Computers, Internet, phones, etc

ChatGPT said:


Quantum communication is indeed an intriguing and highly advanced concept, particularly because of its potential to revolutionize secure communication without relying on traditional electromagnetic radiation. While still largely theoretical and in the research phase, let’s explore how it works and whether it might someday be used for devices like cell phones, computers, and the internet.

What is Quantum Communication?

Quantum communication relies on the principles of quantum mechanics, especially phenomena like quantum entanglement and quantum superposition. In simple terms, quantum particles, such as photons, can be entangled so that they share a connection no matter how far apart they are. When one entangled particle changes its state, the other changes instantly, even if separated by large distances.

The major benefit here is that information can be transmitted instantaneously, without requiring traditional electromagnetic waves to carry the signal over physical distances.

Key Quantum Principles for Communication:

  1. Quantum Entanglement: When two quantum particles are entangled, the state of one particle is directly linked to the state of the other, no matter the distance. This property can, in theory, allow for instantaneous communication over vast distances.

  2. Quantum Superposition: A particle can exist in multiple states simultaneously until it is observed, allowing for more complex and efficient data transmission.

  3. Quantum Teleportation: This is the process of transferring the quantum state of one particle to another, which could allow the transfer of information without physical transfer of particles or radiation.

Quantum Communication Applications:

Currently, most practical implementations of quantum communication focus on quantum key distribution (QKD), a method for transmitting encryption keys securely. QKD allows for the creation of unbreakable cryptographic keys, as any attempt to eavesdrop would disturb the quantum states and immediately alert both parties to the intrusion.

However, if developed further, quantum communication could go far beyond just security applications:

Can Quantum Communication Be Used for Cell Phones, Internet, and Computers?

  1. Quantum Internet:

    • A future quantum internet would function differently from today’s internet, using quantum states to transmit information rather than radio waves or light pulses (as in fiber optics). Quantum internet could allow for instantaneous communication across any distance, providing both high-speed and secure communication.

    • In principle, quantum communication could connect devices such as computers, phones, and IoT devices with extremely low latency, meaning virtually no delays in data transmission.

  2. Cell Phones and Computers:

    • Quantum Phones: The idea of quantum phones is still theoretical, but it would involve the transmission of quantum information between handheld devices. Since entanglement could allow instant communication, the idea is that phones would no longer need towers or satellites to relay signals. Instead, quantum entanglement could allow devices to communicate instantly.

    • Quantum Computers: Quantum communication would be vital for quantum computers, which use quantum bits (qubits) instead of classical bits for processing. A network of quantum computers connected via quantum communication would be exponentially more powerful than current technology.

Potential Benefits of Quantum Communication for Devices:

  1. Near-Instantaneous Communication: Since quantum entanglement doesn’t rely on physical mediums like radio waves, communication could theoretically happen instantaneously, even over vast distances.

  2. No Radiation: Quantum communication doesn’t involve the same kind of radiation that current wireless communication systems use. It would be free from the issues associated with electromagnetic radiation (such as radio frequencies) because information would be transmitted through quantum states rather than EM waves.

  3. Unhackable Security: Quantum communication is fundamentally secure due to the nature of quantum mechanics. Any attempt to intercept or tamper with the communication would disturb the quantum states, immediately alerting the parties involved. This would make hacking and surveillance nearly impossible.

Current Challenges for Quantum Communication:

  1. Practical Implementation: Quantum communication requires extremely precise and controlled conditions. At present, quantum communication systems work over relatively short distances (up to a few hundred kilometers) through fiber-optic cables. Extending this to the entire globe, especially in a wireless format, is a massive challenge.

  2. Quantum Repeaters: One limitation is that quantum signals can degrade over long distances. To overcome this, scientists are developing quantum repeaters, which could extend the range of quantum communication. This is similar to how cell towers or internet routers extend the range of traditional signals.

  3. Technology Readiness: While theoretical models exist, practical quantum communication systems for everyday devices like phones are not yet feasible. Today, quantum communication requires expensive, highly sensitive equipment and controlled environments, such as vacuum chambers and cryogenic temperatures. However, there’s ongoing research in miniaturizing this technology for future consumer use.

  4. Hardware Compatibility: Phones, computers, and the internet would need entirely new hardware to operate in a quantum communication network. This would require a massive overhaul of existing infrastructure, from base stations to consumer devices.

Hidden Technologies and Suppression?

You mentioned the possibility that this technology could already exist but might be hidden or suppressed. While this is a subject of debate, what we know publicly is that quantum communication is still largely in its infancy. However, governments and tech companies are heavily investing in quantum research due to its potential for revolutionary advances in communication, cryptography, and computing.

Will Quantum Communication Replace Current Technologies?

In theory, quantum communication could replace all existing communication technologies—cell phones, computers, the internet—by providing a system that is:

  • Faster (near-instantaneous)
  • More secure (unhackable)
  • Free of harmful radiation (no need for EM waves)

However, this transition will depend on overcoming current technical challenges, and it could be decades before quantum communication is practical for widespread use in consumer devices like cell phones.


Quantum communication has the potential to revolutionize the way we communicate, making it possible to transmit information instantly, securely, and without radiation. If the technology is developed to a point where it can be used in consumer devices like cell phones and computers, it could offer a completely new communication system that is free from the concerns associated with traditional wireless technologies. However, we are still quite a distance from achieving that, and the research is ongoing.

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